overlapping variables and performance - performance

Sorry in advance if I have some of this wrong. I may edit to correct later if it's not too disruptive.
When multiple variables are declared in adjacent memory, as I understand it, on a very low level, registers are created that encapsulate a number of bytes, commonly 1, 2, 4 or 8. This allows those bit ranges to be binary rotated, as well as thought of by the processor as numbers and so mutated with simple mathematics such as add, subtract, multiply and devide.
There may be abstraction reasons for not overlapping thease ranges, but as many langueges consider instructions to occur in a well defined sequential order that the coder will be aware of, are there any performance reasons to not overlap one or more in adjacent bytes of allocated memory?
For example in a block of allocated memory where every bit starts as 0. Bytes 0 to 3 could be being used as an int, as well as bytes 1 to 4. The first could be set to a value before the second range was multiplied by 3.
If there are performance reasons not to then are they overcome by otherwise having to to copy values in and out of completely new variables and perform more complicated processes to achieve certain algorithms that could otherwise be done on a very low level?

There is nothing wrong with this trick when it is done in assembly: optimizers have been routinely making use of knowing where parts of an integer are to save CPU cycles and reduce the size of the code. For example, when a 32-bit integer variable is initialized to a value that fits in only 16 bits, optimizing compilers would replace the instruction that stores a 32-bit value in memory with a faster instruction that stores a 16-bit value to the lower bits of the variable, and clear the upper 16 bits. Moreover, many optimizers would go even further: if a constant is divisible by 2^16, they would store the value divided by 2^16 to the upper 16 bits, and clear lower 16 bits.
Some architectures restrict such manipulations to addresses of certain properties, for example, by requiring all 4-byte memory load/store instructions to be done at addresses divisible by four. These restrictions may reduce applicability of partial-value writing tricks.


Calculating size class

High-performance malloc implementations often implement segregated free lists, that is, each of the more common (smaller) sizes gets its own separate free list.
A first attempt at this could say, below a certain threshold, the size class is just the size divided by 8, rounded up. But actual implementations have more nuance, arranging the recognized size classes on something like an exponential curve (but gentler than simply doubling at each step), e.g. http://jemalloc.net/jemalloc.3.html
I'm trying to figure out how to convert a size to a size class on some such curve. Now, in principle this is not difficult; there are several ways to do it. But to achieve the desired goal of speeding up the common case, it really needs to be fast, preferably only a few instructions.
What's the fastest way to do this conversion?
In the dark ages, when I used to worry about those sorts of things, I just iterated through all the possible sizes starting at the smallest one.
This actually makes a lot of sense, since allocating memory strongly implies work outside of the actual allocation -- like initializing and using that memory -- that is proportional to the allocation size. In all but the smallest allocations, that overhead will swamp whatever you spend to pick a size class.
Only the small ones really need to be fast.
Lets assume you want to use all the power of two sizes and a plus half the size, ie 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 etc. ... 4096.
Check the value is less than or equal 4096, I have arbitrarily chosen that to be the highest allocable for this example.
Take the size of your struct, then use the highest set bit times two, and add 1 if the next bit is also set and you get an index into the size list add one more if the value is higher than the value the two bits would give. Should be 5-6 ASM instructions
So 26 is 16+8+2 bits are 4,3,1 4*2 + 1 + 1 so the 10th index is chosen for a 32 byte list.
Your system might require some minimum allocation size.
Also if your doing a lot of allocations, consider using some pool allocator that is private to your program with backup from the system allocator.

avx512 strided gather with arbitrary stride

I know in AVX512 you can perform strided gathers with strides of 1,2,4,8. However what if I have an arbitrary stride that can be anywhere between 10-1000? The stride is known at compile time. I understand then the instruction won't be the bottleneck, the memory probably will be. Is _mm512_set_ps the most effective way to do this?
strided gathers with strides of 1,2,4,8
No, there's no special support for that; maybe you're thinking of ARM/ARM64 NEON vld4 4-way deinterleave?
In x86 you can use 1,2,4, or 8 as a scale factors for an index vector for vpgatherdd / vpgatherdps, but if you just want every 2nd element it's better to manually shuffle (e.g. _mm512_permutex2var_ps to grab alternate floats from 2 input vectors), getting many useful elements with one wide load instead of accessing cache once per element.
But in your case, with a minimum stride of 10, at most 2 elements will come from the same 16 x 32-bit 512-bit vector, and with wider strides not even one per vector.
So you can use vpgatherdps with _mm512_add_epi32(idx, _mm512_set1_epi32(16 * stride)) in a loop. Or better, just use a fixed vector of indices and increment the base pointer. You might generate that vector of indices with _mm512_mullo_epi32(_mm512_setr_epi32(0,1,2,3,...,15), _mm512_set1_epi32(stride)). Since a float is 4 bytes wide, use a scale factor of 4 with your gathers.
Even if you need to handle huge arrays, incrementing the pointer instead of the vector elements avoids any need for 64-bit indices, as well as minimizing the number of vector uops. (Valuable when using 512-bit vectors on current CPUs.)
IIRC, Intel's optimization manual has a section about strided loads and the tradeoff in manual gather vs. using gather instructions. Gather instructions become relatively better the wider your vectors are (2/clock load throughput but only 1/clock shuffle throughput for most shuffles), so especially for 512-bit vectors its likely a win to use vector shuffles.

