Static call graph generation for the Linux kernel - linux-kernel

I'm looking for a tool to statically generate a call graph of the Linux kernel (for a given kernel configuration). The generated call graph should be "complete", in the sense that all calls are included, including potential indirect ones which we can assume are only done through the use of function pointers in the case of the Linux kernel.
For instance, this could be done by analyzing the function pointer types: this approach would lead to superfluous edges in the graph, but that's ok for me.
ncc seems to implement this idea, however I didn't succeed in making it work on the 3.0 kernel. Any other suggestions?
I'm guessing this approach could also lead to missing edges in cases where function pointer casts are used, so I'd also be interested in knowing whether this is likely in the Linux kernel.
As a side note, there seems to be other tools that are able to do semantic analysis of the source to infer potential pointer values, but AFAICT, none of them are design to be used in a project such as the Linux kernel.
Any help would be much appreciated.

We've done global points-to analysis (with indirect function pointers) and full call graph construction of monolithic C systems of 26 million lines (18,000 compilation units).
We did it using our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit, its C Front End and its associated flow analysis machinery. The points-to analysis machinery (and the other analyses) are conservative; yes, you get some bogus points-to and therefore call edges as a consequence. These are pretty hard to avoid.
You can help such analyzers by providing certain crucial facts about key functions, and by harnessing knowledge such as "embedded systems [and OSes] tend not to have cycles in the call graph", which means you can eliminate some of these. Of course, you have to allow for exceptions; my moral: "in big systems, everything happens."
The particular problem included dynamically loaded(!) C modules using a special loading scheme specific to this particular software, but that just added to the problem.
Casts on function pointers shouldn't lose edges; a conservative analysis should simply assume that the cast pointer matches any function in the system with signature corresponding to the casted result. More problematic are casts which produce sort-of-compatible signatures; if you cast a function pointer to void* foo(uint) when the actual function being called accepts an int, the points to analysis will necessarily conservatively choose the wrong functions. You can't blame the analyzer for that; the cast lies in that case. Yes, we saw this kind of trash in the 26 million line system.
This is certainly the right scale for analyzing Linux (which I think is a mere 8 million lines or so :-). But we haven't tried it specifically on Linux.
Setting up this tool is complicated because you have to capture all the details about the compilations themselves, and in particular the configuration of the Linux kernal you want to generate. So you pretty much have to intercept the compiler calls to get the command line switches, etc.


Does the guarantee of non-divergence when dispatching single work item exist?

