node.js event emitters binding to mulitple instances - events

If I have a class that listens to event emitters, is it wrong practice to bind on every instance?
function MyClass() {
emitter.on('ready', function() {
// do something
myclass = new MyClass();
If I call emitter.on() multiple times, it warns me.
(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11
listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
Are event emitters meant to be bound only once per module, outside of class instances?
If this is wrong, then how do I access the class instance when events are triggered?

The warning is that your attaching 11 event listeneres to the ready event on a single event emitter.
Generally when you listen to the same event multiple times on a single event emitter, it's likely that's a bug. For example say you have an http event emitter, if your listening on the request event 11 times that's probably a bug, you only want to listen and handle request once.
This is a debugging tool. You can get around this by doing
emitter.setMaxListeners(500); // or whatever you think is a sensible limit


Google Publisher Tag, how to remove event listener from Service

There seem to be several questions on how to register events to a gpt service:
Google Publisher Tag registering to Events
registering to events with google publisher tag
How to do this is clearly defined in the documentation:
googletag.pubads().addEventListener('eventName', callbackFn);
I add my event to the service when the component (React) mounts inside the callback function of window.googletag.cmd.push as described in this tutorial by Google.
Now the problem is that every time I change page, more event listeners are added to the service. I can make sure only one event listener executes on the actually existing slots by using this method (from the documentation):
googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) {
if (event.slot == targetSlot) { // will only run on target slot
// Slot specific logic.
But more an more event listeners will remain active and keep on executing (without executing the code within the if-statement).
Now, I assumed google would have implemented something like this (to run on componentWillUnmount):
googletag.pubads().removeEventListener('eventName', callbackFn);
But it doesn't exist in the documentation and I can't seem to find any way to remove active event listeners from the service?
So I went with this:
let eventListnerCreated = false;
if(!eventListnerCreated) {
eventListnerCreated = googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotRenderEnded", function(event) {
// blablabla
Not clean. But will work.
I know this doesn't solve the original issue of removing the event listener, but this will let's not create event listeners again and again.

Not receiving Apache Camel Event Notifications under the smallest load

I have extended EventNotiferSupport, and set the isEnable() to respond True for all events. I have a notify() that logs what events I receive and the corresponding Exchange ID for the event.
I have added my ExchangeMessageNotifier with this.context.getManagementStrategy().addEventNotifier(this.exchangeMessageNotifier);
I run my program under basically no load, sending 1 message at a time 1 second delay between messages into Camel to send out. Everything works the way I expect. I receive my events everything looks good.
I decrease the delay between messages to 0 milliseconds, and I find that 1 out of approximately 20 messages I fail to receive one of the Events, (Often the Completed event).
Add a second thread sending at the same rate and I don't get any events for any messages.
What am I missing? I've done searches and I don't find anything that I need to do differently. Is there something I am missing?
I am using Apache Camel 2.16.3, and moved to 2.18.1 still see the same behavior.
Well found my own answer. Part of the fun of inheriting code without any informaiton.
In your implementation of the EventNotifierSupport you need to override the doStart() method and configure the EventNotifierSupport for what events you wish to receive.
protected void doStart() throws Exception {
// filter out unwanted events
This is in addition to doing the following:
public boolean isEnabled(EventObject event) {
return true;
Which enables you to determine if you want a particular event, out of the selected groups you had set in the doStart().
Once these changes were in I was receiving consistent events.

Laravel testing without firing cache events

I am using the array cache driver while testing, however I want to disable the Cache Events.
I can do this with
I'd rather just stop the one event, however
will throw an error if the event is not called.
One solution would be a function that on the outside allows an event to fire and hides it but doesn't throw an error if the event doesn't occur.
I think I need to mock the Events Dispatcher like so
$mock = Mockery::mock('Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher');
$mock->shouldReceive('fire')->andReturnUsing(function ($called) {
$this->firedEvents[] = $called;
$this->app->instance('events', $mock);
return $this;
The question would be how to carry on dispatching the non caught events?

