Algorithm / Data structure for largest set intersection in a collection of sets with a given set - algorithm

I have a large collection of several million sets, C. The elements of my sets come from a universe of about 2000 possible elements. I need to know, for a given set, s, which set in C has the largest intersection with s? (Or the k sets in C with the k-largest intersections). I will be making many of these queries, sequentially, for different s.
I know that the obvious way to do this is to just to loop over every set in C and compute the intersection and take the max. Are there any smart data structures / programming tricks that can speed up my search? It would be great if I could do this faster than O(C).
EDIT: approximate answers would be alright too

I don't think there's a clever data structure that will help with asymptotic performance. But this is a perfect map reduce problem. A GPGPU would do nicely. For a universe of 2048 elements, a set as a bitmap is only 256 bytes. 4 million is only a gigabyte. Even a modestly spec'ed Nvidia has that. E.g. programming in CUDA, you'd copy C to graphics card RAM, map a chunk of the gigabyte to each GPU core for searching and then reduce across cores to find the final answer. This ought to take on the order of a very few milliseconds. Not fast enough? Just buy hotter hardware.
If you re-phrase your question along these lines, you'll probably get answers from experts in this kind of programming, which I'm not.

One simple trick is to sort the list of sets C in decreasing order by size, then proceed with brute force intersection tests as usual. As you go along, keep track of the set b with the biggest intersection so far. If you find a set whose intersection with the query set s has size |s| (or equivalently, has intersection equal to s -- use whichever of these tests is faster), you can immediately stop and return it as this is the best possible answer. Otherwise, if the next set from C has fewer than |b| elements, you can immediately stop and return b. This can easily be generalised to finding the top k matches.

I don't see any way to do this in less than O(C) per query, but I have some ideas on how to maximize efficiency. The idea is basically to build a lookup table for each element. If some elements are rare and some are common, you can have positive and negative lookup tables:
s[i] // your query, an array of size 2 thousand, true/false
sign[i] // whether the ith element is positive/negative lookup. +/- 1
sets[i] // a list of all the sets that the ith element belongs/(doesn't) to
overlaps[i] // an array of size C, initialized to 0's
for i in len(s):
if s[i]:
for j in sets[i]:
overlaps[j] += sign[i]
return max_index(overlaps)
Especially if many of your elements are of widely differing probabilities (as you said), this approach should save you some time: very rare or very common elements can be dealt with almost instantly.
To further optimize: you can sort the structure so that the elements that are most common/most rare are dealt with first. After you have done the first e.g. 3/4, you can do a quick pass to see if the closest matching set is so far ahead of the next set that it is not necessary to continue, though again whether that is worthwhile depends on the details of your data's distribution.
Yet another refinement: make sets[i] one of two possible structures: if the element is very rare or common, sets[i] is just a list of the sets that the ith element is in/not in. However, suppose the ith element is in half the sets. Then sets[i] is just a list of indices half as long as the number of sets, looping through it and incrementing overlaps is wasteful. Have a third value for sign[i]: if sign[i] == 0, then the ith element is relatively close to 50% commonality (this may just mean between 5% and 95%, or anything else), and instead of a list of sets in which it appears, it will simply be an array of 1's and 0's with length equal to C. Then you would just add the array in its entirety to overlaps which would be faster.

Put all of your elements, from the million sets into a Hashtable. The key will be the element, the value will be a set of indexes that point to a containing set.
HashSet<Element>[] AllSets = ...
// preprocess
Hashtable AllElements = new Hashtable(2000);
for(var index = 0; index < AllSets.Count; index++) {
foreach(var elm in AllSets[index]) {
if(!AllElements.ContainsKey(elm)) {
AllElements.Add(elm, new HashSet<int>() { index });
} else {
public List<HashSet<Element>> TopIntersect(HashSet<Element> set, int top = 1) {
// <index, count>
Dictionar<int, int> counts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach(var elm in set) {
var setIndices = AllElements[elm] As HashSet<int>;
if(setIndices != null) {
foreach(var index in setIndices) {
if(!counts.ContainsKey(index)) {
counts.Add(index, 1);
} else {
return counts.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value)
.Select(kv => AllSets[kv.Key]).ToList();


