Interface Builder Will Not Open - xcode

While working in Interface Builder within Xcode (4.3.2), the application froze and I had to reopen it again.
Now I am getting this error when trying to open the nib file. What gives?
I have already starting a project from scratch when this happened yesterday as I thought maybe some project files got corrupted, but now it's happened again on another project.
Any solutions?

Console states that :
Apparently it is an Xcode problem, so I guess that is no answer at the moment to the problem :/
I think the only solution at the moment is to downgrade (Tried with Xcode 4.3.1 but still the same problem).
Can't really see any other option.


Opening Storyboard fails with "An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited"

Im running Xcode 9.2. My storyboards are completely useless now. Ive
experienced what this article shows and have tried everything the
article suggested.
My issue occurred when I tried to add a single swift file to an existing
objective C project with about 320 files in it already. I removed the
.swift file entirely from the project, then did everything in the article
link above and still nothing fixed it including removing/reloading XCode
several times trying different things.
I filed a bug with apple but haven't received any replies in a week (of course). Apple seems to be slammed with tons of bugs lately they keep
Now I cannot work on this project's storyboards at all and Im dead in the
water. Really not happy with Apple lately!
Is there anything more that anyone has had success in fixing this issue?
Im completely dead in the water on this application now.
Fixed this by setting the command line tools version to the correct one. Mine was blank in Preferences / Locations
For my case, whenever I open a storyboard from a workspace, this happens. So I got rid of cocoapods and workspace, then just use carthage for thirdparty libraries. Storyboards opens faster and without this error.
Note that the storyboard I am testing is empty.
This turned out to be stupidity on my part. I had a script that was killing certain processes on my Mac over and over and it turns out that was my issue. When I removed it everything worked as normal again.

Xcode Error: "An internal error occured. Editing functionality may be limited" For all projects

I'm getting the following error:
An internal error occured. Editing functionality may be limited
for all my projects I open with xcode. I've tried the solutions that I've read on here, the only thing I haven't done is restart my Mac, as I am working with macincloud. The error is there for all my old projects. How can I fix this when I'm using macincloud?
This happened to me when I had two versions of Xcode running on the same machine.
The Xcode-select value could be pointing to the wrong version. (For example, if you're running Xcode 9, but it's pointing to an Xcode 8 version that's also installed on your machine, you might run into this)
If this is your issue, then try changing the value to the right directory by using something like this:
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
This also, however, happens if files have incorrect permissions or a library/developer file has been manually deleted.
If you have only one version of Xcode installed, try deleting the derived data of the project and force-closing + restarting Xcode, or even reinstalling the IDE. More on deleting derived data here.
Let me know if any of this was helpful!
I recommend shutting down the app and then restarting. If this doesn't work, then it could be that you have to update XCode. You could also use an alternative to MacinCloud, like
Hope this helps!
I had this similar issue in my Mac and the issue has been resolved by my self. I had tried all the answers and also some from other links.
At last what I did is, I checked the storyboard that I have been working as, source code. Then removed the last view controller (Scene) that I had created and been working on from that storyboard file. Then cleaned and removed derived data. Restarted Xcode. And then it was looking fyn. I think there were some issues with the constraints on a storyboard that had around 8 scenes, so that Xcode LLVM couldn't load it correctly. Thanks for the response.

Xcode 9 code completion and highlighting not working

I have seen many threads about this online, but not for Xcode 9. For some reason code completion and syntax highlighting is no longer working. Last week it was fine.
Using the GM build.
Anyone have this issue or know how to resolve it? A restart of Xcode and my computer did not help.
In Finder I navigated to user->Library->Developer->Xcode->DerivedData and deleted the subfolder of the project in question. After next build of the project the syntax highlighting and code completion returned.
In my situation, there are a few of .swift files not working. I've overcome by removing these files from project and re-adding them back.
Quitting Xcode then reopening it works for me.
To make it work again, I have to restart the macOS System.
I'm using Xcode 11.0 (11A420a), at the same time, Xcode 10 works OK.
So I think there is some process does not work, which should work for code coloring.
For me, code completion/highlighting not working due to the missing file in the Compile Sources under Build Phases. I added that file and it works.
Hope this helps anyone.
I have observed the same problem while writing in swift on xcode 9.0, Seems it is fixed in 9.1 i am using 9.1 which is fine, please update xcode to 9.1 or newer.

How to get simulator to work in XCode 4.3.1?

I am currently unable to get the simulator (5.0 and 5.1) to run. I thought it could have been an issue with my code, but a brand new project (straight from the templates) compiles just fine and then hangs when it looks like the debugger attempts to hook into the simulator. Is anyone else experiencing this, and if so, have they found a work around?
Edit -
I decided to go ahead and file a bug report for this issue:11222336
I have the same issue on 2 machines with freshly installed XCode. I filed a bug, which you can see here:
I had this same problem, delete or rename your /Developer folder, fixes it.

MonoTouch .xcodeproj cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed

I'm trying to update my storyboard file and it doesn't open correctly due to the following error:
".xcodeproj cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed.".
I'm on the latest version of MonoTouch, so I don't think a previous bug can be attributed to this. Does anyone have any ideas?
It looks like this bug, which has already been fixed (but is not in a released version yet).
Comment 2 has a possible workaround (but if it doesn't work you should file another bug, since it's not the same issue).
