jqgrid, tooltip using table - jqgrid

I have a jqgrid table and I'd like to allow users to click on an icon, invoke a URL and display the resultant data as a table inside a tool tip:
| title1 | title2 | title 3| |
| data1 |data 2 ? | data 3 |
|data11 |data 21 ?| data 3 |
| child table |
| |
In the above picture, the child table would be a tool tip


ArrayFormula - If cell contains match, combine other cells with TEXTJOIN

I have a Google Sheet that contains names of characters, together with corresponding values for the group name, "selected" and attack power. It looks like this:
| guile | Team Red | 1 | 333 |
| blanka | Team Red | 1 | 50 |
| sagat | Team Red | | 500 |
| ruy | Team Blue | 1 | 450 |
| vega | Team Blue | 2 | 150 |
In my second sheet, I have two columns. Group name, which contains names of each team from Sheet1 and names, which contains my current ArrayFormula:
REPT('Sheet1'!A:A; 1*('Sheet1'!B:B=A2))))
Using this formula I can combine all characters into one cell (with textjoin, repeated with row breaks) based on the value in Group name. The result looks like the following:
| Team Red | guile |
| | blanka |
| | sagat |
| Team Blue | ruy |
| | vega |
The problem is that I only want to combine the characters with having a selected value of 1. End-result should instead look like this:
| Team Red | guile |
| | blanka |
| Team Blue | ruy |
I tried the following setup using a IF-statement, but it just returns a string of FALSE:
REPT(IF('Sheet1'!C:C="1";'Sheet1'!A:A); 1*('Sheet1'!B:B=A2))))
Can this be one?
paste in F2 cell:
paste in G2 cell and drag down:
=TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10), 1, FILTER(A:A, B:B=F2, C:C=1))
or G2 cell be like:
REPT(FILTER(Sheet1!A:A, Sheet1!C:C=1), 1*(FILTER(Sheet1!B:B, Sheet1!C:C=1)=F2))))

Split a single row into multiple rows with grouping data check - Hive

Now I'm using the query below in hive to split a row into multiple rows, but I also want to group a "Product" column based on "Category" column each group will match by the order of the group and have ";" to sperate each group and have "," separate item in the group.
SELECT id, customer, prodcut_split
FROM orders lateral view explode(split(product,';')) products AS prodcut_split
Here is my data look like now
| id | Customer| Category | Product |
| 1 | John | Furniture; Technology | Bookcases, Chairs; Phones, Laptop |
| 2 | Bob | Office supplies; Furniture| Paper, Blinders; Tables |
| 3 | Dylan | Furniture | Tables, Chairs, Bookcases |
my desired result will look like:
| id | Customer| Category | Product |
| 1 | John | Furniture | Bookcases |
| 1 | John | Furniture | Chairs |
| 1 | John | Technology | Phones |
| 1 | John | Technology | Laptop |
| 2 | Bob | Office supplies| Paper |
| 2 | Bob | Office supplies| Blinders |
| 2 | Bob | Furniture | Tables |
| 3 | Dylan | Furniture | Tables |
| 3 | Dylan | Furniture | Chairs |
| 3 | Dylan | Furniture | Bookcases |
I have tried this one and it's work well, all credit goes to this question: Hive - Split delimited columns over multiple rows, select based on position
select id,customer ,category, products
SELECT id, category, product
FROM tale_name
lateral VIEW posexplode(split(category,';')) category AS pos_category, category_split
lateral VIEW posexplode(split(product,';')) product AS pos_product, product_split
WHERE pos_category = pos_product) a
lateral view explode(split(product_split,',')) product_split AS products

