Accessing iOS filesystem for Mac - macos

I was trying out the mac app DiskAid and found it does everything that I need to be able to do in the app I am writing. DiskAid appears to have complete access to the filesystem on my iPad. This is not limited to the shared files by the applications on the iPad - not by a long shot. DiskAid sees all the files for every app on the device (sharer or otherwise). It is also not limited to files in the Documents directory for each app. It sees all files down to root level.
I was also amazed when I discovered that iTunes doesn't even have to be running for all of this to work. Also I don't recall having to authenticate in any way (apple ID or anything like that) I just plug in the device via usb and away she goes.
I've been searching for days now and have not found anything that even hints that this is even possible. Yet we know it is.
Does anyone have any idea how they are pulling this off. By the way my device is not jailbroken.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

There is info DigiDNA blog that what they use is Apple Mobile Device Service library, which they say function as driver to Apple device. A google search to the library brought me to the Iphone Wiki site about reverse engineered C header files needed to link to the library. Hope it will be useful.


Keychain viewers - what does DPFMate do?

Got this Digital Keychain Photo viewer thingy. Comes with DPFMate which does not run under Windows 10. Does anyone know where DPFMate places the images on the keychain, so I could possibly write my own program to do the move?
i know this thread dates back to April but i have a device that uses DPFmate and it was packaged with it in memory. the software came with a windows and a mac version. fortunately most of the code is literally available in an uncompiled form in the mac app package. i have included everything from that package in a mediafire link.
from what i gathered it loads a virtual drive from the machine using a SCSI connection driver of some sorts. i hope you can make sens of it more than me since i am not familiar with the programming language used.

Simple HID OSX Application

I am getting started with coding for HID devices. I got started with reading Apple documents and sample code. The code provided are terribly outdated that it doesn't even open in Xcode8.
Download Sample Code from Apple
I need help in finding a sample project / snippet for getting started with HID Services! Open a handle, read and write reports to device, Listen to reports generated by device in a run loop.
OS X/macOS's HID stack is called IOHIDFamily, and much of it is open source. This includes kernel and userspace components. You can find the code for various different OS X/macOS releases at
For 10.12.2 (latest code released at time of writing) you can browse the IOHIDFamily code here:
or download it as a zip file here:
The "tools" directory contains some userspace sample/test code which might help with what you're trying to do.
As for sample code not being updated, documentation being incomplete/outdated/missing, and provided code requiring a lot of effort to build: welcome to Mac systems & driver development. That's unfortunately how it is. I've been doing OS X kernel/driver work for 7 years, and while some things get easier with experience, downloading code from Apple and building it still feels like playing the lottery.

Google Chrome App filesystem events, shell/finder integration

For a new desktop app project I'm researching if it's feasible to create a cross-platform implementation instead of native Windows and OS X apps. Chrome Apps seemed promising, but after browsing through the Chrome APIs there are some things I didn't see that I'll need in my app:
Notifications on changes to files in the local filesystem. (File System Events API on OS X, FileSystemWatcher on Windows.) At first I thought the syncFileSystem API might help with this, but it's apparently only for syncing with Google Drive, which is not what I need. I guess I could workaround this by scanning the directories I'm watching on a timer, but that won't perform well if there are a lot of directories and/or files.
Ability to add context menus in Windows shell and OS X Finder, as I would be able to with a Windows shell extension or OS X Finder plugin.
Ideally (although probably not a hard requirement) get the app into the Windows System Tray / OS X Menu Bar (NSStatusItem).
Can anyone confirm whether it's possible to access this functionality with a Chrome App? If not, can you recommend an alternative cross-platform tool for building an app with these features?
All of the listed features have bugs logged, but no real progress at the moment:
File manager integration:
Sys tray:
The first of these to be made available will probably be file manager integration, which is being worked on now.
We'd love to improve watching but it is a significant task to support this on all operating systems and we don't have anyone working on it now.
Sys tray support is something we have no plans to release soon as we're not sure how we want to support this on ChromeOS.
I could not find anything close to the items you have mentioned. I did however find this product: node-webkit that likely would get you onto both your target platforms, use the same basic code-base (HTML5/CSS/JS) and allow some possible per-OS customization. There is even a 'watch' project under NPM that covers your first bullet point. Check node-webkit/wiki for notes on how to add C/C++ extensions to their node build (under using-node-modules.) Project seems active and appears to be backed by Intel (they re-built their XDK product on it to do cross platform.)

read sms data of an iphone in a mac app when connected

I need to develop a mac app that reads and shows all the text messages that iPhone has. I know about the privacy issues and all and have also tried to read the sms.db file using sqlite_open command; it gave me SQLITE_AUTH error.
Now my question is How did the PhoneView people did it?
Check out these urls:
Although both of the apps are not on Mac App Store, so I am assuming Apple might have rejected it. But even then I would like to know how these people did it.
They probably used libimobiledevice library

Difference in behavior between Xcode and OTA Ad-hoc distribution

I have my app working to my satisfaction both in the simulator and on two devices when debugging through Xcode 4.3.2. I use OTA Ad-hoc distribution to send to my beta testers. After archiving, saving, and uploading my ipa and plist file to my website, I then download and successfully install the app on my phone.
Sounds good, right?
HOWEVER, I am using CoreAudio and CoreData, and low and behold suddenly there is no sound in my app. I delete and install OTA on the same devices I am debugging with, so I am at a loss to where the problem is occurring.
I have a feeling that there might be an underlying problem with my Core Data model (which feeds my sound) but checks upon checks seem to verify that it is working. It DOES work when I install from Xcode, unplug, close, and reopen the app on the device. Only the OTA install has this problem.
Has anyone encountered any differences in behavior like this? I checked my build settings and the only difference I see for AdHoc is using the Entitlements.plist, which only useful setting appears to be NO to debugging.