Open Sockjs inside an application

I want to create an application where on page3 users start communicating via a sockjs websocket (they go through page1 and page2 to reach page 3). The code is working fine but I dont know why!
// Global scope
var sock;
// Inside a function page3, this is invoked when Page3 loads for the first time
function page3(){
// Local scope
sock= new SockJS("localhost:8080/messages);
sock.onopen= function(){
sock.onmessage= function(data){
My question is - when a message is sent from the server how is sock.onmessage accessed by program execution even though it is 'seen' only when Page3 is loaded the first time which is when function page3() is called?
Looks like sock is not imported (the error message is saying that it is whats undefined)
Perhaps if you could share more of the code we could see why
Found my own answer.
The question is actually related to visibility of event listeners on the client. And the answer to that is - all event listeners on the client, once activated (flow of program execution having "seen" them) remain active until they are removed.
So in the above case, even though function page3() was "seen" by program execution only once - when Page3 was loaded for the first time, sock.onmessage becomes activated as a (client) event listener during that page3() function call and continues to remain active until the socket is closed.
As such, there is no need for an explicit page3() function call to trigger sock.onmessage. It (sock.onmessage) will keep listening to socket events sent by the server.

Can someone explain callback/event firing

In a previous SO question it was recommended to me to use callback/event firing instead of polling. Can someone explain this in a little more detail, perhaps with references to online tutorials that show how this can be done for Java based web apps.
The definition of a callback from Wikipedia is:
In computer programming, a callback is
executable code that is passed as an
argument to other code. It allows a
lower-level software layer to call a
subroutine (or function) defined in a
higher-level layer.
In it's very basic form a callback could be used like this (pseudocode):
void function Foo()
MessageBox.Show("Operation Complete");
void function Bar(Method myCallback)
//Perform some operation
//When completed execute the callback method
static int Main()
Bar(Foo); //Pops a message box when Bar is completed
Modern languages like Java and c# have a standardized way of doing this and they call it events. An event is simply a special type of property added to a class that contains a list of Delegates / Method Pointers / Callbacks (all three of these things are the same thing. When the event gets "fired" it simply iterates through it's list of callbacks and executes them. These are also referred to as listeners.
Here's an example
public class Button
public event Clicked;
void override OnMouseUp()
//User has clicked on the button. Let's notify anyone listening to this event.
Clicked(); //Iterates through all the callbacks in it's list and calls Invoke();
public class MyForm
private _Button;
public Constructor()
_Button = new Button();
//Different languages provide different ways of registering listeners to events.
// _Button.Clicked += Button_Clicked_Handler;
// _Button.Clicked.AddListener(Button_Clicked_Handler);
public void Button_Clicked_Handler()
MessageBox.Show("Button Was Clicked");
In this example the Button class has an event called Clicked. It allows anyone who wants to be notified when is clicked to register a callback method. In this case the "Button_Clicked_Handler" method would be executed by Clicked event.
Eventing/Callback architecture is very handy whenever you need to be notified that something has occurred elsewhere in the program and you have no direct knowledge of when or how this happens.
This greatly simplifies notification. Polling makes it much more difficult because you are responsible for checking every so often whether or not an operation has completed. A simple polling mechanism would be like this:
static void CheckIfDone()
//Button has been clicked.
The problem is that this particular situation would block your existing thread and have to continue checking until Button.IsClicked is true. The nice thing about eventing architecture is that it is asynchronous and let's the Acting Item (button) notify the listener when it is completed instead of the listener having to keep checking,
The difference between polling and callback/event is simple:
Polling: You are asking, continuously or every fixed amount of time, if some condition is meet, for example, if some keyboard key have been pressed.
Callback: You say to some driver, other code or whatever: When something happens (the keyboard have been pressed in our example), call this function, and you pass it what function you want to be called when the event happens. This way, you can "forget" about that event, knowing that it will be handled correctly when it happens.
Callback is when you pass a function/object to be called/notified when something it cares about happens. This is used a lot in UI - A function is passed to a button that is called whenever the button is pressed, for example.
There are two players involved in this scenario. First you have the "observed" which from time to time does things in which other players are interested. These other players are called "observers". The "observed" could be a timer, the "observers" could be tasks, interested in alarm events.
This "pattern" is described in the book "Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides.
Two examples:
The SAX parser to parse XML walks
trough an XML file and raises events
each time an element is encountered.
A listener can listen to these
elements and do something with it.
Swing and AWT are based on this
pattern. When the user moves the
mouse, clicks or types something on
the keyboard, these actions are
converted into events. The UI
components listen to these
events and react to them.
Being notified via an event is almost always preferable to polling, especially if hardware is involved and that event originates from a driver issuing a CPU interrupt. In that case, you're not using ANY cpu at all while you wait for some piece of hardware to complete a task.