Display record count in listbox using multiple tables and fields

i need help with a query, can't get it to work correctly. What i'm trying to achieve is to have a select box displaying the number of records associated with a particular theme, for some theme it works well for some it displays (0) when infact there are 2 records, I'm wondering if someone could help me on this, your help would be greatly appreciated, please see below my actual query + table structure :
SELECT theme.id_theme, theme.theme, calender.start_date,
calender.id_theme1,calender.id_theme2, calender.id_theme3, COUNT(*) AS total
FROM theme, calender
WHERE (YEAR(calender.start_date) = YEAR(CURDATE())
AND MONTH(calender.start_date) > MONTH(CURDATE()) )
AND (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme1)
OR (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme2)
OR (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme3)
GROUP BY theme.id_theme
ORDER BY theme.theme ASC
THEME table
| id_theme | theme |
| 1 | Yoga |
| 2 | Music |
| 3 | Taichi |
| 4 | Dance |
| 5 | Coaching |
| id_calender | id_theme1 | id_theme2 | id_theme3 | start_date | end_date |
| 1 | 2 | 4 | | 2015-07-24 | 2015-08-02 |
| 2 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 2015-08-06 | 2015-08-22 |
| 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2014-10-11 | 2015-10-28 |
| |
| Yoga (1) |
| Music (1) |
| Taichi (0) |
| Dance (2) |
| Coaching (1) |
Thanking you in advance
I think that themes conditions should be into brackets
OR (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme2)
OR (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme3))
Hope this help

Change table row grouping on interactive sort SSRS Local Report Webforms

Does Local mode processing SSRS in Webforms support this king of feature?
I want the columns of the table implement interactive sort, so the user will be able to sort the detail rows easily. However, I have different groupings initially in the table. I wanted it to be removed as soon as the user clicks on the interactive sort button.
For example:
| Column1 | Column2 | Column3
| A-Data | Data | Data
| C-Data | Data | Data
| B-Data | Data | Data
| Z-Data | Data | Data
| D-Data | Data | Data
If I click the interactive sort of Column1, for example, the table will look like this:
| Column1 | Column2 | Column3
| A-Data | Data | Data
| B-Data | Data | Data
| C-Data | Data | Data
| D-Data | Data | Data
| Z-Data | Data | Data

magento database structure?

Currently am working with magento project..
in which i have stucked on the point ..
that is when admin add any subcategory/category
Manage category -> custome design
here its gives two option like
Active from and Active to..
can anyone, who know about magento database, tell me where or in which table this two value store
Thanks for any suggestion or help!
I've listed the attributes for catalog categories below. Since categories are an EAV type, you'll need to look in a particular subtable to get your values. In this case, custom_design_from and custom_design_to are datetime values, and the name of your entity is catalog_category_entity, so the table you want is catalog_category_entity_datetime.
Next problem you'll find is getting the right attribute ID. Since they're liable to change, here's the SQL query to run in order to grab them:
select attribute_id, attribute_code from eav_attribute where entity_type_id = 3 and attribute_code in ('custom_design_from', 'custom_design_to');
I get 52 and 53, but YMWV. Hope that helps!
| attribute_code | backend_type |
| name | varchar |
| is_active | int |
| url_key | varchar |
| description | text |
| image | varchar |
| meta_title | varchar |
| meta_keywords | text |
| meta_description | text |
| display_mode | varchar |
| landing_page | int |
| is_anchor | int |
| path | static |
| position | static |
| all_children | text |
| path_in_store | text |
| children | text |
| url_path | varchar |
| custom_design | varchar |
| custom_design_apply | int |
| custom_design_from | datetime |
| custom_design_to | datetime |
| page_layout | varchar |
| custom_layout_update | text |
| level | static |
| children_count | static |
| available_sort_by | text |
| default_sort_by | varchar |
| include_in_menu | int |
Active from is an attribute whose attribute_code is custom_design_from(attribute_id 57) and Active To is an attribute whose attribute_code(attribute_id 58) is custom_design_to.
This both attributes value are stored in database table `catalog_category_entity_datetime`.
Check above table with row like value of entity_id is your category id, attribute_id is 57 and active from value is store in value field of table same active to value is stored in value field with entity_id is your category id, attribute_id is 58.
