Deploying web api projects to appharbor from mvc beta fails - appharbor

When trying to deploy a new web api project which is created from the web api template it fails with the following message:
Build failed: Build contains no websites or background workers
Are mvc 4 web api project supported yet? Or do I have to create a regular MVC 3 app and include the web api stuff manually through nuget to get it working?

Ok, so this was a stupid mistake by me but I'll keep the question here if someone run into the same issue. The problem was as simple as I forgot to turn on nuget package restore. Since I don't check in my packages I need to download them on install.


How to config ASP.NET Core startup route (like in previous version of ASP.NET MVC 5)?

In previous version of ASP.NET MVC 5, when you start project using Ctrl+F5, the route of current working file in vs will set to browser for example:
when you're editing about.cshtml from home controller and you start project, the browser will come up with localhost/home/about route.
I've tried checking configs of an mvc5 project but just found nothing.
My question is: how can I config the ASP.NET Core MVC project to behave like this?
I found this stack that is near to my question, In my case I need "current page" option in ASP.NET Core
This feature is applicable in core project.
If you need this, you can set launch url like below:
It same as add launch url in launchSettings.json.

Why is web app not loading inside the MS-Teams

I have deployed a simple web app and deployed to This page has the link to teams app sdk and also has initialized the teams app. im trying to load it inside teams app in my organization using this manifest file. i can upload and install the app but the app is not loading. The index file and manifest used for test is attached here.
Here are a few things to look at:
I don't think you can pass anything to microsoftTeams.initialize(), so remove the 'window' parameter
I've not tested whether the 'validDomains' allows custom ports, but it might not - try put the entry without the ':82', and then also remove entries 2 & 3, so it's only ''

From .Net Core Web Application (MVC), WebAPI in Same solution returns 404

My first time using .net core
I was able to build a functioning webApi that calls data from my SQL server using Onion Layers.
Application Services
Domain Services
MVC Web Application
If I set my UI.API.Cemetery as my Startup project, I can simply go to localHost:port/api/cemetery and I get my list from the DB.
If I set my Web / MVC Application as the startup, I get a 404 when I go to the same path...I've never done this before and I can't seem to find any articles that indicate what to expect.
I have Swagger running in the MVC Application and it also indicates no routes?
I'm not sure if I need to add additional routing beyond the MVC out of the box routing? As this is my very first time using .core, I'm not sure whether I need to inject something or I'm totally in left field on my current build.
The correct answer was from the comment from Johey, to start multiple projects.

Integrating SOAP in laravel

I want to integrate soap client in my laravel project to call soap based web services. I have tried laravel-soap but due to lack of resources I am having trouble in getting it started.
Other option is I am trying to get started with php soapclient in my laravel project.
I want some kind of demo working so that I can understand how it is integrated in my laravel project.
Can you guys please provide me some resources?
Help much appreciated.
Try this package its very easy to use.

Elmah and ASP.NET MVC 3

What are the steps required to set up elmah on an ASP.NET MVC 3 application?
nuget elmah
customize elmah (storage, etc)
handle HandleError
Is that all? Is step 3 still necessary after nuget?
What is Elmah ?
ELMAH is an open source project whose purpose is to log and report unhandled exceptions in ASP.NET web applications.
Why to use Elmah ?
ELMAH serves as an unobtrusive interceptor of unhandled ASP.NET exceptions, those usually manifesting with the ASP.NET yellow screen of death.
So now we know what and why to use Elmah, Lets quickly get started on how to use Elmah with your ASP.NET MVC project.
Step 1: Right click on your solution and select the "Manage Nuget Packages" option
Step 2: In the Nuget Package manager search for "Elmah" and install the Elmah.MVC nuget extension.
The Nuget Package manager will download and add the required dlls and modify the web.config's <appSetting> for Elmah to work.
Step 3: That's it !! Your Elmah is now ready to test. I have generated a 404 to test if my Elmah works, ELMAH can be accessed by this url :
Hope this helps :)
Further Reading :
Elmah on
Elmah.MVC 2.0.2 on Nuget
Elmah.MVC on GitHub
I used ELMAH in 2010 and 2011. Now it is 2012, and I just added it to a new MVC 3 project and noticed the latest release made it much easier.
Nuget Elmah.mvc
URL is
Is that all? Is step 3 still necessary
after nuget?
You should really set up a database table in MSSQL or another reliable DB to feed your errors into so they can be retrieved and stored reliably.
Otherwise no, there is no real config needed but you would likely use Email as well as block specific annoying errors.
After a quick google I found this:
It turned out step 1 and 2 can be combined by nuget-ing "elmah on xml log", which will set up web.config so elmah will log errors into separate xml files. So no need to edit the config by hand at all, except to further customize elmah.
Step 3 is still necessary.
Elmah is already available for MVC
basically, the hard bit is getting the Elmah config (in web.config) correct as the documentation is a little rough in my eyes
