Eclipse Scout Neon hide settings icon on table field - user-interface

I would like to know how to hide settings wheel icon in header of table field.

Note: At the time of writing, Eclipse Scout Neon is not yet released.
From browsing the source code I did not see a convenient getConfigured... method to quickly hide that menu.
Fear not, you have two options to do so anyway.
The menu you wish to get rid of is the OrganizeColumnsMenu.
Override execInitTable on your table and hide the menu:
Alternatively, override addHeaderMenus(OrderedCollection<IMenu> menus) and either remove the menu added by the default implementation, or not call the super implementation at all.


Update user interface suggestions

I have an intranet system that uses the DHTMLX UI Framework as user interface, but I'm looking for more modern interfaces that suits the current interface. The current version of DHTMLX I'm using only supports jQuery 1.x, that is a serious security problem. I already asked to update the version using the same UI, but there is a lack of documentation on its updated product. I.e., if I Googled for specific method or some way to run specific task or behavior, I'm always being redirected to elder documentation, or it simply doesn't exist!
I sketched here the current main UI I have:
Explaining the behaviors: I have the layout separated by tabs, but the Tab 0 is the main record, and "sub tabs" are records according the selected row on grid of Tab 0. If there is no selected row, all sub tabs are disabled by default. If I add a new record on specific tab, automatically it adds a new row to equivalent tab.
This front is not so usual, but allows user previewing quickly the dependencies.
Question is... Do some of you have something similar to this layout? I'm disposing layouts that has to click on the main record, have to load an entire screen just to preview its dependencies.
The image below shows the current system interface
Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Xamarin master detail page with static header and context menu

I need to do a master detail layout page in Xamarin which then will be used in child pages.
Please check the screenshot below:
I need to have a header part with button for notifications and a button for context menu plus a header.
What is the best approach how I can create this layout in Xamarin?
I will assume that you want to use Xamarin.Forms, instead of using Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS separately.
One approach would be to use default MasterDetailPage as described here or even better to try it with Shell as described here.
Then, you would need to create your CustomNavigationPage and write a custom renderer for it.
Second approach would be to do some tricks, again creating your CustomNavigationPage with template(so that the navigation bar is always displayed) and that you change content dynamically.
Also, you would need to hide default navigation bar and attach click events to your menu button to really open up the menu.
Hope you got it clearly.
MasterDetailPage already provides nearly all functionality that you have asked for, so in some way your question isn't quite clear as you already mention MasterDetailPage. The only remaining problem I can see is how to set up a custom header, and that is than with NavigationPage.TitleView.

How to create context menus which appear on right clicking in oracle apex report?

I need to display a context menu when a user right clicks on a report
and the user can perform an action on the rows selected. How to achieve this?
I can see there is already an action button on top of an interactive report. Can we customize that?
There's no built in way to do this. I see a few options:
You could hack together your own actions. You would add a Dynamic Event on mousedown on your report, then some Javascript to handle the action.
If it doesn't have to be a right click option, you can add a custom menu to a report. Here's one way of doing it.
Also, if using the Interactive Grid is an option, that menu can also be customized. See:
If you're willing to use a commercial Apex add-on product, I have used the FOEX add-ons with great success. However, it's not cheap and it would require changing your report to use their report-style (which we like). Then you can add a context menu that's maintained via the Shared Components -> Lists.
I'm just a user, not a shill or employee...

How to Change Style of CheckBox Control

I have a Checkbox in my application, and it is meant to be checked, but also disabled. When disabled, I've noticed that the foreground of the checkbox as well as the content textbox are a darker color than when enabled. I would like to leave the checkbox disabled, but change the foreground of the content textbox to the same color as when the checkbox is disabled. How might I accomplish this?
Methed you have to learn how to edit your existing/default style of your control. I can't give you the exact which will work for your but you can use Blend or Visual Studio to edit a copy of a control's current template by right clicking on the control and then selecting Edit Style, Edit Template or Edit Additional Templates as appropriate. In the submenu, you can select Edit a Copy... which will present a window that allows you to create a copy of the default (or current template/stlye if you have already modified it) and customize it.
Here is a basic tutorial for this

Joomla! 3 menu drop-down behavior without showing new article possible?

The Joomla! 3 administrative console in my installed version (Joomla! 3.1.5 Stable) plus at least a Joomla! demo web site showcase menus that don't switch to an article if you press them, but present only the drop-down menu at first. The rendered article (i.e. the content below the menu) only changes once a menu-item is selected/clicked.
For instance, visit The content below the menu reads "Joomla! is a free, open source content management system ..." Now if you press e.g. "Joomla!" inside the menu, a drop-down list appears, but the cited text does not change yet. Only if you press a particular menu item it changes (currently e.g. to "Joomla! 2.5.16 Released ...").
I would like to accomplish the same behavior in a Joomla! 3-powered web site but haven't yet been able to do so. On my site (sorry, not yet available to the public) clicking a menu of this kind brings up the article, and so far I have found no way to prevent that. I'm referring to articles because my menus are of type "Single Article". I've looked at other menu item types too but they did not seem to offer a solution either.
So can the behavior the demo site's menus be accomplished (without installing further extensions), and if so how? After all, the demos are surely hosted on Jooma! servers :) Perhaps this is a matter of choosing an appropriate template? But then, the solution does not seem obvious and googling reveals different opinions as to whether this is/was possible at all.
UPDATE The following is a depiction of what I get when changing the menu item type for "Open Source" from "Articles | Single Article" to "System Links | Text Separator": it now looks odd and no longer seems to function as a menu (no drop-down effect). In the HTML source the CSS classes assigned to the three menu items are "item-x current active", "item-y divider parent", and "item-z parent" respectively. (Why isn't "Open Source" marked active?)
UPDATE I am using the protostar template (marked as Default for Site under Extensions | Type Manager).
Create the top-level menus as System - Separator; this means they have no link attached, but only serve the purpose of organizing (sub)menu links.
Then when you click them, based on the setup of your menu module, they will show the sub-items. Beware, the most common behaviour is not to wait until clicked, but simply show the submenu items when hovered (when you bring the mouse over them). But the event they respond to depends on the module (mod_menu), its template override, and other scripts your template may load.
If you're using mod_menu, in the module list it will be listed as Menu; if you were using another menu module, I guess you would remember installing it :-)
I am not a protostar / twitter bootstrap fan so I can't help you much on it, but dropdown menus are definitely supported, I just tried putting the menu in the position navigation, with
"Menu Class Suffix" = " nav-pills nav-dropdown"
and it worked correctly with dropdowns on hover. As per having dropdowns on click instead of hover, look at this guide