Data Structure with fast access to nth of elements satisfying condition

I'm filling a stack/vector (a dynamically sized container with fast random access by index with insertion only at the end) with composite data (a struct, class, tuple…). For a specific attribute with a small set of possible values, I will want to access the nth of all elements in the stack where this attribute satisfies a condition. To achieve this, additional information can be stored along each composite or in a separate data structure.
Note that the vector is large and that the compared attribute has a small value range but is compared to a set of allowed values. Also the attributes aren't distributed evenly throughout composites in the vector.
Pseudocode of a O(n) naïve approach. How can I improve this:
enum Fruit { apple, orange, banana, potato };
struct c {
Fruit a;
Data d;
// Let's assume v has a length of many thousand and that the distribution of fruits is *not* completely random e.g. that maybe potato only rarely occurs or that bananas tend to come in packs
c getFruit(vector<c> v, set<Fruit> s, int n) {
int counter=0;
// iterate over all of v's indices
for(int i=0 ; i<v.length; i+=1) {
if(v[i].a in s) {
if(n==counter) {
return v[i];
// note: The attribute is compared to a set (arbitrary combination of fruits)!
getFruit(largeVector, set{apple, orange, potato}, 15234)
Another approach would be to create a vector for each possible set of fruits which would be super fast O(1) but not so memory efficient.
(Although I do have to implement this now, I'm really just asking out of curiousity because my data is small enough to just go with the naïve approach.)
Any argument why there doesn't seem to a more efficient way is very much approved as well.
Edit: It should be noted that new elements may be appended between queries for indices using the algorithm in question so any caches have to grow with the vector and both growing the vector and this filtered access should be fast.
For each index of the vector, store the preceding number of each fruit.
Then you can do a binary search to find the first index where the sum of the desired fruit counts is sufficient.
If you don't want to use that much memory, then store the counts in a separate arrays, and only store them for every 16th index or so in the main array. Your binary search will then get you an index within 16 positions of the desired answer, and you can do a linear scan from there.

Divide a group of people into two disjoint subgroups (of arbitrary size) and find some values

As we know from programming, sometimes a slight change in a problem can
significantly alter the form of its solution.
Firstly, I want to create a simple algorithm for solving
the following problem and classify it using bigtheta
Divide a group of people into two disjoint subgroups
(of arbitrary size) such that the
difference in the total ages of the members of
the two subgroups is as large as possible.
Now I need to change the problem so that the desired
difference is as small as possible and classify
my approach to the problem.
Well,first of all I need to create the initial algorithm.
For that, should I make some kind of sorting in order to separate the teams, and how am I suppose to continue?
EDIT: for the first problem,we have ruled out the possibility of a set being an empty set. So all we have to do is just a linear search to find the min age and then put it in a set B. SetA now has all the other ages except the age of setB, which is the min age. So here is the max difference of the total ages of the two sets, as high as possible
The way you described the first problem, it is trivial in the way that it requires you to find only the minimum element (in case the subgroups should contain at least 1 member), otherwise it is already solved.
The second problem can be solved recursively the pseudo code would be:
// compute sum of all elem of array and store them in sum
min = sum;
globalVec = baseVec;
fun generate(baseVec, generatedVec, position, total)
if (abs(sum - 2*total) < min){ // check if the distribution is better
min = abs(sum - 2*total);
globalVec = generatedVec;
if (position >= baseVec.length()) return;
// either consider elem at position in first group:
generate(baseVec,generatedVec.pushback(baseVec[position]), position + 1, total+baseVec[position]);
// or consider elem at position is second group:
generate(baseVec,generatedVec, position + 1, total);
And now just start the function with generate(baseVec,"",0,0) where "" stand for an empty vector.
The algo can be drastically improved by applying it to a sorted array, hence adding a test condition to stop branching, but the idea stays the same.

