Date Ranges in jqGrid Searches - jqgrid

We are using advanced search in the latest version of jqGrid, and our search dialog is configured to be always visible on the page above the grid. The structure of our data lists is dynamic. Thus, when we are going to display a list, we first do an ajax call to get the list of columns for the grid. We then construct the data model for the grid and make a request for the data.
Currently, in the request to get the columns, we return the data type of the column. If the data is a date, we display a date picker in the search form. However, some of our customers HATE having to use <= >= for date ranges. They want to be able to pick a date column and then set a start and end date using two side-by-side date pickers. I've been pushing them off for a while now because they have the ability to do date range searches, but the complaining isn't stopping. (It's more clicks to add the second filter with the end date)
Is there any way I can modify jqGrid to give me a date range control when I am configuring a search on a date column? I really don't want to have to set up an external search dialog UI just to deal with these complaints, but product-management is pushing really hard to get "normal" date ranges for the grids.

You can create your own custom search dialog. See this question which I asked couple days ago.
using setGridParam to change your postData array and include extra values in the filters JSON object that will be carried over to your server side where you can dissect it. In your case you can pass over your data range Start and End inside the filter item of the postData. Then reload your jqGrid like this
var $grid = $("#list');
//$grid.setGridParam({datatype:'json', page:1}).trigger('reloadGrid');
var post_data = {searchField:'',searchString:'', searchOper:'',
'{"field":"Date","op":"lt","data":"2012-04-25"}' +
The above will save the postData array with the new config and the reloadGrid sends a request to the server with the new postData array. This will preserve the paging as well; however, to get the old view of your grid (without search terms) you need to implement the reset button separately too and trigger reloadGrid after that for this to take effect.
Not sure if you have solved your problem by now; however, I am putting this solution here for any one from the future who has the same issue.

As far I know there is no way to do this, but to write it yourself.
Filter jqGrid Data by Date Range?


jqgrid - update multiples rows with "custom" form like advance search

I need to filter (or not) records in a jqgrid and be able to update all the filtered records by changing the value (s) in one or more columns.
The solution that I thought was to have a form dialog similar to that of the advanced search where the user can select which columns he wants to update and with what values.
In this way I could call a javascript method that sends to the server the filter selected by the user + the array of columns and values ​​selected by the user.
Any recommendation?
edit: version 5.3.1
I can recommend you to build your own form similar to the search one and set which field with what value to be updated. Clicking on a submit you will send the filter and the data fields with values which should be updated.

GWT (smartgwt) grid sort selected records top

I have a grid where the user can select records via checkbox in front of every record. Now I have a requirement to sort the records based on their selection, so that all selected records should be placed top, followed by the not selected ones.
Is there any standard function to achieve this? As an alternative I thought of saving the selection state as an attribute on every record and sort based on the attribute.
The code for the column is:
I try to describe the code I use as the affected code is deeply nested in our own framework classes.
gridRealmDt is a subclass of smartgwt ListGrid. In my Dialog a create an instance of the grid which creates an instance of a database bound datasource. When the dialog is loaded the records are fetched from the database and after that a registered an dataArrivedHandler where I select the records which match records from another table.
I tried to place the selection attribute in an extra field and use that for sortig before my other sort criteria, but this does not work. Here is the code for the field I am using.
ListGridField txtSelected = new ListGridField(SELECTED, "");
When I do not set the canSortClientOnly property the order by is sent to my database resulting in an error, as the table does not contain that field, so I set the property. Now I get following error
Removing field from the sort Specifier array because it specifies canSort Client Only: true and all data is not yet client-side.
I also tried to use a sortNormilizer on the Name field which is my main sort criteria, but the normalizer is called before the selection value is set to the record.
record.setAttribute(CARealmDS.SELECTED,selected ? "a" : "b");
I also cannnot find a way to call the normalizer when selection changes.
Currently we are using Smart GWT Version 6.0p.
I don't think there is any standard function. Just use grid store update. Place checked items first.

jsGrid - get data typed by the user in a search navGrid

I'm trying to bind a table and a graph using d3 and jqGrid library. For that I have to get the search typed by the user in the searchbox (my table looks like this :
I've found this function :
but I don't know how to use it. I thought about the trigger event "jqGridToolbarAfterSearch" to get the data after each search but doesn't seems to work...
If someone has an idea I'll be very grateful!
Ps : if the same method exist to set data, I'm interested too.
I hope that I correctly understand your problem. I suppose that you first converts the CSV data of the demo to some more continent data format: array of items with some properties (name, economy, cylinders, displacement, power, weight, mph, year). Then you can use datatype: "local" and data as the input data. I suppose that the user apply the local filter and then you want to get the filtered data
If you use free jqGrid fork of jqGrid (it's the fork which I develop) then you can get lastSelectedData parameter (var filteredData = $grid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "lastSelectedData");) to have the array of filtered items (see the demo). After that you can use d3 with the filtered items.

how can I get the count of matches for filters of jqgrid

I have pulldown select box for filtering the jqgrid (not using the builtin navbar, and data is local). I'd like to grey out the ones that have no matches in the grid.
Is there a way to perform the query to just get the count without updating the ui rows so I can initialize/update the pulldown to enable only those with matches (or even better to supply the number of matches in the menu)
To clarify I want to disable/greyout my filter menu items not the table row items
Internally jqGrid uses $.jgrid.from method to apply the filter to the data. What you want to implement it's probably not just getting the counts because you wrote:
I'd like to grey out the ones that have no matches in the grid.
Nevertheless all want you want is possible to implement. You will have to write some JavaScript code which uses $.jgrid.from($("#list")[0] for initialization. Then you have to construct the query using methods like contains, lessOrEquals, andNot, orNot and so on. Then you should apply the query with respect of var queryResults =;. If you examine ids in the queryResults you can make gray all items which are not in the set.
I recommend you to read and to debug the addLocalData method of jqGrid and which contain all what you need. Moreover I recommend you to set breakpoint on the line and examine match and results variables. It this is not simple of cause, but if you need some individual solution you have to invest time in it.
UPDATED: I though more about the described problem. My recent answer with the demo demonstrate how you can solve your problem.

Filter Toolbar without loadonce:true?

I am using jqgrid, with filter toolbar(column) option...The total data is around 10,000...So it seems to be some delay in initial loading as the config is set to loadonce:true;
Any way to implement the filter column feature with loadonce:false ?
Because the data loading delay is okay with loadonce:false. If I get a chance to add column filter with loadonce:false, this will work perfectly...
If you has about 10,000 rows it is of course better to implement server side data paging, sorting and filtering. I recommend you to use filterToolbar with the parameter stringResult:true if you not already use it. In the case jqGrid will send to the server filters parameter in the same format like advanced searching as do. So you will need implement on the server side the method which use following input parameter from jqGrid:
sidx and sord parameters define the sort order of the data. The informations specify ORDER BY in the corresponding SELECT statement.
if _search parameter is true, then the next parameter filters gives additional information which construct the WHERE part of the corresponding SELECT statement.
page and rows parameters define which page of the data previously sorted and filtered should be returned.
The exact implementation is depend on the language and technology which you use on the server and of course which database server and which interface to the database you use.
