Oracle no index for function calls in sql query - oracle

I have a table with name t(abc varchar2(50),xyz varchar2(50), ..etc) and index enabled on column abc. Oracle uses the index for userfunction(a) which takes long time. This is a dynamic query formed can have another conditions that must use index on abc so I don't want to use no_index hint.
select *from t
userfunction(a) = 0
and exists (select 1 from tab where'' ...etc)
and ..etc
I tried to re-write the query with nested query by moving the function to nested query, but oracle is re-writing and still executing userfunction(a) at the first and the query is taking long time.
select *from (
select *from t
and exists (select 1 from tab where'' ...etc)
userfunction(a) = 0
Also tried using WITH clause but no luck.
Any idea of oracle not to use index for user function calls or certain condition in where clause?

Your query is not logically consistent: you reference table t and tab, but only desribe t. Assuming you meant t when you wrote tab, I can't see why you need the exists clause with a sub-query. EXISTS will just return TRUE when the expression in the subselect evaluates to TRUE; so why not just use that expression in the main query on t?


Retrieving data from oracle table using scala jdbc giving wrong results

I am using scala jdbc to check whether a partition exists for an oracle table. It is returning wrong results when an aggregate function like count(*) is used.
I have checked the DB connectivity and other queries are working fine. I have tried to extract the value of count(*) using an alias, But it failed. Also tried using getString. But it failed.
var connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,dbUser,pswd)
val statement = connection.createStatement()
TABLE_NAME = \'$tableName\' AND PARTITION_NAME = \'$partitionName\' """
val resultSet1 = statement.executeQuery(sqlQuery)
var cnt=resultSet1.getInt(1)
// Code to add partition and insert data
//code to insert data in existing partition
}catch(Exception e) { ... }
The value of cnt always prints as 0 even though the oracle partition already exists. Can you please let me know what is the error in the code? Is this giving wrong results because I am using scala jdbc to get the result of an aggregate function like count(*)? If yes, then what would be the correct code? I need to use scala jdbc to check whether the partition already exists in oracle and then insert data accordingly.
This is just a suggestion or might be the solution in your case.
Whenever you search the metadata tables of the oracle always use UPPER or LOWER on both side of equal sign.
Oracle converts every object name in to the upper case and store it in the metadata unless you have specifically provided the lower case object name in double quotes while creating it.
So take an following example:
-- 1
CREATE TABLE "My_table_name1" ... -- CASE SENSISTIVE
-- 2
In first query, we used double quotes so it will be stored in the metadata of the oracle as case sensitive name.
In second query, We have not used double quotes so the table name will be converted into the upper case and stored in the metadata of the oracle.
So If you want to create a query against any metadata in the oracle which include both of the above cases then you can use UPPER or LOWER against the column name and value as following:
Hope, this will help you in solving the issue.

Using index to speed up child <> parent query

I have query similar to this:
select *
from table1
where status = 'ACTV'
and child_id <> parent_id
The problem is that this table is quite and large and Oracle is doing full table scan.
I was trying to create an index (with status, child_id, parent_id columns) that would speed up this query but Oracle is not using this index even with hint.
Is there a way to speed up this query ?
You can use index with function:
CREATE INDEX child_parent ON table1(DECODE(child_id,parent_id,1, 0))
And then use it in your select:
select *
from table1
where status = 'ACTV'
and DECODE(child_id,parent_id,1, 0) = 0
Only cons for this solution - it will slow down insert and update operations a bit more than regular index.
Also if potentially returnable record count is large Oracle can do table full scan
In parent, child table : "child_id <> parent_id" is obvious right , it will always fetch 99% of data then full table scan is better approach. Index will be slower if you selecting more percentage of data.
if your application needs "child_id <> parent_id" always then you can create check constrain for the same. Then you may not need this where condition "child_id <> parent_id" any time.