How to "sort" elements of 2 possible values in place in linear time? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Stable separation for two classes of elements in an array
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Suppose I have a function f and array of elements.
The function returns A or B for any element; you could visualize the elements this way ABBAABABAA.
I need to sort the elements according to the function, so the result is: AAAAAABBBB
The number of A values doesn't have to equal the number of B values. The total number of elements can be arbitrary (not fixed). Note that you don't sort chars, you sort objects that have a single char representation.
Few more things:
the sort should take linear time - O(n),
it should be performed in place,
it should be a stable sort.
Any ideas?
Note: if the above is not possible, do you have ideas for algorithms sacrificing one of the above requirements?
If it has to be linear and in-place, you could do a semi-stable version. By semi-stable I mean that A or B could be stable, but not both. Similar to Dukeling's answer, but you move both iterators from the same side:
a = first A
b = first B
loop while next A exists
if b < a
swap a,b elements
b = next B
a = next A
a = next A
With the sample string ABBAABABAA, you get:
on each turn, if you make a swap you move both, if not you just move a. This will keep A stable, but B will lose its ordering. To keep B stable instead, start from the end and work your way left.
It may be possible to do it with full stability, but I don't see how.
A stable sort might not be possible with the other given constraints, so here's an unstable sort that's similar to the partition step of quick-sort.
Have 2 iterators, one starting on the left, one starting on the right.
While there's a B at the right iterator, decrement the iterator.
While there's an A at the left iterator, increment the iterator.
If the iterators haven't crossed each other, swap their elements and repeat from 2.
Lets say,
Type_A objs are A1,A2,...Ai
Type_B objs are B1,B2,...Bj
i+j = N
FOR i=1 :N
if Object_Array[i] is of Type_A
Fill the resultant array with obj_A and obj_B with their respective counts depending on obj_A > obj_B
The following should work in linear time for a doubly-linked list. Because up to N insertion/deletions are involved that may cause quadratic time for arrays though.
Find the location where the first B should be after "sorting". This can be done in linear time by counting As.
Start with 3 iterators: iterA starts from the beginning of the container, and iterB starts from the above location where As and Bs should meet, and iterMiddle starts one element prior to iterB.
With iterA skip over As, find the 1st B, and move the object from iterA to iterB->previous position. Now iterA points to the next element after where the moved element used to be, and the moved element is now just before iterB.
Continue with step 3 until you reach iterMiddle. After that all elements between first() and iterB-1 are As.
Now set iterA to iterB-1.
Skip over Bs with iterB. When A is found move it to just after iterA and increment iterA.
Continue step 6 until iterB reaches end().
This would work as a stable sort for any container. The algorithm includes O(N) insertion/deletion, which is linear time for containers with O(1) insertions/deletions, but, alas, O(N^2) for arrays. Applicability in you case depends on whether the container is an array rather than a list.
If your data structure is a linked list instead of an array, you should be able to meet all three of your constraints. You just skim through the list and accumulating and moving the "B"s will be trivial pointer changes. Pseudo code below:
sort(list) {
node = list.head, blast = null, bhead = null
while(node != null) {
nextnode =
if(node.val == "a") {
if(blast != null){
//move the 'a' to the front of the 'B' list = node, node.prev = bhead.prev =, = blast = bhead, bhead.prev = node
else if(node.val == "b") {
if(blast == null)
bhead = blast = node
else //accumulate the "b"s..
blast = node
node = nextnode
So, you can do this in an array, but the memcopies, that emulate the list swap, will make it quiet slow for large arrays.
Firstly, assuming the array of A's and B's is either generated or read-in, I wonder why not avoid this question entirely by simply applying f as the list is being accumulated into memory into two lists that would subsequently be merged.
Otherwise, we can posit an alternative solution in O(n) time and O(1) space that may be sufficient depending on Sir Bohumil's ultimate needs:
Traverse the list and sort each segment of 1,000,000 elements in-place using the permutation cycles of the segment (once this step is done, the list could technically be sorted in-place by recursively swapping the inner-blocks, e.g., ABB AAB -> AAABBB, but that may be too time-consuming without extra space). Traverse the list again and use the same constant space to store, in two interval trees, the pointers to each block of A's and B's. For example, segments of 4,
ABBAABABAA => AABB AABB AA + pointers to blocks of A's and B's
Sequential access to A's or B's would be immediately available, and random access would come from using the interval tree to locate a specific A or B. One option could be to have the intervals number the A's and B's; e.g., to find the 4th A, look for the interval containing 4.
For sorting, an array of 1,000,000 four-byte elements (3.8MB) would suffice to store the indexes, using one bit in each element for recording visited indexes during the swaps; and two temporary variables the size of the largest A or B. For a list of one billion elements, the maximum combined interval trees would number 4000 intervals. Using 128 bits per interval, we can easily store numbered intervals for the A's and B's, and we can use the unused bits as pointers to the block index (10 bits) and offset in the case of B (20 bits). 4000*16 bytes = 62.5KB. We can store an additional array with only the B blocks' offsets in 4KB. Total space under 5MB for a list of one billion elements. (Space is in fact dependent on n but because it is extremely small in relation to n, for all practical purposes, we may consider it O(1).)
Time for sorting the million-element segments would be - one pass to count and index (here we can also accumulate the intervals and B offsets) and one pass to sort. Constructing the interval tree is O(nlogn) but n here is only 4000 (0.00005 of the one-billion list count). Total time O(2n) = O(n)
This should be possible with a bit of dynamic programming.
It works a bit like counting sort, but with a key difference. Make arrays of size n for both a and b count_a[n] and count_b[n]. Fill these arrays with how many As or Bs there has been before index i.
After just one loop, we can use these arrays to look up the correct index for any element in O(1). Like this:
int final_index(char id, int pos){
if(id == 'A')
return count_a[pos];
return count_a[n-1] + count_b[pos];
Finally, to meet the total O(n) requirement, the swapping needs to be done in a smart order. One simple option is to have recursive swapping procedure that doesn't actually perform any swapping until both elements would be placed in correct final positions. EDIT: This is actually not true. Even naive swapping will have O(n) swaps. But doing this recursive strategy will give you absolute minimum required swaps.
Note that in general case this would be very bad sorting algorithm since it has memory requirement of O(n * element value range).

