Filtering Comma Separated Data - linq

My site has a bunch of widgets and i'm trying to filter them based on the url which is passed in. Say a Widget has the following structure:
public class Widget {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Urls { get; set; }
Where Urls is a comma separated list for the urls where the widget should be displayed, e.g.:
/, /Blog/, /Blog/123, /News/*
The asterisk after News indicates the Widget will be selected whenever the passed in url starts with /News/.
How could i modify the following method to filter the widgets based on my conditions above?
public IList<Widget> GetWidgets(string url) {
return _session
.Where(w => w.Urls.Contains(url))
Ideally i'd like to use a linq query and it must only hit the database once. I'd appreciate the help. Thanks

I managed to solve this by adding my own wild card match generator. See for example of how to register the generator. Here's the generator incase anyone is interested:
public class WildCardMatchGenerator : BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod {
public WildCardMatchGenerator() {
var methodDefinition = ReflectionHelper.GetMethodDefinition(() => WildCardMatchExtensions.WildCardMatch(null, null, ','));
SupportedMethods = new[] { methodDefinition };
public override HqlTreeNode BuildHql(MethodInfo method, Expression targetObject, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> arguments, HqlTreeBuilder treeBuilder, IHqlExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return treeBuilder.Equality(treeBuilder.MethodCall("[dbo].[WildCardMatch]", new[] {
}), treeBuilder.Constant(1));
And here is the WildCardMatch UDF:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[WildCardMatch] (
#Separator NVARCHAR(5)
SET #Pattern = REPLACE(#Pattern, '*', '%')
SELECT #RtnValue = CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM [dbo].[Split](#Pattern, #Separator) WHERE #Input LIKE [Data]
RETURN #RtnValue
And the Split function it calls (from
#Separator NVARCHAR(MAX)
SET #Iterator = 1
SET #FoundIndex = CHARINDEX(#Separator, #RowData)
WHILE (#FoundIndex > 0)
INSERT INTO #RtnValue ([Data])
SELECT Data = LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(#RowData, 1, #FoundIndex - 1)))
SET #RowData = SUBSTRING(#RowData, #FoundIndex + DATALENGTH(#Separator) / 2, LEN(#RowData))
SET #Iterator = #Iterator + 1
SET #FoundIndex = CHARINDEX(#Separator, #RowData)
INSERT INTO #RtnValue ([Data])
Lastly you'll need the C# implementation of the above UDF:
public static class WildCardMatchExtensions {
public static bool WildCardMatch(this string pattern, string input, char separator = ',') {
foreach (var str in pattern.Split(new char[] { separator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, Regex.Escape(str.Trim()).Replace("\\*", ".*")))
return true;
return false;
Hope this helps.

I don't think SQL server allows you to use IN for comma delimited field values. You need LIKE (SQL example below):
Urls LIKE '%_your_url_%'
Linq, Expressions, NHibernate and Like comparison may help you with translation LIKE to Linq to NHibernate


How to search on multiple strings entered in single text box in mvc3

i have a single textbox named Keywords.
User can enter multiple strings for search.
How this is possible in mvc3?
I am using nhibernate as ORM.
Can i create criteria for this?
Edited Scenario
I have partial view to search job based on following values:
Keywords(multiple strings), Industry(cascading dropdown with functional area )//working well ,FunctionalArea//working well
Loaction(multiple locations), Experience//working well
In Controller i am retrieving these values from form collection.
What datatype should i use for keywords and location (string or string[] )?
public ActionResult SearchResult(FormCollection formCollection)
IList<Jobs> JobsSearchResultList = new List<Jobs>();
//string[] keywords = null;
string location = null;
int? industry = 0;
int? functionaArea = 0;
int? experience = 0;
string keywords = null;
if (formCollection["txtKeyword"] != "")
keywords = formCollection["txtKeyword"];
//if (formCollection["txtKeyword"] != "")
// keywordAry = formCollection["txtKeyword"].Split(' ');
// foreach (string keyword in keywordAry)
// {
// string value = keyword;
// }
......retrieving other values from formcollection
//Now passing these values to Service method where i have criteria for job search
JobsSearchResultList = oEasyJobsService.GetJobsOnSearchExists(keywords,industry,functionaArea,location,experience);
return View(JobsSearchResultList);
In Services i have done like:
public IList<EASYJobs> GetJobsOnSearchExists(string keywords, int? industryId, int? functionalAreaId, string location, int? experience)
IList<JobLocation> locationlist = new List<JobLocation>();
IList<Jobs> JobsList = null;
var disjunction = Expression.Disjunction();
ICriteria query = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Jobs), "EJobs");
if (keywords != null)
foreach (string keyword in keywords)
string pattern = String.Format("%{0}%", keyword);
.Add(Restrictions.InsensitiveLike("Jobs.keywords", pattern,MatchMode.Anywhere))
.Add(Expression.Eq("EASYJobs.Industry.IndustryId", industryId))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Jobs.FunctionalArea.FunctionalAreaId", functionalAreaId))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Jobs.RequiredExperience", experience)));
JobsList = criteria.List<Jobs>();
Problems i am facing are:
In controller if i use string[],then Split(',') does not split the string with specified separator.It passes string as it is to Service.
2.In services i am trying to replace string with %{0}% ,strings with spaces are replaced/concat() here with given delimeter.
But the problem here is It always return the whole job list means not giving the required output.
Pleas help ...
As long as you have a delimiter you can break the input into pieces on you should be able to create an or expression with the parts. You can use a disjunction to combine an arbitrary number of criteria using OR's.
var criteria = session.CreateCriteria<TestObject>();
Junction disjunction = Restrictions.Disjunction();
var input = "key words";
foreach (var keyword in input.Split(" "))
ICriterion criterion = Restrictions.Eq("PropertyName", keyword);
Multiple keywords with special characters or extra spaces are replaced with single space with Regex expressions.
And then keywords are separated with Split("").
Its working as required....
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
keywords = keywords.Trim();
keywords = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(keywords, #"[^0-9a-zA-Z\._\s]", " ");
keywords = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(keywords, #"[\s]+", " ");
if (keywords.IndexOf(" ") > 0)
string[] arr = keywords.Split(" ".ToCharArray());
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr[i]))
.Add(Expression.Like("EASYJobs.keywords", arr[i], MatchMode.Anywhere)));
.Add(Expression.Like("EASYJobs.keywords", keywords, MatchMode.Anywhere)));

