Xcode how to stop right panel always opening when building iPad apps? - xcode

I'm running Version 5.0.1 (5A2053), and every time I click the play button to run my app on an iPad, the right panel opens.
It does not provide any value whatsoever to me, and after closing it ~200 times, I'm interested if there's some Xcode 5.0.1 setting to prevent right panel from showing up when running apps on device.
Sorry if this question is not very programming oriented, but it definitely adds a bit of frustration over time.

With the default preferences, it should not happen. If it is, then go to Xcode>Preferences>Behaviors, and on the left side, click into everything with a checkmark besides it.
There is a section on the right side that says Show/Hide Utilities. Uncheck it in every one you can. Don't do this in ones one the left without checks, because they already have that off by default. Hope this helps.
Edit: Unchecking this flag in the "Starts" section fixed the issue:


How to hide certain simulator items from Xcode 7 destination menu in the toolbar?

I have tried disabling "show in destination menu". But that does not work.
I am trying to hide all version except 8.4 & 9.0 without uninstalling them. How can that be done?
I hope this question is not considered a non-programming question. Because there is no answer anywhere for this.
I also tried hiding certain Simulators that I usually don't build for to help reduce menu clutter. Unchecking the 'show in destination menu' option also did not have any effect.
The best I could do was to just delete the Simulator from the Devices window.
I know that if I wanted to re-add that simulator for future testing, all I had to do was tap the '+' icon, and click 'Add Simulator', and add the desired Simulator.

How to solve XCode swipe gesture to go to previous / next file freeze editor?

Since this morning I'm facing a really annoying bug in XCode 5 on Mavericks :
I'm heavily used to swipe from left to right with two fingers on the MacBook trackpad to go to the XCode editor previous / next files.
BUT, now, doing this totally freeze the editor after having just moved for something like 5 px.
After that I have to close XCode and reopen it to make the editor work again.
Pressing the previous / next button works wel since it doesn't trigger this buggy animation.
Did anyone had this problem before or has any clue to solve it ?
In fact this problem is affecting other swipe gesture like the previous / next swipe in Safari.
I found a way to fix this on Apple Support Forum, by resetting the NVRAM.
Shut down your Mac.
Locate the following keys on the keyboard: cmd ⌘alt ⌥PR. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in next step.
Turn on the computer and immediately press and hold the cmd ⌘alt ⌥PR keys before the gray screen appears.
Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
Release the keys.
When your Mac finishes starting up, you might want to open System Preferences and adjust settings that have been reset, such as sound volume, display resolution, startup disk selection, or time zone.
Apple support: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204063
For me, in Xcode 8.3.3 and Xcode 9, it started working after
Go to the system preferences
Go to Trackpad
Select and deselect "Tap to click"

Full screen apps keep switching places

I'm getting a really annoying side effect happening in osx that I can't seem to find a way to fix: for some reason the full screen applications keep switching positions. For example, if I have Safari, Mail and Xcode open in full screen, in exactly that order, every once in a while they will swap positions (eg. Xcode will sometimes move to the left, so the that swiping left will bring me to Safari instead of mail). The order of these applications is important for productivity purposes, and it gets really confusing when you have 6 of them open and all of a sudden Mail goes from spot 6 to spot 2.
Any ideas how to get this switching of places to stop?
Go to System Preferences > Mission Control and make sure that "Automatically rearrange spaces based on recent use" is not ticked.

Strange window behavior when browsing Versions

I'm trying to implement Versions in my Cocoa app. Versioning just works well, the only problem I'm experiencing is when I want to restore a version from the versions browser (with all versions shown in the time machine style).
Setting the option in IB "Visible at Launch" causes the following problem: when browsing through the windows in the versions browser, the actual window gets instantly bigger and then it gets its size back when the clicked window is reached.
Another problem happens when I delete a version: the current window (i.e. the window on the left side) just disappears, and then also the frontmost version window becomes transparent. I noticed this also happens when creating a new project from scratch ...
Is there something I am missing? I would be very grateful for any tip on how to resolve this!
I finally figured it out. This is a bug of Xcode, running the app by double-clicking on the executable instead of inside Xcode there are no problems.
As stated by #mrwalker This happens only when Allow debugging when using the documents Versions Browser is checked.
To remove this commandline option uncheck Allow debugging when using the documents Versions Browser in Xcode Edit Scheme -> Run -> Options.

Instruments 4.1 unresponsive to projects launched from Xcode 4.1 until pressing Cmd-Tab

If I open Instruments and select a standard application (e.g. Mail or MS Word) it has no issue.
If I am in Xcode and I go to Product > Profile (or press Cmd + I), it launches Instruments, allows me to select a template, and loads the standard screen. Then the downward arrow starts tracing to the right as it should, and the iOS simulator launches the program. However, nothing is plotted in Instruments. It shows no changes to anything no matter what the app is doing. I can't click anything in Instruments: no menu's, can't stop recording, can't open tabs, etc.
I randomly discovered that if I hit Cmd + Tab, Instruments will start behaving normally. This seems really strange to me. Either it's a bug or it's a hole in my knowledge about how to operate Instruments.
Strange bug is fixed in XCode 4.2!
The problem was the hidden password dialog, so sometime it works and sometimes not.
One of possible solutions was:
Run Instruments
Cmd Tab to Xcode covering the instruments. Cycle and hide messages until password dialog is found.
Close Xcode.
PS: I know it is a few years to late for the answer, I was just looking for unanswered questions. Just check as answered - > it's good for both of us. )
