Matlab system call - bash

If I want to call a script "" inside a matlab script. How would I go about calling it and then waiting for the script to finish before resuming the rest of the matlab code? I am not the best with matlab.
Currently I am using this command:
system(['./util/ ' var1 var2 var3])
However, I don't think that the matlab code waits for this to finish before continuing.

I see that you found a solution, let me give you a bit more elegant one, which will make life easier for the future.
system(sprintf('./util/ %s %s %s', var1, var2, var3))
This could also pass in numbers, for instance, or other cool stuff. Also, you could do this to help with debugging such issues.
command=sprintf('./util/ %s %s %s',var1, var2, var3);
That will log out to the screen the exact command that you are attempting to run. If your system command doesn't work, copy/paste it into a command line window, see if it works there. If it doesn't figure out how to massage the text to make it work, and fix your code appropriately.

I figured out the problem in my line of code. The problem was that matlab was not interpreting spaces between the variables I was inputting and was instead stringing them all together in one large string. Where my script takes 3 variables. I hope this helps anyone in the future, the correct code is as below:
system(['./util/ ' var1 ' ' var2 ' ' var3])

One way is to have the script create a temporary file when it starts and then remove that file at the end. Within matlab, you would simply run a do... while loop checking for that file. As soon as the file is removed, you know the process has completed.

A nice introduction:
Edit: Quote from the link.
"By default [system] will pause the MATLAB execution until the system command exits."


Call UniVerse Command from Shell

I have a UniVerse (Rocket U2) system, and want to be able to call certain UniVerse/TCL commands from a shell script. However whenever I run the uv binary it seems to stop the execution of the rest of the shell script.
For Example if I run:
It starts a UniVerse session. The next line of the script (RUNPY is meant to be executed in the TCL environment, but is never input to TCL. I have tried passing in string parameters to the uv binary to be executed, but doesn't appear to do anything.
Is there a way to call UniVerse/TCL commands from a UNIX/Shell environment?
You can type this manually or put it into a shell script. I have not run into any issues with this paradigm, but your choice of shell could theoretically affect this. You certainly want to either be in the directory of the account you want execute it in or cd to it in the script.
/u2/uv/bin/uv <<start
Good Luck.
One thing to watch out for is if you have a LOGIN paragraph or something else that runs automatically to start your application (which is really common), then you need to find a way to bypass this for non-interactive users.!topic/comp.databases.pick/B2hzuXq3X9A mentions
In UD, I kick off scripts from unix as a phantom to a) capture the log output in PH and b) end the process if extra input is requested, rather than hanging around. In UD that's
$echo "PHANTOM COUNT VOC" | udt
UniData Release 8.1 Build: (2008)
Current UniData home is /unidata/ud81/.
Current working directory is /usr/ud81/demo
PHANTOM process 18743448 started.
COMO file is '_PH_/dsiroot45172_18743448'.
Critical abort condition found.
$cat _PH_/dsiroot45172_18743448
14670 record(s) counted.
PHANTOM process 18743448 has completed.
Van Amburg's answer is the most correct for handling multiple lines of input. The variant I used was instead of the << command for multi-line strings I just added quotes around a single command (single and double quotes both work):
/u2/uv/bin/uv "RUNPY"

Redirection problems

I've noticed something I don't understand while attempting to keep a progress log in a bash script. The issue can be reproduced using the following line:
var1=$(var2=$(echo "Hi!"))
After executing this line, var2 remains empty. I don't understand what causes this behavior (if the output generated by echo is redirected somewhere, it doesn't go into var1), and more importantly, what I might do to avoid having this problem.
Any sort of help (explanation/pointers) would be much appreciated.
The reason why original string remains unchanged because of your use of:
$(var2=$(echo "Hi!"))
Which basically changes value of var2 in a sub shell and any changes made there remain in sub shell only. Once sub shell exits you don't get changed value in the parent shell.

How can I add a vertical space in 'Terminal' after each command?