As we know, work items running on GPUs could diverge when there are conditional branches. One of those mentions exist in Apple's OpenCL Programming Guide for Mac.
As such, some portions of an algorithm may run "single-threaded", having only 1 work item running. And when it's especially serial and long-running, some applications take those work back to CPU.
However, this question concerns only GPU and assume those portions are short-lived. Do these "single-threaded" portions also diverge (as in execute both true and false code paths) when they have conditional branches? Or will the compute units (or processing elements, whichever your terminology prefers) skip those false branches?
In reply to comment, I'd remove the OpenCL tag and leave the Vulkan tag there.
I included OpenCL as I wanted to know if there's any difference at all between clEnqueueTask and clEnqueueNDRangeKernel with dim=1:x=1. The document says they're equivalent but I was skeptical.
I believe Vulkan removed the special function to enqueue a single-threaded task for good reasons, and if I'm wrong, please correct me.
Do these "single-threaded" portions also diverge (as in execute both true and false code paths) when they have conditional branches?
From an API point of view it has to appear to the program that only the active branch paths were taken. As to what actually happens, I suspect you'll never know for sure. GPU hardware architectures are nearly all confidential so it's impossible to be certain.
There are really two cases here:
Cases where a branch in the program turns into a real branch instruction.
Cases where a branch in the program turns into a conditional select between two computed values.
In the case of a real branch I would expect most cases to only execute the active path because it's a horrible waste of power to do both, and GPUs are all about energy efficiency. That said, YMMV and this isn't guaranteed at all.
For simple branches the compiler might choose to use a conditional select (compute both results, and then select the right answer). In this case you will compute both results. The compiler heuristics will generally aim to choose this where computing both results is less expensive than actually having a full branch.
I included OpenCL as I wanted to know if there's any difference at all between clEnqueueTask and clEnqueueNDRangeKernel with dim=1:x=1. The document says they're equivalent but I was skeptical.
Why would they be different? They are doing the same thing conceptually ...
I believe Vulkan removed the special function to enqueue a single-threaded task for good reasons, and if I'm wrong, please correct me.
Vulkan compute dispatch is in general a whole load simpler than OpenCL (and also perfectly adequate for most use cases), so many of the host-side functions from OpenCL have no equivalent in Vulkan. The GPU side behavior is pretty much the same. It's also worth noting that most of the holes where Vulkan shaders are missing features compared to OpenCL are being patched up with extensions - e.g. VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 and VK_KHR_variable_pointers.
Q : Or will the compute units skip those false branches?
The ecosystem of CPU / GPU code-execution is rather complex.
The layer of hardware is where the code-paths (translated into "machine"-code) operate. On this laye, the SIMD-Computing-Units cannot and will not skip anything they are ordered to SIMD-process by the hardware-scheduler (next layer).
The layer of hardware-specific scheduler (GPUs have typically right two-modes: a WARP-mode scheduling for coherent, non-diverging code-paths efficiently scheduled in SIMD-blocks and greedy-mode scheduling). From this layer, the SIMD-Computing-Units are loaded to work on SIMD-operated blocks-of-work, so any first divergence detected on the lower layer (above) breaks the execution, flags the SIMD-hardware scheduler about blocks, deferred to be executed later and all known SIMD-specific block-device-optimised scheduling is well-known to start to grow less-efficient and less-efficient, due to each such run-time divergence.
The layer of { OpenCL | Vulkan API }-mediated device-specific programming decides a lot about the ease or comfort of human-side programming of the wide range of the target-devices, all without knowing about its respective internal constraints, about (compiler decided) preferred "machine"-code computing problem re-formulation and device-specific tricks and scheduling. A bit oversimplified battlefield picture has made for years human-users just stay "in front" of the mediated asynchronous work-units ( kernel's ) HOST-to-DEVICE scheduling queues and wait until we receive back the DEVICE-to-HOST delivered results back, doing some prior-H2D/posterior-D2H memory transfers, if allowed and needed.
The HOST-side DEVICE-kernel-code "scheduling" directives are rather imperative and help the mediated-device-specific programming reflect user-side preferences, yet leave user blind from seeing all internal decisions ( assembly-level reviews are indeed only for hard-core, DEVICE-specific, GPU-engineering Aces and hard to modify, if willing to )
All that said, "adaptive" run-time values' based decisions to move a particular "work-unit" back-to-the-HOST-CPU, rather than finalising it all in DEVICE-GPU, are not, to the best of my knowledge, taking place on the bottom of this complex computing ecosystem hierarchy ( afaik, it would be exhaustively expensive to try to do so ).

Is it possible to have a hotfix at runtime with executable memory heaps and a distributed system?

