Aliasing the Module in Google-API-client Gem - ruby

Summarize the problem:
Being relatively new to Ruby/Gems and developing in general, some concepts evade me
I'm learning about the google-api-client Gem, and am attempting to understand the Basic Usage, and want to know how a developer knows which class to use, when instantiating an ojbect, during the "aliasing of the module" portion:
To use an API, include the corresponding generated file and instantiate the service. For example to use the Drive API:
require 'google/apis/drive_v2'
Drive = Google::Apis::DriveV2 # Alias the module
drive = # why is ::DriveService used here?
Describe what I've tried:
I've searched through the reference documentation for the google-api-client for a clue about the "decision" to instantiate drive with
The best reason I've come up with is: DriveService is instantiated because it is the "BaseService" of the "DriveV2" Class.... but I'm reaching for straws with this logic.
My specific question is:
How does a developer using APIs and this Google-API-client Gem know which object to instantiate?
I have to imagine there's a more elegant "way" to determine which object to instantiate at this point of accessing an API than digging through the documentation of the Gem....I mean...the "BaseService" information is coming from the documentation for this specific Gem.....
Maybe this is a matter of me losing "scope" per say by the Google API and the ambiguously named Gem maintained by Google...
But then again...if I'm using this Gem...then this documentation would always apply, because I wouldn't be able to use this Gem if it wasn't a Google-API....

from the documentation
The link above is the necessary detail regarding Authorization for an API key.
If you're like me, and this subject is new to you, there are three topics that you need to understand:
The documentation for the google-api-client gem is robust enough to answer a lot of questions, however, my answer here is hopefully enough to get you pointed in the right direction.
I'm leaving the question up, in case anyone else needs some guidance regarding this same subject.


Wagtail alongside Django Rest Framework drf-yasg?

I am implementing a Wagtail powered blog within a larger (primarily DRF) driven app. I'm attempting to use drf-yasg for my documentation.
Since installing wagtail, the docs are now throwing
'Request' object has no attribute 'wagtailapi_router'
It looks to be related to the introspection that drf-yasg does, and all I can find about excluding views from drf-yasg is done at the code level. Being an installed module obviously I want to avoid that.
Has anyone got these 2 (3) components playing nicely together?
It's been a very long time since you asked this question, but as I found this while looking for an answer myself, I thought I might share what worked for me.
Note that I'm not using drf-yasg, but rather DRF's own schema generator. They do however have a lot in common.
The problem in my case was that the schema generator URL was defined like this:
get_schema_view(title="My API Schema"),
What I needed to add was a patterns= argument that referenced my API specifically, leaving out the other non-API urls (like Wagtail):
get_schema_view(title="My API Schema", patterns=router.urls),
I hope that helps... someone :-D

Ruby Gems Documentation

I'm just trying to understand how to use particular ruby gems. For example, take this reddit gem. It says to have this code to start:
require 'snoo'
# Create a new instance of the client
reddit =
# Log into reddit
reddit.log_in 'Username', 'Password'
# Send a private message to me (Paradox!)
reddit.send_pm 'Paradox', 'Snoo rubygem rocks!', "Hey Paradox, I'm trying your Snoo rubygem out and it rocks. Thanks for providing such an awesome thing!"
# Log back out of reddit
Great but in the documentation you can see that the Client class doesn't have very many exciting functions. The exciting functions are in the Account class but there is no way to get to it...because if I try something like this
reddit =
I get this error:
`initialize': undefined method `new' for Snoo::Account:Module (NoMethodError)
Okay so there's no new method but how do I make an Account object and use its functions like log_in?
Snoo::Account is a Ruby Module, and has been mixed in to Snoo::Client already by the gem. All the functions of Snoo::Account are already available to you on the reddit object.
The synopsis documentation in the readme doesn't make this very clear. But otherwise the documentation on the gem looks good to me.
Taking a short look at the source code on github makes me believe this is a fault in the documentation, as client clearly includes the functionality of many other modules, including the Account module you would like to access. In your example code, try the following methods to confirm it for yourself:
reddit.is_a? Snoo::Account
I assume the documentation software didn't catch the includes as they were executed using a block.

How to use ckan gem Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network

Does anyone have a link to a tutorial on how to use the Ruby 'ckan' gem (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network). I want to access data , I downloaded the gem but how do I get to the data ? The documentation seems a bit sparse in this area
Many thanks for any help. My googling has turned up nothing so far so any help is much appreciated.
The CKAN gem's documentation is in their repository at Note that it's not OKFN's CKAN repository.
Looking at their code, it seems that they hardcoded API endpoint at So you won't be able to access without changing their code.
But, thanks to Ruby being such a dynamic language, you could override that constant, as
Now you could follow their documentation in GitHub, and it should work.

What methods exist to auto-generate ruby client stubs from WSDL files?

I'm using Ruby and the Savon gem to interact with SOAP/WS and would like to auto-generate the client request methods from the WSDL in Ruby.
Before I do this, I'd like to know if there's any other Ruby/SOAP library that does this?
Edit: Please note, I already know this isn't available in Savon out the box, in fact my intention is to add in the feature, I'm in the process checking if this exists somewhere else written in Ruby.
Since it's only few days since you asked this question, and I've run into same problem I've decided to create small script to do that.
Download - save as objects.rb for example and run with _bunde exec objects.rb path_to.wsdl_
Let me know if it works ^^
Take a look at Savon's spec, it has pretty rich testing environment
I think ads_common by Google is relevant to you.
google-api-ads-ruby/ads_common at master ยท googleads/google-api-ads-ruby
rake generate can create the client libraries automatically from WSDL.
It is specialized for Google Ads, but this notion would be helpful to create a versatile client library automatically from WSDL in Ruby.

Accessing the Evernote API through Ruby

I have a bunch of notes in Evernote which I would like to access in a Rubyish way (instead of only using the web interface). I thought I'd use this gem (, which is "...a high level wrapper around Evernote's Thrift-generated ruby code. It bundles up Evernote's thrift-generated code and creates some simple wrapper classes."
I got a developer key, and the sample code here ( worked, giving me the correct name for my sandbox notebook.
However, I don't understand what to do next. By "simple wrapper classes" I was expecting the Evernote::EDAM::Type::Notebook object to be some Enumerable object that I could use blocks to query. I dunno, something like {|note| note.tags == 'foo'}
But when I do the notebook.TAB TAB trick in IRB to look at available methods, there is nothing like that. The author of the gem refers users to Evernote API at , and I can't make heads or tails of the thing. Am I out of luck until I fully understand what things like THRIFT means, or is there a simple listing of methods somewhere that I'm failing to look?
You shouldn't have to learn anything about Thrift. The data model wrapper classes (Note, Notebook, Tag, etc) are basically dumb structs; the methods to exercise them are on the endpoint classes, UserStore and NoteStore. For example, to get a list of Notebooks, you'd call NoteStore.listNotebooks. You can see some examples in the SDK under ruby/sample.
I've run into this issue recently, to use Ruby accessing the Evernote API. And here is the list which may help:
Official Ruby Demo
Evernote Developer Guide
Evernote API: All declarations
And I wrote a demo to make it more specific and straight.
Evernote API Ruby demo
