How to use the CKEditor in an custom ASPX page? - ckeditor

I would like to use the CKEditor on a SharePoint 2010 Custom Application Page (.aspx).
Is this possible?
Is there an example?
I have no special requirement on a sample. I would like to see only how to place an ASPX Textbox (Multiline) on an aspx page, place the CKEditor on the page and and activate the CKEditor on the field.

Yes, this is possible. You have to create a plugin with a custom button in it and the open on click a new window (the .aspx page). In this page you have to find the CKEditor instance, and you are then able to write back HTML to the editor.


How would I move from the default ASP.NET layout to another theme

I just started to use MVC for a simple website. Very new to this.
I am trying to change from the default layout to a simple layout page with sidebar navigation with drop-down list capability. Something similar to one that is shown in the enter link description here
Could you please guide me through this? I have downloaded the HTML, CSS and js files.
I added them to the project and referred to them in the bundleconfig.cs. But still no success.
Thank you very much

How to perform Preview in CKEditor

I am using CKEditor to get HTML from the user. The user will use HTML tags and it will be saved in the database. I need a functionality for the user to see how the page will be displayed when open as .html before saving in the database.
Is it possible to do that using CKEditor and if yes.....then how?
It's certainly possible, but depends a lot on your specific requirements.
Get the contents of the editor using editor.getData(), then open a pop up window displaying that content - this should be relatively simple with JavaScript so I won't give any examples - you'll have to try it yourself first :). If a pop up is not something you want to use, maybe use an inline dialog, such as the ones that jQuery uses.
I would create the workflow so that the preview box has a save button inside it, forcing the user to preview before saving. If that's not acceptable, then create a separate button on your page to do the preview.

Add Custom Button to TinyMCE in Joomla 2.5

I am currently creating a component for Joomla 2.5.
I would like to add a custom button to the TinyMCE editor, but being in the context of a Joomla component, I can not add files or code inside the TinyMCE editor plugin...
Is someone able to tell me what I am suppose to use to do so?
Thank you
Editor buttons are built as editors-xtd plugins. You may look at the readmore button, which is only added in article context.

N2CMS: how to add popup conent

I have a news-type website that I am looking to create using N2CMS, but besides the regular operations (being able to see a calendar, viewing lists of news, viewing news details etc.), part of the content in the website is displayed in "modal" popups (similar to the ModalPopupExtender from the AjaxToolkit) inside the page (for example if you click Login, a popup panel appears with the login controls).
My question is: is there a way of adding a handler for a link, and displaying a "modal" popup when the link is clicked? If so, can this be done from the template GUI editor (and how)?
Thank you
N2CMS doesn't have any built-in handlers to create modal pop-ups for links. However, N2CMS does ship with the Jquery JavaScript library. My suggestion would be to use JavaScript in your site template to select and format the desired links with modal dialogs -- but that can't be done from the GUI editor, you'd need to do it in the template code directly.

fast Javascript templating engine that works with jQuery superfish?

I have a project with a very standard layout so I suspect this is a common problem:
HEADER-CONTAINER DIV - includes superfish jQuery menu plugin but am open to other menu options if necessary.
CONTENT-CONTAINER DIV - depending on the page, contains several other jQuery plugins, HTML, javaScript, etc.
I'm looking for a elegant and well performing way to have a superfish menu click load the CONTENT-CONTAINER DIV with new content. The content contains both HTML and javaScript. I also want the solution to change the URL so if someone returns later to /my/page it will reload to the correct location (similar my understanding of Backbone.Router).
Any suggestions? If possible, please provide a link to a page loading into a div example and running any javaScript included in the load.
Superfish or not this is not really a problem. Whenever you add html to the page the browser will execute any javascript or load any javascript file this new html snippet will contain.
So when you click on your menu, you load (or generate) new html and replace your content div with this new content, the browser will execute the scripts.
You will have to rebind all events on that newly inserted content because jQuery will loose track of that.
I searched around and found the a decent example that shows how to take any #url and reload a div. Example found at
