I need to generate a Stacked Bar Graph using Gruff. I have tried with the following code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'gruff'
g = Gruff::StackedBar.new('450x450')
g.sort = false
g.maximum_value = 100
g.minimum_value = 0
g.y_axis_increment = 10
g.title = 'Quarterly Exams'
g.sort = false
But, this throws an error saying wrong number of arguments. I want a stacked bar graph with showing three values.
Just put values inside aray like this:
g.data('Maths', [10,20,30])
See gruff documentation on rubyforge: http://gruff.rubyforge.org/. Gruff::Base#data
I'm using the axslx ruby gem to create a spreadsheet with a pie chart. For the most part it is very straightforward and I've had no problems with one exception: I can't figure out how to set the font size for the title in the pie chart. I've read through the documentation and examples and found no mention of it. I'm sure I have overlooked it but if anyone knows how to do that, I would appreciate any help.
adding code ... sorry, should have provided this initially
issue_sheet.add_chart(Axlsx::Pie3DChart, start_at: 'I3', end_at: 'S32') do |chart|
chart.add_series data: issue_sheet['G3:G7'], labels: issue_sheet['F3:F7'], colors: ['9467BD','D62828','EF7E12','82BBDD','3AA02B']
chart.title = "Distribution by Severity"
chart.d_lbls.show_val = false
chart.d_lbls.show_percent = true
chart.d_lbls.d_lbl_pos = :outEnd
chart.d_lbls.show_leader_lines = true
I did notice something interesting but I'm not sure what it means. If I use a cell reference rather than a string for the chart.title, the font size changes.
chart.title = "Distribution by Severity" # this sets the font size to 16
chart.title = issue_chart['F2'] # this sets the font size to 10
You can make use of sz property provided in this link
item_style = s.add_style :b => false, :sz => 9, :font_name => 'courier'
row = sheet.add_row [item.name, item.price], :style => item_style
Hi I'm trying to do a GUI code using GTK in Ruby and I'm stuck trying to change the color of a String.
I would like the Welcome to be blue and the #name to be red but I can't seem to figure out a way to get both of them
#user = Gtk::Label.new("Welcome #{#name}")
css_user = Gtk::CssProvider.new
css_user.load(data: "label{color: blue;}")
If anybody could help I would be really greatful
I had to change a little bit the gtk display
#box = Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, 1)
#welcome = Gtk::Label.new("Welcome ")
#user = Gtk::Label.new(#usuari)
css_user = Gtk::CssProvider.new
css_user.load(data: "label{color: blue;}")
css_welcome = Gtk::CssProvider.new
css_welcome.load(data: "label{color: black;}")
#user.style_context.add_provider(css_user, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER)
#welcome.style_context.add_provider(css_welcome, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER)
As you can see I created two labels (one for each color) and I placed them inside a Horizontal Box
im building a basic game in the style of the original pokemon games using the ruby gosu library. Ive managed to figure out how to move the originally loaded sprite about but i cant figure out how to clear that sprite and draw the new sprite e.g. back view in its place.
Ive been looking throught the documentation and came across the "insert" method, although im not sure if this is what i want. Any help?
im creating the var in the initialize method then drawing it later on like so:
def initialize
#character_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/char.png", :tileable => false)
def draw
#character_image.draw(#character_location_X, #character_location_Y, 1)
You need to make a class for your character, which needs an update and draw function. In the update function, when input such as WASD is received you can switch the image of the sprite. If you don't have a sprite sheet, you'll have to load multiple images and switch between them.
Here's some ruby pseudocode to help you:
#back_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/back.png")
#front_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/front.png")
#left_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/left.png")
#right_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/right.png")
current_image = front_image
This goes in your update function:
if up
current_image = back_image
elsif down
current_image = front_image
elsif right
current_image = right_image
elsif left
current_image = left_image
Then in your draw function all you need to do is
def draw
#current_image.draw(#character_location_X, #character_location_Y, 1)
This is a pretty basic way, but if you use a sprite sheet, you can create your own animation class that Gosu can use that allows you to select between certain ranges of frames of your character spritesheet.
I’m trying to animate a Mayavi pipeline volume:
src = mlab.pipeline.volume(mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(data),vmin=.1*np.max(data),vmax=.2*np.max(data))
that is combined in the pipeline by another dataset represented as a cut plane.
However, I can’t get the volume visualization to update - only the first frame shows up. The animation is stepping through the data correctly (I get different values of the np.max(data[t]) below) but nothing in the visualization changes.
My understanding is that mlab_source_set should re-render correctly, and there’s nothing on the web anywhere that describes this (as far as I can tell).
The animation looks like:
def anim(src,data,tax,fig):
t = 0
nt = len(tax)
while 1:
vmin = .1*np.max(data[t])
vmax = .2*np.max(data[t])
print 'animation t = ',tax[t],', max = ',np.max(data[t])
src.mlab_source.set(scalar = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(data[t]), vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax)
t = mod(t+1,nt)
Any thoughts?
I am tring to test pie chart in highcharts with watir web driver. I have the issue of locate a tiny small piece of the pie.
#Get the pie
series1 = browser.element(:css => 'g.highcharts-tracker')
#Get the pieces
all_path_elements = series1.elements(:css => 'path')
#get the second to last
points = all_path_elements[-2..-2]
with range -1 to -1 it will able to get the last piece.
-2 to -2 still last piece.
-3 to -3 will get the third from last.
it will skip the second to last. i think because it is the smallest. but i am able to locate it with my mouse.
is there another way to locate the path elements? so maybe an alternative way can solve my issue.
i made a red dots where the piece gets skip.
I figure out the solution myself. instead of hover on to each of the path elements. i did a fire event of the onmouseover of each path elements.
series1 = browser.element(:css => 'g.highcharts-tracker')
all_path_elements = series1.elements(:css => 'path')
points = all_path_elements[0..-1]
point = points.find do |p|
p.fire_event "onmouseover"
puts browser.elements(:css => 'g.highcharts-tooltip tspan')[3].text