Using spatial locator for Oracle - oracle

I am able to run the below query but when i swap the parameter for sdo_nn, I get an error of SDO_NN cannot be evaluated without using index
sdo_nn_distance (1) distance
FROM stores s,
customers c
AND sdo_nn
(c.cust_geo_location, s.store_geo_location, 'sdo_num_res=1', 1)= 'TRUE'
ORDER BY distance;
Does not work:
sdo_nn_distance (1) distance
FROM stores s,
customers c
AND sdo_nn
(s.store_geo_location,c.cust_geo_location, 'sdo_num_res=1', 1)= 'TRUE'
ORDER BY distance;
Anyone can explain to me why the sequence matter?

From Oracle's online docs sdo_nn needs the first parameter to be spatially indexed. the second parameter does not have that necessity/constraint.
So when swapping parameters you need to make sure the "now first" parameter (i.e. s.store_geo_location) is spatially indexed. See this on how to create a spatial index in Oracle.

Add the compiler hint to tell the query parser what index to use e.g.:
/*+ index(tableName,sdoIndexName) */
WARNING Compiler hints fail SILENTLY


ORA-13249: SDO_NN cannot be evaluated without using index

I get an error when I run the following Sql Script in ORACLE
SDO_NN(D.LOCATION,SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY('POINT (11112.0111 321314.2222)'),'sdo_num_res=6') = 'TRUE'
S.ID IN (17);
but when I change 'or' to 'and' or delete 'or S.ID IN (17)' I get no error.
SDO_NN(D.LOCATION,SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY('POINT (11112.0111 321314.2222)'),'sdo_num_res=6') = 'TRUE'
S.ID IN (17);
Type of Location field in DOOR Table is MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
Type of ID field in STREET Table is NUMBER
I want first SQL to work.
Can anyone help with the solution?
Would hint do any good?
SELECT /*+ LEADING(d) USE_NL(d s) INDEX s spatial_index) */
SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY ('POINT (11112.0111 321314.2222)'),
'sdo_num_res=6') =
AND S.ID IN (17);
The problem here is that the SDO_NN operator (as opposed to the SDO_RELATE or SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE operators) can only be solved via a spatial index.
With the first query, no actual filter is applied to select from the DOOR table, so the query optimizer naturally uses the spatial index.
With the second query, you restrict the DOOR table to only those rows (doors) for a given street (STREET.ID=17). That makes the optimizer choose the index that applies that filter (probably the index on STREET.STREET_ID.
The or vs and makes for a very different query and a very different result. With or, you are asking for the 6 closest doors to the selected point, from any street + all the doors on street 17 irrespective of proximity.
With and you are asking for the 6 closest doors on street 17 only. Which makes much more sense than the first syntax.
In order to make that work in your case, you need to use a hint to tell the optimizer to use the spatial index instead of the index on DOOR.STREET_ID:
SELECT /*+ INDEX (d <spatial index name>) */ D.ID
WHERE SDO_NN(D.LOCATION,SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY('POINT (11112.0111 321314.2222)'),'sdo_num_res=6') = 'TRUE'
AND S.ID IN (17);
Notice the syntax of the hint: d refers to the alias that refers to the DOOR table, since this is the one you are doing the spatial filtering on. <spatial index name> is the name of the spatial index you have defined on the DOOR table (not the string "spatial_index".
Hints have a "fragile" syntax: if you make any mistake, the hint will just be ignored. Also they are not orders to the optimizer: they are just suggestions. If the optimizer finds a hint impossible to apply (like you ask for an index that does not exist), it will also ignore it.
One way to confirm that hints have been accepted and used by the optimizer is to look at the query plan it has produced. If you use sqlplus or sqlcl, you can use the EXPLAIN PLAN command that will show you the plan without actually executing the statement. If you use SQLDeveloper, that has specific buttons to show query plans.
EDIT: The INDEX hint might not be sufficient. It may be that the optimizer needs to be told also how to implement the join, as #littlefoot has indicated. So you may also need the LEADING and USE_NL hints. But try first with only the INDEX hint.

I tested in my SQL Developer one case about "Subquery in Order By"

I have question about "Subquery in Order by clause". The below request returns the error. Is it means that Subquery in Order by clause must be scalar?
select *
from employees
order by (select * from employees where first_name ='Steven' and last_name='King');
ORA-00913: too many values
00913. 00000 - "too many values"
Yes, it means that if you use a subquery in ORDER BY it must be scalar.
With select * your subquery returns multiple columns and the DBMS would not know which of these to use for the sorting. And if you selected one column only, you would still have to make sure you only select one row of course. (The difference is that Oracle sees the too-many-columns problem immediately, but detect too many rows only when fetching the data.)
This would be allowed:
select * from employees
order by (select birthdate from employees where employee_id = 12345);
This is a scalar query, because it returns only one value (one column, one row). But of course this still makes as little sense as your original query, because the subquery result is independent from the main query, i.e. it returns the same value for every row in the table and thus no sorting takes effect.
A last remark: A subquery in ORDER BY makes very seldomly sense, because that would mean you order by something you don't display. The exception is when looking up a sortkey. E.g.:
select *
from products p
where type = 'shirt' and color = 'blue' and size in ('S', 'M', 'L', 'XL')
order by (select sortkey from sizes s where s.size = p.size);
It means that valid options for ORDER BY clause can be
position or
column alias
A subquery is neither of these.

