Visual Studio 2010 Find Green Squiggly Lines - visual-studio-2010

Is there a way to find all the green squiggly lines in Visual Studio 2010 other than visually scanning each markup file?

Open the error list panel, enable the warning 'option'.
See green line for Warning (2)....
The warning appears to only appear for files that are open. So keep an eye on that panel as you are working. You could do a blanket-open-all-files in VS to check for any missed warnings.

Menu View > Error List
Green wiggly lines mean they're warnings (as opposed to the red ones, those are errors and would impede your code from building)
Double clicking separate warnings (and errors likewise) will take you to them in your code file.


Visual Studio IDE - strange suggestion

Sometimes my Visual Studio IDE tries to "help" me with this strange behavior:
(look at the red border and gray tooltip about Tab suggestion)
but in reality it's very annoying and I make more mistakes if I suddenly press the Tab button.
How can I turn off this sugestion / help of Visual studio?
It seems the problem is global. Vote here if you want Microsoft to fix it soon:
The red AI highlighting with the arrow and tab to replace is not working correctly

How can I find all unsed using statements with ReSharper?

I want to find all unused using statements in my Xamarin C# project using Visual Studio and ReSharper.
How can I do this?
You can see the unused using statements as warnings in ReSharper Errors/Warnings in Solution window.
You can open it by,
Navigating to ReSharper | Windows | Solution Errors or,
By double clicking on the Errors/Warnings link at the bottom right corner of Visual Studio
In the appearing window, click on ⚠️ icon to show warnings. If there are unused using statements there will be warnings listed. Expand the warnings to find using statement related warnings.
Double clicking on the warning will take you to the relevant file. The unused using statement can be found in gray colour.
Note: Enable Solution Wide Analysis and Reanalyze All to make sure you want miss anything.

Visual Studio (C++) highlighting TODO and compiler errors in the margin with colored marker?

Is there a way in Visual Studio (2012, C++) to allow the IDE to highlight compiler errors and TODO comments (like how Eclipse shows them- as a colored line near the current file's scrollbar)?
I know there is a window called Task List, but I don't want another window- just the lines "highlighted" near the scrollbar.
Enhanced Scrollbar from Productivity Power Tools 2012 shows compiler errors, changes, bookmarks and breakpoints near the scrollbar, but not tasks.

No option to suppress StyleCop warnings in context menu

I have just installed StyleCop v4.7.36.0 and am using Visual Studio 2010.
When I run StyleCop on the solution or individual project the warnings are being correctly reported in the Error List window.
When I right click, however there is no option to suppress the warning message(s).
Is there any way to fix this? I really don't want to have to resort to manually editing the GlobalSuppressions.cs file.
Right click on your project inside visual studio project explorer. And then to StyleCop settings. You can disable any warning you want from the window that is shown.
You can find the specific warning from the code as it appears in your picture. So for example to disable the first warning show, you'd go to warning 1633 in the StyleCop settings window and just uncheck what you want.

No more red dot on scroll bar in Visual Studio 2012

At Visual Studio 2010, there will be a red dot(s) on scroll bar indicated where your code has errors. Also a other color dots for other message etc.
But after installed Visual Studio 2012, I cannot see this feature anywhere, tried toolbar-options, nowhere to found.
Am I miss something? Or Microsoft just removed this feature.
Sample of Visual Studio 2010
And Visual Studio 2012, where these nice little dot candy go?
The dots you see on the scrollbar are definitely a feature of the "Productivity Power Tools" Extensions "Enhanced Scrollbar".
There are 3 Modes to enhance the Scrollbar, your Screenshot displays the first (default) one.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no equivalent for VS2012. Or does anyone know of an extension that improves the scrollbar like that?
Is it possible you were using the jetbrains resharper tool? That provides the feature you describe, but I don't recall ever seeing it in visual studio
Have you got code errors? :P
Check the editor settings out, I am pretty sure it is there it might just be off by default.
As you add code and build your solution, you may see different-colored wavy underlines (known as squiggles) appearing in your code. These marks notify you of problems Visual Studio has detected in your code. For example, red squiggles denote syntax errors, blue squiggles denote compiler errors, green squiggles denote warnings, and purple squiggles denote other types of error. For example, they are used for "rude" edits in Visual Basic, which are changes that are made during Edit and Continue and that will result in compiler errors.
You can see the default color for each error and warning squiggle in the Tools/Options/Environment/Fonts and Colors dialog box. Look for Syntax Error, Compiler Error, Warning, and Other Error.
From here:
