how to assign selected value to RecurringDaysPicker for WP7 - windows

I am using RecurringDaysPicker from toolkit for WP to select the day of the week for an application.
I have no issue to obtain the selection from the user, but I do have issue assigning back the user selection back to the RecurringDaysPicker when user want to edit/view their previous selection.
anybody can help?

You should probably set your binding Mode to Mode=TwoWay


where to find where the value for the diplay block is coming from

How do I find where the value for a display item in coming from in Oracle forms? The property pallete shows the database item is null, as it's a display item. I need to know which column/table populates the value. I am a beginner in forms any help would be highly appreciated
Opened property pallete, checked that
In Forms, everything is set via PL/SQL units so - if you want to find something, search! Here's how:

Hide/Show a Columns in Crosstable by using Ironpython

i new to spotfire,i never worked on iron-python script.i want hide the columns those are don't have values.
columns have to hide automatically based on value.
Sample Image
could you please help on this issue.
thanks for your help.
It is possible to trigger the IronPython script on the dashboard being opened action. You need JavaScript for that. Such script can contain the current date and you can use the current date to hide the columns showing data for the months after current date.

preserve values in text field across the view in ios

I'm currently working in contact app I got stuck in between ,when clicked on any name in address book I have various views for adding information in textfield, picker to add date.
Now I need to preserve the values in textfield,table view or switch view etc etc as enter in text field,tableviews and date as it is until and unless user edit once again for various different users in address book....
I'm using nsuserdefault to save the values and to retrieve...
Can anyone pls help me with the logic or with some related code?
Thanks in advance
Don't use NSUserdefault. Read up about the Model-View-Contoller (MVC) design pattern. Your problem is exactly what MVC is designed to solve.

DatePicker control WP7

I am using the DatePicker control from WP7 control toolkit in my app for the user to enter in an expiration date. One of the scenarios is that the record doesn't have an expiration date. How can I use the control such that by default, there is no date specified in the control and the user can select a different date?
Also, if I user sets an expiration date but letter wants to clear it, I need to enable that as well.
For the default value to be blank, in the XAML
<toolkit:DatePicker x:Name="dpComp" Value="" Width="220" Hold="dpComp_Hold"/>
If you would like to allow a user to clear the value of datepicker then you can do this in the code
private void dpComp_Hold(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
//Let user to clear the value.
((DatePicker)sender).Value = null;
The DatePicker control doesn't support the concept of no date selected.
The DatePicker will default to the current date if none is selected on the assumption that this will be the most useful to the user. Forcing the user to select values which you could provide a likely default value for means you're making the user do more work than they should have to and you are therefore wasting their time.
If no expiry date is valid, leave this field blank by default.
With regard to clearing an entered date, add a separate option to do this. Either a button or menu option.
I would look at the .api for customization of the DatePicker Control:
I don't know of anyway to do what you are looking for (however I might want to know in the future). The link above seems to suggest you can create your own custom page and you can then maybe work out a way to return what you are looking for.

How can I create an autocomplete ComboBox in VB6?

Is it possible to use the default ComboBox control under VB6 to make it a smart ComboBox?
We suppose that the values are already populated in the ComboBox. For example:
New Delhi
New World
New York
We need the ComboBox to respond to one of the default events, so when for example the user writes 'N' the value in the ComboBox will be the first Value starting by 'N'. In our case it's New Delhi and then the user can continue typing till they write the exact word or he writes something different.
This technique is very used in web Application (for example in Google when you put the first word you will get a droped down list containing the suggestions).
But how to do that in VB6 :-(
In case its not possible, how can we keep the ComboBox droped down, the values changes when the text in the comboBox change and the first element in the ComboBox correspond to the first word starting by the value entered by the user?
Thanks a lot.
Actually I found an easy solution :) thanks to FreeVbCode uder Forms&Contorls Tab. There is a control named AutoControl. We can use it easly for our requirement.
You might also want to look at this control from, which supports auto-completion. The vbAccelerator code is usually high quality. Of course you're introducing quite a dependency into your code whenever you use a third-party control.
