How to check if a number is a multiple of 6? - algorithm

I would like an alogrithm that would use only shift, add or subtract operations to find whether a number is a multiple of 6. So, basically just binary operations.
So far I think I should logical right shift the number twice to divide by 4 and then subtract 6 once from it. But I know something is wrong with my approach and cannot figure out what.

1) Simple (N & 1) == 0 to check if number is divisible by 2.
2) Use the Bit hack answer (from This thread. )to check for divisibility by 3.
If both are true, your number is divisible by 6.

how about keep subtracting the number by 6 until it reaches zero.
If you get zero the number is divisible by 6 otherwise not.
keep dividing the number by 2 (shift operation on binary) until the number is less than 12.
then subtract 6 from it . If less than zero (not divisible )
if zero divisible.
if not subtract 3
If less than zero (not divisible )
if zero divisible.

You could try implementing a division algorithm with the primitive operations available to you. The basic long-division algorithm from 4th grade might be enough (just do things in base 2 instead of base 10, with bitshifting instead of multiplication)

OK. This is how I would go about it (just a first thought) :
A multiple of 6 is both a multiple of 2 and 3, so it should satisfy the divisibility criteria of 2 and 3 at the same time... So...
Check divisibility by 2 :
Right shift the number
If remainder>1, repeat 1.
If remainder=1, then FALSE, else continue.
Checking the divisibility by 2, could obviously be also implemented by (N & 1 == 0), as stated above. This simply checks the last digit of N's binary representation : if it's 1, N is odd (thus NOT divisible by 2), if it's 0, it's perfectly divisible...
Check divisibility by 3 :
Substract 3.
If remainder>3, repeat 1.
If remainder>0, then FALSE, else TRUE.

It is a multiple of six if BOTH of the following statements are true:
1) The last digit (ones place) is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
2) When you add all the digits together, you get a multiple of 3.
1) Start with a number N.
2) Sum the digits of the number, and get M.
3) If M is larger than 10, set N=M and return to stage 2.
4) Otherwise, M is now smaller than 10. If M is 0,3,6 or 9, then N is a multiple of 3

If we extend the range of operations to "bit-masking" and "bit-shifting", it's simple.
As quite a few have stated, divisibility by two is equivalent to (n & 1) == 0. Divisbility by 3 is (relatively) easy in binary. Initialize an accumulator a to 0, then repeat a += (n & 3); n = (n >> 2); until n is 0. If (and only if) a is 3 is n divisible by 3.


Check if number is multiple of 5 in most efficient way

Hi everyone
I was searching an efficient way to check if a number is multiple of 5. So I searched on google and found this solution on
There were 3 solutions of my problem.
First solution was to subtract 5 until reaching zero,
Second solution was to convert the number to string and check last character to be 5 or 0,
Third solution was by doing some interesting operations on bitwise level.
I'm interested in third solution as I can fully understand the first and the second.
Here's the code from geeksforgeeks.
bool isMultipleof5(int n)
// If n is a multiple of 5 then we
// make sure that last digit of n is 0
if ( (n & 1) == 1 )
n <<= 1;
float x = n;
x = ( (int)(x * 0.1) ) * 10;
// If last digit of n is 0 then n
// will be equal to (int)x
if ( (int)x == n )
return true;
return false;
I understand only some parts of the logic. I haven't even tested this code. So I need to understand it to use freely.
As said in mentioned article this function is multiplying number by 2 if last bit is set and then checking last bit to be 0 and returns true in that case. But after checking binary representations of numbers I got confused as last bit is 1 in case of any odd number and last bit is 0 in case of any even number. So...
Actual question is
What's the logic of this function?
Any answer is appreciated!
Thanks for all!
The most straightforward way to check if a number is a multiple of 5 is to simply
if (n % 5 == 0) {
// logic...
What the bit manipulation code does is:
If the number is odd, multiply it by two. Notice that for multiples of 5, the ones digit will end in either 0 or 5, and doubling the number will make it end in 0.
We create a number x that is set to n, but with a ones digit set to 0. (We do this by multiplying n by 0.1, which removes the ones digit, and then multiply by 10 in order to add a 0, which has a total effect of just changing the ones digit to 0).
We know that originally, if n was a multiple of 5, it would have a ones digit of 0 after step 1. So we check if x is equal to it, and if so, then we can say n was a multiple of 5.