I've been looking over a few tutorials for JIT and allocating heaps of executable memory at runtime. This is mainly a conceptual question, so please correct me if I got something wrong.
If I understand it correctly, a JIT takes advantage of a runtime interpreter/compiler that outputs native or executable code and, if native binary, places it in an executable code heap in memory, which is OS-specific (e.g. VirtualAlloc() for Windows, mmap() for Linux).
Additionally, some languages like Erlang can have a distributed system such that each part is separated from each other, meaning that if one fails, the others can account for such a case in a modular way, meaning that modules can also be switched in and out at will if managed correctly without disturbing overall execution.
With a runtime compiler or some sort of code delivery mechanism, wouldn't it be feasible to load code at runtime arbitrarily to replace modules of code that could be updated?
Say I have a sort(T, T) function that operates on T or T. Now, suppose I have a merge_sort(T,T) function that I have loaded at runtime. If I implement a sort of ledger or register system such that users of the first sort(T,T) can reassign themselves to use the new merge_sort(T,T) function and detect when all users have adjusted themselves, I should then be able to deallocate and delete sort(T,T) from memory.
This basically sounds a lot like a JIT, but the attractive part, to me, was the aspect where you can swap out code arbitrarily at runtime for modules. That way, while a system is not under a full load such that each module is being used, modules could be automated to switch to new code, if needed, and etc. Theoretically, wouldn't this be a way to implement patches such that a user who uses a program should never have to "restart" the program if the program can swap out code silently in the individual modules? I'd imagine much larger distributed systems can make use of this, but what about smaller ones?
Additionally, some languages like Erlang can have a distributed system
such that each part is separated from each other, meaning that if one
fails, the others can account for such a case in a modular way,
meaning that modules can also be switched in and out at will if
managed correctly without disturbing overall execution.
You're describing how to make a fault-tolerant system which is entirely different from replacing code at run-time (known at Dynamic Software Update or DSU). Indeed, in Erlang, you can have one process monitoring other processes and if one fails, it will migrate the work to another process to keep the system running as expected. Note that DSU is not used to implement fault-tolerance. They are different features with different purposes.
Say I have a sort(T, T) function that operates on T or T. Now, suppose
I have a merge_sort(T,T) function that I have loaded at runtime. If I
implement a sort of ledger or register system such that users of the
first sort(T,T) can reassign themselves to use the new merge_sort(T,T)
function and detect when all users have adjusted themselves, I should
then be able to deallocate and delete sort(T,T) from memory.
This is called DSU and is used to be able to do any of the following tasks without the need to take the system down:
Fix one or more bugs in a piece of code.
Patch security holes.
Employ a more efficient code.
Deploy new features.
Therefore, any app or system can use DSU so that it can perform these tasks without requiring a restart.
Erlang enables you to perform DSU in addition to facilitating fault-tolerance as discussed above. For more information, refer to this Erlang write paper.
There are numerous ways to implement DSU. Since you're interested in JIT compilers and assuming that by "JIT compiler" you mean the component that not only compiles IL code but also allocates executable memory and patches function calls with binary code addresses, I'll discuss how to implement DSU in JIT environments. The JIT compiler has to support the following two features:
The ability to obtain or create new binary code at run-time. If you have IL code, no need to allocate executable memory yet since it has to be compiled.
The ability to replace a piece of IL code (which might have already been JITted) or binary code with the new piece of code.
Clearly, with these two features, you can perform DSU on a single function. Swapping a whole module or library requires swapping all the functions and global variables exported by that module.

