I'm deeping into ruby metaprogramming and have next question.
module ExampleAliaser
def do_example_alias(prefix=:origin)
class_eval <<-EOS
class << self
alias_method :#{prefix}_example, :example
def example
puts "in aliase will call :#{prefix}_example"
class Example1
def self.example
puts "Example"
class Example1
class Example2 < Example1
in aliase will call :origin_example
=> nil
in aliase will call :origin_example
in aliase will call :origin_example
in aliase will call :origin_example
SystemStackError: stack level too deep
from /Users/igorfedoronchuk/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/1.9.1/irb/workspace.rb:80
Maybe IRB bug!!
So when mixin used 2 times it causes error.
What is the best way to fix such things? How to determine that mixing exists and remove it before new mixing
Follow the definition of methods to see why this is happening.
You first define Example1::example in the class definition of Example1. It writes a string to the console.
Then you extend ExampleAliaser. When you call Example1::do_example_alias, you then alias the method example to origin_example and redefine the method example to write a different string to the console and call origin_example.
Then you define the class Example2 to inherit from Example1, which now has two methods defined on it: origin_example and example. When you call Example2::do_example_alias, you alias the method example to origin_example. But remember that example was already redefined to call origin_example. So effectively, Example2::example will call itself until you run out of room on the stack.
If you want to avoid double-aliasing, you could include some kind of guard in do_example_alias:
def do_example_alias(prefix = :origin)
unless methods.include?("#{prefix}_example")
# do the aliasing
You can also undef :method_name in subclasses to remove methods that you no longer want defined.
I'm learning ruby, and noticed that I cannot create a class method called puts:
class Printer
def initialize(text="")
#text = text
def puts
puts #text
The error is:
`puts': wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)
My expectation was that I could use the code like this:
p = Printer.new("hello")
It's not just because puts is a built-in method, though. For instance, this code also gives a syntax error:
def my_puts(text)
puts text
class Printer
def initialize(text="")
#text = text
def my_puts
my_puts #name
tldr; within the scope of the instance, the puts resolves to self.puts (which then resolves to the locally defined method, and not Kernel#puts). This method overriding is a form of shadowing.
Ruby has an 'implicit self' which is the basis for this behavior and is also how the bare puts is resolved - it comes from Kernel, which is mixed into every object.
The Kernel module is included by class Object, so its methods [like Kernel#puts] are available in every Ruby object. These methods are called without a receiver and thus can be called in functional form [such as puts, except when they are overridden].
To call the original same-named method here, the super keyword can be used. However, this doesn't work in the case where X#another_method calls X#puts with arguments when it expects to be calling Kernel#puts. To address that case, see Calling method in parent class from subclass methods in Ruby (either use an alias or instance_method on the appropriate type).
class X
def puts
super "hello!"
P.S. The second example should trivially fail, as my_puts clearly does not take any parameters, without any confusion of there being another "puts". Also, it's not a syntax error as it occurs at run-time after any language parsing.
To add to the previous answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/62268877/13708583), one way to solve this is to create an alias of the original puts which you use in your new puts method.
class Printer
alias_method :original_puts, :puts
attr_reader :text
def initialize(text="")
#text = text
def puts
original_puts text
Printer.new("Hello World").puts
You might be confused from other (static) programming languages in which you can overwrite a method by creating different signatures.
For instance, this will only create one puts method in Ruby (in Java you would have two puts methods (disclaimer: not a Java expert).
def puts(value)
def puts
If you want to have another method with the same name but accepting different parameters, you need to use optional method parameters like this:
def value(value = "default value")
I have the following Ruby namespace problem:
I have a number of top-level methods in a "library", among these I have a get_name(param) method.
The problem is that I want to use this get_name(param) method inside a class that has its own get_name() method (without param!).
Of course this results in a problem as the 2 methods are different and the new one in the class overrides the top-level one.
Is there a way to do something like this:
def get_name(param)
puts param
class Foo
def get_name()
puts "name"
def bar()
self.get_name() #should work and print name, i.e. it uses the get_name method of Foo
get_name("abc") #should work and print abc, i.e. it uses the top-level method
I would like to know if there is an easy way to achieve this without having to alter the name or scope of the top-level methods. (The goal is to have those available without modification as global methods, but still be able to call instance methods of Foo without errors.
If the library methods are really top-level methods and are not part of any class or module, then, they will get defined as private methods of Object class.