Bin Packing - Brute force recursive solution - How to make it faster

I have an array which contains a list of different sizes of materials : {4,3,4,1,7,8} . However, the bin can accomodate materials upto size 10. I need to find out the minimum number of bins needed to pack all the elements in the array.
For the above array, you can pack in 3 bins and divide them as follows: {4,4,1}, {3,7} , {8} . There are other possible arrangements that also fit into three stock pipes, but it cannot be done with fewer
I am trying to solve this problem through recursion in order to understand it better.
I am using this DP formulation (page 20 of the pdf file)
Consider an input (n1;:::;nk) with n = ∑nj items
Determine set of k-tuples (subsets of the input) that can be packed into a single bin
That is, all tuples (q1;:::;qk) for which OPT(q1;:::;qk) = 1
Denote this set by Q For each k-tuple q , we have OPT(q) = 1
Calculate remaining values by using the recurrence : OPT(i1;:::;ik) = 1 +
minOPT(i1 - q1;:::;ik - qk)
I have made the code, and it works fine for small data set. But if increase the size of my array to more than 6 elements, it becomes extremely slow -- takes about 25 seconds to solve an array containing 8 elements Can you tell me if theres anything wrong with the algorithm? I dont need an alternative solution --- just need to know why this is so slow, and how it can be improved
Here is the code I have written in C++ :
void recCutStock(Vector<int> & requests, int numStocks)
if (requests.size() == 0)
if(numStocks <= minSize)
minSize = numStocks;
// cout<<"GOT A RESULT : "<<numStocks<<endl;
return ;
if(numStocks+1 < minSize) //minSize is a global variable initialized with a big val
Vector<int> temp ; Vector<Vector<int> > posBins;
getBins(requests, temp, 0 , posBins); // 2-d array(stored in posBins) containing all possible single bin formations
for(int i =0; i < posBins.size(); i++)
Vector<int> subResult;
reqMinusPos(requests, subResult, posBins[i]); // subtracts the initial request array from the subArray
recCutStock(subResult, numStocks+1);
else return;
The getBins function is as follows :
void getBins(Vector<int> & requests, Vector<int> current, int index, Vector<Vector<int> > & bins)
if (index == requests.size())
if(sum(current,requests) <= stockLength && sum(current, requests)>0 )
// printBins(current,requests);
return ;
getBins(requests, current, index+1 , bins);
getBins(requests, current, index+1 , bins);
The dynamic programming algorithm is O(n^{2k}) where k is the number of distinct items and n is the total number of items. This can be very slow irrespective of the implementation. Typically, when solving an NP-hard problem, heuristics are required for speed.
I suggest you consider Next Fit Decreasing Height (NFDH) and First Fit Decreasing Height (FFDH) from Coffman et al. They are 2-optimal and 17/10-optimal, respectively, and they run in O(n log n) time.
I recommend you first try NFDH: sort in decreasing order, store the result in a linked list, then repeatedly try to insert the items starting from the beginning (largest values first) until you have filled the bin or there is no more items that can be inserted. Then go to the next bin and so on.
Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire, Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithms for Cloud Visualization, Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization (WWW 2007), 2007. (See Section 5.1 for a related discussion.)
E. G. Coffman, Jr., M. R. Garey, D. S. Johnson, and R. E. Tarjan. Performance bounds for level-oriented two-dimensional packing algorithms. SIAM J. Comput., 9(4):808–826, 1980.
But if increase the size of my array to more than 6 elements, it
becomes extremely slow -- takes about 25 seconds to solve an array
containing 8 elements Can you tell me if theres anything wrong with
the algorithm?
That's normal with brute force. Brute force does not scale at all.
In your case: Bin size = 30, total items = 27, at least 3 bins are needed.
You could try first fit decreasing, and it works!
