Navigation loop and clearing back-stack - windows

Right now, what I have is, when the user clicks on the page, the page will automatically send the user to a webtask which opens up a pdf file.
What's happening right now is when the user presses the back button, it goes back to the Original page for a split second, before being redirected back to the pdf as I have assigned it to (due to the onnavigateto function)
How would I make it so that, when the user clicks the back button in the pdf document, the app will take the user back to the main page?
Also, on the main page, how do I ensure that the backstack is cleared? (As the Application HAS to exit on the MainPage, so can't go back to the pdf.)
My Code so far, I have tried...
public partial class Page2 : PhoneApplicationPage
public Page2()
//as soon as this page is opened, navigate/redirect it to the URL below
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
WebBrowserTask task = new WebBrowserTask() { URL =""};
//when the user clicks the hardware back button, instead of taking them to the daily notices, which will send them back to brower
// send the user to the main page
protected override void OnBackKeyPress
(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
new Uri("/MainPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative);

First of all, why you need the second page that only opens a WebBrowserTask? You can do this from main page.
If you still want to open from second page, you can move WebBrowserTask to constructor and surround it with Dispatcher. This approach is guaranteed that WebBrowserTask will be called only once after navigation to this page (maybe will be some problems with tombstoning). Or, you can save state to PhoneApplicationPage.State to handle where user was and what you should open next.
For clearing back stack you can use next code:
while (NavigationService.BackStack.Any())

You will have to detect this on the application level, rather than the page level. When you 'redirect' the user to the PDF, your application becomes suspended. When they then navigate back, it is resumed.
The Visual Studio template provides a method that it invoked when the application resumes:
// Code to execute when the application is activated (brought to foreground)
// This code will not execute when the application is first launched
private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e)
Within the above method, you could set a flag, that you then check when your page is navigated to,, that indicates a resume has occurred.


Strange NavigationBar behaviour in Xamarin Forms

I have a Login page that is the starting point of my application. This page has navigation bar hidden with the following code:
NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
From Login page I start my Dashboard page using the following code:
Navigation.PushAsync(new Dashboard());
I do this on two seperate places inside my Login page. First place is inside constructor of Login page where I check for active user session and the second place is inside method that handles button click for login.
So I call Navigation.PushAsync() like this:
1st way:
public Login()
NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
var loginSession = App.DataService.CheckUserSession();
if(loginSession != null)
Navigation.PushAsync(new Dashboard());
2nd way:
public void OnLogin(object o, EventArgs e)
Navigation.PushAsync(new Dashboard());
And this is where things start to go strange. If I open my Dasboard page with button click (using 2nd example) the Dasboard page gets loaded normally and has it's own NavigationBar. However everytime that I open Dasboard page when user session is found (using 1st way), my Dasboard page will have missing NavigationBar. To make things even more strange, if I navigate from Dasboard page to another page (lets say Settings) and then return back to Dasboard, navigation bar will then work normally on Dasboard page. I have tried removing the code that hides navigation bar on Login page NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
and what this does is that Login page will have it's navigation bar shown, but upon navigation to Dashboard (using 1st way), navigation bar will remain the same as on Login page.
I was maybe wondering if the problem lies within the fact that all my pages (Login, Dashboard and Settings) are child's of ContentPage and would have to instead inherit from NavigationPage?
I am really confused about what's happening with my NavigationBar at this moment.
It's because the Dashboard page is being pushed from inside the Login constructor. Instead, override OnAppearing() and do it there:
protected override async void OnAppearing()
await Navigation.PushAsync(new Dashboard());
Also, your children pages should inherit from ContentPage as nesting NavigationPages could lead to other issues :)

How to handle OnBackKeyPress correctly?

To make it simple, I create a new app, which contains MainPage, and Page2.
MainPage has a button, which navigates to Page2. Also override MainPage.OnBackKeyPress:
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("Quit?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
e.Cancel = true;
Page2 is empty, except override OnNavigateFrom, to simulate a long time operation when back from Page2 to MainPage:
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
Everything is ok, but when I am at Page2, and press Back key 3-4 times very quickly, then I see the message box popup twice.
I expect the message box not shown, or at least show and hide. Is there anything wrong in my code? Thanks.
It depends on what you mean by very quickly...
The code looks OK (apart from the Thread.Sleep which is presumably to simulate a long operation on the UI thread).
I expect this is because while the UI thread is busy (or "sleeping") the back key presses are still registering and being sent to the app, and when the UI thread is available again it will process them one after the other.
This is a good example of why you should avoid blocking the UI thread.

