How to add file to project but not TFS 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I'm in the process of adding a WIX project to my solution and I'm using HEAT to create the files list. I've been having trouble getting builds to work unless the files list(wxs) is checked out.
I came across this tutorial and it says:
"If you have source control you have to include the FilesFragment.wxs
into your project but remove its source control binding. "
Is this possible in TFS 2010 with VS2010?

Click/Select on the file.
In VS, go File Menu / Source Control / Exclude file from source control.
This method only allows you to do this one file at a time.
The file will still be in your project and will not be under source control.

I don't like dynamically emitting installation authoring at build time for abouta dozen reasons but if you really are going to do it, perhaps you should consider checking it out and checking it in so that you have some histroy of what actually happened from build to build.
Otherwise if your installation behavior changes from one build to another build in an unexpected and undesirable way, you really aren't going to have any tracability other then diffing MSI's as to what went wrong.


VS2017 code changes not affecting .exe file

So I have a problem facing VS code changes.
Whatever changes I have applied to my solution and built, it is working fine and I can see those changes being applied when I debug. But the same changes aren't applying to the .exe file.
I have tried release build as well, Same with that. It Debugs the release build fine but doesn't apply those changes to the .exe file.
It Debugs the release build fine but doesn't apply those changes to
.exe file.
When you debug the project, VS debug engine will try to fetch the output project.exe and project.pdb for debugging. So if the debugging works well(those changes being applied), the output project.exe should also work without any issues(changes applied).
See this(for C++, similar situation with C#, VB):
This error message comes when VS debug engine can't find the output .exe, that's why I say if the changes are applied during debugging, it actually indicates the changes have been applied to your .exe file.
Let me name the project which outputs the .exe ProjectA, other projects in your solution are B,C,D. Here are two directions you can check:
If the code changes you mean is in Project A:
Right click project A in Solution Explorer=>Properties, check the value of your Output Directory(C++) or Output path in build tab(C#), it represents where the output .exe will actually exist, and VS debug engine will fetch the .exe in this path.
So make sure you tested the .exe in this path instead of old versions from other locations.
If the code changes you mean is in B,C,D, and A depends on B,C,D:
In most of the time VS will help copy the assemblies from B,C,D into A's bin folder, but I'm not sure if something's wrong with your environment which breaks this. You should make sure all the assemblies in your bin folder are updated.
I think this issue comes from your project instead of IDE(create a new simple project to check if the issue occurs in it). And in which way did you check if the changes are applied? Make sure you use the same way no matter checking during debugging or checking the .exe.
According to Sandesh, this issue could be resolved by a clean(clean
old versions completely) rebuild.
Right click your project and click property, in General page, set "Enable Managed Incremental Build" as "Yes". It will replace the old exe file after every builds.

Automation Task in Visual Studios

I am working on a c++ solution which contains 20 projects. My first project builds and I run it as a pre-build event for rest of the projects. Now this executable actually creates some c++ files which should get added to all the other projects which are yet to be compiled. How should I do this? (Using VS2008)
Here are few solutions I thought.
Solution 1:
Let the exe update the vcproj file for all the remaining projects. But in this case as the project is on in VS, it creates some reload popup which I dont want. So is there any way to suppress this popup and just save the changes.
Solution 2:
Visual Automation:
I was just going through some automation API.
The solution and project interface methods would help in adding new file. But will it not create a new pop up as the previous on? Can I use MSbuild here?
You can simply use Generated_*.cpp (or similar pattern) as name of items for corresponding group in project. Than when project is build it will pick up all matching files, even once generated during pre-build steps.
If number of files is small you can just add them to the project directly (which I believe is ok even if they are missing before build).
Note that it may be good idea to generate files into separate folder (like obj\....) so you don't run into cases when someone mistakenly checks in generated files.

Force Visual Studio 2010 to use source server for finding files

When I use Visual Studio 2010 to debug a crash dump file (native code), it attempts to load C/C++ source files from the original build folder (and it gives the message "The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway?"). The message is correct; the file is not the correct version.
What I would like VS2010 to do is to check out the source file using source server. If the file does not currently exist in its original build location, VS2010 will correctly use source server and retrieve the appropriate revision of the file (from Subversion). In order to force it to check out the correct revision, I have to physically delete the file from the original build location.
As a side note, VS2005 works as desired (well ... as I desire, perhaps not as others desire). VS2005 will always check out the correct revision from source control regardless of whether a copy of the file exists in the original build folder.
I believe the question comes down to one of the following:
Is there some kind of setting available that will change VS2010's precedence for finding source files?
Alternatively, is it possible to make VS2010 offer a choice/option to check out the source file in question? (Currently the only option I see in this situation is to browse for it.)
Or is it possible to completely exclude a specific path (folder) from the search?
I have the same problem with VS2010 and made an attempt to figure it out. I monitored devenv.exe with procmon but didn't see anything out of the order with the files & registry keys it was accessing. Pretty much the same information you see in the error report when VS2010 can't find the source. My solution is to use VS2005 as it works fine. I did see some correspondence on MSDN about a similar (if not the same) bug and they claimed it would be fixed in the final release of 2012. I believe I have that final release of 2012 and it has the same problem.
Here's a maybe slightly complicated solution
1) Create a script that will download and replace the pdb file (a .bat, a python script, whatever)
2) Create a new External Tool within VS2010 (Tools -> External Tools -> Add)
3) Point the tool to your script and pass any project-specific stuff to it as arguments
4) Create a post-build or pre-build step in your project that will call your new External Tool (project properties -> Build Events -> whatever)
This is a lot of work, but at least it will fully integrate it into your building process.
Note: Sometimes I've noticed that my post-build steps won't run unless I've compiled at least on cpp file. I usually press F7 and build some source and then build fully, to make sure everything works as expected.
You can change the local source directory to a different name when you are debugging crash dump file.
Or you can change the build directory to a different path with your local directory.