More ways to improve: With 3 bins and 27 size units, you will have 3 units of space left over. Which means you can ignore the item of size 1; if you fit the others into 3 bins, it will fit somewhere. That leaves you with 26 size units. That means you will have at least two units empty in one bin. If you had items of size 2, you could ignore them as well because they would fit. If you had two items of size 2, you could ignore items of size 3 as well.
You have two items of size 7 + 3 which is exactly the bin size. There is always an optimal solution where these two are in the same bin: If the "7" were with other items, their size would be 3 or less, so you could swap them with the "3" if it is in another bin.
Another method: If you have k items >= bin size / 2 (you can't have two items equal to bin size / 2 at this point), then you need k bins. This might increase the minimum number of bins that you estimated initially which in turn increases the guaranteed empty space in all bins which increases the minimum size of leftover space in one bin. If for j = 1, 2, ..., k you can fit all items with them into j bins that could possibly fit into the same bin, then this is optimal. For example, if you had sizes 8, 1, 1 but no size 2, then 8+1+1 in a bin would be optimal. Since you have 8 + 4 + 4 left, and nothing fits with the 8, "8" alone in its bin is optimal. (If you had items of sizes 8, 8, 8, 2, 1, 1, 1 and nothing else of size 2, packing them into three bins would be optimal).
More things to try if you have large items: If you have a large item, and the largest item that fits with it is as large or larger than any combination of items that would fit, then combining them is optimal. If there is more space, then this can be repeated.
So all in all, a bit of thinking reduced the problem to fitting two items of sizes 4, 4 into one or more bins. With larger problems, every little bit helps.
I've written a bin-packing solution and I can recommend best-fit with random order.
After doing what you can to reduce the problem, you are left with the problem to fit n items into k bins if possible, into k + 1 bins otherwise, or into k + 2 bins etc. If k bins fail, then you know that you will have more empty space in an optimal solution of k + 1 bins, which may make it possible to remove more small items, so that's the first thing to do.
Then you try some simple methods: First fit descending, next fit descending. I tried a reasonably fast variation of first fit descending: As long as the two largest items fit, add the largest item. Otherwise, find the single item or the largest combination of two items that fit, and add the single item or the larger of that combination. If any of these algorithms fits your items into k bins, you solved the problem.
And eventually you need brute force. You can decide: Do you attempt to fit everything into k bins, or do you attempt to prove it isn't possible? You will have some empty space to play with. Let's say 10 bins of size 100 and items of total size 936, that would leave you 64 units of empty space. If you put only items of size 80 into your first bin, then 20 of your 64 units are already gone, making it much harder to find a solution from there. So you don't try things in random order. You first try combinations for the first bin that fill it completely or close to completely. Since small items make it easier to fill containers completely you try not to use them in the first bins but leave them for later, when you have less choice of items. And when you've found items to put into a bin, try one of the simple algorithms to see if they can finish it. For example, if first fit descending put 90 units into the first bin, and you just managed to put 99 units in there, it is quite possible that this is enough improvement to fit everything.
On the other hand, if there is very little space (10 bins, total item size 995 for example) you may want to prove that fitting the items is not possible. You don't need to care about optimising the algorithm to find a solution quickly, because you need to try all combinations to see they don't work. Obviously you need with these numbers to fit at least 95 units into the first bin and so on; that might make it easy to rule out solutions quickly. If you proved that k bins are not achievable, then k+1 bins should be a much easier target.