Why is the register length static in any CPU

Why is the register length (in bits) that a CPU operates on not dynamically/manually/arbitrarily adjustable? Would it make the computer slower if it was adjustable this way?
Imagine you had an 8-bit integer. If you could adjust the CPU register length to 8 bits, the CPU would only have to go through the first 8 bits instead of extending the 8-bit integer to 64 bits and then going through all 64 bits.
At first I thought you were asking if it was possible to have a CPU with no definitive register size. That make no sense since the number and size of the registers is a physical property of the hardware and cannot be changed.
However some architecture let the programmer work on a smaller part of a register or to pair registers.
The x86 does both for example, with add al, 9 (uses only 8 bits of the 64-bit rax) and div rbx (pairs rdx:rax to form a 128-bit register).
The reason this scheme is not so diffuse is that it comes with a lot of trade-offs.
More registers means more bits needed to address them, simply put: longer instructions.
Longer instructions mean less code density, more complex decoders and less performance.
Furthermore most elementary operations, like the logic ones, addition and subtraction are already implemented as operating on a full register in a single cycle.
Finally, one execution unit can handle only one instruction at a time, we cannot issue eight 8-bit additions in a 64-bit ALU at the same time.
So there wouldn't be any improvement, nor in the latency nor in the throughput.
Accessing partial registers is useful for the programmer to fan-out the number of available registers, so for example if an algorithm works with 16-bit data, the programmer could use a single physical 64-bit register to store four items and operate on them independently (but not in parallel).
The ISAs that have variable length instructions can also benefit from using partial register because that usually means smaller immediate values, for example and instruction that set a register to a specific value usually have an immediate operand that matches the size of register being loaded (though RISC usually sign-extends or zero-extends it).
Architectures like ARM (presumably others as well) supports half precision floats. The idea is to do what you were speculating and #Margaret explained. With half precision floats, you can pack two float values in a single register, thereby introducing less bandwidth at a cost of reduced accuracy.
[1] ARM
[2] GCC

256 bit fixed point arithmetic, the future?

