I have two classes and I want to copy all of the methods from one class to another. Some methods will have no arguments, some will have arguments, and some will have hashes as arguments. And I never know in advance which ones will. So I created this code, until I figured out that it didn't take into account arguments. Is there any way to get a list of methods from a Class, and then clone them exactly to another class?
def partial(cls)
cls.instance_methods(false).each do |method_name|
define_method(method_name) do
The methods are created on the fly using define_method in the first class, so I can't just use an include. The code above has cls being passed in, then it finds all of the instance methods that are actually written in that Class, not ones it inherits, and then creates a new method with the same name. When that method is called, it actually calls the other Class with its method of the same name. This works wonderfully, unless I have args. I had condition check to see if it had arguments, and then had it call a method with arguments, but it did not handle hashes very well. It made the hash as an array for an argument, which is not what I wanted.
I was wondering if there was a simple way to literally say "Hey you know this method, whatever it is, literally make the same thing for this other Class."
you could also try DelegateClass:
class NamedArray < DelegateClass(Array)
def initialize n
#name = n
def sayName
"My name is #{#name}"
You could try SimpleDelegator: http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/delegate/rdoc/SimpleDelegator.html
If all the methods are identical, why not just define them in a common module which you include in both classes? You mention not using include because the methods are dynamically defined, but that doesn't mean they won't be found when you mixin the module:
module Foo
def self.make_an_example_method(name)
define_method(name) do |*args|
puts "I am #{name} called with (#{args.inspect})"
class A
include Foo
class B
include Foo
A.new.example # => I am example called with ([])
B.new.dynamic(1,2,3) # => I am dynamic called with ([1, 2, 3])
I have the following Ruby namespace problem:
I have a number of top-level methods in a "library", among these I have a get_name(param) method.
The problem is that I want to use this get_name(param) method inside a class that has its own get_name() method (without param!).
Of course this results in a problem as the 2 methods are different and the new one in the class overrides the top-level one.
Is there a way to do something like this:
def get_name(param)
puts param
class Foo
def get_name()
puts "name"
def bar()
self.get_name() #should work and print name, i.e. it uses the get_name method of Foo
get_name("abc") #should work and print abc, i.e. it uses the top-level method
I would like to know if there is an easy way to achieve this without having to alter the name or scope of the top-level methods. (The goal is to have those available without modification as global methods, but still be able to call instance methods of Foo without errors.
If the library methods are really top-level methods and are not part of any class or module, then, they will get defined as private methods of Object class.
You can do following to invoke it:
def bar()
Object.send(:get_name, "abc") # Will print "abc" to console
The so called "top level method" is only a method of main object, which is only an Object. If you want that method to be able to be called (almost) anywhere, you should make it a kernel method.
module Kernel
def get_name(param)
puts param
Note that Kernel is almost at the tail of any classes ancestors chain (before BasicObject), which means almost all the objects are a Kernel. So in your Foo class, you can override it like this:
class Foo
def get_name(*args)
return super if args.any?
puts 'name'
If you can't make those top level methods kernel methods, you can store the main object in a constant or a global variable, and call those top level methods on it.
$main = self
class Foo
def get_name(*args)
return $main.send(:get_name, *args) if args.any?
puts 'name'
First off: there is no such thing as a "top-level method". There is exactly one kind of method in Ruby: instance methods.
The method you are referring to is a private instance method of Object. Since Object is a superclass of almost any other class (excluding Object and its superclasses), if you are sure that there are no other methods with the same name somewhere else in the inheritance hierarchy, you could use Method#super_method to get access to the method and then call it:
def get_name(param)
puts param
class Foo
def get_name
puts 'name'
def bar
get_name #should work and print name, i.e. it uses the get_name method of Foo
method(:get_name).super_method.('abc') #should work and print abc, i.e. it uses the top-level method
# name
# abc
Alternatively, if you don't know whether there are any other methods by the same name within the inheritance hierarchy, you could grab a reference to the UnboundMethod directly from Object and then bind and call it:
class Foo
def bar
get_name #should work and print name, i.e. it uses the get_name method of Foo
Object.instance_method(:get_name).bind(self).('abc') #should work and print abc, i.e. it uses the top-level method
# name
# abc
Is there a way to bind an existing method to an existing instance of an object if both the method and the instance are passed as symbols into a method that does that if the instance is not a symbol?
For example:
def some_method
#do something
some_instance = Klass.new(something)
def method_that_binds(:some_method, to: :some_instance)
#how do I do that?