Interview Question: Find Median From Mega Number Of Integers

There is a file that contains 10G(1000000000) number of integers, please find the Median of these integers. you are given 2G memory to do this. Can anyone come up with an reasonable way? thanks!
Create an array of 8-byte longs that has 2^16 entries. Take your input numbers, shift off the bottom sixteen bits, and create a histogram.
Now you count up in that histogram until you reach the bin that covers the midpoint of the values.
Pass through again, ignoring all numbers that don't have that same set of top bits, and make a histogram of the bottom bits.
Count up through that histogram until you reach the bin that covers the midpoint of the (entire list of) values.
Now you know the median, in O(n) time and O(1) space (in practice, under 1 MB).
Here's some sample Scala code that does this:
def medianFinder(numbers: Iterable[Int]) = {
def midArgMid(a: Array[Long], mid: Long) = {
val cuml = a.scanLeft(0L)(_ + _).drop(1)
cuml.zipWithIndex.dropWhile(_._1 < mid).head
val topHistogram = new Array[Long](65536)
var count = 0L
numbers.foreach(number => {
count += 1
topHistogram(number>>>16) += 1
val (topCount,topIndex) = midArgMid(topHistogram, (count+1)/2)
val botHistogram = new Array[Long](65536)
numbers.foreach(number => {
if ((number>>>16) == topIndex) botHistogram(number & 0xFFFF) += 1
val (botCount,botIndex) =
midArgMid(botHistogram, (count+1)/2 - (topCount-topHistogram(topIndex)))
(topIndex<<16) + botIndex
and here it is working on a small set of input data:
scala> medianFinder(List(1,123,12345,1234567,123456789))
res18: Int = 12345
If you have 64 bit integers stored, you can use the same strategy in 4 passes instead.
You can use the Medians of Medians algorithm.
If the file is in text format, you may be able to fit it in memory just by converting things to integers as you read them in, since an integer stored as characters may take more space than an integer stored as an integer, depending on the size of the integers and the type of text file. EDIT: You edited your original question; I can see now that you can't read them into memory, see below.
If you can't read them into memory, this is what I came up with:
Figure out how many integers you have. You may know this from the start. If not, then it only takes one pass through the file. Let's say this is S.
Use your 2G of memory to find the x largest integers (however many you can fit). You can do one pass through the file, keeping the x largest in a sorted list of some sort, discarding the rest as you go. Now you know the x-th largest integer. You can discard all of these except for the x-th largest, which I'll call x1.
Do another pass through, finding the next x largest integers less than x1, the least of which is x2.
I think you can see where I'm going with this. After a few passes, you will have read in the (S/2)-th largest integer (you'll have to keep track of how many integers you've found), which is your median. If S is even then you'll average the two in the middle.
Make a pass through the file and find count of integers and minimum and maximum integer value.
Take midpoint of min and max, and get count, min and max for values either side of the midpoint - by again reading through the file.
partition count > count => median lies within that partition.
Repeat for the partition, taking into account size of 'partitions to the left' (easy to maintain), and also watching for min = max.
Am sure this'd work for an arbitrary number of partitions as well.
Do an on-disk external mergesort on the file to sort the integers (counting them if that's not already known).
Once the file is sorted, seek to the middle number (odd case), or average the two middle numbers (even case) in the file to get the median.
The amount of memory used is adjustable and unaffected by the number of integers in the original file. One caveat of the external sort is that the intermediate sorting data needs to be written to disk.
Given n = number of integers in the original file:
Running time: O(nlogn)
Memory: O(1), adjustable
Disk: O(n)
Check out Torben's method in here: It also has implementation in C at the bottom of the document.
My best guess that probabilistic median of medians would be the fastest one. Recipe:
Take next set of N integers (N should be big enough, say 1000 or 10000 elements)
Then calculate median of these integers and assign it to variable X_new.
