Netbeans Codeigniter Code Templates - codeigniter

Is there any netbeans code templates available for codeigniter ?
Like :

Found this, this and this from google. Though I never really look into it, but I do keep the source and documentation in handy for reference as it is accurate as doubt arise during coding.


Dart tag and syntax reference?

This is a very noobie question. I hope I still can get some help. I normally use references for the languages I use. Like Tag and Syntax references so I know what they do. A example would be If I was doing HTML I would have this site open
I do this because I can't remember anything. It seems like w3school does not have dart yet so I was wondering if any other Dart coders found something similar?
If there is none what do you guys do to know all the syntaxes/tags? Do you remember everything? only has the API reference and some code samples which is good but not enough for me
Dart cheat sheet is a concise and clearly arranged summary of the Dart language.
Try Chapter 2. A Tour of the Dart Language from the web version of Dart Up and Running.
It's concise but quite useful, and published as a single we page so it can be searched with the browser search function.

jQuery BBQ, Address or any other hashchange plugin - Recommendation

I am looking for a plugin or function that gives you SEO friendly way of dynamically loading pages, bookmarking via Ajax. I know this has been asked a lot.
The things that irriate me: I used to go with jquery.address plugin for it, but to be honest this plugin always seems quite complex to handle. I also looked at other plugins, e.g. jQuery BBQ. I know it's recommended quite a lot. But: the plugin hasn't been updated for 2 years now (link). Now I am wondering if there is anything that I am missing or even if it's included in jQuery 1.9. Nevertheless I checked jQuery documentation and I couldn't seem to find anything.
Since I am using ajax quite a lot lately and I would love to know what other people use and I am glad for any recommendations.
Many thanks and best,

CodeIgniter 2.1.0 Template Library

Recently CI 2.1.0 is out.
I have a question. As I recognized that the CI folder structure has been 'evolved' (easy to setup, automatically defines base_url,etc), I'm wondering if the current template libraries like Phil's,william's concept,ocular,etc.. can be adapted to this new CI version.
I've tried Phil's but no luck, I mean..I don't know if I'm missing something this time, and ocular, also, to no avail ( I don't subclass the Controller, as suggested here)
Any better templating suggestions that will be suited enough to the latest CodeIgniter 2.1.0?
It seems like from the comments above that you're having trouble finding any resources online on the matter. Here's my suggestion for you:
Check the CodeIgniter Change Log here, and compare all the changes between this newest release, and the release that you know last worked with the template libraries that you've mentioned above. Use deductive reasoning, and see if you can find a way to modify the templates you need to work with the current CodeIgniter structure. I know that's a lot of work, and is not ideal for your situation. Regardless, it's the best advice I can give at the current moment. Good luck, and happy reading!

Code Highlighting for Joomla

I need syntax highlighting of source code from various languages (PHP, C#, VB, etc) within articles I have in Joomla. I have tried enabling the Geshi plugin, updating the language files and putting the code into my Joomla article - however I can't seem to get it to work.
I have also tried CodeCitation from JED but again, the problem seems to be the same - I don't know how to tell Joomla to process it as code. I placed {codecitation} and {/codecitation} around my code (as well as including the brush value) but it doesn't work. I am unsure if these tags should be placed on the source or the wysiwug
Could someone please assist with an alternative method or work out what I am doing wrong?
With CodeCitation: if you already wrote the article using the tags (i.e. {codecitation} code {/codecitation}), it should work. Did you check if you enable the mambot?
As of Joomla 3.4 Geshi has been removed - but you can still get Geshi+ (geshi repackaged with all the additional languages) - & see the tips here on how to configure geshi.
An example of Geshi+ working is here.
There are now Joomla plugins using highlightjs & google's prettify library to highlight syntax but I found geshi+ worked much better
I am not certain if you can use it in Joomla or not. I use the syntax highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev. I have used it in a couple of blogs (wordpress for instance) and in some stand alone web pages. Not hard to intergrate. It uses the 'pre' tags. You need to be sure the code is already escaped. It may be worth a look. Here is a link.
Hope this helps.

