Hide/Show a Columns in Crosstable by using Ironpython - show-hide

i new to spotfire,i never worked on iron-python script.i want hide the columns those are don't have values.
columns have to hide automatically based on value.
Sample Image
could you please help on this issue.
thanks for your help.

It is possible to trigger the IronPython script on the dashboard being opened action. You need JavaScript for that. Such script can contain the current date and you can use the current date to hide the columns showing data for the months after current date.


UIPath - Find OCR text position and selecting a day from the calendar

I was trying to grab a website calendar from UiPath. But when I use the Find OCR Text Position or Click OCR text activity in the UiPath Software, it will not give me the exact date that I want to select.
I want to do one thing only: I need to determine today's date, select the date, and press OK.
I figured out how to calculate today's date:
But now I only have to do, is selecting numbers, Please help me to figure this out. Thanks in advance.
Since we don't know much about the front-end framework you're planning to use, here's a generic approach using a relative selector. Note that I hard-coded the day (15), and I didn't check whether the correct month or year is displayed, but this should at least get you started.
My approach uses a simple click activity with the variable day being part of the selector. There's another click activity associated with opening the picker in the first place, but as said - this is just related to the front-end framework.
It looks like DateTime_Today is a DateTime type variable in your screenshot, which has a very useful ToString method see documentation on it here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime.tostring?view=netframework-4.7.2 which will allow you to extract the number that you are looking for.
You would need to create a string variable and assign the value to DateTime_Today.ToString("dd") to get only the day of the month.
The issue with this approach, however, is then creating the image for the OCR to look for in the calendar. I think a more reliable way of approaching this issue would be to determine what date is selected by default when clicked and then sending some combination of hotkeys such as tab and the directional keys to get to the date which is required for the automation. A get text or get attribute activity might also help determine what date is currently selected, so you would then know how many boxes will need to be traversed to get the required selection.
If you are still having issues please provide a link to the page which you are trying to automate as well as some (sanitized) code snippets containing what you have already tried and we will be able to assist you further. Cheers!

Is there a way to prevent input if today's date is the same or later than the date in an adjacent cell?

Using Google Sheets, is there a way to prevent a user from adding contents to a cell or changing the contents if today's date is the same or later than the date in an adjacent cell?
For example:
I'd suggest using data validation. Set your range (eg: Sheet1!B1:B), choose 'custom formula' from the dropdown and use this formula
Then select 'Refuse input' when invalid data is entered.
Another possible solution would be to use Google Script.
I hope this helps?

Changing columns order on export to CSV from SSRS 2008

We have a report developed in another tool that the user exports to Excel to manipulate the data. In the old tool, the columns are being saved in the same order as the dataset returned by the stored procedure. But in SSRS the columns sort is changed to the order that they are displayed on the screen. The user is a nut case and can't convince her to change the order of the columns on the screen report to match her old report sort, but on the other hand does not want to adapt to the new column order. Unfortunately the easiest solution (i.e. replacing the user :-)) is not implementable. Is there a property that I can use to change the sorting on the columns when they are exported. Without knowing much about it, I imagined ZIndex would have done something like that. But it is set to 0 and disabled, so I can't change it's value.
I know it's years later but for the benefit of anyone who is in this predicament, a similar idea: in the same report, you create another tablix that will be your "output" tablix, where you arrange things as you please using the same dataset. Make this tablix with visibility hidden, and set it to "output" as necessary. Turn off all outputs from the first tablix. So you have basically a ghost tablix that only works when you export to csv.

Block previous days from being display in DatePicker

I've a problem where I want to block the previous date from being display in DatePicker tool of Toolkit or you can say that I want to apply some limit to the dates.
For example:
If today's date is 15/7/2013 then by clicking on DatePicker control it's should not display the dates previous to 15/7/2013.
Its should show the next 30 days but not beyond that.
I'll be thankful to all who suggest their answers and opinion.
I don't think you can do that. However, you can download the source and modify it to add your requirements. The source code is pretty straightforward.

how to get rearranged columns from the database

I am working on columns drag nad drop its working fine and the new order is also saved in the database but when i again opens the page it shows the pervious order so, how cani achive this.
Thanks in advance
You can save remapColumns parameter of jqGrid and use the remapColumns method to restore the order of the columns. I recommend you to read the ansewer with the demo which show how to do this by saving the information in the localStorage. You can do the same, but save the information in the database.