Just some silly musings, but if computers were able to efficiently calculate 256 bit arithmetic, say if they had a 256 bit architecture, I reckon we'd be able to do away with floating point. I also wonder, if there'd be any reason to progress past 256 bit architecture? My basis for this is rather flimsy, but I'm confident that you'll put me straight if I'm wrong ;) Here's my thinking:
You could have a 256 bit type that used the 127 or 128 bits for integers, 127 or 128 bits for fractional values, and then of course a sign bit. If you had hardware that was capable of calculating, storing and moving such big numbers with no problems, I reckon you'd be set to handle any calculation you'd come across.
One example: If you were working with lengths, and you represented all values in meters, then the minimum value (2^-128 m) would be smaller than the planck length, and the biggest value (2^127 m) would be bigger than the diameter of the observable universe. Imagine calculating light-years of distances with a precision smaller than a planck length?
Ok, that's only one example, but I'm struggling to think of any situations that could possibly warrant bigger and smaller numbers than that. Any thoughts? Are there possible problems with fixed point arithmetic that I haven't considered? Are there issues with creating a 256 bit architecture?
SIMD will make narrow types valuable forever. If you can do a 256bit add, you can do eight 32bit integer adds in parallel on the same hardware (by not propagating carry across element boundaries). Or you can do thirty-two 8bit adds.
Hardware multiplier circuits are a lot more expensive to make wider, so it's not a good assumption to assume that a 256b X 256b multiplier will be practical to build.
Even besides SIMD considerations, memory bandwidth / cache footprint is a huge deal.
So 4B float will continue to be excellent for being precise enough to be useful, but small enough to pack many elements into a big vector, or in cache.
Floating-point also allows a much wider range of numbers by using some of its bits as an exponent. With mantissa = 1.0, the range of IEEE binary64 double goes from 2-1022 to 21023, for "normal" numbers (53-bit mantissa precision over the whole range, only getting worse for denormals (gradual underflow)). Your proposal only handles numbers from about 2-127 (with 1 bit of precision) to 2127 (with 256b of precision).
Floating point has the same number of significant figures at any magnitude (until you get into denormals very close to zero), because the mantissa is fixed width. Normally this is a useful property, especially when multiplying or dividing. See Fixed Point Cholesky Algorithm Advantages for an example of why FP is good. (Subtracting two nearby numbers is a problem, though...)
Even though current SIMD instruction sets already have 256b vectors, the widest element width is 64b for add. AVX2's widest multiply is 32bit * 32bit => 64bit.
AVX512DQ has a 64b * 64b -> 64b (low half) vpmullq, which may show up in Skylake-E (Purley Xeon).
AVX512IFMA introduces a 52b * 52b + 64b => 64bit integer FMA. (VPMADD52LUQ low half and VPMADD52HUQ high half.) The 52 bits input precision is clearly so they can use the FP mantissa multiplier hardware, instead of requiring separate 64bit integer multipliers. (A full vector width of 64bit full-multipliers would be even more expensive than vpmullq. A compromise design like this even for 64bit integers should be a big hint that wide multipliers are expensive). Note that this isn't part of baseline AVX512F either, and may show up in Cannonlake, based on a Clang git commit.
Supporting arbitrary-precision adds/multiplies in SIMD (for crypto applications like RSA) is possible if the instruction set is designed for it (which Intel SSE/AVX isn't). Discussion on Agner Fog's recent proposal for a new ISA included an idea for SIMD add-with-carry.
For actually implementing 256b math on 32 or 64-bit hardware, see https://locklessinc.com/articles/256bit_arithmetic/ and https://gmplib.org/. It's really not that bad considering how rarely it's needed.
Another big downside to building hardware with very wide integer registers is that even if the upper bits are usually unused, out-of-order execution hardware needs to be able to handle the case where it is used. This means a much larger physical register file compared to an architecture with 64-bit registers (which is bad, because it needs to be very fast and physically close to other parts of the CPU, and have many read ports). e.g. Intel Haswell has 168-entry PRFs for integer and FP/SIMD.
The FP register file already has 256b registers, so I guess if you were going to do something like this, you'd do it with execution units that used the SIMD vector registers as inputs/outputs, not by widening the integer registers. But the FP/SIMD execution units aren't normally connected to the integer carry flag, so you might need a separate SIMD-carry register for 256b add.
Intel or AMD already could have implemented an instruction / execution unit for adding 128b or 256b integers in xmm or ymm registers, but they haven't. (The max SIMD element width even for addition is 64-bit. Only shuffles operate on the whole register as a unit, and then only with byte-granularity or wider.)
128 bit computers. It is also about addressing memory and when we run out 64-bits when addressing memory. Currently there are servers with 4TB memory. That requires about 42 bits (2^42 > 4 x 10^12). If we assume that memory prices halves every second year then we need one bit more every second year. We still have 22 bits left so at least 2 * 22 years and it is likely that memory prices are not dropping that fast -> more than 50 years when we run out of 64-bits addressing capabilities.

Minimizing global memory reads in OpenCL with vectors?

Suppose my kernel takes 4 (or 3, or 2) unrelated float or double args, or that I want to access 4 separate floats from global memory. Will this cause 4 separate global memory accesses? Is accessing a single vector of 4 floats or doubles faster than accessing 4 separate ones? If so, am I better off packing them into a single vector and then, say, using #defines to reference the individual members?
If this does increase the performance, do I have to do it myself, or might the compiler be smart enough to automatically convert 4 separate float reads into a single vector for me? Is this what "auto-vectorization" is? I've seen auto-vectorization mentioned in a few documents, without detailed explanation of exactly what it does, except that it seems to be an optional performance optimization for CPUs only, not GPUs.
Using vectors depends on kernel itself. If you need all four values at same time (for example: at start of kernel, at start of loop), it's better to pack them, because they will be assigned during one read (Values in single vector are stored sequential).
On the other hand, when you need only some of the values, you can speed up execution by reading only what you need.
Another case is when you read them one by one, each reading divided by some computation (i.e. give GPU some time to fetch data).
Basically, this data read segments, behaves like buffer. If you have enough instances, number of reads is same (in optional cause) and what really counts is how well are these reads used.
Compiler often unpack these structures so only speedup is, that you have all variables nicely stored, so when you read, you fill them all up with one read and rest of buffer is used for another instance.
As example, I will use 128 bits wide bus and 4 floats (32 bits).
(32b * 4) / 128b = 1 instance/read
For scalar data types, there are N reads (N = number of variables), each read filling one variable in each instance up to the number of fetched variables.
32b / 128b = 4 instance/read
So in my examples, if you have 4 instances, there will always be at least 4 reads no matter what and only thing, you can do with this is cover fetching time by some computation, if it's even possible.