Linq query Group By multiple columns

I have a array of string say:
String[] Fields=new String[]{RowField,RowField1}
In which I can use the below query to get the values by specifying the values is query i.e RowField and RowField1:
var Result = (
from x in _dataTable.AsEnumerable()
select new
Name = x.Field<object>(RowField),
Name1 = x.Field<object>(RowField1)
But if suppose I have many values in the Array like:
String[] Fields= new String[]
How can I use the query here without specifying each of the rowfield in the query?
How can i iterate through the array items inside the LINQ?
According to some suggestions in LINQ query and Array of string I am trying to get the result using the code below.
var result = (from row in _dataTable.AsEnumerable()
let projection = from fieldName in fields
select new {Name = fieldName, Value = row[fieldName]}
select projection.ToDictionary(p=>p.Name,p=>p.Value))
But the problem is it does not return the distinct values.Any ideas?
Start with distinct DataRows by using this overload of Distinct():
_dataTable.AsEnumerable().Distinct(new DataRowEqualityComparer())
Where DataRowEqualityComparer is:
public class DataRowEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<DataRow>
public bool Equals(DataRow x, DataRow y)
return x.ItemArray.SequenceEqual(y.ItemArray);
public int GetHashCode(DataRow obj)
return string.Join("", obj.ItemArray).GetHashCode();

How to convert a string to decimal in a LINQ query

I have the following Linq statement:
var total = (from a in mobileChunk.Data select a.callCost).Sum();
callCost is a string. I need to convert it to a decimal. How is this done?
i would do something like this....
public static class Extenders
public static decimal ToDecimal(this string str)
// you can throw an exception or return a default value here
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) )
return someDefaultValue;
decimal d ;
// you could throw an exception or return a default value on failure
if ( !decimal.TryParse(str, out d ) )
return someDefaultValue;
return d;
now, in your linq.....
var total = = (from a in mobileChunk.Data select a.callCost.ToDecimal()).Sum();
Perhaps you can try this:
var total = (from a in mobileChunk.Data select decimal.Parse(a.callCost)).Sum();

string replace using Linq in c#

public class Abbreviation
public string ShortName { get; set; }
public string LongName { get; set; }
I have a list of Abbreviation objects like this:
List abbreviations = new List();
abbreviations.add(new Abbreviation() {ShortName = "exp.", LongName = "expression"});
abbreviations.add(new Abbreviation() {ShortName = "para.", LongName = "paragraph"});
abbreviations.add(new Abbreviation() {ShortName = "ans.", LongName = "answer"});
string test = "this is a test exp. in a para. contains ans. for a question";
string result = test.Replace("exp.", "expression")
I expect the result to be:
"this is a test expression in a paragraph contains answer for a question"
Currently I am doing:
foreach (Abbreviation abbreviation in abbreviations)
test = test.Replace(abbreviation.ShortName, abbreviation.LongName);
result = test;
Wondering if there is a better way using a combination of Linq and Regex.
If you really wanted to shorten your code, you could use the ForEach extension method on the List:
abbreviations.ForEach(x=> test=test.Replace(x.ShortName, x.LongName));
You could use the ForEach method. Also, a StringBuilder should make the operations on your string more efficient:
var test = new StringBuilder("this is a test exp. in a para. contains ans. for a question");
abbreviations.ForEach(abb => test = test.Replace(abb.ShortName, abb.LongName));
return test.ToString();
Try this one
TestList.ForEach(x => x.TestType.Replace("", "DataNotAvailable"));
or the one below
foreach (TestModel item in TestList.Where(x => x.ID == ""))
item.ID = "NoDataAvailable";

How do I select records and summary in one query?

The scenario is like this:
name | val
'aa' | 10
'bb' | 20
'cc' | 30
sum | 60
For now I just select all the records in simple LINQ query and invoke the enumerator (ToList())
Then I loop over the list and summarize the val column.
Is there a better way? LINQ selects all to a new typed object so I dont know how to add the additional data.
Anonymous type cant allow value to be added or edited once its created. so instead of returning anonymous type, you can use your custom output class. Something like this
public class ResClass
public string name;
public int value;
public class OutClass
public int sum;
public List<ResClass> lstData;
int sum=0;
var outtt = objTT.Where(x => == 1).Select(x =>
sum += x.value;
return new ResClass { name =, value= x.value };
OutClass outCls = new OutClass { sum = sum, lstData = outtt };
