Accessing the Evernote API through Ruby - ruby

I have a bunch of notes in Evernote which I would like to access in a Rubyish way (instead of only using the web interface). I thought I'd use this gem (, which is "...a high level wrapper around Evernote's Thrift-generated ruby code. It bundles up Evernote's thrift-generated code and creates some simple wrapper classes."
I got a developer key, and the sample code here ( worked, giving me the correct name for my sandbox notebook.
However, I don't understand what to do next. By "simple wrapper classes" I was expecting the Evernote::EDAM::Type::Notebook object to be some Enumerable object that I could use blocks to query. I dunno, something like {|note| note.tags == 'foo'}
But when I do the notebook.TAB TAB trick in IRB to look at available methods, there is nothing like that. The author of the gem refers users to Evernote API at , and I can't make heads or tails of the thing. Am I out of luck until I fully understand what things like THRIFT means, or is there a simple listing of methods somewhere that I'm failing to look?

You shouldn't have to learn anything about Thrift. The data model wrapper classes (Note, Notebook, Tag, etc) are basically dumb structs; the methods to exercise them are on the endpoint classes, UserStore and NoteStore. For example, to get a list of Notebooks, you'd call NoteStore.listNotebooks. You can see some examples in the SDK under ruby/sample.

I've run into this issue recently, to use Ruby accessing the Evernote API. And here is the list which may help:
Official Ruby Demo
Evernote Developer Guide
Evernote API: All declarations
And I wrote a demo to make it more specific and straight.
Evernote API Ruby demo


Aliasing the Module in Google-API-client Gem

Summarize the problem:
Being relatively new to Ruby/Gems and developing in general, some concepts evade me
I'm learning about the google-api-client Gem, and am attempting to understand the Basic Usage, and want to know how a developer knows which class to use, when instantiating an ojbect, during the "aliasing of the module" portion:
To use an API, include the corresponding generated file and instantiate the service. For example to use the Drive API:
require 'google/apis/drive_v2'
Drive = Google::Apis::DriveV2 # Alias the module
drive = # why is ::DriveService used here?
Describe what I've tried:
I've searched through the reference documentation for the google-api-client for a clue about the "decision" to instantiate drive with
The best reason I've come up with is: DriveService is instantiated because it is the "BaseService" of the "DriveV2" Class.... but I'm reaching for straws with this logic.
My specific question is:
How does a developer using APIs and this Google-API-client Gem know which object to instantiate?
I have to imagine there's a more elegant "way" to determine which object to instantiate at this point of accessing an API than digging through the documentation of the Gem....I mean...the "BaseService" information is coming from the documentation for this specific Gem.....
Maybe this is a matter of me losing "scope" per say by the Google API and the ambiguously named Gem maintained by Google...
But then again...if I'm using this Gem...then this documentation would always apply, because I wouldn't be able to use this Gem if it wasn't a Google-API....
from the documentation
The link above is the necessary detail regarding Authorization for an API key.
If you're like me, and this subject is new to you, there are three topics that you need to understand:
The documentation for the google-api-client gem is robust enough to answer a lot of questions, however, my answer here is hopefully enough to get you pointed in the right direction.
I'm leaving the question up, in case anyone else needs some guidance regarding this same subject.

Get file metadata from Amazon s3

Im trying to figure out how to access the metadata from Amazons3 in Xcode. I found a few examples of code but I am not able to access the S3ObjectMetadatRequest object. Its not even popping up in intellisense. All the other code examples use a lower version of AWS3 sdk for ios. Can anynoe point me in the right direction?
jarmods amnswer is correct there is an object called AWSS3HeadObjectRequest which i would use, But im using the AFNetworking Subclass called "AFAmazonS3Manager". Its a much easier way to implement all the AWS methods plus it expands upon an already greatly managed Networking system. So to be clear jarmods answer is correct but if you want to use the subclass i decided to use the function is "headObjectWithPath".

What methods exist to auto-generate ruby client stubs from WSDL files?

I'm using Ruby and the Savon gem to interact with SOAP/WS and would like to auto-generate the client request methods from the WSDL in Ruby.
Before I do this, I'd like to know if there's any other Ruby/SOAP library that does this?
Edit: Please note, I already know this isn't available in Savon out the box, in fact my intention is to add in the feature, I'm in the process checking if this exists somewhere else written in Ruby.
Since it's only few days since you asked this question, and I've run into same problem I've decided to create small script to do that.
Download - save as objects.rb for example and run with _bunde exec objects.rb path_to.wsdl_
Let me know if it works ^^
Take a look at Savon's spec, it has pretty rich testing environment
I think ads_common by Google is relevant to you.
google-api-ads-ruby/ads_common at master ยท googleads/google-api-ads-ruby
rake generate can create the client libraries automatically from WSDL.
It is specialized for Google Ads, but this notion would be helpful to create a versatile client library automatically from WSDL in Ruby.

Is there a template for a website that accepts an uploaded file, does something, and lets the user download the result?

I have a few Ruby scripts that process text files in different ways, that many of my friends find useful. However, most of the people I know are not comfortable running scripts on the command line. The easiest thing for them would be to create a simple webpage where people could upload a file, select a few options, have it processed, and then download the result.
I know it wouldn't be too hard to build something like this in Rails or Merb or something like that, however it seems like a very common problem, so I was wondering if there was already some kind of template, or similar application that I could easily modify, i.e. let the user upload a file, choose a few options, then {fill in code to do something with file}, let the user download the resulting file?
In the past I used Carrierwave to upload user avatars.
If you are used to Rails it's really straightforward.
Let it be a TextFile resource:
gem 'carrierwave'
$ rails g scaffold textfile content:string title:string etc etc
$ rails g uploader textfile
class TextFile < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accesible :content
mount_uploader :content, TextFileUploader
And that is is pretty much all you have to do to obtain the app's skeleton. However, to answer your real question, no, I don't think there is already a rails app that does exactly that.
I found sinatra-fileupload, which pretty perfectly answers my question. It's a very minimalistic framework which works perfectly, I can just plug in the file handling, and change the layout etc a bit. There were many examples of sophisticated Rails plugins linked to databases, with versioning and stuff, but I really wanted the most minimal example.

How do I test a Curl based FaceBook API implementation?

I wrote my own FaceBook library that uses actual Curl requests, not libcurl.
Is there a way to test it? I'm asking this because most solutions involve using something like fakeweb which as far as I can tell will not work here.
The existing code can be found on my github page.
One approach would be to use a different host/port in test mode (eg localhost:12345)
Then in your test run a sinatra or webrick servlet on that port that you configure to respond to the requests your code should be making
You could mock Request.dispatcher with an expected behavior, pretty much like Fakeweb would do.
There are a few examples on this file, specially
When running your tests/specs, monkey-patch the run method of your Request class to hook into the Marston VCR library. See the existing library_hooks subdir for examples and ideas on how to do this -- the fakeweb implementation is a good place to start.
VCR works well with live services like Facebook's because it captures interactions "as is", and VCRs can be easily re-recorded when the services change.
I'm running into problems with your library, however. You need to require the cgi and json libraries; it also looks like it requires a Rails environment (it's failing to find with_indifferent_access on Hash).
