On Visualforce page i want to display INLINE EDIT function - visualforce

I need Inline edit function on single row by using visualforce. For example i have one row with two buttons are EDIT/DELETE i want to edit on that button that will be display on entire row.

This is a broad question so I'll answer it broadly. A good pattern to get this done is the following:
Create a wrapper class that has an action method for your edit buttons
In constructor of wrapper class pass in SObject type that you are editing
Create a list of instances of this wrapper class in your main controller class
Create an apex:pageBlockTable that uses this list as its data
From here you know which item or edit button was clicked and can toggle the appropriate "edit state" values for them. For example, you could have a separate set of apex:inputText controls on the page that become visible when you click edit AND know the specific line you are editing from the command button / action function that set them.
Or more simply, just turn on inline editing for the standard or custom object and create an appropriate page layout to suit your needs. No coding needed.


MAUI Show/Hide controls based on mode New/Edit/View

I need an idea, please. I have a Details form which shows the fields of a model (about 10 fields in all). There are three modes in which I could show this view - in mode "Edit", in mode "New" (which, of course, is like an edit but without values), and in mode "View" (no changes allowed, just labels).
I could of course create three Details pages, one for each mode, and call them selectively, but I would like to have just one and pass the "DocumentMode" parameter to it. That View should bind to that mode and selectively show/hide controls, probably like "DocumentMode = VIEW => Show labels" or "DocumentMode = EDIT => Show Entry or Editor, show DatePicker, TimePicker, etc".
My question is this: How do I show/hide these groups of controls depending on the DocumentMode parameter ? Which would be the best way to do this ? I could probably bind the "IsVisible" property to my documentMode parameter, but I think that is a really ugly solution (and I assume that regardless of whether the controls are used or not in a specific mode, they will all be loaded anyway).
Thank you.
I think you can use a Listview or Collectionview to represent your data because you mentioned that you have 10 fields.
In addition, you said you need a "new" button, so you can set it at the top of the app as a button, when you click the button then you jump to another page which is blank and you can add the data.
This must refer to the shell you may need to set a navigation.
Then the "view" and the "edit" you can use the property SelectionChanged to control the item, I mean when you click the item in collectionview, the SelectionChanged method can be triggered and turn to another page which can show the detail about the item you clicked. In the page you can view and edit the data.
Here are some articles you might be able to use: Listview, Collectionview, Shell
If you have more information to add, please kindly share with me.

Oracle Forms Call Certain Canvases of Multiple Forms from Custom Menu (mmb)

I have one main form ("users.fmb"), one other form ("cards.fmb") and one custom menu ("menu.mmb"). I want to call canvases of forms according to which menu item selected.
For example: When I choose 1. item of menu, call canvas A of "users" form. When I choose 2. item of menu, call canvas B of "cards" form. Menu("menu.mmb") is related with main ("users") form.
How can I do this?
I tried to use
methods in different ways but it not worked.
if your menu is only attached to users.fmb, you won't be able to call again users.fmb from cards.fmb (except by exiting cards.fmb).
Also if you call again users.fmb from cards.fmb you will have 3 forms in your calling stack (users.fmb -> cards.fmb -> users.fmb), which is not a good idea.
I guess you would have to create another form acting as the main screen from which you can run either users.fmb or card.fmb (you can use CALL_FORM for this).
Also you can use SHOW_VIEW to display a specific Canvas but you will have to do this in the targeted Form.
You can pass the canvas name as a Form parameter (called e.g. "navigation_canvas") and in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger, if this parameter is not null you can then navigate to the desired canvas using SHOW_VIEW(:parameter.navigation_canvas)

Sitecore page editor dropdown

I would kindly ask for your help :) From couple of days I am trying to achieve "linked" custom field in content editor and dropdown in page editor.
Basically I want to have dropdown in page editor and content editor which are responsible for a same thing.
In my c# code i have enums which represent directions. I created custom field which accepts assembly and class with overridden onload method and successfully populate dropdown values in the content editor. So far so good but i have no idea how to create dropdown which will represent the same functionality inside page editor.
So please give me any ideas...
Judging from your reply to my comment you need to think of the following: How is my field value being rendered onto a page?
If you are always using 1 control to do this then you just need to ensure that this control has 2 different rendering modes depending on the Context.PageMode
But as I understand it you want this dropdown to also appear when someone renders your custom field using a <sc:FieldRenderer>. In this case you'll need to look into the RenderField pipeline of Sitecore. There you find a processor called RenderWebEditing. Possibly through some manipulation here you can get your dropdown appear as you wish.

How to get the stringValue of a Text Field Cell inside a Table View after editing the cell?

I have a standard Table View with the default settings inside my main nib. I use an Array Controller and Bindings for dealing with the data that the table view should show to the users. I already achieved that the "add" button inserts the new row and sets the first column to editing mode so the users can type their text immediately. My problem is i can't detect when the editing is over and i should save the new values. I couldn't find any delegate method and/or any notification for this purpose. I searched the internet and i couldn't find anything useful. I'm not even sure that i'm doing it right, i didn't add any specific thing, i just use the standard double click editing that the table view offers for each cell.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
If you have everything hooked up with bindings, you shouldn't need to save the data until you exit the program. When the array controller's add: method is called, the new record is added to the controller's arranged objects, and the array holding your data is also updated. So, you only need to save the array when your app closes.
However, if you wish to save the data after every edit, you can detect the end of the editing with the delegate method controlTextDidEndEditing:. You will get a notification after each column is finished editing (make sure to make the class where you implement this method the delegate of the table view).

FoxPro sum form fields

Using autogenerated form from a single database table. The form uses the class WizBtns included in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\Wizards. The form has Top, Previous, Next and Bottom buttons.
Although the form only has textboxes to enter data for the fields in the table, I have added a custom Text Box from the toolbox which basically intends to display the sum of some fields. I have bound the ControlSource of the text box to a PUBLIC variable costTotal that is created on the form init.
Now the problem is updating the sum of fields in the text box, or simply updating value of costTotal. Where to add the code for this? Adding the code in the form's Refresh method mixes up the value of costTotal, when I press Next button to update all fields with new values, the custom text box displays the sum of the last record which is mysterious.
I would add a method to the form to do the calculation. Then, call that method from the Valid method of each of the textboxes involved in the calculation.
There is nothing wrong with using the refresh event to recalculate the values, just make sure that you call the refresh each time the record changes
If you are using navigation buttons to move between records then the click event of EACH button is an ideal place to issue the refresh request :-
Assuming the textbox is called txtSum and is located on the same form as the navigation buttons then in each buttons click event add this code
with thisform
Couple of things:
1) do not use the wizards! Make your own base classes. Trying to figure out what the wizard classes do and how to add functionality will take more time that coding your own base classes. Also, the wizard generated code and classes must be at around 10/20 years old, much has changed since then (a polite way to say they suck).
2) Do not EVER use public variables in FoxPro, except for maybe an app object.
If this is a one shot thing, just add default textboxes and buttons and design the form yourself. You will have total control and you will know what each thing does.
