Why is the register length static in any CPU - performance

Why is the register length (in bits) that a CPU operates on not dynamically/manually/arbitrarily adjustable? Would it make the computer slower if it was adjustable this way?
Imagine you had an 8-bit integer. If you could adjust the CPU register length to 8 bits, the CPU would only have to go through the first 8 bits instead of extending the 8-bit integer to 64 bits and then going through all 64 bits.

At first I thought you were asking if it was possible to have a CPU with no definitive register size. That make no sense since the number and size of the registers is a physical property of the hardware and cannot be changed.
However some architecture let the programmer work on a smaller part of a register or to pair registers.
The x86 does both for example, with add al, 9 (uses only 8 bits of the 64-bit rax) and div rbx (pairs rdx:rax to form a 128-bit register).
The reason this scheme is not so diffuse is that it comes with a lot of trade-offs.
More registers means more bits needed to address them, simply put: longer instructions.
Longer instructions mean less code density, more complex decoders and less performance.
Furthermore most elementary operations, like the logic ones, addition and subtraction are already implemented as operating on a full register in a single cycle.
Finally, one execution unit can handle only one instruction at a time, we cannot issue eight 8-bit additions in a 64-bit ALU at the same time.
So there wouldn't be any improvement, nor in the latency nor in the throughput.
Accessing partial registers is useful for the programmer to fan-out the number of available registers, so for example if an algorithm works with 16-bit data, the programmer could use a single physical 64-bit register to store four items and operate on them independently (but not in parallel).
The ISAs that have variable length instructions can also benefit from using partial register because that usually means smaller immediate values, for example and instruction that set a register to a specific value usually have an immediate operand that matches the size of register being loaded (though RISC usually sign-extends or zero-extends it).

Architectures like ARM (presumably others as well) supports half precision floats. The idea is to do what you were speculating and #Margaret explained. With half precision floats, you can pack two float values in a single register, thereby introducing less bandwidth at a cost of reduced accuracy.
[1] ARM
[2] GCC


Relation between computer architecture and cache block size

Suppose memory is byte addressable and cache block size is 4 bytes . So in one cache access 1 block is accessed. Does it means computer architecture is of 32 bit. My question is what derivation you can make about computer architecture if you are given about cache block size
No, usually cache block size is larger than the register width, to take advantage of spatial locality between nearby full-register-width loads / stores which is typical. Making cache as fine-grained a 4-byte chunks costs a large amount of overhead (tags and so on) compared to the amount of storage needed for the actual data. e.g. 20 tag bits, plus "dirty" and other MESI state per 32-bit cache line, might mean that a 32 kiB (usable space) cache needs more like 56 kiB of raw SRAM storage, and that's without considering ECC or parity.
If a CPU has a floating-point unit, it can often do 64-bit loads/stores, even if the integer register width is only 32-bit. (Or even wider with SIMD, or load-pair / store-pair instructions.)
Typical real-world cache sizes are 64 bytes on modern systems, and formerly 32 bytes on earlier CPUs like Pentium III. 64 bytes is the DDR SDRAM burst size, so it's a good choice for the size of off-chip memory accesses. (Recent Intel systems with AVX-512 SIMD can load/store a whole 64-byte (512-bit) cache line with a single instruction, though. SIMD vector width has caught up to cache line size. But integer accesses are still at most 8 bytes wide.)
There's no relationship between cache block size and architecture bitness. You definitely want the block size to be at least as wide as a normal load / store, but it would be possible to build a 64-bit machine with 32-bit cache blocks. That would mean 64-bit loads take two cache accesses to do it, so it would be a really bad idea unless your usual workload consisted of using 64-bit addresses in registers to access scattered 32-bit values, and you wanted to optimize for that without caring about efficiency of anything else.
Most 64-bit ISAs can work with 32 or 64-bit data equally efficiently. Some, notably x86-64, don't even have what you'd call a "word size". There's no one native access size that's most efficient on x86-64, and instructions are an unaligned byte stream, not like ISAs with aligned 32-bit instruction words like RISC-V or AArch64.
So if you knew that the cache block size was 32-bit, it would be a good guess that the register width was at most 32-bit, but could be 8 or 16-bit. (Or 4-bit or possibly even 6-bit or something? With sizes smaller than 32-bit, for historical CPUs it often becomes a question of what one means by bitness: ALU, register, bus, fixed-width instruction? Notice that in earlier parts of the answer, I just talked about register width, not "32-bit CPU".)
If this was a real commercial design instead of a computer science example, an 8-bit machine would be the most likely; a normal 32-bit machine would use larger cache blocks but you could plausibly imagine finer granularity on a machine that could only load 1 byte at a time. (Of course, being an 8-bit machine doesn't imply that restriction; you could have a load-pair instruction, or FP registers that allow 32-bit or 64-bit loads/stores.)

