How to access form states inside an ajax callback function - ajax

I'm working on a block module and would like to perform ajax operations on its configuration forms when a file is uploaded via a managed_file field.
So when the managed_file hidden field change (once the file is successfully uploaded), there is an ajax callback. The ajax is called like this:
function updateVideo($action){
(function ($) {
url: '/block_video/update_video', // drupal menu path
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
data: { 'action' : $action },
success: function(data){
// # TODO
The drupal path registered above (/block_video/update_video) call a function where I would like to retrieve the block configuration $form_state variable with its current state (not initial). Is it possible to see the current block configuration form states without using javascript directly and without a calling a page refresh?
It would be way simpler for me to just use the '#ajax' property on the managed_file, but it doesn't have it. So I added the ajax callback above by waiting for a value change on the managed_file hidden element and this part is working (using the method described here
I should be able to retrieve the $form_state in my custom ajax callback. I would like to do it the way it's done with the FAPI [#ajax][callback] (both $form & $form_state are passed to the callback parameters - I only need the current $form_state passed to my callback or accessed in it), I couldn't figure how it's done by Drupal.

Alright, I fixed it soon after asking it so here the answer :
I didn't find any solution to retrieve form_states outside the #ajax callback, so when the hidden field state change, I get the current form state directly from a pure jQuery ajax function.
Off topic but kind of related : I managed others form_states inside the usual FAPI #ajax php callback, I needed to call some custom js right after, so with the method below you can trigger a second ajax callback or just a function. It's done this way :
// Code inside the FAPI #ajax callback :
// Trigger the function $.fn.ajaxTrigger defined in my js file.
$commands[] = ajax_command_invoke(NULL, 'ajaxTrigger');
return array(
'#type' => 'ajax',
'#commands' => $commands,
With this command you can call any javascript function from a Drupal 7 #ajax callback.


What else can I pass to the `form` property of Ext.Ajax.request?

Normally one posts an ExtJS form to the backend using form.submit({...}). I want to make my form submission synchronous now, so I'm switching to using Ext.Ajax.request({async: false, ...}). The form property of Ext.Ajax.request() usually looks like so:
url: 'formsubmit',
form: 'formid',
success: function(response, opts) {
failure:function(res,opt) {
alert("request failed");
I'm dealing with a bunch of anonymous forms right now. Is there any way around this?
Given a var form = {xtype: 'form', items: [...]}
I've tried replacing 'formid' with form.getEl(), form.getForm(), and form.getForm().getFieldValues() which all don't work.
There's no other way around this other than assigning a generated id to each of my anonymous forms, is there.
Thanks for any input
It looks like you could just do this as an alternative to the form attribute:
var form = this.down('form');
url: '',
params: form.getValues()
// etc...
getValues gives you the name/value pairs you need for your submission.
It looks like the ExtJS forms do not actually use form elements in the markup. When the submit function is called on an ExtJS form, an HTML form element is crafted as part of the process, and that's the form that is used for the submission.!/api/Ext.form.action.Submit-method-buildForm
Ideally, you could modify the options that are used in the Ajax request called within the doSubmit function. Since you can't, you might want to consider overriding Ext.form.action.Submit such that you can, then calling the form.submit() function you mentioned in your question.!/api/Ext.form.action.Submit-method-doSubmit

jQuery .ajax 'success' function never runs

I am trying to use jQuery for the first time, and my POST function using .ajax is giving me grief.
The POST is successful; my PHP page runs the MySQL query correctly and the newly created user ID is returned. The only problem is that instead of running the 'success' function; it simply loads the PHP page that I called, which simply echoes the user ID.
Here's the jQuery function:
function register() {
type: "POST",
url: 'sendRegistration.php',
data: dataString,
datatype: 'html',
success: function(response){alert(response);},
complete: function(response,textStatus){console.log(textStatus);},
error: function(response){alert(response);}
... and the PHP return stuff:
// Create a new send & recieve object to store and retrieve the data
$sender = new sendRecieve();
$custId = $sender->submitUser($userVars);
if ($custId != 0) {
echo $custId;
} else {
echo "Database connection problems...";
The database object is created, and then the php page from the 'url' parameter loads, displaying the id that the $sender->submitUser() function returns.
Ideally, I would like it to never display the 'sendRegistration.php' page, but run another js function.
I'm sure there's a simple solution, but I've not been able to find it after hours of searching.
Thanks for your help.
You are likely handling this from a form. If you don't prevent the default form submittal process of the browser, the page will redirect to the action url of the form. If there is no action in form, the current page will reload, which is most likely what is happening in your case.
To prevent this use either of the following methods
/* this method before AJAX code*/
/* OR*/
/* this method after all other code in handler*/
return false;
The same methods apply if you are sending the AJAX from a click handler on the form submit button
how are you calling the register() function? It could be the form is being submitted traditionally, you might need to prevent the default action(standard form submit).

