Secure FTP from HP-UX to remote FTP server - ftp

I have a secure FTP server I need to connect to from a HP-UX box. This will be via a script. An attempt from the HP-UX box using the terminal fails because it is not a SFTP connection.
If I fire up a browser from another box & type in https://ftp-servers-address I get connected & prompted for credentials.
How to do SFTP from a HP-UX box to this external site?

You're talking about two different things: SFTP vs FTPS. SFTP is SSH FTP, and FTPS is FTP over SSL. Both are forms of secure FTP although implemented using different encryption techniques.
According to your URL, you want a FTPS client (not a SFTP client). For that you could use LFTP or any other FTPS client you want and then work out the SSL certificates. In case you really want a SFTP client, then you could use OpenSSH and work out the SSH keys.
I hope this helps.


Error: "Failed to retrieve directory listing" when connecting to EC2 server with FTP

I currently have a problem accessing the sites I had pre-configured on my Filezila. The only changes I recently made was adding a secure private key to access my EC2 instance through SFTP.
There are a number of sites that I can no longer access but before I could access
I have checked with another developer who has FTP access to the sites and he has no issue.
I get this error, see below, but it is not for all sites?
I tried deleting that SFTP key but that didn't seem to make any difference.
Any ideas?
You are connecting with the FTP protocol to EC2 with FileZilla.
SSH/SFTP key has nothing to do with the FTP protocol.
Moreover you are connected and authenticated already to the FTP server at the point you get the error.
The problem you are facing is a misconfigured firewall or NAT between you and the server that prevents the client to open data transfer connection to the FTP server.
See (my) article about FTP connection modes for details.
Though I guess the real problem is that you used to use the SFTP before and now you switched to the FTP by mistake.
It's actually not typical to connect to EC2 with the FTP. Linux EC2 servers do not have the FTP by default. Unless that is a Windows server (on the other hand, in that case it won't have SSH/SFTP by default).
For explanation how to connect to Linux EC2 server with the SFTP see (my) article Connecting Securely to Amazon EC2 Server with SFTP.

How to convert FTP server to secure SFTP on Amazon EC2

I have FTP server on Amazon EC2 which I can access by giving this URL:
after that username and password to accessing the files from this location.
Now I want to convert into secure FTP like if I will give then it will ask me for username and password and allow me to login into the application.
First of all is this possible?
I tried below instructions for installing vsftd1 vsftd2 but didn't help me.
after doing the changes into this two link I tried to login through WinSCP and selected file protocol as SFTP and typed, in port number 4522 and given username and password but didn't allowed me to log in.
edit 1 :
i have my amazon ec2 instance in centos 64bit.
someone else set-up the ftp connection and now i am taking forward from that point,i will get all the details and will try to modify my question in more specific way.
You didn't specify, what OS are you running. But from a reference to vsftpd, I assume some *nix flavor. You didn't specify, what FTP server you have running, and how did you set it up. Your question is pretty vague. But I'll try to give some hints.
The vsftpd is an FTP server only. It does not support the SFTP. It supports the FTPS (FTP over TLS) though. Do not get confused by its name. While the vsftpd stands for "very secure FTP daemon", it just means, it aims to implement FTP securely, not that it implements the SFTP".
Note that virtually all *nix servers come with an SSH/SFTP server built-in (OpenSSH). It runs on port 22.
For instructions how to connect to the EC2 SFTP server with WinSCP, see (my) guide:
Connecting Securely to Amazon EC2 Server with SFTP.
Also make sure you understand the difference between the SFTP and the FTPS.

Can you use FTP with Google Compute?

Hey I'm just wondering if there is a way to setup a regular FTP server on Google Compute. SFTP works, but I'm migrating from a physical server to google, and already have 100's of regular FTP users. I would rather not have to get them all to switch to SFTP if I don't have to. (I would like to do that long-term, but I don't want to break all of their connections when I migrate.)
Yes, you can use FTP. You must
Install an FTP server
Open port 21 & a range of higher ports, eg 49152-65534.
Configure the FTP server to use the port range from (2) for Passive FTP
Configure the FTP server for your users/destinations.
That said FTP is a very insecure protocol. Migrating to SFTP is very important for your users' security.

access a server through url in browser

I have set up a ssh server on my desktop through Cygwin. I can access this remotely through putty. However, should I be able to type ftp://ip address/ code here into a browser and be able to access it. I cant do this at moment so have I configured it wrong.
Never done this before.
To access via ftp protocol like you mention you will need to enable ftpd on your server. SSH access is different to FTP and won't just "work"
More info here Cygwin Manaual

Accessing FTP Server using a specific IP Address

I want to access a FTP Server, that is firewall protected meaning only IP addresses that have been added to the safe list may access the FTP file.
And The IP address of my website has been added to the safe list of the firewall.
I am using Filezilla to connect to it, but it is not allowing me to connect to the FTP server since my PC has a different IP.
Please suggest me a way to connect to the FTP server.
Thanks In advance....
If you can ssh/telnet into your host, then you could use the command line ftp.
Another option is to use a web-based ftp client that is installed on your web server (such as if you have PHP).
Run an ftp client on the allowed server; or, persuade the ftp admin to add your PC's IP address to the whitelist, and ensure and/or pray that it doesn't change (maybe pay your ISP extra for a static IP); or, use a proxy on an authorized server. The first option is definitely the most painless, assuming you have shell access to your web server (and if not, what sense does it make to have it on the authorized list?)
Some popular command-line clients you might find installed on the server include ftp (sic), ncftp, curl, wget, lynx, and w3m. The last two are actually terminal-based text-only web browsers.
If you have shell access to your server, you could create a SSH-tunnel like this:
ssh -L 21:
then you can connect to the FTP-server using localhost:21 from your pc.