How can x86 bsr/bsf have fixed latency, not data dependent? Doesn't it loop over bits like the pseudocode shows?

I am on the hook to analyze some "timing channels" of some x86 binary code. I am posting one question to comprehend the bsf/bsr opcodes.
So high-levelly, these two opcodes can be modeled as a "loop", which counts the leading and trailing zeros of a given operand. The x86 manual has a good formalization of these opcodes, something like the following:
IF SRC = 0
ZF ← 1;
DEST is undefined;
ZF ← 0;
temp ← OperandSize – 1;
WHILE Bit(SRC, temp) = 0
temp ← temp - 1;
DEST ← temp;
But to my suprise, bsf/bsr instructions seem to have fixed cpu cycles. According to some documents I found here: https://gmplib.org/~tege/x86-timing.pdf, seems that they always take 8 CPU cycles to finish.
So here are my questions:
I am confirming that these instructions have fixed cpu cycles. In other words, no matter what operand is given, they always take the same amount of time to process, and there is no "timing channel" behind. I cannot find corresponding specifications in Intel's official documents.
Then why it is possible? Apparently this is a "loop" or somewhat, at least high-levelly. What is the design decision behind? Easier for CPU pipelines?
BSF/BSR performance is not data dependent on any modern CPUs. See https://agner.org/optimize/, https://uops.info/, or http://instlatx64.atw.hu/ for experimental timing results, as well as the https://gmplib.org/~tege/x86-timing.pdf you found.
On modern Intel, they decode to 1 uop with 3 cycle latency and 1/clock throughput, running only on port 1. Ryzen also runs them with 3c latency for BSF, 4c latency for BSR, but multiple uops. Earlier AMD is sometimes even slower.
(Prefer rep bsf aka tzcnt in code that might run on AMD CPUs, if you don't need the FLAGS difference between bsf and tzcnt for zero inputs. lzcnt and tzcnt are fast on AMD as well, like 1 cycle latency with 3/clock throughput for lzcnt on Zen 2 (https://uops.info/). Unfortunately lzcnt and bsr aren't compatible that way, so you can't use it in an "optimistic" forward-compatible way, you have to know which you're getting.)
Your "8 cycle" (latency and throughput) cost appears to be for 32-bit BSF on AMD K8, from Granlund's table that you linked. Agner Fog's table agrees, (and shows it decodes to 21 uops instead of having a dedicated bit-scan execution unit. But the microcoded implementation is presumably still branchless and not data-dependent). No clue why you picked that number; K8 doesn't have SMT / Hyperthreading so the opportunity for an ALU-timing side channel is much reduced.
Do note that they have an output dependency on the destination register, which they leave unmodified if the input was zero. AMD documents this behaviour, Intel implements it in hardware but documents it as an "undefined" result, so unfortunately compilers won't take advantage of it and human programmers maybe should be cautious. IDK if some ancient 32-bit only CPU had different behaviour, or if Intel is planning to ever change (doubtful!), but I wish Intel would document the behaviour at least for 64-bit mode (which excludes any older CPUs).
lzcnt/tzcnt and popcnt on Intel CPUs (but not AMD) have the same output dependency before Skylake and before Cannon Lake (respectively), even though architecturally the result is well-defined for all inputs. They all use the same execution unit. (How is POPCNT implemented in hardware?). AMD Bulldozer/Ryzen builds their bit-scan execution unit without the output dependency baked in, so BSF/BSR are slower than LZCNT/TZCNT (multiple uops to handle the input=0 case, and probably also setting ZF according to the input, not the result).
(Taking advantage of that with intrinsics isn't possible; not even with MSVC's _BitScanReverse64 which uses a by-reference output arg that you could set first. MSVC doesn't respect the previous value and assumes it's output-only. VS: unexpected optimization behavior with _BitScanReverse64 intrinsic)
The pseudocode in the manual is not the implementation
(i.e. it's not necessarily how hardware or microcode works).
It gives precisely the same result in all cases, so you can use it to understand exactly what will happen for any corner cases the text leaves you wondering about. That is all.
The point is to be simple and easy to understand, and that means modeling things in terms of simple 2-input operations which happen serially. C / Fortran / typical pseudocode doesn't have operators for many-input AND, OR, or XOR, but you can build that in hardware up to a point (limited by fan-in, the opposite of fan-out).
Integer addition can be modelled as bit-serial ripple carry, but that's not how it's implemented! Instead, we get single-cycle latency for 64-bit addition with far fewer than 64 gate delays using tricks like carry lookahead adders.
The actual implementation techniques used in Intel's bit-scan / popcnt execution unit are described in US Patent US8214414 B2.
A merged datapath for PopCount and BitScan is described. A hardware
circuit includes a compressor tree utilized for a PopCount function,
which is reused by a BitScan function (e.g., bit scan forward (BSF) or
bit scan reverse (BSR)).