Oracle no index for function calls in sql query

I have a table with name t(abc varchar2(50),xyz varchar2(50), ..etc) and index enabled on column abc. Oracle uses the index for userfunction(a) which takes long time. This is a dynamic query formed can have another conditions that must use index on abc so I don't want to use no_index hint.
select *from t
userfunction(a) = 0
and exists (select 1 from tab where'' ...etc)
and ..etc
I tried to re-write the query with nested query by moving the function to nested query, but oracle is re-writing and still executing userfunction(a) at the first and the query is taking long time.
select *from (
select *from t
and exists (select 1 from tab where'' ...etc)
userfunction(a) = 0
Also tried using WITH clause but no luck.
Any idea of oracle not to use index for user function calls or certain condition in where clause?
Your query is not logically consistent: you reference table t and tab, but only desribe t. Assuming you meant t when you wrote tab, I can't see why you need the exists clause with a sub-query. EXISTS will just return TRUE when the expression in the subselect evaluates to TRUE; so why not just use that expression in the main query on t?

oracle not using defined indexes

As seen below there is a simple join between my Tables A And B.
In addition, there is a condition on each table which is combined with Or operator.
* FROM IIndustrialCaseHistory B ,
IIndustrialCaseProduct A
where (
A.ProductId IN ('9_2') OR
contains(B.KeyWords,'%some text goes here%' ) <=0
and ( B.Id = A.IIndustrialCaseHistoryId)
on ProductId defined a b-tree index and for KeyWords there is a function index.
but I dont know why my execution plan dose not use these indexes and performs table access full?
as I found in this URL NO_EXPAND optimization hint could couse using indexes in execution plan(The NO_EXPAND hint prevents the cost-based optimizer from considering OR-expansion for queries having OR conditions or IN-lists in the WHERE clause ). But I didn't see any use of defined indexes
whats is oracle problem with my query?!
Unless there is something magical about the contains() function that I don't know about, Oracle cannot use an index to find a matching value that leads with a wildcard, i.e. a text string value within a varchar2 column but not starting in the first position with that value. [OR B.KeyWords LIKE'%some text goes here%' -- as opposed to -- OR B.KeyWords LIKE'Some text starts here%' -- optimizable via index.] The optimizer will default back to the full table scan in that case.
Also, although it may not be material, why use IN() if there is only one value in the list? Why not A.ProductId = '9_2' ?

Oracle Spatial - select objects falling within area

this is probably simple to those who know (I hope!)
I have an Oracle spatial database with a geometry column containing a list of node points, in northing/easting format (if it's relevent!)
I need to select those objects which fall within a given radius of a given point.
Northings and Eastings are 1 meter apart which makes it a bit easier.
Ideally this should include objects which cross the area even if their node points fall outside it.
Is this an easy-ish query? Maybe using SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE?
The table looks like this:
Thanks for any help!
You can do this one of two ways. First, as you mentioned, SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE is a valid approach.
from center_point a
inner join target_points b
on = 1
and sdo_within_distance( b.shape, a.shape, 'distance = 10' ) = 'TRUE'
In this case, the distance is in linear units defined by a's spatial reference. Oracle treats the coordinates as Cartesian so you will need to make sure you have a linear coordinate system before using this operator (as opposed to angular lat/lon units). Since you are working with northings/eastings, I think you'll be okay as long as the points you are comparing against are in the same spatial reference.
This approach uses an inner-loop to solve the query so not very efficient if you have a lot of points to compare against. Also, Oracle Spatial is VERY picky about the order of operands in the SDO functions so you might need to play around with parameter order to find the sweetspot. If your query runs for a long period, try switching the first and second parameter of your sdo operator. You can also play with the order of the 'from' and 'inner join' tables using the /*+ ORDERED */ hind after SELECT.
Another approach is to buffer the geometry and compare against the buffer.
from center_point a
inner join target_points b
on = 1
and sdo_relate( b.shape, sdo_buffer(a.shape, 0.05 ), 'mask=anyinteract' ) = 'TRUE'
Keep in mind that whatever is in the second parameter of the SDO_RELATE (called the window) will not have a spatial index if you transform it like we are here with the buffer.
If you plan on doing this with several points, it is recommended to build a table where all of the source points are buffered. Then create a spatial index against the buffered areas and compare that to your target points.
For example:
create table point_bufs unrecoverable as
select sdo_buffer (a.shape, b.diminfo, 1.35)
from centerpoint a, user_sdo_geom_metadata b
where table_name='CENTERPOINT'
and column_name='SHAPE';
from target_points a,
point_bufs b
where sdo_relate(a.shape, b.shape, 'mask=anyinteract querytype=join') = 'TRUE'
NOTE: When intersecting points with polygons, you always want to polygon to be in the window position of the sdo_relate (which is the second parameter). This will ensure your spatial index is used correctly.
The proper way is to use SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE, and that is the case irrespective of the coordinate systems used, i.e. whether they are projected or geodetic:
select b.*
from my_table a, my_table b
where = 1
and sdo_within_distance( b.shape, a.shape, 'distance=10 unit=meter' ) = 'TRUE';
The order of the arguments to the spatial predicates is important: the first one is the points you are searching, the second is the "query window", i.e. the point you are searching for. Notice that you should always specify the unit of your distance - here 10 meters. If you don't then it will default to the unit of the coordinate system of the table you search. For geodetic data, that will always be meters. For projected data it will be the unit of your coordinate system - generally meters too, but not always. Explicitly specifying a unit lifts all ambiguities.
You could also use the buffer approach, but that makes no difference here, and is actually slower. It does not matter that the second argument to a spatial predicate is indexed or not: that index is not used. Only the index on the first argument is required and used.
To perform the operation on a collection of geometries - i.e. for a set of points, find the points within a set distance of each of them, then consider using the SDO_JOIN() function instead, like this to find all couple of points that are within 10 meters of each other:
FROM my_table a,
my_table b,
) j
WHERE j.rowid1 = a.rowid
AND j.rowid2 = a.rowid
AND a.rowid < a.rowid;