You can do following to invoke it:
def bar()
Object.send(:get_name, "abc") # Will print "abc" to console
The so called "top level method" is only a method of main object, which is only an Object. If you want that method to be able to be called (almost) anywhere, you should make it a kernel method.
module Kernel
def get_name(param)
puts param
Note that Kernel is almost at the tail of any classes ancestors chain (before BasicObject), which means almost all the objects are a Kernel. So in your Foo class, you can override it like this:
class Foo
def get_name(*args)
return super if args.any?
puts 'name'
If you can't make those top level methods kernel methods, you can store the main object in a constant or a global variable, and call those top level methods on it.
$main = self
class Foo
def get_name(*args)
return $main.send(:get_name, *args) if args.any?
puts 'name'
First off: there is no such thing as a "top-level method". There is exactly one kind of method in Ruby: instance methods.
The method you are referring to is a private instance method of Object. Since Object is a superclass of almost any other class (excluding Object and its superclasses), if you are sure that there are no other methods with the same name somewhere else in the inheritance hierarchy, you could use Method#super_method to get access to the method and then call it:
def get_name(param)
puts param
class Foo
def get_name
puts 'name'
def bar
get_name #should work and print name, i.e. it uses the get_name method of Foo
method(:get_name).super_method.('abc') #should work and print abc, i.e. it uses the top-level method
# name
# abc
Alternatively, if you don't know whether there are any other methods by the same name within the inheritance hierarchy, you could grab a reference to the UnboundMethod directly from Object and then bind and call it:
class Foo
def bar
get_name #should work and print name, i.e. it uses the get_name method of Foo
Object.instance_method(:get_name).bind(self).('abc') #should work and print abc, i.e. it uses the top-level method
# name
# abc
I have an app that includes modules into core Classes for adding client customizations.
I'm finding that class_eval is a good way to override methods in the core Class, but sometimes I would like to avoid re-writing the entire method, and just defer to the original method.
For example, if I have a method called account_balance, it would be nice to do something like this in my module (i.e. the module that gets included into the Class):
module CustomClient
def self.included base
base.class_eval do
def account_balance
send_alert_email if balance < min
super # Then this would just defer the rest of the logic defined in the original class
But using class_eval seems to take the super method out of the lookup path.
Does anyone know how to work around this?
I think there are several ways to do what you're wanting to do. One is to open the class and alias the old implementation:
class MyClass
def method1
class MyClass
alias_method :old_method1, :method1
def method1
old_method1 + 1
=> 2
This is a form of monkey patching, so probably best to make use of the idiom in moderation. Also, sometimes what is wanted is a separate helper method that holds the common functionality.
EDIT: See Jörg W Mittag's answer for a more comprehensive set of options.
I'm finding that instance_eval is a good way to override methods in the core Class,
You are not overriding. You are overwriting aka monkeypatching.
but sometimes I would like to avoid re-writing the entire method, and just defer to the original method.
You can't defer to the original method. There is no original method. You overwrote it.
But using instance_eval seems to take the super method out of the lookup path.
There is no inheritance in your example. super doesn't even come into play.
See this answer for possible solutions and alternatives: When monkey patching a method, can you call the overridden method from the new implementation?
As you say, alias_method must be used carefully. Given this contrived example :
module CustomClient
host.class_eval do
alias :old_account_balance :account_balance
def account_balance ...
class CoreClass
def old_account_balance ... defined here or in a superclass or
in another included module
def account_balance
# some new stuff ...
old_account_balance # some old stuff ...
include CustomClient
you end up with an infinite loop because, after alias, old_account_balance is a copy of account_balance, which now calls itself :
$ ruby -w t4.rb
t4.rb:21: warning: method redefined; discarding old old_account_balance
t4.rb:2: warning: previous definition of old_account_balance was here
[ output of puts removed ]
t4.rb:6: stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
[from the Pickaxe] The problem with this technique [alias_method] is that you’re relying on there not being an existing method called old_xxx. A better alternative is to make use of method objects, which are effectively anonymous.
Having said that, if you own the source code, a simple alias is good enough. But for a more general case, i'll use Jörg's Method Wrapping technique.
class CoreClass
def account_balance
puts 'CoreClass#account_balance, stuff deferred to the original method.'
module CustomClient
def self.included host
#is_defined_account_balance = host.new.respond_to? :account_balance
puts "is_defined_account_balance=#{#is_defined_account_balance}"
# pass this flag from CustomClient to host :
host.class_eval do
old_account_balance = instance_method(:account_balance) if
define_method(:account_balance) do |*args|
puts 'CustomClient#account_balance, additional stuff'
# like super :
old_account_balance.bind(self).call(*args) if
class CoreClass
include CustomClient
print 'CoreClass.new.account_balance : '
Output :
$ ruby -w t5.rb
CoreClass.new.account_balance : CustomClient#account_balance, additional stuff
CoreClass#account_balance, stuff deferred to the original method.
