It is known fact that safari on iPad reduces the dimension of large images automatically to save resource. The problem is I need to get the original size of image through javascript after image load. Is it possible?
I am using the flutter to develop the app, and in the app, I want to use the image.
Since the image can increase the size of the app if not properly sized and it can also destroy the app if the image doesn't look good.
I am not worried about the resolution because I will aim for the highest display dpi and generate for all the lower screen, but the problem is in deciding the image size
I could have a large image or small image with the same dpi. In flutter number is used to size the element in the screen and this number could mean different pixel length for different device and it doesn't give the size of the card in the app, hence could not decide the image size.
How to determine the size of the image to use for the given element in App?
I will know the width and height of the item where I want to use my image in number (not in pixel length or any physical unit) but how do I decide the size of the image which would look good on all the devices?
For deciding the size , you can size acc to the width and height of screen and this can be achieved using MediaQuery class.
For Example :
double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width*0.1 //for 10 % width
double height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height*0.1 //for 10 % width
And If we talk about the resolution than, for resolution add the same image or asset in asset file as well as in 2x folder and 3x folder in the asset folder itself.
Flutter framework picks the correct sized asset according to the resolution.
For your reference see the Official Documentation.
I'm currently using RN 41.2 and I have questions about resizing images from a url. The url files can get quite large, usually around 2000x2000 and I want to display them way smaller probably around 25x25.
Is there an equivalent iOS Image prop for the 'android only' resizeMethod?
When resizeMethod='resize' it changes the size of the large encoded image before it is decoded and so the images display almost immediately in the smaller size and it's great.
But for iOS I'm using resizeMode (contain, cover, etc) and it displays the image correctly but it always takes a bit of time for the images to actually appear, which is totally understandable it's just annoying.
Am I missing something here? It seems like resizeMode should do the same thing the resizeMethod does but it clearly does not
resize mode property decides how the RAW image should be fit inside its frame (cover, contain, stretch, center, repeat)
In addition for android we can choose the mechanism that should be used to resize image that is to scale , resize or auto using resizeMethod prop.
basically resizeMode instructs how to resize the image and resizemethod defines what mechanism to use for resizing
This is provided as there exists some issues in android when the frame size and RAW image size varies significantly (too large image: too small frame or too small image and too large frame) and there can be significant delays or design breaks while rendering as auto selection of resize mechanism isnt optimal.
You can escape without setting resizeMethod manually (defaults to auto) most times but it causes issues in before mentioned scenarios.
resizeMode and resizeMethod are 2 properties that the Image component has in RN.
resizeMode: Determines how to resize the image when the frame doesn't match the raw image dimensions.
It can take cover, contain, stretch as values.
resizeMethod: It can be used to resize the image when the image's dimensions differ from the image view's dimensions.
It can take auto, resize, scale as values.
For more you can refer
I can't figure out why some images get blurry at different browser sizes. Take a look at this sample site:
The menu buttons at the top and the other buttons all shrink a bit when hovered over. Change the browser size a few times and see that some of them are blurry. Some actually get sharper when hovered over, some get blurrier.
I can't figure out how to solve this. They are all compressed the same way, all around the same resolution. Is there a specific size that they need to be to look better when scaled?
You are serving your image files way too large, causing the browser to spend time rescaling them to the size specified in the image tag. This causes the two-pass rendering that you are seeing.
For example, icon_profile2.png has the dimensions 2055x1712.
Resize your images to the desired size in your favorite image editor and use the scaled-down version on the website.
I understand the use of thumbnail in network applications but assuming all the image are in the application itself (photo application), in this case do we still need thumbnail images for performance reasons or is it just fine for the device to resize the actual image on run time?
Since the question is too opinion based I am going to ask more quantitively.
The images are 500x500, about 200-300kb size jpg.
There will be about 200 images.
It is targeted for iphone4 and higher, so that would be the minimum hardware specs users will have.
The maximum memory used should not pass 20% of the devices capacity.
Will the application in this case need separate thumbnail images?
It depends on your application. Just test performance and memory usage on device.
If you show a lot of images and/or they change very quickly (like when you are scrolling UITableView with a lot of images) you will probably have to use thumbnails.
When image is shown it takes width * height * 3 (width * height * 4 for images with ALPHA channel) bytes of memory. 10 photos 2592 x 1936 stored in memory will require 200Mb of RAM. It is too much. You definitely have to use thumbnails.
Your question is a bit lacking on detail but I assume you're asking if, for say a photo album app, can you just throw around full size UIImages and let a UIImageView resize them to fit on the screen, or do you need to resize?
You absolutely need to resize.
An image taken by an iPhone camera will be several megabytes in compressed file size, more in actual bytes used to represent pixels. The dimensions of the image will be far greater than the screen dimensions of the device. The memory use is very high, particularly if you're thinking of showing multiple "thumbnails". It's not so much a CPU issue (once the image has been rendered it doesn't need re-rendering) but a memory one, and you're severely memory constrained on a mobile device.
Each doubling in size of an image (e.g. from a 100x100 to a 200x200) represents a four-fold increase in the memory needed to hold it.
I'm using fancybox.js to load my images. The smaller version of the images load very quickly, however, the large images (the ones that pop out in a modal) take anywhere from 4 to 10 seconds to load. My images are in the jpeg format, but I doubt that that's the problem. I'm hosting on Heroku -- could this be the culprit?
I would guess from what you are saying that the filesize of the images that you are seeing is quite large. Remember that Fancybox resizes images to suit the viewport of the browser.
A really silly mistake as I needed to resize my images.
I didn't think of this simple solution earlier because of deception. All the images loaded up by fancybox are resized to fit the window, which I then thought were the original size of the photos. Turns out that the images were at least 4 times the size of what is shown.