Selector logic enables the compressor tree to
operate on an input word for the PopCount or BitScan operation, based
on a microprocessor instruction. The input word is encoded if a
BitScan operation is selected.
The compressor tree receives the input
word, operates on the bits as though all bits have same level of
significance (e.g., for an N-bit input word, the input word is treated
as N one-bit inputs). The result of the compressor tree circuit is a
binary value representing a number related to the operation performed
(the number of set bits for PopCount, or the bit position of the first
set bit encountered by scanning the input word).
It's fairly safe to assume that Intel's actual silicon works similarly to this. Other Intel patents for things like out-of-order machinery (ROB, RS) do tend to match up with performance experiments we can perform.
AMD may do something different, but regardless we know from performance experiments that it's not data-dependent.
It's well known that fixed latency is a hugely beneficial thing for out-of-order scheduling, so it's very surprising when instructions don't have fixed latency. Sandybridge even went so far as to standardize uop latencies to simplify the scheduler and reduce the opportunities write-back conflicts. (e.g. a 3-cycle latency uop followed by a 2-cycle latency uop to the same port would produce 2 results in the same cycle). This meant making complex-LEA (with all 3 components: [disp + base + idx*scale]) take 3 cycles instead of just 2 for the 2 additions like on previous CPUs. There are no 2-cycle latency uops on Sandybridge-family. (There are some 2-cycle latency instructions, because they decode to 2 uops with 1c latency each. The scheduler schedules uops, not instructions).
One of the few exceptions to the rule of fixed latency for ALU uops is division / sqrt, which uses a not-fully-pipelined execution unit. Division is inherently iterative, unlike multiplication where you can make wide hardware that does the partial products and partial additions in parallel.
On Intel CPUs, variable-latency for L1d cache access can produce replays of dependent uops if the data wasn't ready when the scheduler optimistically hoped it would be.
Is there a penalty when base+offset is in a different page than the base?
Why does the number of uops per iteration increase with the stride of streaming loads?
Weird performance effects from nearby dependent stores in a pointer-chasing loop on IvyBridge. Adding an extra load speeds it up?
The 80x86 manual has a good description of the expected behavior, but that has nothing to do with how it's actually implemented in silicon in any model from any manufacturer.
Let's say that there's been 50 different CPU designs from Intel, 25 CPU designs from AMD, then 25 more from other manufacturers (VIA, Cyrix, SiS/Vortex, NSC, ...). Out of those 100 different CPU designs, maybe there's 20 completely different ways that BSF has been implemented, and maybe 10 of them have fixed timing, 5 have timing that depends on every bit of the source operand, and 5 depend on groups of bits of the source operand (e.g. maybe like "if highest 32 bits of 64-bit operand are zeros { switch to 32-bit logic that's 2 cycles faster }").
I am confirming that these instructions have fixed cpu cycles. In other words, no matter what operand is given, they always take the same amount of time to process, and there is no "timing channel" behind. I cannot find corresponding specifications in Intel's official documents.
You can't. More specifically, you can test or research existing CPUs, but that's a waste of time because next week Intel (or AMD or VIA or someone else) can release a new CPU that has completely different timing.
As soon as you rely on "measured from existing CPUs" you're doing it wrong. You have to rely on "architectural guarantees" that apply to all future CPUs. There is no "architectural guarantee". You have to assume that there may be a timing side-channel (even if there isn't for current CPUs)
Then why it is possible? Apparently this is a "loop" or somewhat, at least high-levelly. What is the design decision behind? Easier for CPU pipelines?
Instead of doing a 64-bit BSF, why not split it into a pair of 32-bit pieces and do them in parallel, then merge the results? Why not split it into eight 8-bit pieces? Why not use a table lookup for each 8-bit piece?
The answers posted have explained well that the implementation is different from pseudocode. But if you are still curious why the latency is fixed and not data dependent or uses any loops for that matter, you need to see electronic side of things.
One way you could implement this feature in hardware is by using a Priority encoder.
A priority encoder will accept n input lines that can be one or off (0 or 1) and give out the index of the highest priority line that is on. Below is a table from the linked Wikipedia article modified for a most significant set bit function.
input | output index of first set bit
0000 | xx undefined
0001 | 00 0
001x | 01 1
01xx | 10 2
1xxx | 11 3
x denotes the bit value does not matter and can be anything
If you see the circuit diagram on the article, there are no loops of any kind, it is all parallel.