Why not a class variable ##is_defined_account_balance ? [from the Pickaxe] The module or class definition containing the include gains access to the constants, class variables, and instance methods of the module it includes.
It would avoid passing it from CustomClient to host and simplify the test :
old_account_balance if ##is_defined_account_balance # = super
But some dislike class variables as much as global variables.
[from the Pickaxe] The method Object#instance_eval lets you set self to be some arbitrary object, evaluates the code in a block with, and then resets self.
module CustomClient
def self.included base
base.instance_eval do
puts "about to def account_balance in #{self}"
def account_balance
class Client
include CustomClient #=> about to def account_balance in Client
As you can see, def account_balance is evaluated in the context of class Client, the host class which includes the module, hence account_balance becomes a singleton method (aka class method) of Client :
print 'Client.singleton_methods : '
p Client.singleton_methods #=> Client.singleton_methods : [:account_balance]
Client.new.account_balance won't work because it's not an instance method.
"I have an app that includes modules into core Classes"
As you don't give much details, I have imagined the following infrastructure :
class SuperClient
def account_balance
puts 'SuperClient#account_balance'
class Client < SuperClient
include CustomClient
Now replace instance_eval by class_eval. [from the Pickaxe] class_eval sets things up as if you were in the body of a class definition, so method definitions will define instance methods.
module CustomClient
base.class_eval do
print 'Client.new.account_balance : '
Output :
#=> from include CustomClient :
about to def account_balance in Client #=> as class Client, in the body of Client
Client.singleton_methods : []
Client.new.account_balance : SuperClient#account_balance #=> from super
"But using instance_eval seems to take the super method out of the lookup path."
super has worked. The problem was instance_eval.
I have two classes and I want to copy all of the methods from one class to another. Some methods will have no arguments, some will have arguments, and some will have hashes as arguments. And I never know in advance which ones will. So I created this code, until I figured out that it didn't take into account arguments. Is there any way to get a list of methods from a Class, and then clone them exactly to another class?
def partial(cls)
cls.instance_methods(false).each do |method_name|
define_method(method_name) do
The methods are created on the fly using define_method in the first class, so I can't just use an include. The code above has cls being passed in, then it finds all of the instance methods that are actually written in that Class, not ones it inherits, and then creates a new method with the same name. When that method is called, it actually calls the other Class with its method of the same name. This works wonderfully, unless I have args. I had condition check to see if it had arguments, and then had it call a method with arguments, but it did not handle hashes very well. It made the hash as an array for an argument, which is not what I wanted.
I was wondering if there was a simple way to literally say "Hey you know this method, whatever it is, literally make the same thing for this other Class."
you could also try DelegateClass:
class NamedArray < DelegateClass(Array)
def initialize n
#name = n
def sayName
"My name is #{#name}"
You could try SimpleDelegator: http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/delegate/rdoc/SimpleDelegator.html
If all the methods are identical, why not just define them in a common module which you include in both classes? You mention not using include because the methods are dynamically defined, but that doesn't mean they won't be found when you mixin the module:
module Foo
def self.make_an_example_method(name)
define_method(name) do |*args|
puts "I am #{name} called with (#{args.inspect})"
class A
include Foo
class B
include Foo
A.new.example # => I am example called with ([])
B.new.dynamic(1,2,3) # => I am dynamic called with ([1, 2, 3])
Ok, suppose I have Ruby program to read version control log files and do something with the data. (I don't, but the situation is analogous, and I have fun with these analogies). Let's suppose right now I want to support Bazaar and Git. Let's suppose the program will be executed with some kind of argument indicating which version control software is being used.
Given this, I want to make a LogFileReaderFactory which given the name of a version control program will return an appropriate log file reader (subclassed from a generic) to read the log file and spit out a canonical internal representation. So, of course, I can make BazaarLogFileReader and GitLogFileReader and hard-code them into the program, but I want it to be set up in such a way that adding support for a new version control program is as simple as plopping a new class file in the directory with the Bazaar and Git readers.
So, right now you can call "do-something-with-the-log --software git" and "do-something-with-the-log --software bazaar" because there are log readers for those. What I want is for it to be possible to simply add a SVNLogFileReader class and file to the same directory and automatically be able to call "do-something-with-the-log --software svn" without ANY changes to the rest of the program. (The files can of course be named with a specific pattern and globbed in the require call.)