Smarty integration into the CodeIgniter framework

A Little Background Information:
I've been looking at a few PHP framework recently, and it came down to two. The Zend Framework or CodeIgniter.
I prefer CodeIgniter, because of its simple design. It's very bare bone, and it is just kept simple. The thing I don't like though is the weak template system. The template system is important for me, because I will be working with another designer. Being able to give him a good template system is a big plus.
Zend was the second choice, because of the better template system that is built in. Zend is a different beast though compared to CodeIgniter. It emphasis "loose coupling between modules", but is a bigger framework. I don't like to feel like I have many things running under the hood that I never use. That is unnecessary overhead in my opinion, so I thought about putting a template system into CodeIgniter: Smarty.
Question(s): How easy/hard is the process to integrate Smarty into CodeIgniter? From my initial scan of the CodeIgniter documentation, I can see that the layout of the framework is easy enough to understand, and I anticipate no problems. I want to know if anyone has used it before, and therefore are aware of any "gotchas" you my have experienced that is going to make this harder than it should be or impossible to pull off. I also want to know if this is a good thing to do at all. Is the template system in CodeIgniter enough for normal use? Are there any other template modules that are good for CodeIgniter aside from Smarty? I better off with Zend Framework? Is any wheel being invented here?
Sorry to resurrect an old question - but none of the answers have been flagged as "accepted" yet.
There's a library called "template" that does a great job of allowing you to use just about any template parser you want:
Template CI Library - V1.4.1
The syntax is pretty easy for integrating into your CI application and the smarty integration spot on.
Slightly OT, hope you don't mind...
I'm a Zend Framework user and I think it's worth saying that the loose coupling means you don't need to include any files you're not actively using. Hopefully this negates your concern about unnecessary overhead.
With the layouts stuff added in a recent release of ZF, its templating is really hard to fault... and it's completely pluggable as Favio mentions. The more I use ZF, the more I like it; they do things the way I would do them!
I did a quick google search and found the following:
If the designer is not familiar with Smarty, I think it's almost the same as if you use the existing CodeIgniter templating system (which leaves everything to PHP actually). It also depends on the complexity of the project at hand.
You can also hook Smarty with Zend Framework. It's more complex than with CodeIgniter, but there's already a primer on how to do exactly that in the ZF documentation. Plus lots of tutorials on the net.
In my opinion it's almost the same, you can use pure PHP or Smarty as your template "engine", so it depends on the project. Also, compare a developer who has extensive experience and already has a library of view helpers so she uses pure PHP, versus a designer who doesn't know anything about PHP, but has extensive experience with Smarty. Sometimes decisions have to be based on who is going to do what.
Check out this custom CodeIgniter templating library. I've already used it on several projects and it is easy to use. I know this post is late but it's worth checking out.
It doesn't appear there has been an answer selected for this question nor has an up-to-date solution been given to work with the latest version of Codeigniter (2.0) and the latest version of Smarty (3.0.5).
This library allows you to use Smarty 3 with Codeigniter 2.0 so you can use Smarty 3 specific features like template inheritance.
Integrating Smarty in CodeIgniter? It is a breeze!
The template system in CodeIgniter is very basic.
Follow these steps for Smarty 3 in CI 3:
Download CodeIgniter 3
Download Smarty 3 and put its content in 'application/third_party/smarty' folder
Create 'Custom_smarty.php' file in 'application/libraries' and add this code:
if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Custom_smarty extends Smarty {
function __construct()
Create 'templates' & 'templates_c' folders inside 'application/views' folder
Create simple 'test.tpl' file in 'application/views/templates' folder
Open 'autoload.php' in 'application/config' folder and add:
$autoload['libraries'] = array('custom_smarty');
And inside a controller: $this->custom_smarty->display('test.tpl');
If you are working on localhost set the permissions: sudo chmod -R 777 templates_c. Otherwhise contact your hosting service, if you catch the error Unable to write file. First be sure templates_c folder exists.
Otherwise you can use another template engine like Twig.
