Ruby/Cucumber/Capybara Testing Multipart File Uploads - ruby

I'm using Cucumber/Capybara to test a web application. I'm pretty much a complete beginner in Ruby and its a real testimony to the developers of Cucumber/Capybara just how far I have been able to test my application with only the miniscule amount of Ruby knowledge that I have.
However, as you've probably guessed, I've reach the point were I need some expert help. I need to test a multipart file upload. The problem is that the web application that I'm testing has a URL command interface, but no associated pages. So I can't just load the page, fill in a parameter and push a button. I have to format the POST command programatically.
Up until now, I have been interacting this the application exclusively using 'visit'. i.e. i have steps definitions such as:
Given /^I delete an alert with alertID "([^"]*)" from the site$/ do |alertID|
visit WEB_SITE_ROOT + "/RemoteService?command=deleteAlert&siteName=#{$Site}&alertID=#{alertID}"
But now I need to do some posts. I found some code that seems to do what I need:
Given /^I upload the "([^"]*)" file "([^"]*)" for the alert$/ do |fileType, fileName|
file =, "rb")
reply =
"#{WEB_SITE_ROOT}" + "/FileUploader?command=upload&siteName=#{$Site}&alertID=#{$OriginalAlertID}",
:pict => file,
:function => "#{fileType}",
:content_type => 'multipart/jpg',
But this is not running in the same cucumber/capybara session, and so is not authorised (one of the previous steps was a login). Also, the reply from the web application is not picked up by cucumber/capybara and so my test for success/failure do not work.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?

By default capybara uses the Rack::Test adapter which will bypass the HTTP server and interact with your Rack/your app directly. The POST request you're doing in your step won't go through capybara, hence why it's failing.
To upload files when using Rack::Test you'll need to use the Rails #fixture_file_upload method, which by default should be available in your cucumber steps.


Launch sinatra from a test/spec or another ruby script

I'm experimenting, and I'm trying to launch dummy Sinatra application from RSpec and kill it when the spec is finished. Something like:
# spec/some_spec.rb
# launch sinatra dummy app
after (:all)
# kill sinatra dummy app
it 'should return list of whatever' do
.to include('whatever')
I could use system("ruby test/dummy/dummy_app.rb"), but how can I kill that process only? Does anyone know how I can launch the Sinatra inside a test (or from another ruby script)? I know about WebMocks, but I want to see if I can manage to make my test work this way.
Look under RSpec on "Testing Sinatra with Rack::Test". I'd suggest you use that code as boilerplate to get started.
Just add this to your describe block:
def app
I would suggest you read up RSpec.
Since you want to test an external system, by the looks of your comment, instead of system "curl", you can use Net::HTTP to make requests and then test against the response.
Have a look at "Testing an external API using RSpec's request specs".
As I'm writing request specs to ensure the features won't be broken I decided to rather write separate Cucumber features. The nice thing is that I can use Capybara, and thanks to Selenium Web Drive, I can launch a server before I run my tests.
So, I created a dummy Sinatra application (that will represent the external service to which the actual code I'm testing is doing requests (including a nasty system('curl')).
All I have to do is stub out the methods passed to curl to use and Capybara.current_session.server.port.
Once I'm done with my re-factoring all I have to do is remove the Capybara server variables, and Selenium web drive from the cucumber/capybara configuration.
Tests after a brief change will be still working and will be valid.
In the end I wrote it all with RSpec request tests, as doing it in Cucumber was little bit time consuming and I already spend too much time on this.
I mark these kind of request tests with RSpec tag and Before I lunch these I manually lunch simple Sinatra/Grape dummy API application to which the request are made. (Then I run RSpec tests with this tag)
So basically I end up with specs for functionality that uses net/http that uses WebMock and don't need a server, and request tests for which I need to run the server before I run the specs. So the original question remains, how to lunch a server before tests start
After I cover all the functionality I'm gonig to rewrite the curl to net/http however I'm going to keep those requests specs as I discovered they are nice idea when it comes to crazy API scenarios (like testing https + diggested authentication)

wami-recorder and Sinatra

I need my users to record a voice clip. I'm using wami-recorder to take care of the voice recording on the client side. I am using the default javascript functions:
In the chrome console, I can see the post request being sent successfully because, when I use the wami-recorder default url "", it works fine. But I can't seem to receive the file on the backend, Sinatra. How do I get the file and store it? Can someone point me in the right direction?
This is my controller:
post "/upload" do
p params
The output is just:
The audio is posted as part of the raw body. I was able to save the file in rails using
on some brief googling it appears that you should be able to do the same in sinatra with
You can then save this directly to a file
file ="audio.wav", "w+b")
file.write request.env["rack.input"].read
This should save out a wav file within the same directory