256 bit fixed point arithmetic, the future?

Just some silly musings, but if computers were able to efficiently calculate 256 bit arithmetic, say if they had a 256 bit architecture, I reckon we'd be able to do away with floating point. I also wonder, if there'd be any reason to progress past 256 bit architecture? My basis for this is rather flimsy, but I'm confident that you'll put me straight if I'm wrong ;) Here's my thinking:
You could have a 256 bit type that used the 127 or 128 bits for integers, 127 or 128 bits for fractional values, and then of course a sign bit. If you had hardware that was capable of calculating, storing and moving such big numbers with no problems, I reckon you'd be set to handle any calculation you'd come across.
One example: If you were working with lengths, and you represented all values in meters, then the minimum value (2^-128 m) would be smaller than the planck length, and the biggest value (2^127 m) would be bigger than the diameter of the observable universe. Imagine calculating light-years of distances with a precision smaller than a planck length?
Ok, that's only one example, but I'm struggling to think of any situations that could possibly warrant bigger and smaller numbers than that. Any thoughts? Are there possible problems with fixed point arithmetic that I haven't considered? Are there issues with creating a 256 bit architecture?
SIMD will make narrow types valuable forever. If you can do a 256bit add, you can do eight 32bit integer adds in parallel on the same hardware (by not propagating carry across element boundaries). Or you can do thirty-two 8bit adds.
Hardware multiplier circuits are a lot more expensive to make wider, so it's not a good assumption to assume that a 256b X 256b multiplier will be practical to build.
Even besides SIMD considerations, memory bandwidth / cache footprint is a huge deal.
So 4B float will continue to be excellent for being precise enough to be useful, but small enough to pack many elements into a big vector, or in cache.
Floating-point also allows a much wider range of numbers by using some of its bits as an exponent. With mantissa = 1.0, the range of IEEE binary64 double goes from 2-1022 to 21023, for "normal" numbers (53-bit mantissa precision over the whole range, only getting worse for denormals (gradual underflow)). Your proposal only handles numbers from about 2-127 (with 1 bit of precision) to 2127 (with 256b of precision).
Floating point has the same number of significant figures at any magnitude (until you get into denormals very close to zero), because the mantissa is fixed width. Normally this is a useful property, especially when multiplying or dividing. See Fixed Point Cholesky Algorithm Advantages for an example of why FP is good. (Subtracting two nearby numbers is a problem, though...)
Even though current SIMD instruction sets already have 256b vectors, the widest element width is 64b for add. AVX2's widest multiply is 32bit * 32bit => 64bit.
AVX512DQ has a 64b * 64b -> 64b (low half) vpmullq, which may show up in Skylake-E (Purley Xeon).
AVX512IFMA introduces a 52b * 52b + 64b => 64bit integer FMA. (VPMADD52LUQ low half and VPMADD52HUQ high half.) The 52 bits input precision is clearly so they can use the FP mantissa multiplier hardware, instead of requiring separate 64bit integer multipliers. (A full vector width of 64bit full-multipliers would be even more expensive than vpmullq. A compromise design like this even for 64bit integers should be a big hint that wide multipliers are expensive). Note that this isn't part of baseline AVX512F either, and may show up in Cannonlake, based on a Clang git commit.
Supporting arbitrary-precision adds/multiplies in SIMD (for crypto applications like RSA) is possible if the instruction set is designed for it (which Intel SSE/AVX isn't). Discussion on Agner Fog's recent proposal for a new ISA included an idea for SIMD add-with-carry.
For actually implementing 256b math on 32 or 64-bit hardware, see https://locklessinc.com/articles/256bit_arithmetic/ and https://gmplib.org/. It's really not that bad considering how rarely it's needed.
Another big downside to building hardware with very wide integer registers is that even if the upper bits are usually unused, out-of-order execution hardware needs to be able to handle the case where it is used. This means a much larger physical register file compared to an architecture with 64-bit registers (which is bad, because it needs to be very fast and physically close to other parts of the CPU, and have many read ports). e.g. Intel Haswell has 168-entry PRFs for integer and FP/SIMD.
The FP register file already has 256b registers, so I guess if you were going to do something like this, you'd do it with execution units that used the SIMD vector registers as inputs/outputs, not by widening the integer registers. But the FP/SIMD execution units aren't normally connected to the integer carry flag, so you might need a separate SIMD-carry register for 256b add.
Intel or AMD already could have implemented an instruction / execution unit for adding 128b or 256b integers in xmm or ymm registers, but they haven't. (The max SIMD element width even for addition is 64-bit. Only shuffles operate on the whole register as a unit, and then only with byte-granularity or wider.)
128 bit computers. It is also about addressing memory and when we run out 64-bits when addressing memory. Currently there are servers with 4TB memory. That requires about 42 bits (2^42 > 4 x 10^12). If we assume that memory prices halves every second year then we need one bit more every second year. We still have 22 bits left so at least 2 * 22 years and it is likely that memory prices are not dropping that fast -> more than 50 years when we run out of 64-bits addressing capabilities.

