Laravel testing without firing cache events - laravel

I am using the array cache driver while testing, however I want to disable the Cache Events.
I can do this with
I'd rather just stop the one event, however
will throw an error if the event is not called.
One solution would be a function that on the outside allows an event to fire and hides it but doesn't throw an error if the event doesn't occur.
I think I need to mock the Events Dispatcher like so
$mock = Mockery::mock('Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher');
$mock->shouldReceive('fire')->andReturnUsing(function ($called) {
$this->firedEvents[] = $called;
$this->app->instance('events', $mock);
return $this;
The question would be how to carry on dispatching the non caught events?


Google Publisher Tag, how to remove event listener from Service

There seem to be several questions on how to register events to a gpt service:
Google Publisher Tag registering to Events
registering to events with google publisher tag
How to do this is clearly defined in the documentation:
googletag.pubads().addEventListener('eventName', callbackFn);
I add my event to the service when the component (React) mounts inside the callback function of window.googletag.cmd.push as described in this tutorial by Google.
Now the problem is that every time I change page, more event listeners are added to the service. I can make sure only one event listener executes on the actually existing slots by using this method (from the documentation):
googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) {
if (event.slot == targetSlot) { // will only run on target slot
// Slot specific logic.
But more an more event listeners will remain active and keep on executing (without executing the code within the if-statement).
Now, I assumed google would have implemented something like this (to run on componentWillUnmount):
googletag.pubads().removeEventListener('eventName', callbackFn);
But it doesn't exist in the documentation and I can't seem to find any way to remove active event listeners from the service?
So I went with this:
let eventListnerCreated = false;
if(!eventListnerCreated) {
eventListnerCreated = googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotRenderEnded", function(event) {
// blablabla
Not clean. But will work.
I know this doesn't solve the original issue of removing the event listener, but this will let's not create event listeners again and again.

