wami-recorder and Sinatra - ruby

I need my users to record a voice clip. I'm using wami-recorder to take care of the voice recording on the client side. I am using the default javascript functions:
In the chrome console, I can see the post request being sent successfully because, when I use the wami-recorder default url "https://wami-recorder.appspot.com/audio", it works fine. But I can't seem to receive the file on the backend, Sinatra. How do I get the file and store it? Can someone point me in the right direction?
This is my controller:
post "/upload" do
p params
The output is just:

The audio is posted as part of the raw body. I was able to save the file in rails using
on some brief googling it appears that you should be able to do the same in sinatra with
You can then save this directly to a file
file = File.new("audio.wav", "w+b")
file.write request.env["rack.input"].read
This should save out a wav file within the same directory


Structure of amadeus api https

usualy when I use API's I paste the entire url in browser and it print it out json format using json pro extension in chrome. Like this is a lot easier to copy the path of some data and render it to the page.But my problem is I don't know structure of https. I am not sure where I have to insert the key and secret code. In command line I print all data but I cannot get the path of specific data without using json probextension. Help please. Thank you
I recommend to read the following article:
and later, review the following repository, you could tinker with the curl request here:

(Multipart) zip upload in ruby webmachine handled by rack

I'm making an upload form for zips in a ruby webmachine app. My idea is to have an upload through my backend where I can add some extra params and then upload it to amazons s3 service with RestClient.
I did successfully create a direct upload (web based form post) to a s3bucket, but in that way I'm unable to handle the variables which are needed in the request, the way I want.
I've tried several things but I can't figure out, how to handle the request, as soon as it gets in my backend. I've created a resource and I'm debugging directly in the process_post method.
My #request variable represents a Webmachine::Request, with a Webmachine::Adapters::Rack::RequestBody and a Rack::Request, but I can't get the file out of it to use it as input for my RestClient request.
I think; #request.body.to_s and #request.body.to_io, represent the uploaded file in some way, and I tried to use them as input for Rack::Multipart methods, but that doesn't give me the file.
I also tried to work with the rack-raw-upload gem, but I can't get the mime-type something else than "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or multipart. I do explicitly set it to; application/octet-stream
Things like File.new(filename, 'rb') gave me `rrno::ENOENT: No such file or directory # rb_sysopen'. For filename I just used 'example.zip'.
I guess I'm missing something which has to do with the Rack::Request call(env) method.
Does somebody have an idea, on how to handle the Rack uploads? Or give me any hints for a new direction? Thanks.
I've created a gist which shows how to retrieve the multipart stream. You'll need further parsing in order to get the uploaded file.

How to fetch ooyala image?

I've been looking around the web all day long but I'm not able to find a way to get the URL for a video image that's hosted on Ooyala. I read that the URL's vary from video to video, but I wonder if there isn't ANY way to get the image from the embed code.
In case you're wondering, I'm not uploading the vids to Ooyala myself, I'm simply running a site that embeds some Ooyala vids (as well as videos from other sites). Does anyone have a solution, or is there simply no way for me to get a preview image?
I don't know on which technology you are working upon. But i have used ruby on rails with ooyala V2. So Ooyala have a ruby on rails module. Which can be downloaded from their site.
Also, u need to have OOYALA_API_KEY,OOYALA_V2_SECRET_CODE. Which u can get by logging into ur ooyala account under developer section.
After getting the module of ruby on rails from ooyala.
The code is simple as follows:
ooyala_obj = Ooyala::API.new(OOYALA_API_KEY,OOYALA_V2_SECRET_CODE)
thumbnail = ''
response = ooyala_obj.get("/v2/assets/#{embed_code}/generated_preview_images")
response.each do |attribute|
if attribute["url"].present?
thumbnail = attribute["url"]
return thumbnail
As only embed code will not work, you need to have a verfied signature to get the generated preview image from ooyala which is only done by API KEY AND SECRET CODE.
I hope I helped you..

Ruby/Cucumber/Capybara Testing Multipart File Uploads

I'm using Cucumber/Capybara to test a web application. I'm pretty much a complete beginner in Ruby and its a real testimony to the developers of Cucumber/Capybara just how far I have been able to test my application with only the miniscule amount of Ruby knowledge that I have.
However, as you've probably guessed, I've reach the point were I need some expert help. I need to test a multipart file upload. The problem is that the web application that I'm testing has a URL command interface, but no associated pages. So I can't just load the page, fill in a parameter and push a button. I have to format the POST command programatically.
Up until now, I have been interacting this the application exclusively using 'visit'. i.e. i have steps definitions such as:
Given /^I delete an alert with alertID "([^"]*)" from the site$/ do |alertID|
visit WEB_SITE_ROOT + "/RemoteService?command=deleteAlert&siteName=#{$Site}&alertID=#{alertID}"
But now I need to do some posts. I found some code that seems to do what I need:
Given /^I upload the "([^"]*)" file "([^"]*)" for the alert$/ do |fileType, fileName|
file = File.new(fileName, "rb")
reply = RestClient.post(
"#{WEB_SITE_ROOT}" + "/FileUploader?command=upload&siteName=#{$Site}&alertID=#{$OriginalAlertID}",
:pict => file,
:function => "#{fileType}",
:content_type => 'multipart/jpg',
But this is not running in the same cucumber/capybara session, and so is not authorised (one of the previous steps was a login). Also, the reply from the web application is not picked up by cucumber/capybara and so my test for success/failure do not work.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
By default capybara uses the Rack::Test adapter which will bypass the HTTP server and interact with your Rack/your app directly. The POST request you're doing in your step won't go through capybara, hence why it's failing.
To upload files when using Rack::Test you'll need to use the Rails #fixture_file_upload method, which by default should be available in your cucumber steps.

Ajax file upload in node.js

I want to upload ajax file upload which uses xhr to send file data,
at client m using this
how i will accept this data on node and save the file to server by node.js , which module i need to use in node.js?
I've created an uploader with progress bar using the formidable module, it's really easy to use and provides a lot of useful callbacks.
Have a look here:
https://github.com/felixge/node-formidable (scroll down to get the Docs)
due to the lack of an example file in valums ajax-uploader, I've just created one.
It catches up the XHR upload if possible, alternatively falling back to the old form-based method.
All in conclusion to valums ajax-uploader.
Maybe Valums will accept the pull request some time and the sample file gets merged in the standard repository.
