How do I set a gradient on a marker in a Microsoft Chart Controls Bubble chart? - microsoft-chart-controls

When using 3D graphs the markers have a nice gradient 3D effect.
Is it possible to get that effect on a marker on a 2D chart?

Use a 3D graph with the point depth set to 0.
area.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true;
area.Area3DStyle.PointDepth = 0;


D3.js radial gradient on polygon?

I have a simple, humble polygon in D3.js:
const pol1 = svg.append('polygon')
.attr('points', "30,10 230,50 250,110 150,150 20,50")
.attr('fill', col1);
I want to fill the polygon using radial gradient as in the picture:
How can a do that ?
PS: To generalize, in fact, I need to create some sort of function to apply this radial gradient to any shape on demand. Something like:
function gradient(shape, color){...}

Invariant scale geometry

I am writing a mesh editor where I have manipulators with the help of which I change the vertices of the mesh. The task is to render the manipulators with constant dimensions, which would not change when changing the camera and viewport parameters. The projection matrix is perspective. I will be grateful for ideas how to implement the invariant scale geometry.
If I got it right you want to render some markers (for example vertex drag editation area) with the same visual size for any depth they are rendered to.
There are 2 approaches for this:
scale with depth
compute perpendicular distance to camera view (simple dot product) and scale the marker size so it has the same visual size invariant on the depth.
So if P0 is your camera position and Z is your camera view direction unit vector (usually Z axis). Then for any position P compute the scale like this:
depth = dot(P-P0,Z)
Now the scale depends on wanted visual size0 at some specified depth0. Now using triangle similarity we want:
size/dept = size0/depth0
size = size0*depth/depth0
so render your marker with size or scale depth/depth0. In case of using scaling you need to scale around your target position P otherwise your marker would shift to the sides (so translate, scale, translate back).
compute screen position and use non perspective rendering
so you transform target coordinates the same way as the graphic pipeline does until you got the screen x,y position. Remember it and in pass that will render your markers just use that instead of real position. For this rendering pass either use some constant depth (distance from camera) or use non perspective view matrix.
For more info see Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices
[Edit1] pixel size
you need to use FOVx,FOVy projection angles and view/screen resolution (xs,ys) for that. That means if depth is znear and coordinate is at half of the angle then the projected coordinate will go to edge of screen:
tan(FOVx/2) = (xs/2)*pixelx/znear
tan(FOVy/2) = (ys/2)*pixely/znear
pixelx = 2*znear*tan(FOVx/2)/xs
pixely = 2*znear*tan(FOVy/2)/ys
Where pixelx,pixely is size (per axis) representing single pixel visually at depth znear. In case booth sizes are the same (so pixel is square) you have all you need. In case they are not equal (pixel is not square) then you need to render markers in screen axis aligned coordinates so approach #2 is more suitable for such case.
So if you chose depth0=znear then you can set size0 as n*pixelx and/or n*pixely to get the visual size of n pixels. Or use any dept0 and rewrite the computation to:
pixelx = 2*depth0*tan(FOVx/2)/xs
pixely = 2*depth0*tan(FOVy/2)/ys
Just to be complete:
size0x = size_in_pixels*(2*depth0*tan(FOVx/2)/xs)
size0y = size_in_pixels*(2*depth0*tan(FOVy/2)/ys)
sizex = size_in_pixels*(2*depth0*tan(FOVx/2)/xs)*(depth/depth0)
sizey = size_in_pixels*(2*depth0*tan(FOVy/2)/ys)*(depth/depth0)
sizex = size_in_pixels*(2*tan(FOVx/2)/xs)*(depth)
sizey = size_in_pixels*(2*tan(FOVy/2)/ys)*(depth)
sizex = size_in_pixels*2*depth*tan(FOVx/2)/xs
sizey = size_in_pixels*2*depth*tan(FOVy/2)/ys

