PHP Image Upload Resize, Watermark, Title & Copyright Info - image

Ive written an image upload and resize script for my website which allows users to upload images, and then the script resizes the images in 3 different sizes and adds a watermark image (my website logo) on the top.
The problem I have is, that if a user then tries to upload one of the resized photos again, it will then add the logo watermark on top of it again.
What I want is to maybe add some information to the uploaded image (i.e. author, which I could set to my website name), so that if a user uploads an image which has already been watermarked, I can put a check in my script so that I dont add the watermark logo again.
Is this possible with PHP?

Take a look at this


How to remove background when uploading image in ASP.NET Core MVC, and showing the uploaded image and background removed image

This is the example code want to. Remove the background when uploading image, and the removed one want to be uploaded.

how can I cache a small part of image in flutter?

How I can show the image in the app like the social network?
My meaning is I show a blurred preview of the image (not download completely) then if the user clicks on the image, app downloading the image completely and shows.

Android Studio: Is it possible to automatically upload images from Gallery?

I am hoping to automatically display selected images from Gallery, but I have no luck to find how to automatically display images from Gallery without any selection from users. (In other words, users will simply see the selected images displayed in the screen rather than seeing Gallery to select images to see.)
Thank you for your help and time in advance!!

Force image extension on right click save

I'm having some issues with images on my site which I'm downloading from an image delivery service.
They're displaying perfectly fine, but the issue comes if a user tries to right click and save the image. The images seem to be leaving off the image extension. Is there any way to force the image to download as, say a jpg? I've looked at the download attribute, but I think that's only valid on links, so it's not valid in this case.

What resolutions should I create for photos that are uploaded

I'm currently working on my church's new website which includes a gallery. The one hiccup I ran into is that they like to upload photos that are 6mbs which is obviously not web friendly. At the time, I used a php script to thumbnail and output the image, but this time I'd like to just do that all on the upload. In other words, I want the photo to be uploaded in several different sizes - a thumbnail size, a full size for the lightbox and the original for download.
My question is what sizes should I consider. The thumbnail is obviously going to be according to the design of the site, but what about the one meant for a lightbox and should I include another resolution for let's say, mobile?
EDIT: If I'm going about this all wrong, then please lead me in the right direction!
