How do I fix my makefile? - makefile

I have been trying to install ffmpeg and ffmpeg-php for weeks without success. The latest error I got on my new server is:
[root]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
After searching the web and stackoverflow, it seems that I need to fix my makefile?
I am running CentOS 5 32-bit.
Any help on this problem will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

You are going about installing ffmpeg the wrong way .. make would not work because you are not in the right directory
Easy way for installation add new repo at /etc/yum.repos.d
nano -w /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo
name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Then Install
yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
its as easy as that ... to install ffmpeg-php
wget /path/to/this/file/ffmpeg-php-
tar -xjf ffmpeg-
make install
Can you see where you use make ??? After extracting the compressed file
Lastly PHP.INI
nano /etc/php.ini
Sometimes you need to create new ffmpeg.ini file and php reads it automatically .. this depends on your confifuration
I hope this helps


Can't install apertium language packages from source - make command shows errors

I am trying to install apertium-eng-ita package from source (available at The system is debian 11 (i tried also on fresh ubuntu, get the same error). So i downloaded all the files into my /root directory (/root/eng-ita contents all the files from provided link) and run:
This generated all the necessary files inside the "eng-ita" folder, including "Makefile". But then i run:
and see errors like:
apertium-validate-dictionary apertium-eng-ita.eng-ita.dix /bin/bash:
apertium-validate-dictionary: command not found make: ***
[Makefile:769: eng-ita.autobil.bin] Error 127
I began googling (for example, here is some info - this 127 error and found some information about PATH, but where i can put this PATH to make it work?
If you're installing from source, you should first add the apt source and install apertium-all-dev which will give you make etc. Cf. you should
curl -sS | sudo bash
sudo apt-get -f install locales build-essential automake subversion git pkg-config \
gawk libtool apertium-all-dev
(But you don't need to install from source if you just want to use the pair and not develop for it. There are nightly debian packages of the latest git commit; after running the first command you can get that package with sudo apt install apertium-eng-ita) is installed but a program that needs it says "No such file or directory"

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 and I am trying to run a program as such:
~/junk/cataclysmdda-0.E$ ./cataclysm
which returns
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have tried a few things like, sudo apt-get install libncurses5 with no luck.
If I search for in my system I find 3 of them in different parts of the /snap directory. Maybe the program is not looking there? If so I don't no how to fix that.
I also found this advice:
root#examplehost ~]# ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
So using that I tried to link one of the files in /usr/lib/ and when that didn't work in /usr/lib64/ (I thought that was logical but I don't have a clue), still no luck.
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
sudo apt-get install libncursesw5

macOS "./configure: No such file or directory" problem

When I try to install Sphinx with this guide
./configure --with-pgsql --with-mysql #from guide
make #from guide
sudo make install #from guide
-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
$ autoreconf --install
autoreconf: '' or '' is required
Are you running the ./configure command within the Sphinx source code folder? These instructions are for compiling Sphinx.
It's worth noting that the latest (v3.x) Sphinx releases aren't available as source code, only as pre-compiled binaries. So if that's what you've downloaded, you'll want to copy the files in ./bin - which would include indexer and searchd - into a location within your PATH (I would suggest /usr/local/bin).
Not excellent solution (because without mysql), but working (as all in programming world).
1) brew remove mysql
2) brew install mysql#5.7 (I don't know why, but it is working only with this version)
3) download and extract and cd to it
4) ./configure --with-pgsql --without-mysql and make and sudo make install
It is working for me, because I need postgresql first of all

What is this error `make.exe": no_c_compiler: Command not found`

I'm trying to build grpc from source on Windows 2012 Server edition. I downloaded and installed Python 3.5 from the Python website and installed the entire MinGW package as well as git along with git bash. Following the instructions for building from source:
$ git clone
$ cd grpc
$ git submodule update --init
$ make
$ [sudo] make install
I get the aforementioned error after executing make. Here's the shell output for your perusal.
PS C:\Users\thunderboltsid\grpc> make
[MAKE] Generating /c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/libs/opt/pkgconfig/grpc.pc
[MAKE] Generating /c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/libs/opt/pkgconfig/grpc_unsecure.pc
[MAKE] Generating
[C] Compiling third_party/zlib/adler32.c
make.exe": no_c_compiler: Command not found
make.exe": *** [/c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/objs/opt/third_party/zlib/adler32.o] Error 127
I really can't understand what is this error supposed to be. Tried googling but that didn't help. Any input will be appreciated.
you may need run apt-get install which
install build-base in your system, example:
apt-get install build-base
You may simply have no C compiler installed, not even gcc. If that's the reason then installing gcc resolves the issue:
apt get install gcc

Having trouble configuring sphinx search

I downloaded sphinx 0.9.9 to my ubuntu 10.4 machine.
I ran cd ~/sphinx-0.9.9 then ./configure, then make then make install.
Make install gave me errors so I ran sudo make install and then there were no errors.
I am going through the documentation. I am at 2.6. Quick Sphinx usage tour.
It says:
All the example commands below assume that you installed Sphinx in /usr/local/sphinx, so searchd can be found in /usr/local/sphinx/bin/searchd.
I do have /usr/local/sphinx but there is no bin folder in it, just etc and var.
It then also says:
there's example.sql sample data file to populate that table with a few documents for testing purposes:
$ mysql -u test < /usr/local/sphinx/etc/example.sql
but inside my /usr/local/sphinx/etc/ folder there is only one file: sphinx.conf
and according to the docs that file shouldnt event exist yet, it should be sphinx.conf.dist
I tried to install sphinx 6 months ago and gave up. I am only revisiting it now, so maybe there is a chance I screwed something up then that is giving me problems now. Is there a way to remove everything sphinx so I can try again fresh? Or does anyone have any other ideas what is going on?
You might try installing the package version of sphinx; it's slightly older, but should work as well. As far as compiling problems, you might check the SphinxSearch forum.
Looks like you have installation issue here.
The output of make command will be helpful.
I would suggest reinstalling sphinx, just delete the folder/or run sudo make uninstall, where you had installed the sphinx, and then following these steps to reinstall sphinx
Update and Grab dependencies. Run these commands in order to get the files you need to install Sphinx.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
Download source, Untar and prep. Here's where it gets a bit complicated. You'll need to extract the source, change into the directory and configure Sphinx. Do that with these commands.
tar xvzf sphinx-
cd sphinx-
./configure --with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql --with-mysql-libs=/usr/lib/mysql
Make and Install Sphinx
sudo make install