I know this can be done in Ruby... I just don't how I should do it... or if I should do it at all.
You don't need a LogFileReaderFactory; just teach your LogFileReader class how to instantiate its subclasses:
class LogFileReader
def self.create type
case type
when :git
when :bzr
raise "Bad log file type: #{type}"
class GitLogFileReader < LogFileReader
def display
puts "I'm a git log file reader!"
class BzrLogFileReader < LogFileReader
def display
puts "A bzr log file reader..."
As you can see, the superclass can act as its own factory. Now, how about automatic registration? Well, why don't we just keep a hash of our registered subclasses, and register each one when we define them:
class LogFileReader
##subclasses = { }
def self.create type
c = ##subclasses[type]
if c
raise "Bad log file type: #{type}"
def self.register_reader name
##subclasses[name] = self
class GitLogFileReader < LogFileReader
def display
puts "I'm a git log file reader!"
register_reader :git
class BzrLogFileReader < LogFileReader
def display
puts "A bzr log file reader..."
register_reader :bzr
class SvnLogFileReader < LogFileReader
def display
puts "Subersion reader, at your service."
register_reader :svn
And there you have it. Just split that up into a few files, and require them appropriately.
You should read Peter Norvig's Design Patterns in Dynamic Languages if you're interested in this sort of thing. He demonstrates how many design patterns are actually working around restrictions or inadequacies in your programming language; and with a sufficiently powerful and flexible language, you don't really need a design pattern, you just implement what you want to do. He uses Dylan and Common Lisp for examples, but many of his points are relevant to Ruby as well.
You might also want to take a look at Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby, particularly chapters 5 and 6, though only if you can deal with surrealist technical writing.
edit: Riffing of off Jörg's answer now; I do like reducing repetition, and so not repeating the name of the version control system in both the class and the registration. Adding the following to my second example will allow you to write much simpler class definitions while still being pretty simple and easy to understand.
def log_file_reader name, superclass=LogFileReader, &block
Class.new(superclass, &block).register_reader(name)
log_file_reader :git do
def display
puts "I'm a git log file reader!"
log_file_reader :bzr do
def display
puts "A bzr log file reader..."
Of course, in production code, you may want to actually name those classes, by generating a constant definition based on the name passed in, for better error messages.
def log_file_reader name, superclass=LogFileReader, &block
c = Class.new(superclass, &block)
Object.const_set("#{name.to_s.capitalize}LogFileReader", c)
This is really just riffing off Brian Campbell's solution. If you like this, please upvote his answer, too: he did all the work.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class Object; def eigenclass; class << self; self end end end
module LogFileReader
class LogFileReaderNotFoundError < NameError; end
class << self
def create type
(self[type] ||= const_get("#{type.to_s.capitalize}LogFileReader")).new
rescue NameError => e
raise LogFileReaderNotFoundError, "Bad log file type: #{type}" if e.class == NameError && e.message =~ /[^: ]LogFileReader/
def []=(type, klass)
#readers ||= {type => klass}
def []=(type, klass)
#readers[type] = klass
def [](type)
#readers ||= {}
def [](type)
def included klass
self[klass.name[/[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]*/].downcase.to_sym] = klass if klass.is_a? Class
def LogFileReader type
Here, we create a global method (more like a procedure, actually) called LogFileReader, which is the same name as our module LogFileReader. This is legal in Ruby. The ambiguity is resolved like this: the module will always be preferred, except when it's obviously a method call, i.e. you either put parentheses at the end (Foo()) or pass an argument (Foo :bar).
This is a trick that is used in a few places in the stdlib, and also in Camping and other frameworks. Because things like include or extend aren't actually keywords, but ordinary methods that take ordinary parameters, you don't have to pass them an actual Module as an argument, you can also pass anything that evaluates to a Module. In fact, this even works for inheritance, it is perfectly legal to write class Foo < some_method_that_returns_a_class(:some, :params).
With this trick, you can make it look like you are inheriting from a generic class, even though Ruby doesn't have generics. It's used for example in the delegation library, where you do something like class MyFoo < SimpleDelegator(Foo), and what happens, is that the SimpleDelegator method dynamically creates and returns an anonymous subclass of the SimpleDelegator class, which delegates all method calls to an instance of the Foo class.
We use a similar trick here: we are going to dynamically create a Module, which, when it is mixed into a class, will automatically register that class with the LogFileReader registry.
LogFileReader.const_set type.to_s.capitalize, Module.new {
There's a lot going on in just this line. Let's start from the right: Module.new creates a new anonymous module. The block passed to it, becomes the body of the module – it's basically the same as using the module keyword.
