Display full article using ajax through readmore - joomla

Basically joomla articles show excerpt and a readmore link. Upon click the readmore the the full page loads. But can the full text be loaded on the same box when readmore is clicked. As in a slider using ajax?
Is there any module or plugin that already does this?

You can try this extension - http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/site-management/site-performance/13293


How to use the CKEditor in an custom ASPX page?

I would like to use the CKEditor on a SharePoint 2010 Custom Application Page (.aspx).
Is this possible?
Is there an example?
I have no special requirement on a sample. I would like to see only how to place an ASPX Textbox (Multiline) on an aspx page, place the CKEditor on the page and and activate the CKEditor on the field.
Yes, this is possible. You have to create a plugin with a custom button in it and the open on click a new window (the .aspx page). In this page you have to find the CKEditor instance, and you are then able to write back HTML to the editor.

Can Joomla has a custom excerpt like WordPress, Drupal?

Both WordPress and Drupal have a custom excerpt, it's very useful, but Joomla seems doesn't have one.
Does someone know which extension can enable Joomla's custom excerpt function?
Thank you!
You don't need any extension, Joomla can do this out-of-the box using the native readmore functionality.
Add a readmore to your article, custom excerpt before the readmore.
In article options, set 'show readmore' to 'no'.
Now blog pages will show your custom excerpt text but it will not be shown in the article view.

Remove pinterest button from all images except the main article

I want to add a pinterest button to joomla articles, and I achieved it by adding the code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js" data-pin-hover="true"></script>
But this code adds the button to all images in the page. How can I add it only to the main article image?
Thank You
I'd suggest writing a small/simple Content Plugin (see the developer tutorial link). The Joomla SE site has a question/answer that discusses customizing images for articles - it may be a good starting point for you.
You can put a pin it button next to an image with this:

How to attach ItemID to joomla footermenu

I am don't know joomla, but familiar with wordpress & PHP & wants to change some links in my clients existing project.
I have a menu which is a link like http://www.smarti.com.sa/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6&Itemid=107 while calling it from top navigation menu.
developer has taken same link in footer but it redirects to
Now i want ItemID in footer link also.
My Site URL is http://www.smarti.com.sa/
In that please Products > Microsoft.
Please give solution
As per your post, Your menu link for now is : http://www.smarti.com.sa/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6 .
But, you want to use this like : http://www.smarti.com.sa/index.php/your_menu_name.
You can use aliases of menu links.
You can find aliases here, When you create/edit a menu link from backend of joomla you can see an alias associated with it. You can also find Aliases of menu link from grid screen of you menu type.
For showing Menu in front end you have to create CUSTOM HTML module, You can find how to create Custom HTML module here : http://vinaora.com/2012/09/how-to-add-custom-html-to-your-joomla-site-2/
Now, How can you find HTML to write in thst Custom HTML Module? So, for this you can go the page of front-end where that menu is visible. Now prss CTRL+U, you will see the HTML of that page. Here, you have to find the HTML of those menus.
In this HTML, you will find the links like : index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6
Now, you have to replace these links with index.php/alias_of_your_menu.
Now paste the edited HTML in Custom HTML module and save it by selecting a proper Position.
You can use joomla menu module in the footer.
Joomla also has the option to display second level menu items in a menu module.
To do this:
Set the Start Level to "1" and the End Level to "1".
That's all. Good Luck.

In Joomla how i can put an image on the principal page and when i click the image this open an article?

I'm using joomla 3.0.3.
I want to put a simple image on the principal page and when I click this image, automatically (changes the page) and opens an article with some info that I want to put on it.
It is possible?
With joomla default, or I need an extension for can do it?
Thanks a lot!
You can achieve this by creating a menu item for the blog view of frontpage or content.
This will load a number of articles and paginate them. In the options, you will find Intro articles (on top), then the number of articles to load in columns, then a list of links. Put 0 on the links and on the first articles, and you will get your list of articles in a grid.
Depending on the template you are using, the settings of the menu link could be enough to achieve what you want; if not you can write a template override to display exactly what you want.