Custom Event Dispatcher - JavaFX

Does anyone know how to write a custom Event Dispatcher based on the javafx.event package? I searched in Google & Co. but didn't find a nice example.
Have anyone a minimalistic example for me? That would be nice - I tried it a few times to understand it, but I failed.
The first thing to realize is how JavaFX dispatches events.
When an Event is fired it has an associated EventTarget. If the target was in the scene-graph then the path of the Event starts at the Window and goes down the scene-graph until the EventTarget is reached. The Event then goes back up the scene-graph until it reaches the Window again. This is known as the "capturing phase" and the "bubbling phase", respectively. Event filters are invoked during the capturing phase and event handlers are invoked during the bubbling phase. The EventHandlers set using the onXXX properties (e.g. onMouseClicked) are special types of handlers (i.e. not filters).
The EventDispatcher interface has the following method:
public Event dispatchEvent(Event event, EventDispatChain tail) { ... }
Here, the event is the Event being dispatched and the tail is the EventDispatchChain built, possibly recursively, by EventTarget.buildEventDispatchChain(EventDispatchChain). This will return null if the event is consumed during execution of the method.
The EventDispatchChain is a stack of EventDispatchers. Every time you call tail.dispatchEvent(event) you are essentially popping an EventDispatcher off the top and invoking it.
public Event dispatchEvent(Event event, EventDispatchChain tail) {
// First, dispatch event for the capturing phase
event = dispatchCapturingEvent(event);
if (event.isConsumed()) {
// One of the EventHandlers invoked in dispatchCapturingEvent
// consumed the event. Return null to indicate processing is complete
return null;
// Forward the event to the next EventDispatcher in the chain
// (i.e. on the stack). This will start the "capturing" on the
// next EventDispatcher. Returns null if event was consumed down
// the chain
event = tail.dispatchEvent(event);
// once we've reached this point the capturing phase has completed
if (event != null) {
// Not consumed from down the chain so we now handle the
// bubbling phase of the process
event = dispatchBubblingEvent(event);
if (event.isConsumed()) {
// One of the EventHandlers invoked in dispatchBubblingEvent
// consumed the event. Return null to indicate processing is complete
return null;
// return the event, or null if tail.dispatchEvent returned null
return event;
You're probably wondering where dispatchCapturingEvent and dispatchBubblingEvent are defined. These methods would be created by you and would invoke the appropriate EventHandlers. You might also be wondering why these methods return an Event. The reason is simple: During the processing of the Event these methods, along with tail.dispatchEvent, might alter the Event. Other than consume(), however, Event and its subclasses are basically immutable. This means any other alterations require the creation of a new Event. It is this new Event that should be used by the rest of the event-handling process.
The call to tail.dispatchEvent will virtually always return a new instance of the Event. This is due to the fact each EventDispatcher in the EventDispatchChain is normally associated with its own source (e.g. a Label or Window). When an EventHandler is being invoked the source of the Event must be the same Object that the EventHandler was registered to; if an EventHandler was registered with a Window then event.getSource() must return that Window during said EventHandler's execution. The way this is achieved is by using the Event.copyFor(Object,EventTarget) method.
Event oldEvent = ...;
Event newEvent = oldEvent.copyFor(newSource, oldEvent.getTarget());
As you can see, the EventTarget normally remains the same throughout. Also, subclasses may override copyFor while others, such as MouseEvent, may also define an overload.
How are the events actually dispatched to the EventHandlers though? Well, the internal implementation of EventDispatcher makes them a sort of "collection" of EventHandlers. Each EventDispatcher tracks all filters, handlers, and property-handlers (onXXX) that have been added to or removed from its associated source (e.g. Node). Your EventDispatcher doesn't have to do this but it will need a way to access wherever you do store the EventHandlers.
During the capturing phase the EventDispatcher invokes all the appropriate EventHandlers added via addEventFilter(EventType,EventHandler). Then, during the bubbling phase, the EventDispatcher invokes all the appropriate EventHandlers added via addEventHandler(EventType,EventHandler) or setOnXXX (e.g. setOnMouseClicked).
What do I mean by appropriate?
Every fired Event has an associated EventType. Said EventType may have a super EventType. For instance, the "inheritance" tree of MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED is:
When dispatching an Event you have to invoke all the EventHandlers registered for the Event's EventType and all the EventType's supertypes. Also, note that consuming an Event does not stop processing of that Event for the current phase of the current EventDispatcher but instead finishes invoking all appropriate EventHandlers. Once that phase for that EventDispatcher has completed, however, the processing of the Event stops.
Whatever mechanism you use to store the EventHandlers must be capable of concurrent modification by the same thread. This is because an EventHandler may add or remove another EventHandler to or from the same source for the same EventType for the same phase. If you stored them in a regular List this means the List may be modified while you're iterating it. A readily available example of an EventHandler that may remove itself is WeakEventHandler. A WeakEventHandler will attempt to remove itself if it is invoked after it has been "garbage collected".
Also, I don't know if this is required, but the internal implementation doesn't allow the same EventHandler to be registered more than once for the same source, EventType, and phase. Remember, though, that the EventHandlers added via addEventHandler and those added via setOnXXX are handled separately even though they are both invoked during the same phase (bubbling). Also, calling setOnXXX replaces any previous EventHandler set for the same property.

Testing assertDispatched only works when using event helper

Registering service provider:
public function register()
$this->app->singleton(CartInterface::class, function ($app) {
return new SessionCart($app['session'], $app['events']);
Firing events within the service above:
$this->events->fire('cart.added', $item);
Testing the service:
public function it_can_add_an_item()
$this->cartService->add(new Item);
$this->assertEquals(1, $this->cartService->count());
The expected [cart.added] event was not dispatched.
If instead of using $this->events to fire events I just use the event helper like event('cart.added') I'm back to green.
I'm not dying for using the object oriented approach, but I'm really curious about the reason it doesn't work here, because the event helper seems to be using an instance of the dispatcher right from the container just like I do when registering the service.
Any clue?
This is what happens when your test is executed:
The laravel application is bootstrapped; it binds the non-fake event dispatcher to the service container
You bind the CartInterface to the service containing and pass the currently binded event dispatcher (the non-fake one) as a parameter
After the application has been bootstrapped, you swap the event dispatcher with the fake one, however, your CartInterface has already been resolved (since its a singleton) and does not know that the event dispatcher has been swapped
Therefore, the CartInterface still uses the non-fake event dispatcher and your tests fail if you try to make any event assertions. However, if you use the Event facade inside your CartInterface, the event dispatcher will be resolved when you are actually using it, and this is after the dispatcher has been swapped with the fake one. So in this case, you actually get the event fake you want and your tests pass.

