Force image extension on right click save - image

I'm having some issues with images on my site which I'm downloading from an image delivery service.
They're displaying perfectly fine, but the issue comes if a user tries to right click and save the image. The images seem to be leaving off the image extension. Is there any way to force the image to download as, say a jpg? I've looked at the download attribute, but I think that's only valid on links, so it's not valid in this case.


Save image after it gets loaded without the right click menu

I was just watching some street view images in this website where if you refresh everytime it loads up a new image. Then I realized a image was too beautiful and I was trying to save that image somehow, and it is when I came to know that I can't right click and same street view (Panorama) images. I thought maybe going to developer tools then network might help but it requires to be opened before I load up the page or I have to refresh the page which is disasters in this case.
I know the images loads up on browsers gets saved in the data folder of the browser. But I don't know how to retrieve them or is there any other ways I can save the image?

Facebook Open Graph Images are Low Quality For Rotated Images

I use the Facebook Open Graph to publish URLs from a website to their corresponding Facebook Page. The main image is specified using the Open Graph tag og:image. Sometimes the images show up on Facebook as a very zoomed-in, and granular/pixelated. Upon further examination, the images which do poorly appear to have been rotated (I noticed this because a Lightbox plugin I use isn't correctly rotating them, but all other software: browser, Mac Preview, Facebook are).
An example page from the site with the problem (click to zoom and see the orientation issue in that 3rd party library but that's another matter). This issue I'm trying to resolve on Facebook can be seen by using the Facebook Debugger against this page. (As a side-note, it's oriented correctly).
At first I thought I could perhaps fix this with og:image:width and og:image:height, but it had no effect (it did fix a different the pre-caching/crawling issue).
Note that providing the raw image URL directly into the Debugger works fine; the problem is only when providing this URL via the Open Graph tags.
My one workaround idea is to use my image processing library (sorl-thumbnail) to produce a version of the image which FB might like better.
What is the specific characteristic of these rotated images causing a problem and how do I work around it?
Turns out this is a legitimate Facebook bug. Kudos to them for responding and addressing it promptly.

phone inappbrowser doesn't start from full-zoomed-out when it loads huge image

I have a code to launch inappbrowser on phonegap. I use it for displaying image.
This inappbrowser has EnableViewPortScale=yes, so it's totally zoomable.
However, it seems like there is zoom-out-limit in inappbrowser. Here is the code., '_blank',
It's already zoomed-in a little. I can zoom-in-and-out because of EnableViewPortScale=yes for sure.
However, it seems like there is zoom-out-limit.
when i load up 1024x768 photo, it doesn't show fully zoomed-out photo(on both iOS and Android), but it's like 120%-ish already zoomed in.
I Just created stackoverflow account, so i can't upload photo. sorry!(it says i need 10 reputations to upload image)
There is no true solution for this issue.
So what I did is I just continue using inAppBrowser, but just instead of directly loading image from Amazon server(that's where I stored all images), I just made my to go to another my URL and attach that url as a parameter after '?'.
The reason why I did this is because then I can force the Image web-view to have brief Javascript and CSS to render this dang-image correctly.
And as you guys know, this page must have meta-data that allows user-scale true, and must NOT have max-scale value.
So, Yep. Long story short, If you DIRECTLY load up the image in the inAppBrowser of phonegap, there is NO WAY you can force the image to start with 'not even slightly zoomed-in, but perfectly zoomed-out to the max'. Your own Page, Your own JS and CSS is the way to go guys.

How to display Image in flash for no copy image?

How to display Image in flash for no copy image?
The image should be in flash variable and encrypt real image file name?
Have the project open source release?
Not an answer to your question, but using flash for this just makes it annoying. The image can be still be saved by hitting the printscreen button.
Do you know what Firebug is? I have copied many images in original quality with it, even Zoomify ones in max resolution. You only can make the copy harder by encrypting everything.

Flash image upload with mandatory crop?

Anyone know of a Flash file (image) uploader that will force a user to resize and/or crop their image BEFORE uploading it? To then upload it as well.
Basically, I don't want my server processing the image resize/crop. I want to specify a target aspect ratio and have the user resize and crop their image to make it fit.
I've seen cropping uploaders before but they all seem to be server side. I saw a Flex one but I'm not sure it's "mandatory" -- Basically if the user just uploads the image without making edits, then I'd like the Flash to scale and fit the image into set dimensions...Leaving it I guess short in one direction to not stretch.
Anything like this out there?
I have a bounty running with a very similar question, be sure to take a peek - there isn't anything there yet that does client side resizing, though.
Also, SWFUpload is said to support it in the new Beta, but the feature is very sparsely documented right now. You would probably have to work on it to get it running the way you want.
there was another one called resize before upload but the site went down. though while I'm updating this and we're on the subject -- I don't see why you'd want to use Flash these days for this task. There are plenty of JavaScript options and now we also have Google's Dart (which builds JavaScript).
