Linq query Group By multiple columns - linq

I have a array of string say:
String[] Fields=new String[]{RowField,RowField1}
In which I can use the below query to get the values by specifying the values is query i.e RowField and RowField1:
var Result = (
from x in _dataTable.AsEnumerable()
select new
Name = x.Field<object>(RowField),
Name1 = x.Field<object>(RowField1)
But if suppose I have many values in the Array like:
String[] Fields= new String[]
How can I use the query here without specifying each of the rowfield in the query?
How can i iterate through the array items inside the LINQ?
According to some suggestions in LINQ query and Array of string I am trying to get the result using the code below.
var result = (from row in _dataTable.AsEnumerable()
let projection = from fieldName in fields
select new {Name = fieldName, Value = row[fieldName]}
select projection.ToDictionary(p=>p.Name,p=>p.Value))
But the problem is it does not return the distinct values.Any ideas?

Start with distinct DataRows by using this overload of Distinct():
_dataTable.AsEnumerable().Distinct(new DataRowEqualityComparer())
Where DataRowEqualityComparer is:
public class DataRowEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<DataRow>
public bool Equals(DataRow x, DataRow y)
return x.ItemArray.SequenceEqual(y.ItemArray);
public int GetHashCode(DataRow obj)
return string.Join("", obj.ItemArray).GetHashCode();


enumerable group field using Linq?

I've written a Linq sentence like this:
var fs = list
.GroupBy(i =>
new {
X = i.X,
Ps = i.Properties.Where(p => p.Key.Equals("m")) <<<<<<<<<<<
.Select(g => g.Key });
Am I able to group by IEnumerable.Where(...) fields?
The grouping won't work here.
When grouping, the runtime will try to compare group keys in order to produce proper groups. However, since in the group key you use a property (Ps) which is a distinct IEnumerable<T> for each item in list (the comparison is made on reference equality not on sequence equality) this will result in a different collection for each element; in other words if you'll have two items:
var a = new { X = 1, Properties = new[] { "m" } };
var b = new { X = 1, Properties = new[] { "m" } };
The GroupBy clause will give you two distinct keys as you can see from the image below.
If your intent is to just project the items into the structure of the GroupBy key then you don't need the grouping; the query below should give the same result:
var fs = list.Select(item => new
Ps = item.Properties.Where(p => p.Key == "m")
However, if you do require the results to be distinct, you'll need to create a separate class for your result and implement a separate IEqualityComparer<T> to be used with Distinct clause:
public class Result
public int X { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> Ps { get; set; }
public class ResultComparer : IEqualityComparer<Result>
public bool Equals(Result a, Result b)
return a.X == b.X && a.Ps.SequenceEqual(b.Ps);
// Implement GetHashCode
Having the above you can use Distinct on the first query to get distinct results:
var fs = list.Select(item => new Result
X = item.X,
Ps = item.Properties.Where( p => p.Key == "m")
}).Distinct(new ResultComparer());

Select top N with record from DataTable with some sorting using Linq

I have created a DataTable. I have populated the rows of the DataTable after some operations.
I am very new to Linq I want to Get the Top "N" Records from the DataTable implementing also some paging.
Let dataTable is the DataTable having some data.
I am need something like this
var Query = from d in dataTable
Order by columnName
skip( some records pageSize * pageNumber)
Select top N from dataTable
The column Name, Page size ,pageNumber and the N will passed as arguments
Try this:
var query = dataTable.AsEnumerable()
.OrderBy(c => c.columnName)
.Select(r => new {...})
Try this,
int numberOfObjectsPerPage = 20;
var queryResultPage = dataTable.OrderBy(c => c.columnName).Select(r => r).Skip(numberOfObjectsPerPage * pageNumber).Take(numberOfObjectsPerPage);
Try this
var Query = dataTable.Select(o=>o).OrderBy(o=>o.columnName).Skip(pageSize * pageNumber).Take(N);
For pass column name you should to add this code
public static IQueryable<T> OrderByField<T>(this IQueryable<T> q, string SortField, bool Ascending)
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "p");
var prop = Expression.Property(param, SortField);
var exp = Expression.Lambda(prop, param);
string method = Ascending ? "OrderBy" : "OrderByDescending";
Type[] types = new Type[] { q.ElementType, exp.Body.Type };
var mce = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), method, types, q.Expression, exp);
return q.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(mce);
And then you could call it in this way
var values = dataTable.OrderByField("columnName");

