Visual Studio IDE - strange suggestion - visual-studio

Sometimes my Visual Studio IDE tries to "help" me with this strange behavior:
(look at the red border and gray tooltip about Tab suggestion)
but in reality it's very annoying and I make more mistakes if I suddenly press the Tab button.
How can I turn off this sugestion / help of Visual studio?

It seems the problem is global. Vote here if you want Microsoft to fix it soon:
The red AI highlighting with the arrow and tab to replace is not working correctly


Turn off coloured change tracking areas in Visual Studio 2022

Visual Studio 2022 now shows if content is edited or new on the left side of the text editor:
I think this used to be in the scrollbar and could be turned off there. Now I don't see it in scrollbar options and can find nothing on google about turning it off.
Right clicking on it does nothing, I've looked around in Options but can see nothing.
How do I turn this off?
Open Visual a Visual Studio Project go to : Tools/Option/Text Editor/ General And turn Off the Flag on 'Track Changes' checkbox.

How do i turn off a Visual Studio refactor tool. (and use the resharper one)

I'm using Visual Studio and ReSharper. When clicking a "switch" statement, sometimes a "black hammer" icon is displayed and sometimes it's a yellow lightbulb. Like this:
i'm not sure which one is which, but i think, one of the icons is displayed by visual studio, the other by resharper. (i assume the yellow one is resharper, because it has more funktionality and for design reasons.).
is there a way i can turn off the "black hammer" one alltogether? Or, is there a reproducible way to allways get the same icon? Right now i have no idea why sometimes the hammer comes up and the lightbulb other times.
The 'bulb' and 'hammer' icons are both supplied by ReSharper (see here). You can merge the Visual Studio features with ReSharper's by adjusting the ReSahrper->Options...->Environment->Editor->Visual Studio Features settings.
You can change the icon theme by adjusting ReSharper->Options...->Environment->General

Is there a way to "bind" my Mouse4 button to "Navigate Backwards" in visual studio?

The title pretty much explains the whole question. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Premium, I like the Navigate Backward command for when I right click on something and do go to definition and then I want to go back to where I was Navigate Backward works. But I'm so used to my mouse button button doing that, I've noticed I've starting using it in Visual Studio and expecting it to go back but it doesn't. I know how to change the command to a different key press, but is there a way to make it work on a mouse button?
This seems to be a (pointless) Limitation of the C++ IDE in Visual Studio. In C# the mouse buttons work as expected, but not in C++.
There are several Addins for Visual Studio to cover this functionality, I'll point you to the one that I found in this answer:
This Add-In worked for me. I could also upgrade it to Visual Studio 2012 by simply changing the Version-Tag in the Addin-file to "11.0".

No more red dot on scroll bar in Visual Studio 2012

At Visual Studio 2010, there will be a red dot(s) on scroll bar indicated where your code has errors. Also a other color dots for other message etc.
But after installed Visual Studio 2012, I cannot see this feature anywhere, tried toolbar-options, nowhere to found.
Am I miss something? Or Microsoft just removed this feature.
Sample of Visual Studio 2010
And Visual Studio 2012, where these nice little dot candy go?
The dots you see on the scrollbar are definitely a feature of the "Productivity Power Tools" Extensions "Enhanced Scrollbar".
There are 3 Modes to enhance the Scrollbar, your Screenshot displays the first (default) one.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no equivalent for VS2012. Or does anyone know of an extension that improves the scrollbar like that?
Is it possible you were using the jetbrains resharper tool? That provides the feature you describe, but I don't recall ever seeing it in visual studio
Have you got code errors? :P
Check the editor settings out, I am pretty sure it is there it might just be off by default.
As you add code and build your solution, you may see different-colored wavy underlines (known as squiggles) appearing in your code. These marks notify you of problems Visual Studio has detected in your code. For example, red squiggles denote syntax errors, blue squiggles denote compiler errors, green squiggles denote warnings, and purple squiggles denote other types of error. For example, they are used for "rude" edits in Visual Basic, which are changes that are made during Edit and Continue and that will result in compiler errors.
You can see the default color for each error and warning squiggle in the Tools/Options/Environment/Fonts and Colors dialog box. Look for Syntax Error, Compiler Error, Warning, and Other Error.
From here:

Visual Studio 2010 - Productivity Power Tools - Highlight Current Line's colour resets on VS reload

I have Visual Studio 2010 Pro installed with "Productivity Power Tools" being the only extention and "Highlight Current Line" the only option enbled on that extention.
I then change the colour of the "Current Line (Extention)" to a darker colour (as my background is black not white and the light grey is to harsh)
BUT every time I open/restart Visual Stuio 2010 the current line is highlighted with the default light grey colour again. I can correct this by opening up "Tools", "Options...", "Enviroment", "Fonts and Colors" and clicking "OK" but I need to do this EVERY TIME I load VS2010.
Does anyone know a work around or solution to this?
Thanks in Advance.
Just to be clear the settings are NOT lost they are just not applied after I start VS2010 until I enter the "Fonts and Colors" option section and just click OK.
I don't even need to change or reapply the settings as they are already there! I suspect a fault in the power tools extension but from what I have read on the site MS aren't updating them now as they are working on the next version of VS.
I know of no real reason this is happening to you. I suggest you get the latest updates of Visual Studio 2010 and Power Tools if you haven't already.
As a work around you might save your settings through the Tools|Import and Export Settings menu. Export only Options>Environment>Fonts and Colors
Disable the powertools option for current line highlight and enable the Resharper current line highlight.
Works like a charm