Searching first condition first and only if not available then second condition

I am writing an SQL query where the query should first search the first value, and only if this value is missing the query should search for the second value.
I have two tables. One of these tables contains the modification date (this is not always filled and can be null) and a creation date which is always filled.
Now what I want is that the query first looks in the table with the modification date and only if it is null looks at the table with the creation date.
Example of the query:
Select *
from all_articles
where to_char(modification_date, 'YYYYMMDD') = to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD')-1
-- if this is an empty record then
to_char(creation_date, 'YYYYMMDD') = to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD')-1
Can anyone help me with this query?
Almost all the major RDBMS' available have in built functions to handle such a situation.
The Oracle DB has NVL function which works as follows:
NVL(Modified_dt, Create_dt);
The above will return Modified_dt column data by default. However, if that isn't available, it will return Create_dt.
See here for details:

oracle not using defined indexes

As seen below there is a simple join between my Tables A And B.
In addition, there is a condition on each table which is combined with Or operator.
* FROM IIndustrialCaseHistory B ,
IIndustrialCaseProduct A
where (
A.ProductId IN ('9_2') OR
contains(B.KeyWords,'%some text goes here%' ) <=0
and ( B.Id = A.IIndustrialCaseHistoryId)
on ProductId defined a b-tree index and for KeyWords there is a function index.
but I dont know why my execution plan dose not use these indexes and performs table access full?
as I found in this URL NO_EXPAND optimization hint could couse using indexes in execution plan(The NO_EXPAND hint prevents the cost-based optimizer from considering OR-expansion for queries having OR conditions or IN-lists in the WHERE clause ). But I didn't see any use of defined indexes
whats is oracle problem with my query?!
Unless there is something magical about the contains() function that I don't know about, Oracle cannot use an index to find a matching value that leads with a wildcard, i.e. a text string value within a varchar2 column but not starting in the first position with that value. [OR B.KeyWords LIKE'%some text goes here%' -- as opposed to -- OR B.KeyWords LIKE'Some text starts here%' -- optimizable via index.] The optimizer will default back to the full table scan in that case.
Also, although it may not be material, why use IN() if there is only one value in the list? Why not A.ProductId = '9_2' ?

SQL Tuning for IN Clause

The below Teradata query is taking around 18 seconds to complete.
The highlighted values passed in IN clause is from another Oracle database so I am not able to implement a join with that table.
SELECT distinct sec.SerialNum esn, ef.EngineFamilyCd family, em.EngineModelCd model,
es.EngineSeriesCd series, sac.AircraftTailNum tailNumRef, sec.EnginePositionNum enginePosition,
o1.OrganizationId ownerOrgId, o2.OrganizationId operatorOrgId,
sec.EngineInstallationDttm installedDate, sec.EngineRemovalDttm removalDate,
sec.HardwareConfigNm hardwareConfig, sec.EngineControlNm engineControl,
sec.ApplicationSelectorNm appSelector, sec.EngineMonitorInd engineMonitorInd,
sec.EngineThrustRatingFctr engineThrustRating, sec.StatusDesc engineStatus, sec.n1modifiernum n1modifier
FROM DB_MASTER_BV.SZEngineCurrent sec,
DB_MASTER_BV.EngineSeries es,
DB_MASTER_BV.EngineModel em,
DB_Master_BV.EngineFamily ef,
DB_MASTER_BV.SZAircraftCurrent sac,
DB_MASTER_BV.Organization o1,
DB_MASTER_BV.Organization o2
WHERE sec.EngineSeriesCd = es.EngineSeriesCd
and es.EngineModelCd = em.EngineModelCd
and em.EngineFamilyCd = ef.EngineFamilyCd
and sec.MasterAircraftId = sac.MasterAircraftId
and o1.MasterOrganizationId = sec.OwnerMasterOrganizationId
and o2.MasterOrganizationId = sec.OperatorMasterOrganizationId
AND (sec.SerialNum in('733276','193283','690168','741471','876374','873383','193386','906397','804314','900116','785670','900399','724321','193488','811373','779917','193699','994688',
and END(sec.EngineValidPd) is until_changed
order by esn
Also if there is more than 1000 records, I am implementing the IN clause as follows
AND (sec.SerialNum in( first 999 recods) OR sec.SerialNum in( next 999 recods)… OR sec.SerialNum in( remaining recods))
Please suggest solution which would be faster than the above query and which will not cause issue with more than 1000 records in IN clause
What is your Teradata release?
In TD14 there's a built-in table function to split a string of values, you can simply pass all values within a single string:
AND sec.SerialNum IN
SELECT token
FROM TABLE (STRTOK_SPLIT_TO_TABLE(1, '733276,193283,690168,741471,876374', ',')
tokennum INTEGER,
) AS d