linq select from database where ID in an ArrayList

I have an array-list that contains some UserID.
I need a query like this:
vat tmp=> a.UserID in (arraylist));
what can I do?
If it's actually in an ArrayList, you should create a List<T> or array first. Then you can use Contains:
// Use the appropriate type, of course.
var ids = arraylist.Cast<string>().ToList();
var tmp = users.Select(a => ids.Contains(a.UserID));
While using Contains on the plain ArrayList may well compile, I would expect it to fail at execution time, assuming users is an IQueryable<>.
List<long> list =new List<long>();
var selected = from n in users where list.Contains(n.ID) select n ;
var selected = users.Where(a=> list.Contains(a.ID)).ToList();
This is the solution I used.
public static IEnumerable<SettingModel> GetSettingBySettingKeys(params string[] settingKey)
using (var db = new BoxCoreModelEntities())
foreach (var key in settingKey)
var key1 = key;
yield return Map(db.Settings.Where(s => s.SettingKey == key1).First());

linq combined column search

I want to search records which two column combination equals to the parameter, why it does not work?
public RDCheck SearchByUserPlusId(string uid)
RDCheckDataContext dc = new RDCheckDataContext(_connString);
var query = (from r in dc.RDChecks
where (r.login +
select r).FirstOrDefault();
return query;
for example, one record in table is
So I pass parameter uid=test4 but it returns null, why?
Use ToString() before the concatenation
public RDCheck SearchByUserPlusId(string uid)
RDCheckDataContext dc = new RDCheckDataContext(_connString);
var query = (from r in dc.RDChecks
where (r.login.ToString() +
select r).FirstOrDefault();
return query;

GroupBy String and Count in LINQ

I have got a collection. The coll has strings:
Location="Theater=1, Name=regal, Area=Area1"
Location="Theater=34, Name=Karm, Area=Area4445"
and so on. I have to extract just the Name bit from the string. For example, here I have to extract the text 'regal' and group the query. Then display the result as
Name=regal Count 33
Name=Karm Count 22
I am struggling with the query:
Collection.Location.GroupBy(????);(what to add here)
Which is the most short and precise way to do it?
Yet another Linq + Regex approach:
string[] Location = {
"Theater=2, Name=regal, Area=Area1",
"Theater=2, Name=regal, Area=Area1",
"Theater=34, Name=Karm, Area=Area4445"
var test = Location.Select(
x => Regex.Match(x, "^.*Name=(.*),.*$")
.GroupBy(x => x)
.Select(x=> new {Name = x.Key, Count = x.Count()});
Query result for tested strings
Once you've extracted the string, just group by it and count the results:
var query = from location in locations
let name = ExtractNameFromLocation(location)
group 1 by name in grouped
select new { Name=grouped.Key, Count=grouped.Count() };
That's not particularly efficient, however. It has to do all the grouping before it does any counting. Have a look at this VJ article for an extension method for LINQ to Objects,
and this one about Push LINQ which a somewhat different way of looking at LINQ.
EDIT: ExtractNameFromLocation would be the code taken from answers to your other question, e.g.
public static string ExtractNameFromLocation(string location)
var name = (from part in location.Split(',')
let pair = part.Split('=')
where pair[0].Trim() == "Name"
select pair[1].Trim()).FirstOrDefault();
return name;
Here is another LINQ alternative solution with a working example.
static void Main(string[] args)
System.Collections.Generic.List<string> l = new List<string>();
l.Add("Theater=1, Name=regal, Area=Area"); l.Add("Theater=34, Name=Karm, Area=Area4445");
foreach (IGrouping<string, string> g in l.GroupBy(r => extractName(r)))
Console.WriteLine( string.Format("Name= {0} Count {1}", g.Key, g.Count()) );
private static string extractName(string dirty)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m =
dirty, #"(?<=Name=)[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+(?=,)");
return m.Success ? m.Value : "";