vcr with capybara-webkit

I'm using capybara-webkit to test integration with a third party website (I need javascript).
I want to use vcr to record requests made during the integration test but capybara-webkit doesn't go over net http so vcr is unable to record them. How would I go about writing an adaptor for vcr that would allow me to record the reqeusts?
Unfortunately, VCR is very much incompatible with capybara-webkit. The fact is that capybara webkit is using webkit, which is in c. Webmock and Fakeweb, which are the basis for VCR, can only be used for Ruby web requests. Making the two work together would likely be a monumental task.
I've solved this problem two ways:
The first (hacky, but valid) is to add a new javascript file to the application that is only included in the test environment. This file stubs out the JS classes which make external web requests. Aside from the pure hackatude of this approach, it requires that every time a new request is added or changed you must change the stubs as well.
The second approach is to route all external requests through my own server, effectively proxying all external requests through my server. This has the huge disadvantage that you have to have an action for everything you want to consume (you could genericize it, with some work). It also suffers from the fact that it could as much as double the time for the request to complete. However, since the requests are now being made by Ruby you can use VCR in all it's glory.
In my situations, approach #2 has been much more to my advantage thanks to the fact that I need ruby to manipulate the data so that I can keep my javascript source-agnostic. I was, however, using approach #1 for quite a while successfully.
I've written a small ruby library (puffing-billy) for rspec+capybara that does exactly this -- it injects a proxy in between your browser and the outside world and allows you to fake responses to specific requests.
describe 'fetching badges from stackoverflow API' do
it 'should show a nice message when you have no badges' do
# stub some JSONP
:jsonp => { :badges => [] })
visit '/my_badges'
page.should have_content("You don't have any badges :(")

watir web testing is not working for sites taking some time to load

With cucumber 0.9.4, Iam testing some websites using Watir ruby gem.
All the testing is working fine but the issue is if the site is taking
some time to load then that site testing is skipped, how to overcome
this issue.
My feature file content is:
Feature: Search
In order to learn more
As an information seeker
I want to find more information
Scenario: Find what I'm looking for
Given I am on the Google search page
When I click on link Services
Then I should see
My step def. file content is:
Given 'I am on the Google search page' do
#browser.goto ''
When /^I click on link (.*)$/ do |link|, link).click
Then /I should see/ do |text|
#browser.text.should =~ /#{text}/m
The above code works perfect for site and click on news section
By default, Watir waits for the page to load. Are there asynchronous requests on the page?
For asynchronous requests, Watir will not wait until attempting an action and that could be the reason your tests are failing. In that case, you'll need to wait for the element to load first:
Waiter.wait_until(20) do
browser.text_field(:id, 'customer_id').exists?
And then perform the action.

Ruby: Get currently logged in user on windows

In C# I can get the current user of a web app using the HttpContext, however, I can't figure out how to do this in Ruby. Is there any way of doing this?
Well, to get the current username, there's this:
Or go to the Win32API.
require 'dl/win32'
def get_user_name
api =
buf = "\0" * 512
len = [512].pack('L'),len)
puts get_user_name
Edit: And I'm an idiot. This isn't what you asked for at all. Oh well, it took me time to dig this out of my code, so it might as well stay here for anyone else wondering :P
Edit again: OK, it turns out I'm not an idiot after all. This is what you want. When I went back and re-read your question, the HttpContext threw me off, and I thought it was the current username from HTTP auth or something.
To get the username of the current user on client machine you can use this
If you're using Rails try: request.env['HTTP_REMOTE_USER']
I think what you mean is how you can retrieve the username that the user used to login to the web application. That will differ depending on what authentication mechanism you're using. Some Apache authentication modules, for example, will pass REMOTE_USER (e.g. the Kerberos module), the CAS Single-Sign-On module passes CAS-USER, etc. Standard digest authentication and such uses the Authentication header. You should be able to access these using request.env[HEADER] as someone else pointed out above. Check out the documentation on how your authentication layer is passing on the user in the HTTP request.
Is your c# code running as a .NET plugin/client-side code or is it ENTIRELY server side? Your ruby code would be entirely server side. According to the MS docs, only stuff running in the CLR sandbox can really get to that information: (under Defining the sandbox).
One thing interesting to note is that sites registered under LocalIntranet have access to that information. I'm not sure off hand how this maps to security zones in IE though.
The thing to understand is that LOGON_USER is NOT visible to the browser sandbox anymore than the browser can see the contents of a filesystem path on your system. The fact that your c# code sees it almost certainly indicitive of some clientside component passing it upstream.
You have the option of implementing mod_ntlm under apache and pushing the headers downstream. I don't have the points to post a second link but google 'rails ntlm sso' and see the link.
but if your app isn't Rails based, you'll have to port that to your server code. You can also checkout rack-ntlm if your app is rack compliant.
This is what worked for me but there are some limitations:
won't work in Chrome: undefined method 'encode' for nil:NilClass
won't validate user credentials
If you don't care about these issues, go ahead:
In your rails application, add Rekado's gem to your Gemfile: gem 'ntlm-sso', '=0.0.1'
Create an initialiser config/initializers/ntlm-sso.rb with:
require 'rack'
require 'rack/auth/ntlm-sso'
class NTLMAuthentication
def initialize(app)
#app = app
def call(env)
auth =
On your application.rb file, add the line: config.middleware.use "NTLMAuthentication"
Call request.env["REMOTE_USER"] on your view or controller to get current username.
PS: Let me know if you find anyway to make it work on Chrome or to validate user credentials.