Assembly Analysis Tools

Does anyone have any suggestions for assembly file analysis tools? I'm attempting to analyze ARM/Thumb-2 ASM files generated by LLVM (or alternatively GCC) when passed the -S option. I'm particularly interested in instruction statistics at the basic block level, e.g. memory operation counts, etc. I may wind up rolling my own tool in Python, but was curious to see if there were any existing tools before I started.
Update: I've done a little searching, and found a good resource for disassembly tools / hex editors / etc here, but unfortunately it is mainly focused on x86 assembly, and also doesn't include any actual assembly file analyzers.
What you need is a tool for which you can define an assembly language syntax, and then build custom analyzers. You analyzers might be simple ("how much space does an instruction take?") or complex ("How many cycles will this isntruction take to execute?" [which depends on the preceding sequence of instructions and possibly a sophisticated model of the processor you care about]).
One designed specifically to do that is the New Jersey Machine Toolkit. It is really designed to build code generators and debuggers. I suspect it would be good at "instruction byte count". It isn't clear it is good at more sophisticated analyses. And I believe it insists you follow its syntax style, rather than yours.
One not designed specifically to do that, but good at parsing/analyzing langauges in general is our
DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.
DMS can be given a grammar description for virtually any context free language (that covers most assembly language syntax) and can then parse a specific instance of that grammar (assembly code) into ASTs for further processing. We've done with with several assembly langauges, including the IBM 370, Motorola's 8 bit CPU line, and a rather peculiar DSP, without trouble.
You can specify an attribute grammar (computation over an AST) to DMS easily. These are great way to encode analyses that need just local information, such as "How big is this instruction?". For more complex analysese, you'll need a processor model that is driven from a series of instructions; passing such a machine model the ASTs for individual instructions would be an easy way to apply a machine model to compute more complex things as "How long does this instruction take?".
Other analyses such as control flow and data flow, are provided in generic form by DMS. You can use an attribute evaluator to collect local facts ("control-next for this instruction is...", "data from this instruction flows to,...") and feed them to the flow analyzers to compute global flow facts ("if I execute this instruction, what other instructions might be executed downstream?"..)
You do have to configure DMS for your particular (assembly) language. It is designed to be configured for tasks like these.
Yes, you can likely code all this in Python; after all, its a Turing machine. But likely not nearly as easily.
An additional benefit: DMS is willing to apply transformations to your code, based on your analyses. So you could implement your optimizer with it, too. After all, you need to connect the analysis indication the optimization is safe, to the actual optimization steps.
I have written many disassemblers, including arm and thumb. Not production quality but for the purposes of learning the assembler. For both the ARM and Thumb the ARM ARM (ARM Architectural Reference Manual) has a nice chart from which you can easily count up data operations from load/store, etc. maybe an hours worth of work, maybe two. At least up front, you would end up with data values being counted though.
The other poster may be right, as with the chart I am talking about it should be very simple to write a program to examine the ASCII looking for ldr, str, add, etc. No need to parse everything if you are interested in memory operations counts, etc. Of course the downside is that you are likely not going to be able to examine loops. One function may have a load and store, another may have a load and store but have it wrapped by a loop, causing many more memory operations once executed.
Not knowing what you really are interested in, my guess is you might want to simulate the code and count these sorts of things. I wrote a thumb simulator (thumbulator) that attempts to do just that. (and I have used it to compare llvm execution vs gcc execution when it comes to number of instructions executed, fetches, memory operations, etc) The problem may be that it is thumb only, no ARM no Thumb2. Thumb2 could be added easier than ARM. There exists an armulator from arm, which is in the gdb sources among other places. I cant remember now if it executes thumb2. My understanding is that when arm was using it would accurately tell you these sorts of statistics.
You can plug your statistics into LLVM code generator, it's quite flexible and it is already collecting some stats, which could be used as an example.

Computing Efficiency Question

I'm wondering about computational efficiency. I'm going to use Java in this example, but it is a general computing question. Lets say I have a string and I want to get the value of the first letter of the string, as a string. So I can do
String firstletter = String.valueOf(somestring.toCharArray()[0]);
Or I could do:
char[] stringaschar = somestring.toCharArray();
char firstchar = stringaschar[0];
String firstletter = String.valueOf(firstchar);
My question is, are the two ways essentially the same, computationally? I mean, the second way I explicitly had to create 2 intermediate variables, to be stored in memory (the stack?) temporarily.
But the first way, too, the computer will have to still create the same variables, implicitly, right? And the number of operations doesn't change. My thinking is, the two ways are the same. But I'd like to know for sure.
In most cases the two ways should produce the same, or nearly the same, object code. Optimizing compilers usually detect that the intermediate variables in the second option are not necessary to get the correct result, and will collapse the call graph accordingly.
This all depends on how your Java interpreter decides to translate your code into an intermediary language for runtime execution. It may actually have optimizations which translate the two approaches to be the same exact byte code.
The two should be essentially the same. In both cases you make the same calls converting the string to an array, finding the first character, and getting the value of the character. There may be minor differences in how the compiler handles these, but they should be insignficant.
The earlier answers are coincident and right, AFAIK.
However, I think there are a few additional and general considerations you should be aware of each time you wonder about the efficiency of any computational asset (code, for example).
First, if everything is under your strict control you could in principle count clock cycles one by one from assembly code. Or from some more abstract reasoning find the computational cost of an operation/algorithm.
So far so good. But don't forget to measure afterwards. You may find that measuring execution times is not so easy and straightforward, and sometimes is elusive (How to account for interrupts, for I/O wait, for network bottlenecks ...). But it pays. You ask here for counsel, but YOUR Compiler/Interpreter/P-code generator/Whatever could be set with just THAT switch in the third layer of your config scripts.
The other consideration, more to your current point is the existence of Black Boxes. You are not alone in the world and a Black Box is any piece used to run your code, which is essentially out of your control. Compilers, Operating Systems, Networks, Storage Systems, and the World in general fall into this category.
What we do with Black Boxes (they are black, either because their code is not public or because we just happen to use our free time fishing instead of digging library source code) is establishing mental models to help us understand how they work. (BTW, This is an extraordinary book about how we humans forge our mental models). But you should always beware that they are models, not the real thing. Models help us to explain things ... to a certain extent. Classical Mechanics reigned until Relativity and Quantum Mechanics fluorished. None of them is wrong They have limits, and so have all our models.
Even if you happen to be friend with your router OS, or your Linux kernel, when confronting an efficiency problem, design a good experiment and measure.
NB: By design a good experiment I mean beware of the tar pits. Examples: measuring your measurement code instead the target of the experiment, being influenced by external factors, forget external factors that will influence the production code, test with data whose cardinality, orthogonality, or whatever-ality is dissimilar with the "real world", mapping wrongly the production and testing Client/server workhorses, et c, et c, et c.
So go, and meassure your code. Your results will be the most interesting thing in this page.

