Read a file into a Maven property - maven

Is it possible to read a file and store the entire contents into a Maven property?
I'm trying to generate some custom JavaDocs, and they have an option to set a header, but it has to be a string, not a file name (for some reason). I obviously don't want to put a bunch of HTML into my pom.xml, so I need a way to read my header.html as a Maven property.
Is this possible? I'm not able to find a standard way, but it seems like a Maven plugin might do this.
Apparently Ant has what I want, but I'd prefer something lighter weight than the Ant task.

See this question on SO. And here is the properties-maven-plugin.
If you'd like not to use .properties file, than I can suggest to use the Groovy plugin and a small script that I've written:
def file = new File( = file.getText()
After execution of this plugin, you should be able to refer to ${header_content} property that contains header.html file contents.


How to specify output format for jacoco plugin for maven?

I have a maven project with jacoco plugin, which generates reports in different formats, such as html, csv and xml. But I need only html. How can I specify it?
Here is some code, where I add jacoco plugin:
//other plugins
Then I run tests:
mnv clean test
And all reports appears in "target" directory.
I read documentation, but I didn't found anything about how to pick requiring format. I found it only for Ant and Gradle.
I suppose I missing something, so I will be grateful for any clue.
I searched the same thing and stumbled over the following issue with it:
The old path was
The XML report however is put into:
and in there are the XML, csv, html ...
As of today report goal of jacoco-maven-plugin unconditionally generates XML, HTML and CSV - see
And in my opinion there is no reasons to disable HTML and XML - cost of generation is small, developers can view HTML in place, while XML consumed by other tools such as SonarQube or Jenkins.
As a workaround if highly needed, report task of JaCoCo Ant Tasks can be executed via maven-antrun-plugin.
You can specify the report format to generate by specifying the configuration as follows-
<!-- Rest of your configuration, if any -->
Note that this is available since version 0.8.7. Useful resource-

How to Read a Property File in a Maven Project?

I've read all the related entries on this topic but nothing is working.
I have placed the database property file under resources/property/, added the following to Maven:
and using the following code to get the stream:
but when the Properties object loads it, it strangely only contains a single property defined in pom.xml (which is an encoding property)!
I have tried the following as well at no avail:
I can see that the file is at target's class/property/ (or in latter case, in class/ when the project gets built and deployed (Tomcat). Is there something I am missing here?
As it is suggested in the comment below, use "/" to prefix the path to the property file.
If you want to do it using properties-maven-plugin, make sure property values are indicated in Properties section of POM.xml. This plugin then grabs these values and puts them in a property file indicated by outputFile tag.

Are directions available for the maven plugin com.alexnederlof jasperreports-plugin?

I have read up on the limited information regarding com.alexnederlof jasperreports-plugin and I'm looking to convert my current ant build to use this maven plugin, but there doesn't seem to be any documentation available.
My biggest concern is run-time: If I use this plugin at build-time, what version of jasper-reports do I need to use at run-time?
Am I missing a reference somewhere? As the old adage goes, "If there isn't any documentation, then I guess I'll have to write it."
I am not sure of what you are after but, I am using this plugin in maven to generate the source .jrxml files to .jasper files and the configuration in pom goes like this:
<!-- These are the default configurations: -->
Hope this helps

Can I get Maven to turn a file into properties I can use in my Maven script?

I’m using Maven 3.1.0. I have a file like so
driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db
username: user
password: pass
Is there a way I can get Maven to parse this file so that I can use the keys (e.g. “username”) as properties (e.g. ${username}) in other parts of my Maven script? Ultimately I want to pass these properties as connection parameters to the Maven SQL plugin.
Unfortunately, its not an option to change the format of this file.
Take a look at the Properties Maven Plugin:
The plugin should be able to handle your properties file. if not (format problems), you could include a build step to convert the file to a more convenient format.
EnvInject Plugin used to inject Variables from property files. Refer

Maven exec bash script and save output as property

I'm wondering if there exists a Maven plugin that runs a bash script and saves the results of it into a property.
My actual use case is to get the git source version. I found one plugin available online but it didn't look well tested, and it occurred to me that a plugin as simple as the one in the title of this post is all I need. Plugin would look something like:
<phase>process-resources</phase> <!-- not sure where most intelligent -->
<script>"git rev-parse HEAD"</script> <!-- must run from build directory -->
Of course necessary to make sure this happens before the property will be needed, and in my case I want to use this property to process a source file.
I think you could utilize gmaven plugin for this task:
<script>git rev-parse HEAD</script>
def command =
def process = command.execute()
process.waitFor() =
After execution of this script you should be able to refer to ${gitVersion} property.