I've just started using Terminal (the CLI for Mac OS X).
When I run a command, get some information back, run another command, get more info etc., it is hard (on the eyes) to find a certain point on the screen (e.g. the output for the command before last).
Is there a way of adding a vertical empty space to the end of each output/ after each command is run that has no output?
Each new command that you enter is preceded by a "prompt", and these can be customized (though the exact way to customize depends on the shell). Since you mention Mac OS X I'm assuming you are using the default bash shell, in which case the absolute simplest way to add a blank line is like this: PROMPT_COMMAND=echo. You can run that command to try it out, or add it to a startup file (like .profile in your home folder) to have it done automatically each time.
If you use Bash 4.4 and you want a blank line after your prompt, you could set the PS0 prompt to a newline:
Now, this will be inserted every time you run a command:
$ echo "Hello"
Wondering this too, I've looked at the menu options in Terminal & most of the control characters one can type in and nothing does this on a keystroke. You can however enter an echo command, it alone to leave a single blank line below it before the next prompt. echo \n will add an extra blank line to that, echo \n\n to do 2 extra, ie. 3 blank lines, etc. (you can also do echo;echo;echo getting the same effect)
You can create a shell alias like alias b='echo;echo' (i couldn't seem to get the \n notation to work in a alias), then entering b on a prompt will leave a double-blank line, not bad. Then you gotta figure out how to save aliases in your .profile script.
I tried making an alias for the command ' ' ie. space character, which I though you could type like \ (hmm, stack overflow not formatting this well, that's backslash followed by a space, then return to execute it), but the bash shell doesn't seem to allow an alias with that name. It probably wouldn't allow a function named that either (similar to alias), though I didn't check.
I often use the fish shell, and I found that it does allow a function with that name! Created with function ' '; echo \n; end and indeed it works; at the shell prompt, typing the command \ (again backslash space) leaves a double blank line.
Cool, but.. I tried saving this function using funcsave ' ' (how you save functions in fish, no messing with startup scripts!) and afterwards the function no longer works :^( This is probably a bug in the fish shell. It's in active development right now though, I think I'll report this as a bug since I would kind of like this to work myself.
One could also send Apple a feature request through their bug reporter for an Insert Blank Line menu/keyboard command in Terminal. If someone pays attention to your request it might be implemented in a year maybe.
I wanted to solve exactly the same, and for anyone interested in doing the same, I used what tripleee said in his comment here - I created a .bash_profile (see details here) with the line export PS1="\n\n$ ".
Hopefully that helps someone else too!

Abort bash script, if a certain console output string appears

I'm using a bash script to automatically run a simulation program. This program periodically prints the current status of the simulation in the console, like "Iteration step 42 ended normally".
Is it possible to abort the script, if the console output is something like "warning: parameter xyz outside range of validity"?
And what can I do, if the console output is piped to a text file?
Sorry if this sounds stupid, I'm new to this :-)
Thanks in advance
This isn't an ideal job for Bash. However, you can certainly capture and test STDOUT inside a Bash iteration loop using an admixture of conditionals, grep-like tools, and command substitution.
On the other hand, if Bash isn't doing the looping (e.g. it's just waiting for an external command to finish) then you need to use something like expect. Expect is purpose-built to monitor output streams for regular expressions, and perform branching based on expression matches.

powershell script exits in "if" clause if run from command prompt

I am feeling surprised by the difference between two seemingly identical scripts.
if ($true) { "B" }
if ($true) { "B"
Now open a CMD window, and run these scripts like this:
powershell - < first.ps1
powershell - < second.ps1
first produces:
while second produces just
This has to be a bug.
In the redirection under cmd.exe case, the function completes normally and correctly if the if and else blocks are individually all on one line:
$candidate = '.\foo.txt'
$current= '.\bar.txt'
"Comparison starts"
if ($(diff $(get-content $current) $(get-content $candidate)).length -gt 0){"There was a difference"}
else {"There was not a difference"}
"Comparison over"
But if either block is split up onto more than one line and that branch is taken, the script aborts with no warning/output.
I'd report this on the PowerShell feedback site (
Not sure why the redirection to input doesn't work, but if you just specify the script as an input argument to powershell, it seems to work:
C:\fa2>powershell.exe C:\fa2\tc.ps1
Comparison starts
There was a difference
Comparison over
Yep, Jay proved it. The root problem is that Powershell does not support the '<' operator. I've been searching all day for some official documentaion on the web, but have not found it. I just occured to me to check some old notes, and I found a reference to this not being supported in v1. It only supports '>'.
I'll try to update if I find something more official than my memory. Leaving original text just for completnes.
I dont think the accepted answer is enitrely true here.
Take a look at Lee Holmes blog: link
He is one of the devs on the Powershell team, and wrote the Powershell Cookbook, just to give a little credence to his words.
I've run into this kind of problem with some complicated and archaic Bat scripts that relied on some funky fancy binary redirection. Powershell would run the Bat file, but at the point where the binary redirection took place it would just stop. Using [Process]:Start as described in the blog post worked wonderfully, and allowed me to parse the output of the Bat file like any other nicely behaved script to boot.
In your case I assume "diff" is an actuall exe and not a function, and its outputing binary and not text.
On a side note, I really don't see the need for redirecting the output of the script to Powershell like youre doing. Seems kind of counterproductive. You wrote a powershell script, seems like a waste not to use the paramter specifically provided to handle running input.
I don't think this is a bug. Try typing each of those lines in on the console and you will see what is happening. When you type and open bracket and don't close it, PowerShell goes into a multiline entering mode. To exit this mode, you need a closing bracket AND a blank line afterward. If you have a blank line before or after the "C" it should work.
Of course, maybe it is a bug and just has the same effect as multiline input. :)
I can't get this to work myself, powershell is ignoring what I send into it.