Split array into four boxes such that sum of XOR's of the boxes is maximum

Given an array of integers which are needed to be split into four
boxes such that sum of XOR's of the boxes is maximum.
I/P -- [1,2,1,2,1,2]
O/P -- 9
Explanation: Box1--[1,2]
I've tried using recursion but failed for larger test cases as the
Time Complexity is exponential. I'm expecting a solution using dynamic
def max_Xor(b1,b2,b3,b4,A,index,size):
if index == size:
return b1+b2+b3+b4
return m
def main():
Thanks in Advance!!
There are several things to speed up your algorithm:
Build in some start-up logic: it doesn't make sense to put anything into box 3 until boxes 1 & 2 are differentiated. In fact, you should generally have an order of precedence to keep you from repeating configurations in a different order.
Memoize your logic; this avoids repeating computations.
For large cases, take advantage of what value algebra exists.
This last item may turn out to be the biggest saving. For instance, if your longest numbers include several 5-bit and 4-bit numbers, it makes no sense to consider shorter numbers until you've placed those decently in the boxes, gaining maximum advantage for the leading bits. With only four boxes, you cannot have a num from 3-bit numbers that dominates a single misplaced 5-bit number.
Your goal is to place an odd number of 5-bit numbers into 3 or all 4 boxes; against this, check only whether this "pessimizes" bit 4 of the remaining numbers. For instance, given six 5-digit numbers (range 16-31) and a handful of small ones (0-7), your first consideration is to handle only combinations that partition the 5-digit numbers by (3, 1, 1, 1), as this leaves that valuable 5-bit turned on in each set.
With a more even mixture of values in your input, you'll also need to consider how to distribute the 4-bits for a similar "keep it odd" heuristic. Note that, as you work from largest to smallest, you need worry only about keeping it odd, and watching the following bit.
These techniques should let you prune your recursion enough to finish in time.
We can use Dynamic programming here to break the problem into smaller sets then store their result in a table. Then use already stored result to calculate answer for bigger set.
For example:
Input -- [1,2,1,2,1,2]
We need to divide the array consecutively into 4 boxed such that sum of XOR of all boxes is maximised.
Lets take your test case, break the problem into smaller sets and start solving for smaller set.
box = 1, num = [1,2,1,2,1,2]
ans = 1 3 2 0 1 3
Since we only have one box so all numbers will go into this box. We will store this answer into a table. Lets call the matrix as DP.
DP[1] = [1 3 2 0 1 3]
DP[i][j] stores answer for distributing 0-j numbers to i boxes.
now lets take the case where we have two boxes and we will take numbers one by one.
num = [1] since we only have one number it will go into the first box.
DP[1][0] = 1
Lets add another number.
num = [1 2]
now there can be two ways to put this new number into the box.
case 1: 2 will go to the First box. Since we already have answer
for both numbers in one box. we will just use that.
answer = DP[0][1] + 0 (Second box is empty)
case 2: 2 will go to second box.
answer = DP[0][0] + 2 (only 2 is present in the second box)
Maximum of the two cases will be stored in DP[1][1].
DP[1][1] = max(3+0, 1+2) = 3.
Now for num = [1 2 1].
Again for new number we have three cases.
box1 = [1 2 1], box2 = [], DP[0][2] + 0
box1 = [1 2], box2 = [1], DP[0][1] + 1
box1 = [1 ], box2 = [2 1], DP[0][0] + 2^1
Maximum of these three will be answer for DP[1][2].
Similarly we can find answer of num = [1 2 1 2 1 2] box = 4
1 3 2 0 1 3
1 3 4 6 5 3
1 3 4 6 7 9
1 3 4 6 7 9
Also note that a xor b xor a = b. you can use this property to get xor of a segment of an array in constant time as suggested in comments.
This way you can break the problem in smaller subset and use smaller set answer to compute for the bigger ones. Hope this helps. After understanding the concept you can go ahead and implement it with better time than exponential.
I would go bit by bit from the highest bit to the lowest bit. For every bit, try all combinations that distribute the still unused numbers that have that bit set so that an odd number of them is in each box, nothing else matters. Pick the best path overall. One issue that complicates this greedy method is that two boxes with a lower bit set can equal one box with the next higher bit set.
Alternatively, memoize the boxes state in your recursion as an ordered tuple.

