Enum in realstudio - realbasic

Please, tell me - how to create an enum in RealStudio( I'm pretty new in this area ).
I want to create enum in the global scope for application, and can't find tutorial how to do this(((

Create a module and go to its Code Editor. From the Project menu, select the Add submenu, then choose Enum. Alternatively you can use the toolbar but I don't believe the Add Enum button is shown by default so you'll have to customize the toolbar to see it.


Xamarin master detail page with static header and context menu

I need to do a master detail layout page in Xamarin which then will be used in child pages.
Please check the screenshot below:
I need to have a header part with button for notifications and a button for context menu plus a header.
What is the best approach how I can create this layout in Xamarin?
I will assume that you want to use Xamarin.Forms, instead of using Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS separately.
One approach would be to use default MasterDetailPage as described here or even better to try it with Shell as described here.
Then, you would need to create your CustomNavigationPage and write a custom renderer for it.
Second approach would be to do some tricks, again creating your CustomNavigationPage with template(so that the navigation bar is always displayed) and that you change content dynamically.
Also, you would need to hide default navigation bar and attach click events to your menu button to really open up the menu.
Hope you got it clearly.
MasterDetailPage already provides nearly all functionality that you have asked for, so in some way your question isn't quite clear as you already mention MasterDetailPage. The only remaining problem I can see is how to set up a custom header, and that is than with NavigationPage.TitleView.

Eclipse Plugin - How to contribute to a menu on the editor?

Currently my plugin.xml has
Which contributes to the menu showed when right clicking some file in the project explorer.
In addition, I want to contribute to the menu showed when right clicking anywhere in the editor view (the view with the code itself).
I can't find what's the corresponding extension point for this menu, and how do I contribute to two different menus.
The org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus extension point is deprecated and should not be used for new code.
The org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point supports all types of menu.
You define a popup style menu using something like:
... various menu contributions
The locationURI is saying this contribution to the popup menu with id org.eclipse.pde.ui.tools
You must define the id of your editor's context menu in your editor code. How you do this defines on the type of editor your are creating. For an editor based on TextEditor call
setEditorContextMenuId("menu id");
in your editor's constructor.

Eclipse Scout Neon hide settings icon on table field

I would like to know how to hide settings wheel icon in header of table field.
Note: At the time of writing, Eclipse Scout Neon is not yet released.
From browsing the source code I did not see a convenient getConfigured... method to quickly hide that menu.
Fear not, you have two options to do so anyway.
The menu you wish to get rid of is the OrganizeColumnsMenu.
Override execInitTable on your table and hide the menu:
Alternatively, override addHeaderMenus(OrderedCollection<IMenu> menus) and either remove the menu added by the default implementation, or not call the super implementation at all.

MFC form designer

According to my understanding if I need design MFC form with button I have only one possibility - write everything in code editor. There is no designer. Except cases when I need design dialog form. I can use designer and generate resources for dialogs. But in case normal Frame there is possibility to drop buttons in designer window. Is that truth?
If you want to use a form as a main window, create your project with a CFormView as a base class. You can select that inside the new project wizard. Then you get a dialog resource for that view. It works just like a dialog.
Go to Resource view
Create a new dialog template
Double click the dialog template name
Once the dialog opens, the toolbox get enabled
You can drag&drop the controls to the form now

How can I change the default create view code generated by resharper via the "View action list -> create view"

I am using Resharper 5, I like to create views by clicking on the red lightbulb then choose Create View from the action list (for example screenshot see http://i.stack.imgur.com/3CyEM.png).
Does anyone know if there is a "Create View" template that i can edit to change the default generated code? I'd like to put in things such as custom namespaces etc but cant figure out how to do it.
I have looked into live templates but it seems to be totally different to what i want to do?
Go to ReSharper | Live Templates | <template type>. Then from template explorer, you can edit existing templates.
Documentation here.