Does coding towards an interface rather then an implementation imply a performance hit?

In day to day programs I wouldn't even bother thinking about the possible performance hit for coding against interfaces rather than implementations. The advantages largely outweigh the cost. So please no generic advice on good OOP.
Nevertheless in this post, the designer of the XNA (game) platform gives as his main argument to not have designed his framework's core classes against an interface that it would imply a performance hit. Seeing it is in the context of a game development where every fps possibly counts, I think it is a valid question to ask yourself.
Does anybody have any stats on that? I don't see a good way to test/measure this as don't know what implications I should bear in mind with such a game (graphics) object.
Coding to an interface is always going to be easier, simply because interfaces, if done right, are much simpler. Its palpably easier to write a correct program using an interface.
And as the old maxim goes, its easier to make a correct program run fast than to make a fast program run correctly.
So program to the interface, get everything working and then do some profiling to help you meet whatever performance requirements you may have.
What Things Cost in Managed Code
"There does not appear to be a significant difference in the raw cost of a static call, instance call, virtual call, or interface call."
It depends on how much of your code gets inlined or not at compile time, which can increase performance ~5x.
It also takes longer to code to interfaces, because you have to code the contract(interface) and then the concrete implementation.
But doing things the right way always takes longer.
First I'd say that the common conception is that programmers time is usually more important, and working against implementation will probably force much more work when the implementation changes.
Second with proper compiler/Jit I would assume that working with interface takes a ridiculously small amount of extra time compared to working against the implementation itself.
Moreover, techniques like templates can remove the interface code from running.
Third to quote Knuth : "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil."
So I'd suggest coding well first, and only if you are sure that there is a problem with the Interface, only then I would consider changing.
Also I would assume that if this performance hit was true, most games wouldn't have used an OOP approach with C++, but this is not the case, this Article elaborates a bit about it.
It's hard to talk about tests in a general form, naturally a bad program may spend a lot of time on bad interfaces, but I doubt if this is true for all programs, so you really should look at each particular program.
Interfaces generally imply a few hits to performance (this however may change depending on the language/runtime used):
Interface methods are usually implemented via a virtual call by the compiler. As another user points out, these can not be inlined by the compiler so you lose that potential gain. Additionally, they add a few instructions (jumps and memory access) at a minimum to get the proper PC in the code segment.
Interfaces, in a number of languages, also imply a graph and require a DAG (directed acyclic graph) to properly manage memory. In various languages/runtimes you can actually get a memory 'leak' in the managed environment by having a cyclic graph. This imposes great stress (obviously) on the garbage collector/memory in the system. Watch out for cyclic graphs!
Some languages use a COM style interface as their underlying interface, automatically calling AddRef/Release whenever the interface is assigned to a local, or passed by value to a function (used for life cycle management). These AddRef/Release calls can add up and be quite costly. Some languages have accounted for this and may allow you to pass an interface as 'const' which will not generate the AddRef/Release pair automatically cutting down on these calls.
Here is a small example of a cyclic graph where 2 interfaces reference each other and neither will automatically be collected as their refcounts will always be greater than 1.
interface Parent {
Child c;
interface Child {
Parent p;
function createGraph() {
Parent p = ParentFactory::CreateParent();
Child c = ChildFactory::CreateChild();
p.c = c;
c.p = p;
... // do stuff here
// p has a reference to c and c has a reference to p.
// When the function goes out of scope and attempts to clean up the locals
// it will note that p has a refcount of 1 and c has a refcount of 1 so neither
// can be cleaned up (of course, this is depending on the language/runtime and
// if DAGS are allowed for interfaces). If you were to set c.p = null or
// p.c = null then the 2 interfaces will be released when the scope is cleaned up.
I think object lifetime and the number of instances you're creating will provide a coarse-grain answer.