Ugly Number - Mathematical intuition for dp

I am trying find the "ugly" numbers, which is a series of numbers whose only prime factors are [2,3,5].
I found dynamic programming solution and wanted to understand how it works and what is the mathematical intuition behind the logic.
The algorithm is to keep three different counter variable for a multiple of 2, 3 and 5. Let's assume i2,i3, and i5.
Declare ugly array and initialize 0 index to 1 as the first ugly number is 1.
Initialize i2=i3=i4=0;
ugly[i] = min(ugly[i2]*2, ugly[i3]*3, ugly[i5]*5) and increment i2 or i3 or i5 which ever index was chosen.
Dry run:
ugly = |1|
ugly[1] = min(ugly[0]*2, ugly[0]*3, ugly[0]*5) = 2
ugly = |1|2|
ugly[2] = min(ugly[1]*2, ugly[0]*3, ugly[0]*5) = 3
ugly = |1|2|3|
ugly[3] = min(ugly[1]*2, ugly[1]*3, ugly[0]*5) = 4
ugly = |1|2|3|4|
ugly[4] = min(ugly[2]*2, ugly[1]*3, ugly[0]*5) = 5
ugly = |1|2|3|4|5|
ugly[4] = min(ugly[2]*2, ugly[1]*3, ugly[0]*5) = 6
ugly = |1|2|3|4|5|6|
I am getting lost how six is getting formed from 2's index. Can someone explain in an easy way?
Every "ugly" number (except 1) can be formed by multiplying a smaller ugly number by 2, 3, or 5.
So let's say that the ugly numbers found so far are [1,2,3,4,5]. Based on that list we can generate three sequences of ugly numbers:
Multiplying by 2, the possible ugly numbers are [2,4,6,8,10]
Multiplying by 3, the possible ugly numbers are [3,6,9,12,15]
Multiplying by 5, the possible ugly numbers are [5,10,15,20,25]
But we already have 2,3,4, and 5 in the list, so we don't care about values less than or equal to 5. Let's mark those entries with a - to indicate that we don't care about them
Multiplying by 2, the possible ugly numbers are [-,-,6,8,10]
Multiplying by 3, the possible ugly numbers are [-,6,9,12,15]
Multiplying by 5, the possible ugly numbers are [-,10,15,20,25]
And in fact, all we really care about is the smallest number in each sequence
Multiplying by 2, the smallest number greater than 5 is 6
Multiplying by 3, the smallest number greater than 5 is 6
Multiplying by 5, the smallest number greater than 5 is 10
After adding 6 to the list of ugly numbers, each sequence has one additional element:
Multiplying by 2, the possible ugly numbers are [-,-,-,8,10,12]
Multiplying by 3, the possible ugly numbers are [-,-,9,12,15,18]
Multiplying by 5, the possible ugly numbers are [-,10,15,20,25,30]
But the elements from each sequence that are useful are:
Multiplying by 2, the smallest number greater than 6 is 8
Multiplying by 3, the smallest number greater than 6 is 9
Multiplying by 5, the smallest number greater than 6 is 10
So you can see that what the algorithm is doing is creating three sequences of ugly numbers. Each sequence is formed by multiplying all of the existing ugly numbers by one of the three factors.
But all we care about is the smallest number in each sequence (larger than the largest ugly number found so far).
So the indexes i2, i3, and i5 are the indexes into the corresponding sequences. When you use a number from a sequence, you update the index to point to the next number in that sequence.
The intuition is the following:
any ugly number can be written as the product between 2, 3 or 5 and another (smaller) ugly number.
With that in mind, the solution that is mentioned in the question keeps track of i2, i3 and i5, the indices of the smallest ugly numbers generated so far, which multiplied by 2, 3, respectively 5 lead to a number that was not already generated. The smallest of these products is the smallest ugly number that was not already generated.
To state this differently, I believe that the following statement from the question might be the source of some confusion:
The algorithm is to keep three different counter variable for a
multiple of 2, 3 and 5. Let's assume i2,i3, and i5.
Note, for example, that ugly[i2] is not necessarily a multiple of 2. It is simply the smallest ugly number for which 2 * ugly[i2] is greater than ugly[i] (the largest ugly number known so far).
Regarding how the number 6 is generated in the next step, the procedure is shown below:
ugly = |1|2|3|4|5
i2 = 2;
i3 = 1;
i5 = 1;
ugly[5] = min(ugly[2]*2, ugly[1]*3, ugly[1]*5) = min(3*2, 2*3, 2*5) = 6
ugly = |1|2|3|4|5|6
i2 = 3
i3 = 2
i5 = 1
Note that here both i2 and i3 need to be incremented after generating the number 6, because both i2*2, as well as i3*3 produced the same next smallest ugly number.