Magento Event On Any Page Load

I am wondering if there is an event that is fired once every time a page is loaded before rendering to html in magento?
This might be useful if you want to do some business logic for semi-static attributes that don't rely on user sessions.
For example I will be using this to deliver the canonical tag to the header of magento.
There are several request-related events which are dispatched for most page-/content-generating requests. Below is a partial list in processing order of some useful ones, and I expect others may comment on this post with some others. Many of these are not suitable for your need (I've noted in bold below where you should begin considering). There are also a few block-instantiation-related events which, although they could be observed for your purpose, are generic to every block and really aren't appropriate.
The first practical singly-fired event is controller_front_init_before. This event is dispatched in Front Controller initialization in response to all dispatched requests. Because it is dispatched before the action controllers are invoked, only global-area observers will be able to observe this event.
Assuming the request is routed from the Front Controller through the routers to an action controller, there are some events which can be observed prior to rendering in preDispatch() - note the generic controller_action_predispatch event handle which could be consumed for all events vs the two dynamic event handles:
Mage::dispatchEvent('controller_action_predispatch', array('controller_action' => $this));
Mage::dispatchEvent('controller_action_predispatch_' . $this->getRequest()->getRouteName(),
array('controller_action' => $this));
Mage::dispatchEvent('controller_action_predispatch_' . $this->getFullActionName(),
array('controller_action' => $this));
How a response is being rendered may affect the events available; the main variations would come from whether or not layout updates are being used to render the response (and how). For example, core_layout_update_updates_get_after could be used to inject a layout update file to the list of configured module layout update files (a rare but potentially useful case). The controller actions are closely coupled with the layout modeling, so there are a few events which could work:
controller_action_layout_generate_blocks_before and controller_action_layout_generate_blocks_after - the latter of which would be the first applicable to your needs
Assuming that renderLayout() is being used in all actions about which you care, there are two events (one generic and one route-specific) which it dispatches:
After all of the routing, dispatching, view configuring, block instantiating, and rendering are done, there is one last-ditch event which is dispatched by the Front Controller before the response is sent: controller_front_send_response_before. This event is not suitable for your need, but it's a nice bookend to the controller_front_init_before event which began this answer. this will help.
app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Action.php this event
is fired
app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Abstract.php event
above two events might be of help.
I think you are looking for this event controller_action_layout_render_before_RouteName_ControllerName_ActionName
you can also log all the events which are fired on any page load from Mage class in below function
public static function dispatchEvent($name, array $data = array())
Varien_Profiler::start('DISPATCH EVENT:'.$name);
$result = self::app()->dispatchEvent($name, $data);
Varien_Profiler::stop('DISPATCH EVENT:'.$name);
return $result;
We can use controller_front_init_routers event using observer. In that observer method,you can get request object as follows.
$request = $observer->getEvent()->getData('front')->getRequest();

node.js event emitters binding to mulitple instances

If I have a class that listens to event emitters, is it wrong practice to bind on every instance?
function MyClass() {
emitter.on('ready', function() {
// do something
myclass = new MyClass();
If I call emitter.on() multiple times, it warns me.
(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11
listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
Are event emitters meant to be bound only once per module, outside of class instances?
If this is wrong, then how do I access the class instance when events are triggered?
The warning is that your attaching 11 event listeneres to the ready event on a single event emitter.
Generally when you listen to the same event multiple times on a single event emitter, it's likely that's a bug. For example say you have an http event emitter, if your listening on the request event 11 times that's probably a bug, you only want to listen and handle request once.
This is a debugging tool. You can get around this by doing
emitter.setMaxListeners(500); // or whatever you think is a sensible limit
