How can I integrate SMS gateway into a website? - sms

if my question or explanation is not good enough please pardon me.
there is something i want to do but i am having some problem on how to start
i develop free little online game website and i want players to be verify through sms. that is, want players to send 'start game'sms from their phone to a number link to my game website and my website game will authomatically reply with 1 to 3 question which will be answer by player before login detail will be send to a player that got the answer right, which will enable player to fully login into my game website to play my games.
i know i can this answer here that is why i ask

Use an SMS Gateway service like SumoText, they provide an API your game can use to send & receive text messages to your users. Good luck!


Microsoft Teams: Is at all possible to create a app/connector/bot for broadcasting?

Trying to parse through the Microsoft Documentation of this is a bit of a challenge.
Our use case is that we want the app to receive broadcasts from an external service. On that broadcast we want it to send a personalized message to every person in the team/org.
Is that at all possible? Doing this in Workplace and Slack was fairly straight forward but i'm going nowhere fast with Teams. Connectors seem weird and user-based, not team based, requiring you to set up a config page for it? Bots seem centered around AI interactions and on demand features and general apps? Not sure.
So yea the question is, is it possible. If so i would appreciate to know where to look for how to do this.
Yes, this is definitely possible. If you're wanting to send to a Team (i.e. a Channel within a Team) you can use either a bot or a webhook. If you want to send to individuals or to group chats, then you'd be looking to use a bot.
For webhooks, see Post external requests to Teams with incoming webhooks. For bots you can start here, and in that case you'd want to look into something called "Pro-active messaging", where the bot is sending a message on it's own, rather in response to a user's initial message.
The Pro-active messaging can be a bit tricky, so if you do want to go that approach (1 to 1 messaging), let me know in the comments and I give you some more guidance. However, I'd suggest rather looking at messaging the Team, and creating/using a relevant channel, rather than sending every user a 1-1 message.

Instagram user's contact e-mail?

Ruby on rails dev here.
This question has been asked before. Here, here and here.
The problem is that they did not make the right question or the solution given was somewhat shallow.
I ´ll be as specific as I can.
The Goal
I want get the user´s contact e-mail and not the account e-mail. Two different things. :)
Some users leave their email on the contact button. It´s public.
My goal is to make a software that can extract e-mails, but for now, only extracting one e-mail from one single account will be more than enough to have my MVP going.
here is an example below on how instagram let users share their e-mail.
The Problem
It only shows in app :( If it were to be shown on the browser as well, it would be a walk in the park. The contact button that has the e-mail and phone number does not show in the browser.
**The Good Part*
There is some solutions to it.
This guy has a figured it out using the API, but I don´t quite understand how he did it. The downside is that all solution wants to sell you a product.
The focus of this company lies on extracting instagram e-mails and it seems legit.
Last but not least, this dude is using appium to extract those juicy e-mails. The third won´t really work for me because it seems too messy. Having to use a android emulator will be my last resort.
Thanks for helping and happy new year.
Set up mitmproxy on your machine.
Set up the certificates on your phone and use your machine as the gateway.
Analyze the traffic.
Reverse engineer the API (to log in and get info about user profiles) and then use it in your Ruby/Python/whatever code.