How to solve SPOJ : SCALE using binary search?
I am trying to do it using recursion but getting TLE.
The tags of the problem say BINARY SEARCH.
How can one do it using binary search ?
Thanx in advance.
First thing to notice here is that if you had two weights of each size instead of one, then the problem would be quite trivial, as we we would only need to represent X in its base 3 representation and take corresponding number of weights. For, example if X=21 then we could take two times P_3 and one time P_2, and put those into another scale.
Now let's try to make something similar using the fact that we can add to both scales (including the one where X is placed):
Assume that X <= P_1+P_2+...+P_n, that would mean that X <= P_n + (P_n-1)/2 (easy to understand why). Therefore, X + P_(n-1) + P_(n-2)+...+P_1 < 2*P_n.
(*) What that means is that if we add some of the weights from 1 to n-1 to same scale as X, then the number on that scale still does
not have 2 in its n-th rightmost digit (either 0 or 1).
From now on assume that digit means a digit of a number in its base-3 representation (but it can temporarily become larger than 2 :P ). Now lets denote the total weight of first scale (where X is placed) as A=X and the other scale is B=0 and our goal is to make them equal (both A and B will change as we will make our progress) .
Let's iterate through all digits of the A from smallest to largest (leftmost). If the current digit index is i and it:
Equals to 0 then just ignore and proceed further
Equals to 1 then we place weight P_i=3^(i-1) on scale B.
Equals to 2 then we add P_i=3^(i-1) to scale A. Note that it would result in the increase of the digit (i+1).
Equals to 3 (yes this case is possible, if both current and previous digit were 2) add 1 to digit at index i+1 and go further (no weights are added to any scale).
Due to (*) obviously the procedure will run correctly (as the last digit will be equal to 1 in A), as we will choose only one weight from the set and place them correctly, and obviously the numbers A and B will be equal after the procedure is complete.
Now second case X > P_1+P_2+...+P_n. Obviously we cannot balance even if we place all weights on the second scale.
This completes the proof and shows when it is possible and the way how to place the weights to both scales to equalise them.
C++ code which I successfully submitted on SPOJ just now
The solution to this problem is quite trivial. The idea is the same as #Yerken's answer, but expressed in a bit different way:
Only the first weight has a mass not divisible by 3. So the first weight is the only one has effect on balancing mod 3 property of the 2 scales:
If X mod 3 == 0, the first weight must not be used
If X mod 3 == 1, the first weight must be on scale B (the currently empty one)
If X mod 3 == 2, the first weight must be on scale A
Subtract both scales by weight(B) --> solution doesn't change, and now weight(A) is divisible by 3 while weight(B) == 0
Set X' = weight(A)/3 and divide every weights Pi by 3 ==> Solution doesn't change, and now it's the same problem with N' = N-1 and X' = (X+1)/3
listA <- empty
listB <- empty
for i = 1 to N {
if (X == 0) break for loop; // done!
if (X mod 3 == 1) then push i to listB;
if (X mod 3 == 2) then push i to listA;
X = (X + 1)/3; // integer division
hasSolution <- (X == 0)
C++ code:

Finding two consecutive 1's in a bitstring in less then n time?

I am trying to figure out a way to see if a bitstring has 2 consecutive ones in the bitstring size n in less then n time.
For example, lets say we had a bitstring size 5 (index 0-4). If index 1 and 3 were both 0's, I could return false. But if they were both ones then I may have to do 5 peeks to find my answer.
The bitstring doesn't have to be length 5. For simplicity's sake, lets say it can be between 3 and 8.
Simplest solution might be to bitwise AND the original string with a version of itself which has been shifted left or right by 1 bit. If the resulting bit string in non-zero then you have at least one 11 in there:
test = (src & (src << 1));
