Strange window behavior when browsing Versions - cocoa

I'm trying to implement Versions in my Cocoa app. Versioning just works well, the only problem I'm experiencing is when I want to restore a version from the versions browser (with all versions shown in the time machine style).
Setting the option in IB "Visible at Launch" causes the following problem: when browsing through the windows in the versions browser, the actual window gets instantly bigger and then it gets its size back when the clicked window is reached.
Another problem happens when I delete a version: the current window (i.e. the window on the left side) just disappears, and then also the frontmost version window becomes transparent. I noticed this also happens when creating a new project from scratch ...
Is there something I am missing? I would be very grateful for any tip on how to resolve this!

I finally figured it out. This is a bug of Xcode, running the app by double-clicking on the executable instead of inside Xcode there are no problems.

As stated by #mrwalker This happens only when Allow debugging when using the documents Versions Browser is checked.
To remove this commandline option uncheck Allow debugging when using the documents Versions Browser in Xcode Edit Scheme -> Run -> Options.


How to make iTerm2 appear on the current screen?

Under Preferences -> 'Keys' It is possible to tick Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey.
However iTerm always appears on the main display (monitor) instead of where the cursor currently resides.
e.g. if I have three monitors, and am working on the third screen, the hotkey makes iTerm appear on first monitor, instead of where I am currently working.
Any advice how to solve this please?
The bug strikes back again in v.3.1.6. If any workarounds are known, please share.
I'm on Sierra using iTerm 3.1 and I have the option under window to put the screen where the cursor is (bottom right drop down options). I'm using it with a hotkey.
The answer by Grant works.
The only thing you need to do is to install the beta version since there was a bug in the stable version.
This bug was fixed in 3.1.beta.1
Here's the link to the latest beta version
This may be a couple more keystrokes than you were hoping for, but if you install window management software like Size Up, you can get this working with just a few keystrokes.
Maintain your ⌥Space hotkey preference on Iterm2. Go to Size Up -> Preferences and change 'Send Window Prev Monitor' to an easy keystroke. I used ⌥1.
Now, you can do ⌥Space to get the terminal open and ⌥1 one or two times to get it to your monitor of choice. It takes a couple of key combos, but not too many!
I had this problem with macos monterey and iterm 3.4.15. I'm using the hotkey to show the terminal with slide-out window. After some search on the internet I found that disabling the option on system preferences to reopen closed documents solved the issue and the hotkey is now opening terminal on the screen with cursor as it should.
mac -> System preferences -> General -> (deselect this) Close windows when quitting an app
Neither of the above worked for me, but this helped, even though the question was quite different in that thread.

Xcode how to stop right panel always opening when building iPad apps?

I'm running Version 5.0.1 (5A2053), and every time I click the play button to run my app on an iPad, the right panel opens.
It does not provide any value whatsoever to me, and after closing it ~200 times, I'm interested if there's some Xcode 5.0.1 setting to prevent right panel from showing up when running apps on device.
Sorry if this question is not very programming oriented, but it definitely adds a bit of frustration over time.
With the default preferences, it should not happen. If it is, then go to Xcode>Preferences>Behaviors, and on the left side, click into everything with a checkmark besides it.
There is a section on the right side that says Show/Hide Utilities. Uncheck it in every one you can. Don't do this in ones one the left without checks, because they already have that off by default. Hope this helps.
Edit: Unchecking this flag in the "Starts" section fixed the issue:

Is there a way to undock the assistant editor in Xcode into its own window or onto a second monitor

Is it possible to have one assistant editor (on my second monitor for example) which always shows the counterpart to the file which I am currently editing (on my first monitor)?
I can create a new tab, drag it out into its own window and show the assistant editor but of course it doesn't show the counterpart to the file I am editing on my primary window/monitor.
Is there any way to make it do this?
No there isn't. But you can always send feedback to apple regarding what you'd like to see in future updates. If this request comes from many devs, maybe there is a chance to see it added to xcode.
Agreed. With the focus on multi-monitor support this is a feature that has been missing.
In Xcode 7.3, I just double click a file in the Project Navigator view and a new editor window with the file is opened.

Switching documents in VS2010 with Ctrl-Tab needs return

When switching between documents in VS2010 with Ctrl-Tab, the document switch window doesn't disappear until I've pressed tab multiple times to select an entry and then hit return. I'm sure that it didn't need the return previously: that the window only stayed up as long as you held down Ctrl and then when released it switched to the currently selected document. This is really annoying if you want to just hit ctrl-tab quickly to go to the last document.
I do have a few Extensions installed including Productivity Power Tools, Power Commands and VSVim, and I've also installed a couple of tools for investigating accessibility (NVDA, UIA Verifier in the platform SDK), so it's possible that one of these may have somehow changed the options.
So, my questions are:
Is the default behaviour of VS2010 that the document switch window only works while the Ctrl key is held down, or is my memory faulty?
If the default behaviour is as I remember, how do I get back to that?
I think this turned out to be an accessibility setting that was in a half-enabled state. In the Windows Accessibility settings I toggled the state of Sticky Keys a couple of times and now it's working correctly again.
This has just happened to me, and after some googling I found the solution: it was really the magnifier application I ocassionally started by pressing Win + Grey Plus. Once I have closed it the Visual Studio just worked fine without restart.
Regarding point 2.
Go to Tools : Import and Export Settings. You can then choose to reset the default environment settings again.
Also ensure than it's not an 'add-in' providing functionality different to that you expect.
Same behaviour with VS2012: when the Magnifier application is open (e.g. by pressing Windows logo key‌ + "+" (plus sign)) this behaviour occurs even if the magnification is set to 100%.

How to cycle through xcode windows (or open 'help' within the bottom pane)?

In Xcode 3.2 the help/reference pops up in a new window when I ALT, CMD, DOUBLECLICK on a class name**. In previous versions it looks like it used to open up in the bottom pane of the main Xcode window. Can I replicate that in 3.2+?
The problem I'm having is that if either one of the Xcode windows (help or main) is maximised, it's easy to loose one window behind the other, and I seem unable to cycle through the individual Xcode windows (the normal window cycling doesn't work - both windows just show up as one item, 'Xcode').
I'd be happy to find out how to cycle through the Xcode windows or bring up the help window in the bottom pane, as it was in prior versions. Currently I'm using Expose to access the hidden window - which is okay, but not optimal.
** ALT & DOUBLE-CLICK now brings up QuickHelp in 3.2
Can you not simply type Command-~ (command tilde)? That works for me and is the common method of cycling between the windows of an application.
At least with XCode 4, but probably with 3 too, you can use Ctrl+Command+Arrows for navigating between tabs. The Up/Down buttons will switch between header files and source files and the Left/Right between opened windows/tabs.