Magento ajax form validation

I have a form in Magento that I build in code, and that works with ajax, which I need to validate.
I would like to be able to use Magento's built-in validation functionality, but I don't know how I would trigger it since the form is not submitted. The data is retrieved via ajax and outputted in a list below the form.
Is there someone who can point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
This is the javascript code used to hande the ajax request. Its called by the onclick event of the button.
function advancedtranslateSearch(url){
new Ajax.Request(url, {
method: 'get',
parameters: $('search_form').serialize(),
onSuccess: function(transport) {
json = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
$('result').update('<div class="hor-scroll">'+json.records+'</div>');
You should use form's onsubmit event.
To prevent page from reloading you must return false value from your function.

How to avoid redirect after form submission if you have a URL in your form's action?

I have a form that looks like this:
<form name="formi" method="post" action="" style="display:none">
<button type="submit" class="moreinfo-send moreinfo-button" tabindex="1006">Subscribe</button>
In the script file I have this code segment where I submit the datas, while in a modal box I say thank you for the subscribers after they passed the validation.
function () {
url: 'data/moreinfo.php',
data: $('#moreinfo-container form').serialize() + '&action=send',
type: 'post',
cache: false,
dataType: 'html',
success: function (data) {
$('#moreinfo-container .moreinfo-loading').fadeOut(200, function () {
$('#moreinfo-container .moreinfo-title').html('Thank you!');
Unfortunately, after I submit the datas, I'm navigated to the domain given in the form's action. I tried to insert return false; in the code (first into the form tag, then into the js code) but then the datas were not inserted into the database. What do I need to do if I just want to post the data and stay on my site and give my own feedback.
I edited Eric Martin's SimpleModal Contact Form, so if more code would be necessary to solve my problem, you can check the original here: (Contact Form)
Usually returning false is enough to prevent form submission, so double check your code. It should be something like this
$('form[name="formi"]').submit(function() {
$.ajax(...); // do your ajax call here
return false; // this prevent form submission
Here is the full answer to your comment
I tried this, but it didn't work. I need to submit the data in the succes part, no?
Maybe, it depends from your logic and your exact needs. Normally to do what you asking for I use the jQuery Form Plugin which handle this kind of behavior pretty well.
From your comment I see that you're not submitting the form itself with the $.ajax call, but you retrieve some kind of data from that call, isn't it? Then you have two choices here:
With plain jQuery (no form plugin)
$('form[name="formi"]').submit(function() {
$.ajax(...); // your existing ajax call
// this will post the form using ajax
$.post($(this).attr('action'), { /* pass here form data */ }, function(data) {
// here you have server response from form submission in data
// this prevent form submission
return false;
With form plugin it's the same, but you don't have to handle form data retrieval (the commented part above) and return false, because the plugin handle this for you. The code would be
$(document).ready(function() {
// bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function
$(form[name="formi"]).ajaxForm(function() {
// this call back is executed when the form is submitted with success
$.ajax(...); // your existing ajax call
That's it. Keep in mind that with the above code your existing ajax call will be executed after the form submission. So if this is a problem for your needs, you should change the code above and use the alternative ajaxForm call which accepts an options object. So the above code could be rewritten as
$(document).ready(function() {
// bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function
beforeSubmit: function() { $.ajax(...); /* your existing ajax call */},
success: function(data) { /* handle form success here if you need that */ }

get $.post to work with the validate plugin on multiple forms without seperate functions

On a fansite im doing
I have a few forms (2 atm). I used $.post to find out what form is being submited. submit the form and display that pages results where the form was originally with .html().
My next step was to use the validator which is working fine but im not sure how to put the 2 together.
submitHandler: function(form){} seems to be the setting for how its submitted. However, I can't get this to work with my $.post function or find out what form is being processed.
If I leave the defaults for validation plug-in if there no errors it will send you to the page. the ajax plug-in that it works with doesn't do what I want. Below is my $.post function
form validation:
//ajax post
event.preventDefault();//stop from submiting
//set needed variables
var $form = $(this)
var $div = $form.parent("div")
$url = $form.attr("action");
//submit via post and put results in div
$.post( $url, $form.serialize() , function(data)
{ $div.html(data) })
}) is the validation plugin
You're correct in thinking that submitHandler is the right callback to use. However, I ran into some interesting issues while using it with multiple forms (like you're trying to do). For example, in this code:
$("#form1, #form2").validate({
submitHandler: function(form) {
The submitHandler callback does not get supplied the correct parameter (it always gets #form1). I believe this is actually a bug in jQuery-validate (so I've filed it here).
Anyway, a decent workaround would be to wrap the validate call in .each():
$("form").each(function() {
submitHandler: function(form) {
/* 'form' has the correct value */
var values = $(form).serialize(),
$div = $(form).parent("div");
/* Perform AJAX call here */