Make text always appear orthogonal to the plane when rotating a cube

I'm creating text labels that appear on a 3D cube using the following pattern:
canvas = createTextCanvas(text, color, font, size);
texture = new THREE.Texture(canvas);
geom = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(canvas.width, canvas.height, segW, segH);
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map: texture, transparent: true});
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, material);
mesh.position.x = x;
mesh.position.y = y;
mesh.position.z = z;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
The labels and their positions get set within a for loop for each edge of the cube. This results in labels appearing similar to this:
But then when I rotate the cube (using OrbitControls), you'll see that the label no longer appears vertically like above:
So using the Cost label as an example, I would want the text to remain vertically oriented whenever the cube is rotated. Basically, I'm trying to mimic the behavior of axis labeling in VTK.
So I believe the solution here is to set the up vector of the label to a vector that's always orthogonal to the plane. But I'm not sure how to implement this. Any suggestions or examples would be greatly appreciated.
If it helps, I'm constructing the cube using a BoxGeometry and MeshNormalMaterial.
Do you mean the label keeps moving with the cube or not?
If not, there is a example: The label keeps facing to you but may not vertical.
Else ,you may need a canvas texture,the label is a object just like the cube and you can set its position to keep it vertical.But it doesn't look good sometime.the example:
I think you just want the label always facing to you when you change your sight.

Create dynamic d3 color scale between two color values

I have a d3 pie chart with a color function:
var color = d3.scale.ordinal()
.range(['#0075B4', '#70B5DC']);
If there are only two values/pieces, this works. But if there are more, I want to pick colors between the two given.
Above, with 3 pie pieces, the piece labelled "Cost 3" would have the color that is between #0075B4 and #70B5DC.
Is this possible with d3? Here is a jsfiddle of what I have so far:
Yes, just use colors in a linear scale:
var color = d3.scale.linear().domain([costMin,costMax])
.range(['#0075B4', '#70B5DC']);

transformation issues when implementing fisheye distortion in a radial tree

Basically, I am attempting to apply the d3 fisheye distortion algorithm to a radial tree. I believe the issues I am encountering revolve around the fact that the coords being fed to the fisheye distortion are the coords computed by the d3.layout.tree. But the actual coords have been adjusted by the g transform. So, the coords resulting from the fisheye distortion need to be adjusted back to the g transform.
For example:
// re-setting the projection according to fisheye coords
diagonal.projection(function(d) { d.fisheye = fisheye(d); return [d.fisheye.y, d.fisheye.x / 180 * Math.PI]; })
I have been attempting is the fiddle.
I am somewhat is appreciated.
Following the direction I'd suggested in the comments, this is the result:
Instead of using rotations and translations to position the nodes, I created two trigonometry-based functions to calculate horizontal and vertical position from the data (x,y) values, which are treated as polar coordinates.
Then I had to set the fisheye function to use my positioning functions as "accessor" functions instead of reading d.x and d.y directly. Unfortunately, the basic plug-in you were using for the fisheye didn't include a way to get and set x/y accessor functions, so I had to modify that too. I was surprised it wasn't already in the code; it's a standard functionality on most d3 layout objects.
(When I get github set up, I will have to make a pull request to add it in. I'll need to figure out how the fisheye scale/zoom function works, though -- I took that out of this example since you weren't using it.)
The positioning functions were as follows:
function getHPosition(d){
//calculate the transformed (Cartesian) position (H, V)
//(without fisheye effect)
//from the polar coordinates (x,y) where
//x is the angle
//y is the distance from (radius,radius)
return (d.y)*Math.cos(d.x);
function getVPosition(d){
return (d.y)*Math.sin(d.x);
The functions are used to set the original position of the nodes and links, and then once the fisheye kicks in it uses these functions internally, returning the results (with distortion if appropriate) as d.fisheye.x and d.fisheye.y.
For example, for links that means the projection setting the d3.svg.diagonal function like this for initialization:
var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal()
.projection(function(d) {
return [getHPosition(d), getVPosition(d)];
But like this for update:
diagonal.projection(function(d) {
d.fisheye = fisheye(d);
return [d.fisheye.x, d.fisheye.y];
There are a couple other little changes:
I simplified the dimensions of the plotting area a bit.
I added a background rectangle with pointer-events:all; so that the fisheye doesn't turn on and off as the mouse moves between nodes and empty background.
I didn't bother rotating the text (since the node groups are no longer rotating, it doesn't happen by default), but you could easily add in a rotate transformation on the individual text elements.
Finally, and this one stumped me for longer than I'd like to admit, the angles have to be in radians for the Javascript trig functions. Couldn't figure out why my layouts were so ugly, with overlapping lines. I thought it was something to do with switching between d3.svg.diagonal() and d3.svg.diagonal.radial() and spent a lot of time trying to do inverse-trig and all sorts of things...