If you're talking about something which will have thousands of instances, with short lifetimes, I would guess that's probably better done with a struct rather than a class, let alone a class implementing an interface.
For something more component-like, with low numbers of instances and moderate-to-long lifetime, I can't imagine it's going to make much difference.
IMO yes, but for a fundamental design reason far more subtle and complex than virtual dispatch or COM-like interface queries or object metadata required for runtime type information or anything like that. There is overhead associated with all of that but it depends a lot on the language and compiler(s) used, and also depends on whether the optimizer can eliminate such overhead at compile-time or link-time. Yet in my opinion there's a broader conceptual reason why coding to an interface implies (not guarantees) a performance hit:
Coding to an interface implies that there is a barrier between you and
the concrete data/memory you want to access and transform.
This is the primary reason I see. As a very simple example, let's say you have an abstract image interface. It fully abstracts away its concrete details like its pixel format. The problem here is that often the most efficient image operations need those concrete details. We can't implement our custom image filter with efficient SIMD instructions, for example, if we had to getPixel one at a time and setPixel one at a time and while oblivious to the underlying pixel format.
Of course the abstract image could try to provide all these operations, and those operations could be implemented very efficiently since they have access to the private, internal details of the concrete image which implements that interface, but that only holds up as long as the image interface provides everything the client would ever want to do with an image.
Often at some point an interface cannot hope to provide every function imaginable to the entire world, and so such interfaces, when faced with performance-critical concerns while simultaneously needing to fulfill a wide range of needs, will often leak their concrete details. The abstract image might still provide, say, a pointer to its underlying pixels through a pixels() method which largely defeats a lot of the purpose of coding to an interface, but often becomes a necessity in the most performance-critical areas.
Just in general a lot of the most efficient code often has to be written against very concrete details at some level, like code written specifically for single-precision floating-point, code written specifically for 32-bit RGBA images, code written specifically for GPU, specifically for AVX-512, specifically for mobile hardware, etc. So there's a fundamental barrier, at least with the tools we have so far, where we cannot abstract that all away and just code to an interface without an implied penalty.
Of course our lives would become so much easier if we could just write code, oblivious to all such concrete details like whether we're dealing with 32-bit SPFP or 64-bit DPFP, whether we're writing shaders on a limited mobile device or a high-end desktop, and have all of it be the most competitively efficient code out there. But we're far from that stage. Our current tools still often require us to write our performance-critical code against concrete details.
And lastly this is kind of an issue of granularity. Naturally if we have to work with things on a pixel-by-pixel basis, then any attempts to abstract away concrete details of a pixel could lead to a major performance penalty. But if we're expressing things at the image level like, "alpha blend these two images together", that could be a very negligible cost even if there's virtual dispatch overhead and so forth. So as we work towards higher-level code, often any implied performance penalty of coding to an interface diminishes to a point of becoming completely trivial. But there's always that need for the low-level code which does do things like process things on a pixel-by-pixel basis, looping through millions of them many times per frame, and there the cost of coding to an interface can carry a pretty substantial penalty, if only because it's hiding the concrete details necessary to write the most efficient implementation.
In my personal opinion, all the really heavy lifting when it comes to graphics is passed on to the GPU anwyay. These frees up your CPU to do other things like program flow and logic. I am not sure if there is a performance hit when programming to an interface but thinking about the nature of games, they are not something that needs to be extendable. Maybe certain classes but on the whole I wouldn't think that a game needs to programmed with extensibility in mind. So go ahead, code the implementation.
it would imply a performance hit
The designer should be able to prove his opinion.
