Oracle Forms Call Certain Canvases of Multiple Forms from Custom Menu (mmb) - oracle

I have one main form ("users.fmb"), one other form ("cards.fmb") and one custom menu ("menu.mmb"). I want to call canvases of forms according to which menu item selected.
For example: When I choose 1. item of menu, call canvas A of "users" form. When I choose 2. item of menu, call canvas B of "cards" form. Menu("menu.mmb") is related with main ("users") form.
How can I do this?
I tried to use
methods in different ways but it not worked.

if your menu is only attached to users.fmb, you won't be able to call again users.fmb from cards.fmb (except by exiting cards.fmb).
Also if you call again users.fmb from cards.fmb you will have 3 forms in your calling stack (users.fmb -> cards.fmb -> users.fmb), which is not a good idea.
I guess you would have to create another form acting as the main screen from which you can run either users.fmb or card.fmb (you can use CALL_FORM for this).
Also you can use SHOW_VIEW to display a specific Canvas but you will have to do this in the targeted Form.
You can pass the canvas name as a Form parameter (called e.g. "navigation_canvas") and in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger, if this parameter is not null you can then navigate to the desired canvas using SHOW_VIEW(:parameter.navigation_canvas)


MAUI Show/Hide controls based on mode New/Edit/View

I need an idea, please. I have a Details form which shows the fields of a model (about 10 fields in all). There are three modes in which I could show this view - in mode "Edit", in mode "New" (which, of course, is like an edit but without values), and in mode "View" (no changes allowed, just labels).
I could of course create three Details pages, one for each mode, and call them selectively, but I would like to have just one and pass the "DocumentMode" parameter to it. That View should bind to that mode and selectively show/hide controls, probably like "DocumentMode = VIEW => Show labels" or "DocumentMode = EDIT => Show Entry or Editor, show DatePicker, TimePicker, etc".
My question is this: How do I show/hide these groups of controls depending on the DocumentMode parameter ? Which would be the best way to do this ? I could probably bind the "IsVisible" property to my documentMode parameter, but I think that is a really ugly solution (and I assume that regardless of whether the controls are used or not in a specific mode, they will all be loaded anyway).
Thank you.
I think you can use a Listview or Collectionview to represent your data because you mentioned that you have 10 fields.
In addition, you said you need a "new" button, so you can set it at the top of the app as a button, when you click the button then you jump to another page which is blank and you can add the data.
This must refer to the shell you may need to set a navigation.
Then the "view" and the "edit" you can use the property SelectionChanged to control the item, I mean when you click the item in collectionview, the SelectionChanged method can be triggered and turn to another page which can show the detail about the item you clicked. In the page you can view and edit the data.
Here are some articles you might be able to use: Listview, Collectionview, Shell
If you have more information to add, please kindly share with me.

extjs Save component view state before removing it from parent component

Let me explain the my scenario. I am using ExtJS5. I have got a view component (let us name is viewOne) contain two combo boxes, button search and some action button, on click of search button the grid is populated. This viewOne is in a parent view component (viewParent). I need to load a second view (viewTwo) on selecting some grid row and clicking some action button a new view is loaded (viewTwo) in the parentView. When I come back from viewTwo to viewOne I need old values of combo boxes to re perform the search.
Currently I am storing the values of combo boxes in a store and set then when the after view render and call search. We have discarded card layout for this implementation.
I wanted to know how this can be done via Ext.state , I cannot find any example on the same that is close solution to my problem. Any other way of doing this ?
State seems reasonable for that. First of all you must set StateProvider (by calling Ext.state.Manager.setProvider) to instance of class which extends Ext.state.Provider.
Then state should work for you. Only thing that you must remember is to set stateful property to true and set stateId of the component.
Usually you don't need to save state by yourself. All built-in stateful components have defined state events. When such state event occur (eg. expand on panel) then state is saved automatically. You can customize state events by calling addStateEvents in initComponent.
To provide custom component state you should override applyState and getState methods. When you combine it with addStateEvents you have all what you need.

Marionette Layout object to render tab content

I have a region in which I need to have a tabbed view (simple) however if I want the tab content to be differently layout - not sure how to achieve it. I can create different layout with multiple region and corresponding view, but how do I attach this to tab content, given that applyout can only be attached to region? Or can this be attached to one of the div of tab-content using $el?? Need some pointers.
Not sure I entirely understand your question.. But here goes.
I have implemented a navigation component where I can pass a tabsCollection and region. It will set up a region for the content and a list of tabs above it. When a tab is clicked it will fire the callback on the model in the tabsCollection which can be used to display what ever content you want.
There are more complex ways to handle this to allow for caching of a tabs content. But basically using a Backbone collection for the tabs with their own function for displaying content will do the trick.

On Visualforce page i want to display INLINE EDIT function

I need Inline edit function on single row by using visualforce. For example i have one row with two buttons are EDIT/DELETE i want to edit on that button that will be display on entire row.
This is a broad question so I'll answer it broadly. A good pattern to get this done is the following:
Create a wrapper class that has an action method for your edit buttons
In constructor of wrapper class pass in SObject type that you are editing
Create a list of instances of this wrapper class in your main controller class
Create an apex:pageBlockTable that uses this list as its data
From here you know which item or edit button was clicked and can toggle the appropriate "edit state" values for them. For example, you could have a separate set of apex:inputText controls on the page that become visible when you click edit AND know the specific line you are editing from the command button / action function that set them.
Or more simply, just turn on inline editing for the standard or custom object and create an appropriate page layout to suit your needs. No coding needed.

Populating a subform with different displays as a GUI in Access 2007

This is my first time building a UI in Access (using Access 2007), and I'm wondering what is the Right Way (TM) of going about this.
Essentially, I have several different queries that I'd like to display as pivot charts, pivot tables, tables, and reports. Eventually I'm also going to have to build forms to manipulate the data as well, but the application's primary function is to display data.
I'm thinking of having a button for each different display down the left side of the main window, and having the rest of the window display each button's corresponding contents (e.g. a pivot chart).
I have an idea that this can be accomplished using a single subform in the main form, and setting the subform's Source Object property within a function such as this one:
Public Function SetSubformSourceObject(newSourceObject) As Variant
subform.SourceObject = newSourceObject
End Function
Then, for each button I'd set its OnClick property to call this function with the name of the query I'd like to run.
Now, I have no idea if this is the best way of going about things, and would really appreciate some input :)
The principle seems fair to me. You have to give it a try. You do not even need a form-subform structure. You can set your sourceObject at the form level, and have your buttons in a commandBar instead of having them as controls on the form, so you do not have any 'form specific' code (like "onCLick") and controls. action/command controls on a form are space, code and maintenance consuming, while commandbars are more generic and are THE object that can hold all your action controls.