Now, on to const_set. It's a method for setting a constant. So, it's the same as saying FOO = :bar, except that we can pass in the name of the constant as a parameter, instead of having to know it in advance. Since we are calling the method on the LogFileReader module, the constant will be defined inside that namespace, IOW it will be named LogFileReader::Something.
So, what is the name of the constant? Well, it's the type argument passed into the method, capitalized. So, when I pass in :cvs, the resulting constant will be LogFileParser::Cvs.
And what do we set the constant to? To our newly created anonymous module, which is now no longer anonymous!
All of this is really just a longwinded way of saying module LogFileReader::Cvs, except that we didn't know the "Cvs" part in advance, and thus couldn't have written it that way.
eigenclass.send :define_method, :included do |klass|
This is the body of our module. Here, we use define_method to dynamically define a method called included. And we don't actually define the method on the module itself, but on the module's eigenclass (via a small helper method that we defined above), which means that the method will not become an instance method, but rather a "static" method (in Java/.NET terms).
included is actually a special hook method, that gets called by the Ruby runtime, everytime a module gets included into a class, and the class gets passed in as an argument. So, our newly created module now has a hook method that will inform it whenever it gets included somewhere.
LogFileReader[type] = klass
And this is what our hook method does: it registers the class that gets passed into the hook method into the LogFileReader registry. And the key that it registers it under, is the type argument from the LogFileReader method way above, which, thanks to the magic of closures, is actually accessible inside the included method.
include LogFileReader
And last but not least, we include the LogFileReader module in the anonymous module. [Note: I forgot this line in the original example.]
class GitLogFileReader
def display
puts "I'm a git log file reader!"
class BzrFrobnicator
include LogFileReader
def display
puts "A bzr log file reader..."
class NameThatDoesntFitThePattern
include LogFileReader(:darcs)
def display
puts "Darcs reader, lazily evaluating your pure functions."
puts 'Here you can see, how the LogFileReader::Darcs module ended up in the inheritance chain:'
p LogFileReader.create(:darcs).class.ancestors
puts 'Here you can see, how all the lookups ended up getting cached in the registry:'
p LogFileReader.send :instance_variable_get, :#readers
puts 'And this is what happens, when you try instantiating a non-existent reader:'
This new expanded version allows three different ways of defining LogFileReaders:
All classes whose name matches the pattern <Name>LogFileReader will automatically be found and registered as a LogFileReader for :name (see: GitLogFileReader),
All classes that mix in the LogFileReader module and whose name matches the pattern <Name>Whatever will be registered for the :name handler (see: BzrFrobnicator) and
All classes that mix in the LogFileReader(:name) module, will be registered for the :name handler, regardless of their name (see: NameThatDoesntFitThePattern).
Please note that this is just a very contrived demonstration. It is, for example, definitely not thread-safe. It might also leak memory. Use with caution!
One more minor suggestion for Brian Cambell's answer -
In you can actually auto-register the subclasses with an inherited callback. I.e.
class LogFileReader
cattr_accessor :subclasses; self.subclasses = {}
def self.inherited(klass)
# turns SvnLogFileReader in to :svn
key = klass.to_s.gsub(Regexp.new(Regexp.new(self.to_s)),'').underscore.to_sym
# self in this context is always LogFileReader
self.subclasses[key] = klass
def self.create(type)
return self.subclasses[type.to_sym].new if self.subclasses[type.to_sym]
raise "No such type #{type}"
Now we have
class SvnLogFileReader < LogFileReader
def display
# do stuff here
With no need to register it
This should work too, without the need for registering class names
class LogFileReader
def self.create(name)
classified_name = name.to_s.split('_').collect!{ |w| w.capitalize }.join
class GitLogFileReader < LogFileReader
def display
puts "I'm a git log file reader!"
and now
This is how I would make an extensible factory class.
module Factory
class Error < RuntimeError
class Base
##registry = {}
class << self
def inherited(klass)
type = klass.name.downcase.to_sym
##registry[type] = klass
def create(type, *args, **kwargs)
klass = ##registry[type]
return klass.new(*args, **kwargs) if klass
raise Factory::Error.new "#{type} is unknown"
class Animal < Factory::Base
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(name)
#name = name
def walk?
raise NotImplementedError
class Cat < Animal
def walk?; true; end
class Fish < Animal
def walk?; false; end
class Salmon < Fish
duck = Animal.create(:cat, "Garfield")
salmon = Animal.create(:salmon, "Alfredo")
pixou = Animal.create(:duck, "Pixou") # duck is unknown (Factory::Error)