If iteration is not first - calculate median of two medians:
X_global = (X_global + X_new) / 2
When you will see that X_global fluctuates not much - this means that you found approximate median of data.
But there some notes :
question arises - Is median error acceptable or not.
integers must be distributed randomly in a uniform way, for solution to work
I've played a bit with this algorithm, changed a bit idea - in each iteration we should sum X_new with decreasing weight, such as:
X_global = k*X_global + (1.-k)*X_new :
k from [0.5 .. 1.], and increases in each iteration.
Point is to make calculation of median to converge fast to some number in very small amount of iterations. So that very approximate median (with big error) is found between 100000000 array elements in only 252 iterations !!! Check this C experiment:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 100000000
#define RANGE_SIZE 1000
// probabilistic median of medians method
// should print 5000 as data average
// from ARRAY_SIZE of elements
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int iter = 0;
int X_global = 0;
int X_new = 0;
int i = 0;
float dk = 0.002;
float k = 0.5;
while (i<ARRAY_SIZE && k!=1.) {
for (int j=i; j<i+RANGE_SIZE; j++) {
X_new+=rand()%10000 + 1;
if (iter>0) {
k += dk;
k = (k>1.)? 1.:k;
X_global = k*X_global+(1.-k)*X_new;
else {
X_global = X_new;
printf("iter %d, median = %d \n",iter,X_global);
return 0;
Opps seems i'm talking about mean, not median. If it is so, and you need exactly median, not mean - ignore my post. In any case mean and median are very related concepts.
Good luck.
Here is the algorithm described by #Rex Kerr implemented in Java.
* Computes the median.
* #param arr Array of strings, each element represents a distinct binary number and has the same number of bits (padded with leading zeroes if necessary)
* #return the median (number of rank ceil((m+1)/2) ) of the array as a string
static String computeMedian(String[] arr) {
// rank of the median element
int m = (int) Math.ceil((arr.length+1)/2.0);
String bitMask = "";
int zeroBin = 0;
while (bitMask.length() < arr[0].length()) {
// puts elements which conform to the bitMask into one of two buckets
for (String curr : arr) {
if (curr.startsWith(bitMask))
if (curr.charAt(bitMask.length()) == '0')
// decides in which bucket the median is located
if (zeroBin >= m)
bitMask = bitMask.concat("0");
else {
m -= zeroBin;
bitMask = bitMask.concat("1");
zeroBin = 0;
return bitMask;
Some test cases and updates to the algorithm can be found here.
I was also asked the same question and i couldn't tell an exact answer so after the interview i went through some books on interviews and here is what i found from Cracking The Coding interview book.
Example: Numbers are randomly generated and stored into an (expanding) array. How
wouldyoukeep track of the median?
Our data structure brainstorm might look like the following:
• Linked list? Probably not. Linked lists tend not to do very well with accessing and
sorting numbers.
• Array? Maybe, but you already have an array. Could you somehow keep the elements
sorted? That's probably expensive. Let's hold off on this and return to it if it's needed.
• Binary tree? This is possible, since binary trees do fairly well with ordering. In fact, if the binary search tree is perfectly balanced, the top might be the median. But, be careful—if there's an even number of elements, the median is actually the average
of the middle two elements. The middle two elements can't both be at the top. This is probably a workable algorithm, but let's come back to it.
• Heap? A heap is really good at basic ordering and keeping track of max and mins.
This is actually interesting—if you had two heaps, you could keep track of the bigger
half and the smaller half of the elements. The bigger half is kept in a min heap, such
that the smallest element in the bigger half is at the root.The smaller half is kept in a
max heap, such that the biggest element of the smaller half is at the root. Now, with
these data structures, you have the potential median elements at the roots. If the
heaps are no longer the same size, you can quickly "rebalance" the heaps by popping
an element off the one heap and pushing it onto the other.
Note that the more problems you do, the more developed your instinct on which data
structure to apply will be. You will also develop a more finely tuned instinct as to which of these approaches is the most useful.
