Show UVC windows phone 7 - windows-phone-7

Good day all.
Can i show/hide UVC (Universal Volume Control) from my code?
Maybe any API, for example Device.ShowUVC() ?

Up to Windows Phone Mango SDK, you cannot ask the OS to show the volume control UI through code.
You can have some action on this UI through Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundAudio namespace, when your app play sound in background (ie. set if the UI show play/pause/shuffle buttons via EnabledPlayerControls enumeration).


UWP windows 10 store and windows 10 mobile store

I am building an application targeting windows 10 desktop and mobile both some functionality like back button functionality is different for each device mobile device use hardware back button while desktop use title bar back button option
do i have to make 2 different projects for each of device ?
No, you can have just one. Originally the back button handling on phone was done separately using the Mobile Extension SDK, but in later builds before the final release of Windows 10 this back button handling was refactored to be universal for all device families, although the back button is displayed on a different place in each.
Basically the only thing you need is to wire up the event globally:
Windows.UI.Core.SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested +=
To learn more, see the official MSDN documentation.

if I use a BlankApp(xaml) Template in Metro Apps and develop my desired UI , will it work accordingly in Windows phone also?

1) What I have understood that if you develop a application in metro style, it work in desktop, tablet and also phone?
2) I can understand if I use a standard template like grid template for developing my metro style app, that grid view will be converted to listview because of visual state transitions and will work in Windows phone. but my doubt is if we use a blank app template and develop whatever UI I developed as per client requirement will it be able to render or show up in windows phone?
A WinRT app (I assume that is what you mean by Metro) will run on the desktop/tablet and theoretically a Windows Phone 8 device without code changes. First, note that we are talking about Windows Phone 8 (not the current Windows Phone 7) and that it runs, not that the UI layout will be exactly right.
You can design the app however you like, whether it conforms to the Metro design or some other look altogether. If it is developed on WinRT, it should be code compatible with the phone as well.

How to turn on LoudSpeaker Mode in Windows Phone 7.1

I am planning to put the device in loudspeaker mode from my win phone application. (Like on click of some button)
Are there any APIs or workarounds to do so on Windows Phone 7.1?
There is no API available to control a loud speaker or speaker phone mode.
You can only control the relative volume of any sound you're directly playing.

drop down notification area in windows phone 7

I am working on an application in windows phone 7.And I want to whether we can pro grammatically assign our own application icons in windows phones 7 's notification area.
And will microsoft bring drop down notification area like functionality in wp7 as we have
in android ,blackberry etc in the coming months.
No you cannot put your notification icons in the notification area. Instead you can use live tiles for that.
And as per the latest information ,in their next release Tango, they do not have any plans

Live tile inside windows phone 7 application

Is it possible to create a live tile inside our windows phone 7 application? I am asking the similar functionality as in AppHub app "...i'm a WP7!".
Please provide me input, how i can achieve this functionality?
Check out the HubTile control from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone over at codeplex.
Just be careful that it looks good and makes sense in your app - it's a very dynamic control and you can't see the Title of the control all the time.