Windows Phone back button to terminate the app

I have a main page with some options. One of them is to navigate to page 1 where there are two arrows. One that navigates to page2, page3, and the other arrow page3, page2, page1 like a loop. There is also an arrow that navigates to main page.
I want to ask if there is a way when the user presses the back button to terminate the app from whatever page the user is currently at and not to navigate through all pages.
if i want when i press the back to always navigate to the mainpage what i have to do ?
clear the back stack inside the onbackkeypress function where you want to exit the app. And it will exit the app normally.
1) after clearing back stack. Use NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("MainPage.xaml",UriKind.Relative)); to traverse to mainpage and do e.Cancel = true in the next statement.
2) Or clear the back stack upto the mainpage. and automatically the back press will take you to the mainpage. inside the mainpage clear the back stack fully inside the OnNavigatedTo function so that the first item is always your mainpage and user can exit easily.
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
while (NavigationService.CanGoBack)
e.Cancel = true;
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
while (NavigationService.CanGoBack)
Throw an exception in OnBackKeyPress which terminates the app.
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
throw an exception();
You can also do like this,
e.NavigationMode == System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationMode.Back
in OnNavigatedTo event (you need to override this every page) and call
there is no direct way of exiting an app.. see here
hope this will work. If its XNA
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)

Do code after OnNavigatedTo

I Have Code get IdUsers From Other Page
String IdUsers;
public Main_Wallets_Page()
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
String Id;
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("IdUsers", out Id))
IdUsers = Id;
The MessageBox Alway be Null. I Want to MessageBox Show the "IdUsers" after OnNavigationTo (Do not put the MessageBox IN "OnNavigationTo").
How can i do it ?
You shouldn't use MessageBoxes in OnNavigatedTo because if the user does not press a button your app will crash since the framework thinks that navigation has failed. MessageBoxes in the constructor are equally as bad.
I can think of two options (I use #1 for these sorts of things):
Show the MessageBox in the Loaded event. But be careful it can be
fired more than once. In the constructor you might add the handler for the Loaded event and then in the handler you'd detach from the handler so that it is called only once.
Use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke around the MessageBox.Show call so that it does not block navigation. That might still block the Dispatcher thread. If you really wanted to go this route you could use ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem or a TPL Task.
I also have used OnLayoutUpdated in place of the Loaded event but I can't remember exactly why :) It seems like it might have been that the page hasn't yet displayed in Loaded and it has in the other event.
If this value was initialized, you can store it in application isolated storage. Then, when constructor is called, you can read it from there. In this case value of user ID will be initialized and MessageBox won't show you NULL.
DO NOT place MessageBox into OnNavigatedTo event.
Try to create an empty project with MainPage and Page2. Place button on MainPage to navigate to Page2. In Page2 place MessageBox in OnNavigatedTo event. Then everythig will work fine if you Start Debugging from VS. BUT if you deploy and run it you will see that when you navigate to Page2 you see MessageBox. Then don't do anything, just wait for about 15 sec. MessageBox will react as Canceled and APPLICATION WILL BE CRASHED! without any navigation to Page2 or MainPage. The same thing happens if you use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke around the MessageBox.Show.
I assume that OnNavigatedTo event has a timeout which works only when app is deployed. So you should run your MessageBox when Navigation is competed.
Everything works if you do
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) {
var lcTimer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200) };
lcTimer.Tick += (s2, e2) => {
(s2 as DispatcherTimer).Stop();
if (MessageBoxResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("Test, don't push", "", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel))
Note: If you have some code in OnNavigatedTo run above code at the end of OnNavigatedTo.
I liked what Austin Thompson(upvote) has adviced with ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem. But note that with this approach you need to place MessageBox inside the Dispatcher.BeginInvoke otherwise you will receive cross-thread exception. So the code is the following
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) {
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((stateInfo) => {
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => {
if (MessageBoxResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("Test don't push", "", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel))

How to handle back button in windows phone 7?

I have an application, the main page contains few functions. To explain in detail - I have save, color palette button in my main page. When any of these buttons are clicked, save pop up or color palette appears. How to handle back button of the device, when color palette or save pop up is opened. When back button is pressed at these scenario it should just make them invisible and stay on the main page. When nothing is being performed in the main page, then it should come out of the app. I tried to make their visibility collapsed on back button press. But it still is coming out of the application.
Please, guide me in this. Thanks in advance.
Override PhoneApplicationPage.OnBackKeyPress and then set CancelEventArgs.Cancel to true if you want to stop it from actually going back.
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs args)
if (PanelIsShowing)
args.Cancel = true;
The back button behaves as is intended by Microsoft.
If you change its behavior you risk your application not being certified for the Marketplace.
If you want the back button to close the popups, turn the popups into pages so the back button navigates back to the main page..
You need to use
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e)
if (_popup.IsOpen)
_popup.IsOpen= false;
e.Cancel = true;
That should do the trick.
