I want to use regex in bash at line of variable assignment
oldip_a="" //How to use regex on this line.
How to use regex to del all '\' in $oldip? Then assign to new value to $oldip_a.
Do you have any idea?
I believe you want to use string replacement like this:
Or something like that... Of course there's always some battle escaping backslashes!
A more obvious example:
search for "replace all matches" on this page:
Here's how you can do it:
oldip_a=`echo $oldip | sed 's/[\]//g'`
echo $oldip_a
Essentially what I am trying to do is take a string with a bunch of text and if it has a substring of "$$" to replace it with a substring of "$$$"
# Modify string
echo $string
# ^ should give "abcde$$$fghi"
I have been at this for like 2 hours now and it seems like a very simple thing, so if anyone could provide some help then I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
EDIT: Changed original string in the question from "abcde$$fghi" to "abcde\$\$fghi"
$$ is a special variable in the shell, it contains the ID of the current process. The variables are expanded in double quotes, therefore string does not contain $$ but a number (the PID of shell) instead.
Enclose the string in apostrophes (single quotes) to get $$ inside it.
The replacement you need can be done in multiple ways. The simplest way (probably) and also the fastest way (for sure) is to use / in the parameter expansion of $string:
echo "${string/'$$'/'$$$'}"
To make it work you have to use the same trick as before: wrap $$ and $$$ in single quotes to prevent the shell replace them with something else. The quotes around the entire expression are needed to preserve the space characters contained by $string, otherwise the line is split to words by whitspaces and and echo outputs these words separated by one space character.
Check it online.
If you quote the string with single quote marks (i.e. string='abcde$$fghi') you can do the replacement with echo "${string/'$$'/'$$$'}"
Edit: this is basically what #axiac said in their comment
I'm trying to extract a tag value of an HTML node that I already have in a variable.
I'm currently using Zsh but I'm trying to make it work in Bash as well.
The current variable has the value:
<span class="alter" fill="#ffedf0" data-count="0" data-more="none"/>
and I would like to get the value of data-count (in this case 0, but could be any length integer).
I have tried using cut, sed and the variables expansion as explained in this question but I haven't managed to adapt the regexs, or maybe it has to be done differently for Zsh.
There is no reason why sed would not work in this situation. For your specific case, I would do something like this:
sed 's/.*data-count="\([0-9]*\)".*/\1/g' file_name.txt
Basically, it just states that sed is looking for the a pattern that contains data-count=, then saves everything within the paranthesis \(...\) into \1, which is subsequently printed in place of the match (full line due to the .*)
Could you please try following.
awk 'match($0,/data-count=[^ ]*/){print substr($0,RSTART+12,RLENGTH-13)}' Input_file
Explanation: Using match function of awk to match regex data-count=[^ ]* means match everything from data-count till a space comes, if this regex is TRUE(a match is found) then out of the box variables RSTART and RLENGTH will be set. Later I am printing current line's sub-string as per these variables values to get only value of data-count.
With sed could you please try following.
sed 's/.*data-count=\"\([^"]*\).*/\1/' Input_file
Explanation: Using sed's capability of group referencing and saving regex value in first group after data-count=\" which is its length, then since using s(substitution) with sed so mentioning 1 will replace all with \1(which is matched regex value in temporary memory, group referencing).
As was said before, to be on the safe side and handle any syntactically valid HTML tag, a parser would be strongly advised. But if you know in advance, what the general format of your HTML element will look like, the following hack might come handy:
Assume that your variable is called "html"
html='<span class="alter" fill="#ffedf0" data-count="0" data-more="none"/>'
First adapt it a bit:
htmlx="tag ${html%??}"
This will add the string tag in front and remove the final />
Now make an associative array:
declare -A fields
fields=( ${=$(tr = ' ' <<<$htmlx)} )
The tr turns the equal sign into a space and the ${= handles word splitting. You can now access the values of your attributes by, say,
echo $fields[data-count]
Note that this still has the surrounding double quotes. Yuo can easily remove them by
echo ${${fields[data-count]%?}#?}
Of course, once you do this hack, you have access to all attributes in the same way.
I have this string DFUB1AG.T1310LC.C140206.XIYG000.FCIPHE31 and I need to remove the first part of it. How can I do this?
As has been asked here is what I want to achieve.
Want to get this string that is separated by "."
And want to remove the first part of it to get the result as below
I have already achieved it by doing this way:
Okay guys I got it done by doing this.
# var=DFUB1AG.T1310LC.C140206.XIYG000.FCIPHE31
# var=${var#*.}
# echo $var
# T1310LC.C140206.XIYG000.FCIPHE31
If STRING is your variable, and you want to strip everything before first dot you can say STRING=${STRING#*.} ........Removes shortest match at beginning of string of any character followed by a dot.
echo "$VarWithYourString" | sed "s/^[^.]\{1,\}./"
sed "s/^[^.]\{1,\}./" YourFileInput
I have a bash string which looks like
from which I want to extract the part after the slash, i.e. "1.2.3-abc" if and only if the string starts with the phrase "tags/". If the latter is not the case, I want to the string as it is.
Input: tags/1.2.3-abc Output: 1.2.3-abc
Input: 1.2.3-abc Output: 1.2.3-abc
Input: trunk Output: trunk
Sounds like a job for the substitution operators in Bash.
Try something like:
echo ${TEST#tags/}
You can read more about this syntax here: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Shell-Parameter-Expansion
Beside cut command you could also use bash string manipulation for your problem
if test ${TEST#tags/*}; #Test that $TEST contains "tags/*" expression
TEST=${TEST:5}; #Re-assign to $TEST the substring after the "tags/"
I am writing a shell (bash) script and I'm trying to figure out an easy way to accomplish a simple task.
I have some string in a variable.
I don't know if this is relevant, but it can contain spaces, newlines, because actually this string is the content of a whole text file.
I want to replace the last occurence of a certain substring with something else.
Perhaps I could use a regexp for that, but there are two moments that confuse me:
I need to match from the end, not from the start
the substring that I want to scan for is fixed, not variable.
for truncating at the start: ${var#pattern}
truncating at the end ${var%pattern}
${var/pattern/repl} for general replacement
the patterns are 'filename' style expansion, and the last one can be prefixed with # or % to match only at the start or end (respectively)
it's all in the (long) bash manpage. check the "Parameter Expansion" chapter.
amn expression like this
s/match string here$/new string/
should do the trick - s is for sustitute, / break up the command, and the $ is the end of line marker. You can try this in vi to see if it does what you need.
I would look up the man pages for awk or sed.
Javier's answer is shell specific and won't work in all shells.
The sed answers that MrTelly and epochwolf alluded to are incomplete and should look something like this:
MyString="stuff ttto be edittted"
NewString=`echo $MyString | sed -e 's/\(.*\)ttt\(.*\)/\1xxx\2/'`
The reason this works without having to use the $ to mark the end is that the first '.*' is greedy and will attempt to gather up as much as possible while allowing the rest of the regular expression to be true.
This sed command should work fine in any shell context used.
Usually when I get stuck with Sed I use this page,