overlapping variables and performance

Sorry in advance if I have some of this wrong. I may edit to correct later if it's not too disruptive.
When multiple variables are declared in adjacent memory, as I understand it, on a very low level, registers are created that encapsulate a number of bytes, commonly 1, 2, 4 or 8. This allows those bit ranges to be binary rotated, as well as thought of by the processor as numbers and so mutated with simple mathematics such as add, subtract, multiply and devide.
There may be abstraction reasons for not overlapping thease ranges, but as many langueges consider instructions to occur in a well defined sequential order that the coder will be aware of, are there any performance reasons to not overlap one or more in adjacent bytes of allocated memory?
For example in a block of allocated memory where every bit starts as 0. Bytes 0 to 3 could be being used as an int, as well as bytes 1 to 4. The first could be set to a value before the second range was multiplied by 3.
If there are performance reasons not to then are they overcome by otherwise having to to copy values in and out of completely new variables and perform more complicated processes to achieve certain algorithms that could otherwise be done on a very low level?
There is nothing wrong with this trick when it is done in assembly: optimizers have been routinely making use of knowing where parts of an integer are to save CPU cycles and reduce the size of the code. For example, when a 32-bit integer variable is initialized to a value that fits in only 16 bits, optimizing compilers would replace the instruction that stores a 32-bit value in memory with a faster instruction that stores a 16-bit value to the lower bits of the variable, and clear the upper 16 bits. Moreover, many optimizers would go even further: if a constant is divisible by 2^16, they would store the value divided by 2^16 to the upper 16 bits, and clear lower 16 bits.
Some architectures restrict such manipulations to addresses of certain properties, for example, by requiring all 4-byte memory load/store instructions to be done at addresses divisible by four. These restrictions may reduce applicability of partial-value writing tricks.

Data Types additions larger than word

How are large data types(Double/Float) loaded in to registers for Arithmetic operations ? Can registers hold more than a word size data ? If only 2 registers can be added to load the result to third register, then what happens with data types larger than single register ?
For example, in the SPARCv8 ABI, 64-bit doubles are loaded into two 32-bit registers, and FP operations work on two registers are the same time. fsqrtd %f10, %f8 takes the value in %f10:%f11 and writes the rooted result to %f8:%f9. On x86_32, you can observe something similar when doing 32x32->64 multiplications where the result will be in edx:eax (or so). Same actually with 16x16->32 multiplications in 286 mode where the result goes to dx:ax.
First, CPUs typically have separate register files for integer and floating point numbers.
In the 80's a few CPUs tried using a unified register space but found that to be a bandwidth bottleneck. Because floating point operations are almost always multi-cycle, and there's always a fair amount of integer-based flow control intermixed, it is more efficient to have separate register spaces being accessed simultaneously.
Secondly, for some architectures, floating point register files are all 80-bit extended floats ("long double" in C). Doubles and floats are extended to that format when loaded, and the extended format is rounded and truncated when being stored.
For integer operation, this depends on the architecture. Since 64-bit was an after-thought for x86, it overlays 8-bit (AL and AH), 16-bit (AX), 32-bit (EAX), and 64-bit (RAX) all on the same physical register, each accessed by different addressing modes. On the other hand, some RISC architectures treat numbers in registers as 64-bit for MOST operations, only caring about word size on loads and stores.