YouTube v3 API PHP - Add Playlist Server to Server

All I want to do, with PHP and google-api-php-client, is create a new playlist and add it to my YouTube Channel server to server. All guides seem to require me manually clicking a link generated to authorize a token. What?!? With an API key shouldn't I just be able to do server to server changes/uploads/edits without any need of human interaction?
I enabled the API, created API Keys and OAuth ID/Secrets, but still can't figure out how to do it.
Any guide would be appreciated. Server to Server, with PHP, without me needing to open the file in a browser to allow access to account.
Tried this: for adding a playlist and can't get it to work, even after clicking the link and allowing access to account.
You want to start learning something called OAuth. Don't worry, it's only sounds scary. I'll try and ease it a bit for you. But before I begin, no amount of loitering around avoiding that OAuth thing is going to get you anywhere. Good news is: it's not that twisted.
Imagine you were YouTube. An application, say a web application someone wrote that you didn't know about were to come to you making an HTTP request on you.
The request were to say, "Hey, YouTube chum! Can you add this bunch of erotica to John's playlist and just make it all public for everyone to see?"
What would be your response?
If I were YouTube, mine would be --
"Yeah! fook you, dude! Go ask John first! Then, show me some proof that you did."
"And wait a second, before you leave, I forgot to ask, who the fook are you, in fact? You got something to show me for who you are?" I, the YouTube, would add.
You see the problem? For YouTube, there are really two parties involved in this transaction:
The application that's making the sleazy request; and
Poor John, who probably knows nothing of all this even when he should.
Otherwise, what's to stop any application asking YouTube (or Facebook or Google or Github or any place else) for John's data?
So, as far as YouTube is concerned, it needs a way for the application to authenticate itself with YouTube (thus the Application Id and Client Secret or App Secret you created on the Google Developer Console), and it needs John's permission to let the said application do what it is asking you (YouTube) to do (thus the need for John to interact with a UI).
Enter OAuth.
OAuth is a document of rules that allows this co-operative transaction. But for it to work, all the three, YouTube, the web application, and John, must first conspire together.
There are three parties in OAuth:
The OAuth server -- that has John's data. In this example, it was YouTube.
The third-party application that wants to do something with John's data that's kept on the OAuth server, i.e. YouTube.
Poor John, a user on the OAuth server (YouTube), and also wanting to use the third-party Web application that wants YouTube to do something with John's data.
Now, there's a whole lot to learn about OAuth before you write a single line of code, and I can't write it all here but here's a YouTube playlist that starts by explaining the very basics of OAuth and then provides demos in (sorry, no PHP) C# and also in JavaScript.
Once you understand the OAuth transaction mechanism and see some code, then re-visit the YouTube API documentation page you linked to and it'll start to make an enormous amount of sense. It'll click and you won't need to look any place for help writing that example. It'll just come out of you like poop. :-)

How to go about implementing the new Chat beta feature in the Smart Admin Theme and Laravel 5?

I am trying to figure out how to get chat working in the Smart Admin Theme
As I can see, the newer version ships with a Chat beta plugin. On the "About the API" page, it gives a few instructions on how to get the front end working but unfortunately has no information about the back end.
How do I go about implementing the back end for this chat? Do I purchase an account at CometChat. And even if I do, I am still confused about the implementation both on the back and the front end.
I mean do I listen to some events from CometChat, like from some web sockets and then check to see the new message and open a new window on the front end to display it there? Does it work like Pusher, maybe?
I terribly apologize for the vagueness of this question. It is just that I am confused about this and am not able to explain myself in well manner. Can somebody point me in the right direction on how to get the chat feature working if my back end web service is built using Laravel 5?
I am currently trying to use nodeJS with This guide will help you a long way:
The reason I chose for nodeJS with, is that it's realtime. The use of sockets allows you to send messages from server to client, instead of making your client poll for new messages every x seconds.
With some JavaScript skills, you could easily make a nice chat application with person to person chat or even chatrooms.

Can I Send a Text Message from My Computer to a Cell Phone?

Is it possible to send a text message from a computer to a cell phone? I'd like to be able to do this with Ruby, not quite sure what it entails. After seeing GrandCentral and Google Voice, it seems like it's not that bad.
Is it possible? How do I get started!
Yes, it's fairly trivial.
Depends on whether you want to pay or not; some providers offer email addresses for each number that is with them, otherwise you can get an account with an SMS gateway (find one in your country, or try clickatell) and then just buy credits. They'll have various interfaces: Email, HTTP, more.
check it provide services to send sms from website and also have desktop application for it. including iphone, blackberry and facebook application for it.
i hope they will help you to manage sms.