Your requirements are a little unusual, but it is possible to do this mostly as you say:
class Person; end
harry = Person.new
barry = Person.new
def test
puts 'It works!'
define_method :method_that_binds do |a_method, to|
eval(to[:to].to_s).singleton_class.send(:define_method, a_method, &Object.new.method(a_method))
method_that_binds :test, to: :harry
# It works! will be sent to STDOUT
# undefined method 'test'
This doesn't actually use a named parameter, but accepts a hash with a to key, but you can see you can call it in the way you want. It also assumes that the methods you are defining are defined globally on Object.
The API you want doesn't easily work, because you have to know from which scope you want to access the local variable. It's not quite clear to me why you want to pass the name of the local variable instead of passing the content of the local variable … after all, the local variable is present at the call site.
Anyway, if you pass in the scope in addition to the name, this can be accomplished rather easily:
def some_method(*args)
puts args
puts "I can access some_instance's ivar: ##private_instance_var"
class Foo; def initialize; #private_instance_var = :foo end end
some_instance = Foo.new
def method_that_binds(meth, to:, within:, with: [])
method_that_binds(:some_method, to: :some_instance, within: binding, with: ['arg1', 'arg2'])
# arg1
# arg2
# I can access some_instance's ivar: foo
As you can see, I also added a way to pass arguments to the method. Without that extension, it becomes even simpler:
def method_that_binds(meth, to:, within:)
But you have to pass the scope (Binding) into the method.
If you'd like to add a method just to some_instance i.e. it's not available on other instances of Klass then this can be done using define_singleton_method (documentation here.)
some_instance.define_singleton_method(:some_method, method(:some_method))
Here the first use of the symbol :some_method is the name you'd like the method to have on some_instance and the second use as a parameter to method is creating a Method object from your existing method.
If you'd like to use the same name as the existing method you could wrap this in your own method like:
def add_method(obj, name)
obj.define_singleton_method(name, method(name))
Let's say we have a class A with a method a and a local variable c.
class A
def a; 10 end
c = '5'
And we want to add the method A#a to c.
This is how it can be done
c.singleton_class.send :define_method, :b, &A.new.method(:a)
p c.b # => 10
One way to add a method to an object instance and not to its class is to define it in its singleton class (which every ruby object has).
We can get the c's singleton class by calling the corresponding method c.signleton_class.
Next we need to dynamically define a method in its class and this can usually be accomplished by using the define_method which takes a method name as its first argument (in our case :b) and a block. Now, converting the method into a block might look a bit tricky but the idea is relatively simple: we first transform the method into a Method instance by calling the Object#method and then by putting the & before A.new.method(:a) we tell the interpreter to call the to_proc method on our object (as our returned object is an instance of the Method, the Method#to_proc will be called) and after that the returned proc will be translated into a block that the define_method expects as its second argument.
Assuming I have defined a class with accessors defined using attr_accessor:
class A
attr_accessor :alpha, :beta, :gamma
def initialize
self.alpha = 1
Is there a built-in method that gives the list of method names passed to an attr_accessor call? Or do I have to define a constant with the symbols, and pass it to attr_accessor?
There's no built-in method. Your solution of storing the method names at creation time will work, as long as you know in advance and can control what the method names are.
In my answer to a different but similar question, I showed how to get the names of the methods dynamically, after the fact, using TracePoint. I've updated it below to include :attr_reader and :attr_writer.
module MethodTracer
TracePoint.trace(:c_call) do |t|
if %i[attr_accessor attr_writer attr_reader].include?(t.method_id)
methods = t.self::Methods ||= []
MethodTracer.send(:define_method, :method_added) {|m| methods << m }
TracePoint.trace(:c_return) do |t|
if %i[attr_accessor attr_writer attr_reader].include?(t.method_id)
MethodTracer.send(:remove_method, :method_added)
class Foo
attr_accessor :a
attr_reader :b
attr_writer :c
def foo; end
Foo::Methods # => [:a, :a=, :b, :c=]
I've stored the method names in the Methods constant, but obviously you can store them wherever is most convenient for you.
Defining/removing method_added on MethodTracer ensures that you don't clobber any Foo.method_added you've defined yourself. This methodology, however, does require that if you define Foo.method_added before your calls to attr_*, you will need to call super inside it. Otherwise you will skip the temporary method_added defined by MethodTracer.
Grep an Instance for Setter Methods
One way to do this would be to grep an instance of the class for setters. For example:
#=> [:alpha=, :beta=, :gamma=]
No, that's not possible. Methods generated by attr_accessor, attr_reader and attr_writer are indistinguishable from ones written by hand. In fact, they must be indistinguishable from ones written by hand!