How to setup the target output path of a given resource file in Visual Studio

In the main project of my VS Solution I have a Resources folder with some required external tools. When building and publishing the solution, I get a .\Resources* with all required files there.
So far so good.
However I have to move some files to the parent directory.
My first attempt was do so with the Post Build Events. It works and does move them the correct folder.
Nevertheless in the publish output they still appear in the Resources folder and I need them in the parent one :/
Is there any way to setup the target output path for resources in Visual Studio?
After some research and experimental, I solved my problem.
Still, here's what I learned in the process.
The first attempt was adding the file to the project root and mark it as a resource. After publishing it worked. But having those files in the project root its lame.
Since I needed some *.exe files compiled in another VS solution, added them as a project reference. Gave it a try and it passed the "Publish" test. But still.. not the best way to do it.
After that, with some scripting and a post-build event, I copied the required files to the correct folder. Works.. but after publishing, they don't appear in the package.
However, there is still a possibility with the Mage tool:
This lead to some promissing experiments, however they ended up helping me realize how limited the MS ClickOnce is, so I decided to try other tools.
Here's a good start to follow:
What alternatives are there to ClickOnce?
I had a similar situation once. I found it became more trouble than it was worth to customize output paths and such in Visual Studio, to the extent that I wanted.
I ended up letting Visual Studio do its own thing with regards to file/project structure, and wrote a post-build script to copy everything that was needed into a final, 'publish-ready' directory.
I then set the execution target in Visual Studio to the new location, so I could run/debug as normal, but with the new folder that was organized how I needed it. Careful, I think this is a user project setting; so other developers will need to do this on their machines too, if they so desire.
I do recall changing some output paths and such to make the post-build script more simple. But changing things like that can lead to annoyances when you add new projects to the solution; you might need to configure them to match. It's all a trade-off :)
Two ideas:
Maybe you could move your resources into another project - a project just for resources - and then set their Build Action to Content and Copy To Output to true. Then reference this new project and build the solution. (This may not work as you want, just an idea).
Why not make your resources embedded resources instead. Keep them all within the Resources\ directory and access them programatically?

Finding out-of-date or missing dependencies or output files in a Visual C++ solution (or: Why does VS insist on rebuilding projects without changes?)

I've got a solution containing multiple projects. I'm only changing the code in one of them, but every time I hit Ctrl+Shift+B, Visual Studio rebuilds all of the others.
I want it to build the other projects, so this is good. What's not good is that, normally, it would see that there was nothing to do. I have a wonky dependency somewhere, so this isn't working.
Is there a tool or macro (or switch) that'll explore the dependency tree and tell me which files are missing or out-of-date, so that I can get it to stop?
I know that I can solve this specific case, by (e.g.) touching all of the project files.
Unfortunately, I've often seen this situation when a file is configured to produce an output file (e.g. an IDL file is configured to output a typelibrary, but doesn't contain a 'library' block, so it'll never create a TLB).
This wouldn't be resolved by touching all of the project files, so I'm looking for something more general to add to my personal toolbox that'll easily tell me why a file is being rebuilt, whether it be because it's older than a dependency, or because the project is misconfigured to expect an output file that will never be produced.
In Options / Projects and Solutions / Build and Run turn up the MSBuild project build output verbosity to Detailed. It should give you an idea of why it is rebuilding all the projects.
If I understand you right, you might solve this by touching all your project's files. It may be caused by a source-file having a last-modified-time that's in the future.
I know that I can solve this specific case, by (e.g.) touching all of the project files, but I'd like to add something to my personal box of tricks that I can use in the future, in the general case.
I'm confused - what's the 'general case' of this problem?
Not that I've found. If you know that a project is not going to change often, you can tell the Configuration Manager not to build it. (Right-click on the Solution, and select Configuration Management)
As far as I know ctrl + shift + b is by default bound to BuildSolution, so that would be why all your projects are being build. i'm not really sure what else you could use except for rightclicking the project and pressing build :)
You might want to check in Tools>Option>Projects and Solutions and check if your option is set to Only Build startup project and dependencies instead of all the solution.
Or instead of using ctrl+shirt+b you should simply press F6 on the project you want to build :)
You can use shift+F6 to build just the current project.
While not directly answering my question: "is there a tool that'll work this out for me?", I found the specific problem by using SysInternals Process Monitor:
The project was configured with /analyze, which requires Visual Studio Team Edition, but the version on this PC is Visual Studio Professional, which doesn't support it. Unfortunately, there appears to be a bug in Visual Studio, where it thinks that the .pchast file should be created, even though it has no way to do so. I've raised this on Connect.
I think I might write a macro for Visual Studio Professional that, if /analyze is turned on, simply creates an empty .pchast file at the end of the build...