Say, you have a simple attr_accessor, but you later want to refactor it to do something more intelligent (e.g. caching). This is a purely internal change, a client must not be able to observe the difference, otherwise it would be a breach of encapsulation!
If you simply want a list of setters, that's easy enough: setters are methods whose name ends with an = sign:
# => [:alpha=, :beta=, :gamma=]
For getters, it's trickier: any method that doesn't take an argument could be a getter, but it could also be a side-effecting method (e.g. Array#clear):
A.public_instance_methods(false).select {|m|
# => [:alpha, :beta, :gamma]
I'm deeping into ruby metaprogramming and have next question.
module ExampleAliaser
def do_example_alias(prefix=:origin)
class_eval <<-EOS
class << self
alias_method :#{prefix}_example, :example
def example
puts "in aliase will call :#{prefix}_example"
class Example1
def self.example
puts "Example"
class Example1
class Example2 < Example1
in aliase will call :origin_example
=> nil
in aliase will call :origin_example
in aliase will call :origin_example
in aliase will call :origin_example
SystemStackError: stack level too deep
from /Users/igorfedoronchuk/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/1.9.1/irb/workspace.rb:80
Maybe IRB bug!!
So when mixin used 2 times it causes error.
What is the best way to fix such things? How to determine that mixing exists and remove it before new mixing
Follow the definition of methods to see why this is happening.
You first define Example1::example in the class definition of Example1. It writes a string to the console.
Then you extend ExampleAliaser. When you call Example1::do_example_alias, you then alias the method example to origin_example and redefine the method example to write a different string to the console and call origin_example.
Then you define the class Example2 to inherit from Example1, which now has two methods defined on it: origin_example and example. When you call Example2::do_example_alias, you alias the method example to origin_example. But remember that example was already redefined to call origin_example. So effectively, Example2::example will call itself until you run out of room on the stack.
If you want to avoid double-aliasing, you could include some kind of guard in do_example_alias:
def do_example_alias(prefix = :origin)
unless methods.include?("#{prefix}_example")
# do the aliasing
You can also undef :method_name in subclasses to remove methods that you no longer want defined.
I'm wondering if there's a way to return an object instead of a string when calling an object without any methods.
For instance:
class Foo
def initialize
#bar = Bar.new
Is there any way to define the Foo class so that the following happens:
foo = Foo.new
foo #returns #bar
In the specific case I'm interested in I'm using a presenter in a Rails view. The presenter sets up one main object and then loads a bunch of related content. The important part looks like this:
class ExamplePresenter
def initialize( id )
#example = Example.find( id )
def example
If I want to return the example used by the ExamplePresenter I can call:
#presenter = ExamplePresenter.new(1)
It would be nice if I could also return the example object by just calling:
So, is there a way to set a default method to return when an object is called, like to_s but returning an object instead of a string?
If I understand correctly, you want to return the instance of Example when you call the ExamplePresenter instance. Such a direct mechanism does not exist in any language, and even if it did, it would block all access to the ExamplePresenter instance and its methods. So it is not logical.
There is something you can do however. You can make the ExamplePresenter class delegate methods to the Example instance inside it. Effectively you do not get a real Example from #presenter but you get an ExamplePresenter that passes all eligible methods into its internal Example effectively acting in behalf of it.
Some ways of doing this is:
class ExamplePresenter
… # as defined in the question
def method_missing symbol, *args
if #example.respond_to?(symbol)
#example.send(symbol, *args)
This will pass any method call down to the internal Example if the ExamplePresenter cannot respond to it. Be careful, you may expose more than you want of the internal Example this way, and any method already defined on ExamplePresenter cannot be passed along.
You can use additional logic inside method_missing to limit exposure or pre/post process the arguments/return values.
Wrapper methods
You can define wrapper methods on ExamplePresenter that do nothing but pass everything to the internal Example. This gives you explicit control on how much of it you want to expose.
class ExamplePresenter
… # as before
def a_method
def another_method(argument, another_argument)
#example.another_method(argument, another_argument)
This gets tedious fast, but you can also add logic to alter arguments before passing it along to the Example or post process the results.
You can also mix and match the above two methods
Delegator library
There is a library in Ruby stdlib called Delegator built exactly for this purpose. You may look into it.
Although this is not recommended, you can do:
class Foo
def self.new
#bar = Bar.new
If you actually do need to create an instance of Foo, then
class << Foo
alias original_new :new
class Foo
def self.new
self.original_new # It will not be useful unless you assign this to some variable.
#bar = Bar.new